Posted July 19, 201113 yr This is the 2012 Picture and rumor topic. The flickr gallery on all 2012 news can be found HERE We'll try to keep this first post updated 24/7. "Stay On Target!" - those posting lies or false rumors are liable to get their account banned. We do not want people to spam this up with lies, just to sound important or to get those 15 seconds of internet fame. 3866 Battle of Hoth LEGO Game Figs: 32 (Microfigures) Price: ? EUR / (unavailable in US) USD / 24.99 GBP Subtheme: OT/Games Pieces: 305 Release: 2012 9488 Elite Clone & Commando Droid Battle Pack Figs: 4 (ARC Trooper, ARF Trooper & 2 Commando Droids) Vehicles: Republic Artillery Cannon Price: ? EUR / $12.99 USD / 11.99 GBP Subtheme: Clone Wars Pieces: 98 Release: January 2012 9489 Endor Battle Pack Figs: 4 (2 Endor Rebels, 1 Scout Trooper & 1 Stormtrooper) Vehicles: Speederbike and tree with flickr fire thingy Price: ? EUR / $12.99 USD / 11.99 GBP Subtheme: OT Pieces: 77 Release: January 2012 9490 Droid Escape Figs: 4 (C-3PO, R2-D2 & 2 Sandtroopers) Vehicles: Escape pod & swoop bike Price: ? EUR / $19.99 USD / 19.99 GBP Subtheme: OT Pieces: 137 Release: January 2012 9491 Geonosian Cannon Figs: 4 (Bariss Offee, Commander Gree, Geonosian Warrior, Geonosian Zombie) Vehicles: Price: ? EUR / $19.99 USD / 19.99 GBP Subtheme: CW Pieces: 132 Release: January 2012 9492 TIE Fighter Figs: 4 (TIE Fighter Pilot, Death Star Trooper, Imperial Officer, R5-J2) Price: ? EUR / $54.99 USD / 49.99 GBP Subtheme: OT Pieces: 413 Release: January 2012 9493 X-Wing Figs: 4 (Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, Jek Porkins, R5-D8) Vehicles: X-Wing Fighter with markings as Red 5 or Red 6 Price: ? EUR / $59.99 USD / 49.99 GBP Subtheme: OT Pieces: 560 Release: January 2012 9494 Anakin Skywalker's Jedi Interceptor Figs: 5 (Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Nute Gunray, Mustafar Droid & Security Battle Droid) Price: ? EUR / $39.99 USD / 34.99 GBP Subtheme: PT Pieces: 300 Release: January 2012 9495 Y-Wing Gold Leader Figs: 3 (Gold Leader, Princess Leia, R5-F7) Price: ? EUR / $49.99 USD / 49.99 GBP Subtheme: OT Pieces: 458 Release: 2012 9496 Desert Skiff Figs: 4 (Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, Weequay, & Lando Calrissian) Price: ? EUR / $24.99 USD / ? GBP Subtheme: OT Pieces: Unknown Release: 2012 9497 Republic Striker Starfighter Figs: 3 (Satele Shan, T7-O1 & Republic Trooper) Price: ? EUR / $44.99 USD / ? GBP Subtheme: TOR Pieces: Unknown Release: Summer 2012 9498 Saesee Tiin’s Jedi Starfighter Figs: 3 (Saesee Tiin, Even Piell & R4-C9) Price: ? EUR / $29.99 USD / ? GBP Subtheme: CW Pieces: Unknown Release: Summer 2012 9499 Gungan Sub Figs: 4 (Jar Jar Binks, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn & Queen Amidala) Price: ? EUR / $69.99 USD / ? GBP Subtheme: PT Pieces: Unknown Release: Summer 2012 9500 Fury Class Interceptor Figs: 3 (Darth Malgus & 2 Sith Troopers) Price: ? EUR / $89.99 USD / ? GBP Subtheme: TOR Pieces: 741 Release: Summer 2012 9509 Star Wars Advent Calendar Figs: XX (XXX) Price: ? EUR / $39.99 USD / ? GBP Subtheme: All Pieces: 234 Release: Autumn 2012 9515 Malevolence Figs: 6 (Battle Droid, Tactical Droid, General Grievous, Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker & Padme Amidala) Price: ? EUR / $119.99 USD / ? GBP Subtheme: CW Pieces: 1092 Release: