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There are only 4 next year.

I actually quite doubt that there is only four next year. It just doesn't make sense for there to only be four, so I really think that putting only four on Amazon was just a mistake. I could be wrong, though, but remember that those set names were ALSO a leak, so there no real telling again. ;-)

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GregF said there were only four.

I believe it was because the small sets don't sell that much.I think it's a nice change.

Perhaps the Gafna-like creature(s,if the 4th one will be also) will be minions of the Barakki,and the Matoran will be the sidekicks of the Inika.

GregF said there were only four.

Do not disobey him.

Hey, no need to be so rude! ;-)

I really had no idea that Greg confirmed that there were only four, which does makes me kind of dissapointed. Oh well, still loving the new tools and masks. ;-)


XD I wasn't being rude. I was imitating noobs. Ehehe....

The small sets this year have been better than most of the other sets this year, IMO.

Zane Posted Today, 09:16 AM

GregF said there were only four.

Do not disobey him.

Thank you for making me launch Mt.Dew out my nose. :-D

The way I see it, less sets = less, but more detailed sets. Tis' a good thing.

Man... I really hope the ones shown so far mean that the rest of the sets will also have recolored masks. It's literally been years since we've had masks in multiple colors.


Meh... I'm still waiting for the Barakii... or however they're spelled.

Really, I never buy the small sets unless I LOVE the parts, so I need to see the first batch of canisters before freaking out.

Zane(or TT, whatever you want to be called), Greg said the CANISTERS were going to be unique. Chill out and wait for them. If they're clones, I'll be right alongside you in your hatred.


Right. I thought seeing as this years little sets were each pretty unique, then 2007's wouldn't have identical builds, on two of them at least....

Right. I thought seeing as this years little sets were each pretty unique, then 2007's wouldn't have identical builds, on two of them at least....


I think I understand what you're trying to say... except I don't.


X-D I'm saying 2007's smaller sets are a step down from the uniqueness of each of the Matoran this year. From what we've seen.

Half of them are identical to each other....


What the small 2007 kits look like when pixelized.

I know Eurobricks usually ignores stuff like this, but for those who are intetested, there you go. It was pretty quick work, but you can easily identify each one (only a dummy could not tell them apart after looking at the set pictures! X-D ), and they have a good amount of detail.

BTW, I am really sick of waiting for the Barraki. When are we going to get some pictures so I have something new to gape at and sprite? *wacko*


These Barraki sound like they have potential, but knowing LEGO, they will be awful.

See, everyone thinks they will be awful, but in the end they love them. Forseeing awfulness is always wrong.

The Inika had potential. A LOT of potential. But they were awful.

Indeed, they were. I'm just saying don't judge before you actually have the set in your hands.

The Inika were awful I agree. Feet were too big. Heads were horrific. weapons you cant really do anything with.


I think the Inika were cooler than people let on. Something good can be said about most of them.

Black one has cool spikey head for use as shoulder armor and such, as well as a ball joint element on his back.

Red and White have trans elements.

Yellow one has neat gun metal colored armor (good in any mocs from gray to black) and a chain.

Blue and green, well, not so much, but still.

And the sales speak for themselves at my Walmart. The first shipment vanished off the shelves. Now they have like 100's of them in, also noticably decreasing in size week by week.

They sell.

I agree the feet blow... very hard to moc with. But the shoulder and leg armor are quite handy.

And despite their disproportionally sized monkey arms, they are fun to play with.


Monkey Arms... Funny because it's true.

I swear... Barakki Pcitures are the only thing keeping me alive now... as soon as I see them, I'll have ANOTHER reason to live... to buy at least one.

But alas... so far away. Come on, Toys "R" Us workers, sneek a peak at some catalogues...


I agree with Jinzo on the Inika. It's all about playability and the Inika sure lived up to it. Sure, they're not the super-posable polished knights in shining armour they were speculated to be, but they worked out great in my opinion. Great parts, a look that actually suited the storyline (Davy Jones-esque) and fun proportions. Sure, I didn't dig Hahli's "mask", but I liked the uniqueness it brought. It was a fresh breath of air from (in my view) the unnessesarily convoluted storyline that was the origins of Bionicle. It honestly seemed to me that the entire "origins" Toa concept was to make endless "Metru" style (Toa) rehashes. Aside from that though, I found the Titans pretty neat. :D

Anyhoo, getting back on track. I honestly think ALOT of Bionicle fans (Mostly from Metru era onwards) will be severely let down by the Barakki just because they may not be as clean or as polished as they expect. Just like the Inika rants that came out when the catalogue showed up. Well, this just means more for me! :-D


I bought the White Inika set the other day, Im not a Bionicle fan, but bought it for the light up weapon (Will happily buy off people that do not want, PM me or something)

Anyway I really didnt like the model.

The Inika were awful I agree. Feet were too big. Heads were horrific. weapons you cant really do anything with.

I really don't think ANY bionicle set can be classified as "just awful." Almost every set has uses parts wise, and many of the figures, IMO, were pretty darn awesome (even ones in between 2002 and 2005, the so called horible years). I mean, take a look at the Inika! They are great for parts like the front armor, trans joints, shoulder armor, and other parts in great colors (Hewki's orange yellow and gunmetal come to mind). The feet are a bit big, I agree, but they still look pretty cool on the actual model, and there are uses for them, as there are for any Bionicle part (yes, even the Bohrok joints, you just have to be creative). The heads...Eh, I can understand fine why you hate them. Even I did at first. But, if you look at them closely, you can actually see that they are really not as different from other Bionicle masks as you think (well, other then Kongu's). They just have a different overall style, but they ALSO still have mouths or mouth holes, different shaped eyes, beams or spikes that come out from the sides, and other general mask charateristics. The weapons are the only thing I can Really agree on with you, as they are much different from most weapons and have barely any holes to put things on. They are still cool, though, just for their strobe light effect. ;-)

What I'm trying to say is that those three things you mentioned really don't justify calling the entire kit awful. They still are very poseable, and have lots of other great parts, so I really can't see them being labeled "Awful," without listing more than the 3 reasons you have up there.

Okay, maybe not awful....I can't class any Bionicle set as 'awful'. Below average expectations, yes, but never awful.

Come on. None?


I really hope someone lost their job over that interest-decreasing object.


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