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All the sets other than the Palace, Skiff, and Sub continue to look rather mediocre. Some of the miniatures in the advent calendar are really unimpressive. The Sub, though, is growing on me. I never picked up Battle of Naboo, for one reason or another, so I might get the sub instead. But I also want to get some of the LotR sets, and I want the Kingdoms Joust as well, and I still haven't bought all the 2011 Star Wars sets I want, and I want to start a Trains layout and get some aluminum ME Models rails, and there're the CMFs to get... :laugh:

This is very mean of LEGO. Releasing so much goodness in one year... They're going to really make us broke tis year. :wacko: LSW is looking good! Anyone know if that Maul polybag is the May the Fourth fig?

Are the Alien sets still being made? I assumed they chose Ree-Yees because that mold had potential for the alien line. Otherwise they should have chosen someone that was a little more important, like Max Rebo.

I imagine Ree-Yees is under some copyright that would not allow it to be in an unlicensed set (or at least that particular headsculpt).

But if the headsculpt were already available they could repurpose it for other SW Lego sets for other characters of the same species.

All the sets other than the Palace, Skiff, and Sub continue to look rather mediocre. Some of the miniatures in the advent calendar are really unimpressive. The Sub, though, is growing on me. I never picked up Battle of Naboo, for one reason or another, so I might get the sub instead. But I also want to get some of the LotR sets, and I want the Kingdoms Joust as well, and I still haven't bought all the 2011 Star Wars sets I want, and I want to start a Trains layout and get some aluminum ME Models rails, and there're the CMFs to get... :laugh:

I am in the same predicament, hard to expand on other themes when so much is going in the SW line

I reckon this years advent calender is just as bad if not worst than last years, Santa Maul is uninspiring, most of the figs are from recent sets 1-2 years back and the rebel scout is average even for a retired figure, if anything the white R2 unit seems the most intriguing though I have no idea what it is suppose to be

I am in the same predicament, hard to expand on other themes when so much is going in the SW line

I reckon this years advent calender is just as bad if not worst than last years, Santa Maul is uninspiring, most of the figs are from recent sets 1-2 years back and the rebel scout is average even for a retired figure, if anything the white R2 unit seems the most intriguing though I have no idea what it is suppose to be

Well, actually, my problem is that I already expanded into other themes. Star Wars was so disappointing for me in 2010-2011 that I got interested in Trains. Now I have two Emerald Nights that might end up with no track for another year because of how awesome Star Wars is looking. Jabba's Palace might get left until 2013 in favor of the Joust, though I think I'm definitely getting the Skiff.

Images taken from FBTB's Flickr stream

Desert Skiff -

A really nice rendition of this vehicle from Lego from a vehicle which at source doesn't lend itself to being depicted that well when done in Lego, but I think the Lego team have really pulled it off well with a nice amount of play area and detailing going on. An easy mod would obviously be to add two clear columns beneath it to make it float.

I'm not so sure about the Lando disguise figure. The helmet is a little to detailed for me, it sort of crosses the Lego/action figure line with the amount of detailing going on.


I'm not one of those crazy Fett fans but I really like the extra tweeks that they have added to the Boba figure with the leg printing especially. I sort of like how they haven't added arm printing to, it's nice in a way that the exclusivity of the Cloud City version with the arm prints is preserved.


Also a really lovely Sarlacc to boot. I wonder with the announced SW Lego licence being extended for a further ten years, obviously a new Jabba Sail barge will come along at some point. Will they include another version of the Sarlacc with that, or will this set be considered a stand-along set to go with that and therefore this Sarlacc will be the only new one.

Republic Starfighter -

I'm generally indifferent to EU vehicles, but the more I look at this fighter the more it grows on me, I just love all that gorgeous red.. :sweet: , there's some really nice pieces here that will be great for moc's. I love that whole x-wing'iness vibe about the ship to, it looks really sleek.

I never realised the wings folded out this way as well, well that just makes it even more cooler. :sweet:


It looks to have mainly printed parts as far as I can make out as well. As does the little T7-01 droid; well I say little and I'm not familiar with the source material, but isn't that droid a bit big when standing next to a regular fig?


Saesee Tiin's Jedi Starfighter -

I like how Lego has over the years built up these starfighters in different colours. It's been a great way to drip-feed us the range of Council Jedi's in a medium set which is also great news. And no less than two great Jedi figs here and a cool green astromech fig to is just win win for me.

Interesting way to make Even Piell with the attached headpiece and the *ahem* enlarged 3D eyebrows obviously used here to cover the gap between headpiece and head... and actually I don't mind it, I think it kind of works. I like the slash detailing on the face that goes across the eyebrows as well.