Summer 2012 9516 Jabba’s Palace Figs: 10 (Han Solo, Carbonite Han Solo, Chewbacca, Bib Fortuna, Gamorrean Guard, Jabba the Hutt, Leia/Boush, B'Omarr Monk, Salacious Crumbs, & Oola) Price: ? EUR / $119.99 USD / ? GBP Subtheme: OT Pieces: 717 Release: 2012 9525 Pre Viszla's Starfighter Figs: 3 (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Pre Viszla & a Mandalorian) Price: ? EUR / $39.99 USD / ? GBP Subtheme: XXX Pieces: Unknown Release: 2012 9526 Palapatine's Arrest Figs: 6 (Mace Windu, Chancellor Palpatine, Kit Fisto, Anakin Skywalker, Saesee Tiin, and Agen Kolar) Price: ? EUR / ? USD / ? GBP Subtheme: XXX Pieces: Unknown Release: 2012 9674 Naboo Starfighter and Naboo Pilot Figs: 1 (Naboo Pilot) Price: ? EUR / 9.99 USD / 9.99 GBP Subtheme: Planet Sets Series 1 Pieces: 56 Release: January 2012 9675 Sebulba’s Podracer and Sebulba Figs: 1 (Sebulba) Price: ? EUR / 9.99 USD / 9.99 GBP Subtheme: Planet Sets Series 1 Pieces: 80 Release: January 2012 9676 TIE Interceptor and TIE Pilot Figs: 1 (TIE Pilot) Price: ? EUR / 9.99 USD / 9.99 GBP Subtheme: Planet Sets Series 1 Pieces: 65 Release: January 2012 9677 X-wing Starfighter and Yavin 4 Figs: 1 (Rebel Pilot) Price: ? EUR / 9.99 USD / ? GBP Subtheme: Planet Sets Series 2 Pieces: Unknown Release: Summer 2012 9678 Twin-Pod Cloud Car and Bespin Figs: 1 (Lobot) Price: ? EUR / 9.99 USD / ? GBP Subtheme: Planet Sets Series 2 Pieces: Unknown Release: Summer 2012 9679 AT-ST and Endor Figs: 1 (AT-ST Driver) Price: ? EUR / 9.99 USD / ? GBP Subtheme: Planet Sets Series 2 Pieces: Unknown Release: Summer 2012 10225 UCS R2D2 Fig Figs: 1 Price: ? EUR / $179.99 USD / 149.95 GBP Subtheme: OT Pieces: 2127 Release: March 2012 10227 UCS B-Wing Figs: none Price: 199.99 EUR / 199.99 USD / 169.99 GBP Subtheme: OT Pieces: 1486 Release: 2012 30056 ISD Price: ? EUR / ? USD / ? GBP Subtheme: OT Pieces: Unknown Release: 2012 30057 Anakin's Podracer Price: ? EUR / ? USD / ? GBP Subtheme: XXX Pieces: Unknown Release: 2012 30058 STAP Price: ? EUR / ? USD / ? GBP Subtheme: XXX Pieces: Unknown Release: 2012 30059 MTT Price: ? EUR / ? USD / ? GBP Subtheme: XXX Pieces: Unknown Release: 2012 853421 Magnet Pack (Aurra Sing, Embo & ARF Trooper) Figs: 3 Price: ? EUR / ? USD / ? GBP Subtheme: XXX Pieces: Unknown Release: 2012 853414 Magnet Pack (Ewok, TIE Pilot & Gungan) Figs: 3 Price: ? EUR / ? USD / ? GBP Subtheme: XXX Pieces: Unknown Release: 2012 5000062 Darth Maul Minifig Figs: 1 Price: Promotional Subtheme: CW (Darth Maul Returns) Pieces: 7 Release: 2012 5000063 TC-14 Figs: 1 Price: Promotional Subtheme: PT Pieces: 3 Release: 2012 66432 Super Pack 3 in 1 Contents: 9490 Droid Escape, 9492 TIE Fighter and 9496 Desert Skiff Price: ? EUR / ? USD / ? GBP Subtheme: Product Collection Pieces: 763 Release: 2012 Template for future sets Figs: XX (XXX) Price: ? EUR / ? USD / ? GBP Subtheme: XXX Pieces: Unknown Release: 2012
July 22, 201113 yr News right out if comic con Lego panel: January release will include a new tie fighter which actually is a nice improvement over the last one will include tie pilot with new head (not helmet), imp officer, death star trooper with new helmet, and a new droid (R5 series with new mold for head. Also showed a prototype for queen amidala mini fig. Got pictures which emailed to a few people. Lastly the new padawan cartoon is hilarious! Set your dvrs tonight!
