March 1, 201212 yr Johon walks back (After his visit with Ellaria) to Heroica hall. He sees Ocven, and it appears the dragon has grown. "Nice dragon you have! How's the business with the Phoenix?"
March 1, 201212 yr Boomingham nods stoically. There's not much to say. Sometimes all one can do is listen and nod, and try to understand. "Some people deserve to die," is all Boomingham says at the end of the story. "It isn't a pretty thing to say, I suppose, and it's certainly not many people... but some people deserve to die. I wouldn't have done anything differently." "Yes, those are the greys of life. The darkness within all the brothers." She fell silent then. Scanning the crowds for someone she was seeking.
March 1, 201212 yr "Eh, I never cared much for the hagglin' part of the business. It seems I can only sell to the intoxicated." Nur raised his eyebrows and pointed his head sideways in the direction of the drunken paladin. "After the sewers I was fortunate enough to take an assignment above ground and in a fine academic facility at that. Unfortunately it was haunted. Terrible creatures, the undead. My first encounter with them and our party almost didn't make it out of the building alive." If the mage was shaken by the experience, he didn't let on. "There were some interesting characters in my group. That chatty barbarian Alf there for instance. Don't make eye contact or he'll come over. I quested with him again on a third mission that took us off the island in search of pirates. He was quite instrumental in gaining access to a magical door." En Sabah Nur unfurled one of his scrolls. "The adventure also allowed me to test the witch Elphaba's spells in combat. They were highly effective." Nur rolled up the parchment and stored it in his pack. "You seem more...determined and focused my friend. What has happened to you since our first quest? How have you advanced? I've been overhearing some chatter in the hall...perhaps you could explain to me what exactly is a Wren and a Zoot? Skrall ordered a mug of ale and smiled as Scheherazade returned with two. Skrall passed one over to Nur and commented, "Sounds like ya've had yer fair share of adventurin'. I've yet to had to deal with the undead and I ain't looking forward to it." Skrall took a draft of his drink and settled himself in his chair. "Wren's ain't a thing but a whom. She used to be a hero of this very hall, till she woke up on the wrong side of the bed one mornin'. Believe it or not, but I actually ran into her when I was just gettin' started in the highway-ogre business. She and her party whooped us good, but her tinklin' laugh was burned into the recesses of my brain. Anyways, turns out she's some sort of Zoot fanatic, that supposed God of the Void and such, and these days she's spreadin' chaos and corruption here and there, all over these lands. My party and I met up with her on our last quest. We finished off her beasties but the witch got away in the end. That's part of the reason I'm sort of anxious to be goin' again. I've been in the trainin' room and suited myself up as a hunter, I'm meanin' to set off soon to track her down, I've got a few bones to pick with her." Skrall jumped as an icy chill pervaded through out the room as a full grown ice drake appeared out of thin air. He turned to the owner of the drake, "Watch were yer lettin' that thing go off mam. This is a hall not a menagerie."
March 1, 201212 yr Skrall jumped as an icy chill pervaded through out the room as a full grown ice drake appeared out of thin air. He turned to the owner of the drake, "Watch were yer lettin' that thing go off mam. This is a hall not a menagerie." "Haha! It's ok my friend! You should be nice to this one since it may save your skin in battle one day!"
March 1, 201212 yr Skrall called over to Hoke, "I don't mind the beast, I just prefer a little wanin'. It's rather large to be inside though. Wait Just a moment." <You there, frost drake. My name is Skrall, do you think you could spare a couple of ice cubes for a poor ogre's throbbing skull? I whacked my head on the door frame coming in, you know how it's like being big and all.>
March 1, 201212 yr <You there, frost drake. My name is Skrall, do you think you could spare a couple of ice cubes for a poor ogre's throbbing skull? I whacked my head on the door frame coming in, you know how it's like being big and all.> Hoke turned his back to Skrall and turned toward the icy beast. He puckered his lips, blew, then winked as he nodded his head towards Skrall.
March 2, 201212 yr Nur lowered his eyes in thought. As worldly as he was, he wasn't familiar with Zoot. He'd overheard a pair of orc witches mention an Azazot once but they were most likely speaking of something else. "Well Skrall, I'd like to help you in tracking down this woman who troubles you so. It woul-" Nur was startled by the Hall patrons' surprise as Ocven arrived. "Excuse me. I know this creature... I think ." En Sabah Nur walked toward the beast that had helped his team in his latest quest. Mesmerized by the dragon he tripped over a scaly tail on his way over. "My apologies, Sarick. I did not see you there." He greeted Ocven and turned to its mistress. "You've grown, friend. I hope your elf doesn't have to pay for damage done by your arrival. Alexis, how would one such as myself bring forth a companion as magnificent as Ocven here? In my attempt at evoking, the creation from my garnet wasn't very impressive." Nur watched Alexis interact with her animal friends and suspected that her elven heritage (and general nice disposition) gave her an advantage at this type of spell casting.