Gungan Sub -

A superb update for a really difficult to do shaped craft. It's great to have the 3 crew all fit into the front bubble to. I've just looked back at pictures of the original and well wow it really is an improvement. I can't wait to see reviews of this with comparison shots between the two versions.

As much of an improvement as the recent excellent PodRacer set was compared to the originals, and in times of marginal changes in some sets like the Slave 1 updates for example, these newer rendition's of Tie Fighter's, Podracer's and now the Gungan Sub has been much appreciated. It reminds me of when the first wave of improved sets came along (B-wing, X-wing, A-wing etc.)

Looking at the most awesome SW Lego figure ever... :wub: Queen Amidala, I know a few people who have actually seen the sets have reviewed that the colours and printing don't quite match, well that's something I'm sure will be ironed out by the time the set comes out... But... don't you think the top torso doesn't quite fit with the skirt?, it sort of overhangs akwardly on the sides. What do other people think?


Pre Vizla's Mandalorian Fighter -

Well, when I first saw this vehicle in the CW I immediately thought that is definetely one of only a few CW vehicles that I would love to have. The whole idea behind the large wings folding up I thought was really cool.

Well here it is... and hmmmm, I'm a little underwhelmed to be honest.


My main issue is the wings... I'm not a fan of the exposed underneath-lego-pieces look on a vehicle if that part of the vehicle is integral to the overall look of the craft. Another example was Palpatine's Shuttle which had this exposed look for the central wing of the shuttle which spoiled it I thought when looking at it from the exposed side.

And also for such large wings, I do like more of a tiled look, especially when there is such a fragmented look to the wings. An example is last years Jedi Shuttle, I just thought the wings with all that studs looked really ugly.

Video footage of it (via FBTB's flickr stream) is up.

Malevolence -

I've got the original Lego Malevolence in front of me as I write this, and comparing the two I prefer the original in so many ways. Firstly I'm not a fan of the CW blue colouring. It just looks so ugly to me. I had the same qualm about the newer CW coloured AAT, and so much prefered the original tan on that. But the details on the original Malevolence is so much nicer, the tail, the engines, the mid-riff, even the city/'shark's teeth' part in the 'mouth' of the ship is better rendered with the layering of plates as per the original rather than the ghastly line of stickers that this version has.

Granted it is nice to have an interior for whatever that is worth.


The original has a more sleek look to it as well, but I roughly measured my model which comes to 66 studs and the new one matches that exactly.

I like how they've done the energy-circle weapon on the new version though with the little pieces inside the clear globe.

And yep, that CW Padme is damn ugly, but hey, at least Lego have got the whole Amidala/Padme thing rolling now... we just need all two hundred of Amidala's amazing coustumes in Lego to be done now... :laugh::tongue:

Jabba's Palace -

I saved the best to last... :wub: What a set... it s beautiful. I was really dreading what would happen to the Cantina and Palace when I saw the botch job they done on the recent Hoth set. But instead they come up with what is probably the best SW playset to date. The interior of the Palace is so complex and layered that the idea of how a playset would depict that was a daunting one and Lego have pulled this of with flying colours.

I love how they have incoporated the outside shape in the exterior. I haven't seen to much of the tower but it seems to include lots of little rooms and features.

But the main action is the throne room, and what a delight. It reminds me of the great original Kenner version of this with the sliding dais/platform.

The figures are amazing. As some people have suggested I reckon you could buy this set and actually make more money back by ebaying the figs. Unlike others I really like the Jabba printing, I like the way it leans towards being cartoony because, well Lego is cartoony in essence anyway so I think it's an appropiate fit. And what a figure he is, it's just so beautiful... (maybe more so than our lovely Amidala :cry_happy: ).

The Boushh Leia... hmmm, it is lovely.... but... the helmet seems a little big. I'm not as excited as I should be on this one because I already have a far superior custom of this fig. But for this set, at last we get her. I was wondering before when thinking about this upcoming set whether they would include the Boushh and Slave versions and I was convinced that both were essential in their own ways to it, but on seeing it now having the Boushh only is the more logical and fan-pleasing thing to have done.

My only issue about this set. The Gaemorrean is to realistic for my tastes. The only sembalance of Lego here is the little lego hands and legs almost peeping out, the rest of it is an action figure not a lego figure.


Video footage of it (via FBTB's flickr stream) is also up.

Edited by art_apples

To bad there is no Ree-Yees figure in Jabba's palace. One more gamorrean guard would also be perfect, the figure is fantastic. Maybe Ree-Yees will appear in a Rancor set?

The Skiff set is also fantastic. There is no black hand on Luke, but there is on the box. The skiff itself is the first of the 3 that I really like.