July 22, 201113 yr News right out if comic con Lego panel: January release will include a new tie fighter which actually is a nice improvement over the last one will include tie pilot with new head (not helmet), imp officer, death star trooper with new helmet, and a new droid (R5 series with new mold for head. Also showed a prototype for queen amidala mini fig. Death Star Trooper - hopefully he'll have a proper helmet. Queen Amidala - no surprises there, what with the 3D release and all, but it's nice to hear it. New Astromechs are always interesting. All in all, Looks like it'll soon be time for a 2012 Rumors Thread.
July 22, 201113 yr News right out if comic con Lego panel: January release will include a new tie fighter which actually is a nice improvement over the last one will include tie pilot with new head (not helmet), imp officer, death star trooper with new helmet, and a new droid (R5 series with new mold for head. Also showed a prototype for queen amidala mini fig. Got pictures which emailed to a few people. Lastly the new padawan cartoon is hilarious! Set your dvrs tonight! Can I get a HELLs YEAH? Also email me the pics The rumour that there will be a new X-wing is got a bit more credibility to it now. I mean what will the Tie Fighter fight?
July 22, 201113 yr As well as the TIE Fighter news, I saw this tweet: Lucas Licensing Chris Gollaher says 6 NEW #LEGO #StarWars sets for main line & exclusives coming in Jan. Oh, and the TIE Fighter is sat in front of the panel in this photo. Obviously, we can't tell much from that distance, but at least we can see that it uses light bley for the wing details rather than the blue of old. Yay!
July 22, 201113 yr Oh, I am so excited about a new TIE fighter. I don't have any of the ones already produced, and haven't been able to get over the blue enough to buy one off of bricklink... Can't wait!
July 22, 201113 yr Deeplinked pic: Is that grey edging around the outside edges of the TIE's wings? I also see set numbers are up to the 9000s now for System sets.
July 22, 201113 yr January release will include a new tie fighter which actually is a nice improvement over the last one will include tie pilot with new head (not helmet), imp officer, death star trooper with new helmet, and a new droid (R5 series with new mold for head Smooth! I already want 2 of them.
July 22, 201113 yr That TIE looks awesome. Will be good to get a proper death star trooper. All we need added is a death star gunner...
July 22, 201113 yr Maybe this is the image you are looking for. From There are also images of Queen Amidala and the Imperial minifigs here and here.
July 22, 201113 yr Maybe this is the image you are looking for. From There are also images of Queen Amidala and the Imperial minifigs here and here. I snapped some better close ups, which someone is posting for me momentarily on Rebelscum forums. I'd give it 30min and you should find them in the con news thread.
July 22, 201113 yr The TIE looks really good, but bigger. I don't know if I like that, I would expect a new one to be similair sized. But I can always choose not to buy it if I don't like it The Queen sounds interesting for a new set
July 22, 201113 yr The TIE looks really good, but bigger. Yep. It is definitely going to look odd alongside the 8129 AT-AT in a Hoth diorama. It'll look like some kind of dropship!
July 22, 201113 yr Finally a Queen Amidala maybe she will come with a Royal cruiser :. Also the new TIE fighter looks great Edited July 22, 201113 yr by LEGOMAN132
July 22, 201113 yr Above are the pictures (hopefully - I'm new here) of the tie fighter and minifigures - courtesy of JediInsider. If the pictures do not work, here is a link to the website containing them : Edit: Oops! Sorry - hadn't realized they were already posted - Yikes! Edited July 22, 201113 yr by Klie
July 22, 201113 yr That's SNOT edging on the TIE! The new 'figs are looking great, too. Edited July 22, 201113 yr by Brickdoctor
July 22, 201113 yr Solar panel anglature fail :* Joking aside, this is definitely a big improvement over 7263, and not just because of the new color scheme. I like that they've printed the TIE cockpit** in the fashion of a certain MOC I've seen, as well as the tiles used to recreate the grey border (similar to what was done in dateman's TIE/ln). It also looks like the laser cannons have been relocated and that the grey beams on the solar panels have been done the same way as in 7181 and 10175. It's great that The LEGO Group really used lots of good techniques that have been seen in others' work. Heck, I might actually buy this if future pictures reveal it to look as good as it does here. *Anio got it right. **Or is that a new piece?
July 22, 201113 yr Queen Amidala, finally Padme minifigures are like buses. You wait 12 years and two come at the same time.
July 22, 201113 yr Am I the only one that hates the thickness of the new TIE wings? 3 plates thick! 4 to 5 if you count the tubing! The original was just 1 plate thick, 2 plates if you count some of the outside plates. TIE wings should NOT be this thick. This will also look very odd if placed next to another TLG designed TIE Advanced, TIE Bomber, or TIE Interceptor as well since they all use a similar design and have similar widths. Edited July 22, 201113 yr by StoutFiles
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