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With the rancor set coming up in 2013, do you think its probable that there will be the rumoured Ewok Village? In my opinion, if so, it will be a smaller set or will come up in the second half of the year.

I have my doubts about that rumor. I can't imagine an "Ewok Village" working very well as a set. What's the appeal here? Have people really been clamoring for more Ewoks?

I have my doubts about that rumor. I can't imagine an "Ewok Village" working very well as a set. What's the appeal here? Have people really been clamoring for more Ewoks?

I certainly don't care for an Ewok set, but just responding to your question, it seems that Ewok toys are actually quite popular. I think the Ewok Hasbro figures sell pretty well. Kids love Ewoks so I can see that being a natural way for them to sell more sets to kids.

I'm really hoping that part of the 20 sets in 2013 will include something like a Jedi Temple. It just makes so much sense. But then again, I can see them waiting til 2014 when Episode III comes out in 3D (if they do it at all).

Any ideas on what a big Episode II based set would be?

I am pretty sure people could have gotten their "ewok fix" with the Endor base and the other smaller set (forgot what it was called). I too don't see the appeal of an ewok tree fort set. The most iconic part of Endor has to be the battle scene and since we already have the bunker I do not see the appeal to the tree houses.

However on the other hand TLG has this license for another 10 years so let's face it there will be some crazy sets released that will make us all go *huh*

Edit: Big AotC set- The Geonosian Arena :cry_happy:

Edited by Spider-Man

What do you guys think about this rumour of 20 new sets for 2013? Maybe with Planet series included in??

It looks like 3 new regular sets per year. (counting all exclusives)

What do you guys think about this rumour of 20 new sets for 2013? Maybe with Planet series included in??

It looks like 3 new regular sets per year. (counting all exclusives)

We seem to get 3 each wave including the January and summer waves. There are a lot of planets in the SW universe, and lots of ways Lego can go for future sets in the waves. As for a Geonosian arena, that would be awesome, but a lot of this talk is probably better fit for the future Star Wars set ideas forum.

I hope that they make the rancor the proper size. I can imagine TLG making it slightly under scaled to fit in the playset. Probably with a closing gate mechanism. It's hard to make an underground rancor pit look "pretty" :laugh:

Edit: Big AotC set- The Geonosian Arena :cry_happy:

Yeah that's a good call but the build might not be that exciting. Plus, an Arena would be disappointing unless it literally had a ton of figs. At best I can see them doing the scene where the two beasts are attacking Padme, Anakin and Obiwan.

EII doesn't afford a lot of opportunities for fun builds. I'd bet my house that they'll re-do the Jango Fett Slave I though with an updated Jango to match the new Boba style. Maybe with Jango, young Boba and Obi-wan?

EDIT: Ok, won't speculate further in this thread. Sorry!

Edited by wyrm12

Jedi temple would be my dream come true, but if I understand the recent trend of lego marketing, they often make first clone wars sets with new jedi (Saesee Tiin, Mace Windu) and then re-relase them either in another smaller CW set or a bigger non-cw set. So I think they will first release the jedi in CW, and then when we have bought all the ships and things we would not have bought without the minifigs, they might make the Jedi Temple or Geonosis arena for which we have been begging for a long time plus they may add some special minifigs like Jocasta Nu for JT or Poggle the Lesser, Reek, Nexu or Acklay for GA.

I think with episode 6 aniversary next year, its probable we will see something from the battle of Endor and Ewoks are iconic for it, so fine by me. I can imagine a set with two Ewoks, either Luke in that green clothes, Leia or Han and maybe threepio. Plus a part of a tree with a shack where the Ewoks live, so why not?

Sorry to brickdoctor for fantasizing too much. Next time I will remember that it belongs to future star wars thread :ugh:

Edited by augustus

1. half year - 6+2

2. half year - 7+3

exclusives - 2

= 20sets

Looks like no more planet sets :sceptic:

Rancor Pit!!!!!!


Edited by nrg

I don't want to make what would be left of this conversation all choppy, so I won't move posts over to Future Sets, but remember that speculation about 2013 sets belongs in that thread.

If a 2013 set is revealed at SDCC, one of the staff will get a 2013 Rumors thread up at that time. Until then, let's keep the speculation about sets other than the Rancor Pit in Future Sets. Thanks! :classic:

The Rancor Pit will probably be like the Jabba's Palace where it will be expensive with a little amount of pieces..

Unless it is as good or better than the Palace, I doubt I would get it, Rancor or no Rancor.. :sceptic:

Although there won't be any other 2013 sets revealed (according to the press release), I hope that we'll get that (unofficial?) Endor set seen on the picture of some showcases inside the Lego factory.

What are you talking about? :look:


1. half year - 6+2

2. half year - 7+3

exclusives - 2

= 20sets

Looks like no more planet sets :sceptic:

Rancor Pit!!!!!!


I guess that they count the plannets as mini's, because there were a lot of mini's this year that weren't count, even if it has the regular set code.

I reeally hope that the planets will continue.

Edited by the-bricking-builder

Was it at SDCC last year where they showed the first ideas about an amidala minifig? Timing-wise I would not expect tO see he entire Set, but maybe some raisin cast etc of the creature, and not more than that...

Hope I am wrong though! I seriously can't wait for a Rancor; I would never have guess LEGO would ever make one, but I guess with the new dino's, trolls and horses LEGO found a cost effective way to make animals.

I just hope the Rancor will look better than the Wampa which LEGO once made; that animal looked more like Jerry Garcia than a Wampa...

With the rancor set coming up in 2013, do you think its probable that there will be the rumoured Ewok Village? In my opinion, if so, it will be a smaller set or will come up in the second half of the year.

Do we even have any kind of real confirmation of this rumor? Other than that picture that doesn't say anything about a new set(s). There's plenty of other things in that picture.

Although my wallet will probably kill me, I hope we see a vast majority of clones in those 20 sets! :wub:

Thanks for the link!

Although there won't be any other 2013 sets revealed (according to the press release), I hope that we'll get that (unofficial?) Endor set seen on the picture of some showcases inside the Lego factory.


Which picture is that? :look:

On the Lego Wikia, there is a short paragraph about a set called the Star Wars Rancor Pit. It also says it will be previewed at Comic-Con. Any ideas and predictions?

I can't resist: I totally called that Rancor Pit!!!

Also... I can't wait to see it!!!

It would be soooo awesome if that is true. Imagine how impressively huge it would look with the palace on top, and the pit below. I do wonder how that random tower included in the Palace set would incorporate with the Pit, if at all.

It would be soooo awesome if that is true. Imagine how impressively huge it would look with the palace on top, and the pit below. I do wonder how that random tower included in the Palace set would incorporate with the Pit, if at all.

Maybe they will include EV-9D9's droid dungeon underneath the tower?

Does anyone think Ree Yees will be included after being left out of the palace? And is it too much to hope for an updated Slave Leia? :wub:

I think we are going to have a very busy and active forum this weekend eh ? :laugh:

A Rancor Pit......my son is going to go nuts and beg me for one when it comes out ! :laugh:

Now only 20 sets....perhaps it doesn't include the Clone Wars ones ? :look:

So Saturday is Star Wars day at Comic Con, well Sunday for those of us in Oz....I look forward to see what Lego is going to offer us next year.....perhaps a few more of our wishes granted ? :wink:

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