Great to get Bobba in a medium priced set.

I am looking forward to this 2 sets and lets hope that the palace would be in a endor price tag.

I am looking forward to this 2 sets and lets hope that the palace would be in a endor price tag.

It's not. We already know that the palace will sell for $120 USD. Really, though, I don't think any of us realistically expected the set to be as good a value as 8038.

Anyone going to pick this one up? Look at those printed arms! :wub:


Yes, I think there'll be quite a lot of people who will pick this up, including you and me.

The wings on Pre Vizla's Mandalorian Fighter is screaming for a few more plates for reinforcement, they looked so flimsy in the video and hoping Darth Mauls body gets a better print, at the moment looks like a red armor print on a black body, body should be red with black patterns for the muscle lines


Selected highlights from FBTB photo coverage, or a few points of interest others don't seem to have mentioned yet:

Malevolence with the flaps down:

I posted about Malevolence a page or two back but it went unnoticed. It seems people are more bothered with Jabba's Palace and the skiff.

... hoping Darth Mauls body gets a better print, at the moment looks like a red armor print on a black body, body should be red with black patterns for the muscle lines

That Darth Maul minifigure has already been printed and is being released/handed out at the toy fair if I'm not mistaken. So I doubt the design will change much.

Edited by legolandia

That Darth Maul minifigure has already been printed and is being released/handed out at the toy fair if I'm not mistaken. So I doubt the design will change much.

You are right, it is already available on ebay. The German customer service doesn't know yet whether or not it will be distributed among the public, and if, how.

Edited by Brickadeer

Boushh look like she has an Action Figure mask. It's oversized and too detailed. But the main problem is that iz's oversized.

A few years ago when soneone made a custom fig with action figure head and minifig body, people were bashing them.

And now when LEGO did the same thing everyone loves it.

About Darth Maul. I am very happy it's not a CW fig but an EU fig.

The idea is great, but the execution is so so.

I posted about Malevolence a page or two back but it went unnoticed. It seems people are more bothered with Jabba's Palace and the skiff.

That Darth Maul minifigure has already been printed and is being released/handed out at the toy fair if I'm not mistaken. So I doubt the design will change much.

Unfortunately the Malevolence is another Starfighter with no exclusive figs and it's CW which is less appealing to AFOLs so it takes a back seat to those sets you mentioned which everyone has been waiting forever for

Too bad about Maul already released looks preliminary to me, they could of at least given him something to portray the MC hammer super baggy pants

About Darth Maul. I am very happy it's not a CW fig but an EU fig.

Where is this information from?

Unfortunately the Malevolence is another Starfighter with no exclusive figs and it's CW which is less appealing to AFOLs.

it has CW Padme, an exclusive mini figure. :wink:

it has CW Padme, an exclusive mini figure. :wink:

Yes, exclusive in more than in just one way. Even Barris or Sugi look way better than Padme does.

I really hope that Maul figure is the May the 4th promotion!

Skiff is more expensive than I was hoping but it won't stop me getting it as like Jabbas palace the figs separately will cost more than the set. Be good to see a picture of all the Jedi starfighters together. I only have Plo Koons and I'm just not a collector but a whole squad of them must look great.

At first I thought I wouldn't be spending much money on SW this year but I think this will change by the summer. Jabba's Palace is an awesome set and as already said may be the best play set TLG have done so far. I think that as we got Leia in disguise in this set it paves the way for having the slave Leia in a revamped Sail Barge (maybe in time for the 30th RoTK anniversary). Also having Boba available on the Skiff means he wouln't be required for the Sail Barge set which gives way for another of Jabba's court (Max Rebo band perhaps?)

Seeing the new Dragon for the Ninjago set I wouldn't be surprised if we got a nice Rancor set next year which could dovetail nicely under the Palace set (why would TLG go to such great level of doing a top notch job of the trap door and sliding throne if it wasn't going to lead to anywhere.?) Maybe have it as part of the droid torture room as well (I know that's asking a lot here)

I really like the SWTOR range. My guess is that Lucas will do a cartoon on this once Clone Wars finishes and have these sets churning out for the next few years. Again, the detail on the figures are great quality

I don't understand a couple of the complaints here against the high level of detailing of Lando's disguise helmet and the Gamorrean Guard, surely if we're paying close to £100 for a set we'd want the highest level of detail possible.? I personally think both of these along with Jabba and Boussh are fantastic and full marks to TLG's designers. I'm sure everyone would be bellyaching if the quality was pants

I wish there was a Gamorrean Guard Battlepack...

Dear Lego.....

Would be a beautiful thing, though if the Rancor pit ever appears there should be another one with it

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