March 2, 201212 yr "Magnificent! A true pleasure to make your acquaintance. You are the second dragon I have met on my journeys. The other, a youngling named Vipera aided me on my last quest. Without his help, the battles would have truly been much more difficult. Tell me how you aid Alexis in battle." "Why thank you Hoke. Ah you must tell me more about your adventures with your dragon." [If Alexis summons me I attack the people that are attack the questers. Is there anything else you would like to know?] Alexis translates. Boomingham lurches back as a dragon suddenly appears in the hall. He has not run into an Evoker. "Holy Ennoc... give a man a warning, would you?! My heart's racing, and if I got any more excited I think my whole body might just stop. What are you trying to do, Alexis?! Kill me?" Boomingham chuckles nervously, whips out his handkerchief and pats his sweaty brow profusely. "So sorry Boomingham, I always seem to startle whomever is in the hall when I summon him here. I will be sure to give you a fair warning before I summon him next time." Johon walks back (After his visit with Ellaria) to Heroica hall. He sees Ocven, and it appears the dragon has grown. "Nice dragon you have! How's the business with the Phoenix?" "Ah Mandy, she is doing fine, she has not aged much since we returned to the hall." Mandy flys around to Alexis' side so that Johon can see her. <You there, frost drake. My name is Skrall, do you think you could spare a couple of ice cubes for a poor ogre's throbbing skull? I whacked my head on the door frame coming in, you know how it's like being big and all.> [Yes I would be willing to help out a ranger.] Ocven breathes on Skrall, and the air around his head drops about one hundred degrees. Ori'jate! Never seen a dragon before! What does it eat? Chickens? [No chickens are disgusting, I prefer sheep.] En Sabah Nur walked toward the beast that had helped his team in his latest quest. Mesmerized by the dragon he tripped over a scaly tail on his way over. "My apologies, Sarick. I did not see you there." He greeted Ocven and turned to its mistress. "You've grown, friend. I hope your elf doesn't have to pay for damage done by your arrival. Alexis, how would one such as myself bring forth a companion as magnificent as Ocven here? In my attempt at evoking, the creation from my garnet wasn't very impressive." Nur watched Alexis interact with her animal friends and suspected that her elven heritage (and general nice disposition) gave her an advantage at this type of spell casting. [It is fine my friend, it seems that people miss my tail all the time.] Alexis turns to Nur. "My kind have a special connection to animals, maybe that has something to do with it."
March 2, 201212 yr Skrall's teeth begin to chatter, as he lets out a loud sneeze, "Achoo! Great now I've gone and cought a cold. Scheherazade, you wouldn't happen to have anythin' warm or such would ya? Hmmmph, that's the last time I ask a magic beast for help." Skrall turned back to his mug of ale, sniffling from his cold and sneezing periodically.
March 2, 201212 yr Haldor stepped into the warm and familiar hall. It was good to be home, or at least be somewhere that offered frienship and safety. Haldor pushed open the heavy wooden doors and was greeted by the smell of roasting meat and the sound of eager chatter. Since having ascended to Shamanhood, and having been guided by one of the Gods others would only dream about seeing, Haldor thougt differently about the world. He had realised now, that no-one had the right to bully or threaten him or his beliefs. Haldor knew, that any who gained in the pain and misfortune of others were not worth of life at all. Wren spoke of just going with the flow of the world, and not being evil, but how in any way was that true? Innocent is the child who thinks and children do, kind is the peddlar who gives a coin to the crippled man, fair is the soldier who thinks of what is right and just before acting. Wren is one who takes amusement in suffering, she is not innocent, kind, or fair. But however much she will maniplulate and twist the lives of men and even the fabric of reality, she will become a victim of herself. She will fall, she will die. For one thing is true about chaos, it is not an element or a skill, it is the opposite of order. It is complete and utter anarchy. Even Wren, in all her power, cannot rule over chaos, for chaos rules can bring down empires, inspire doubt in beliefs. Chaos is the fall of reason, civilisaton, chaos can bring down the world. Wren will fall to her own anarchy, she will find a point where there will be no road back, where she will see the reality of the chaos, the world in flames. Wren is on a pendulum, swinging ever closer to this point, she will die, she is already dead. Haldor walked into the familiar place he held dear, he sat by Tesni and took a drink, thinking on what had transpired. Haldor looked upon the faces of those he knew, and vowed to fall before seeing Wren's chaos enflame the world.
March 2, 201212 yr "How fares Jess?" Tesni asked the norseman. "She did not look well when we returned. I would have come, but you being a Cleric, I knew you would have it in hand. Well done on the advancement to Shaman, the class suits you."
March 2, 201212 yr "How fares Jess?" Tesni asked the norseman. "She did not look well when we returned. I would have come, but you being a Cleric, I knew you would have it in hand. Well done on the advancement to Shaman, the class suits you." "She seems as though something in her is missing, like a part of her heart is gone. I can not cure her emotions, whatever she may feel now, toward you, or me." Haldor looked sad for a moment, he clearly wanted to speak to Jess, to know what was on her mind, but she seemed cold toward the world. Haldor wanted to see her, but she faced him blankly in the inn room in which they slept. Haldor tried to dismiss the thoughts from his head, but wished Jess to be herself again. "Aye, I have trained hard, but I was guided by a vision or sight. I saw a God, King Thoric, he spoke to me. But part of me feels that I actually saw him, in Valhalla. For it happened when I touched this." Haldor reached into his bag and retrieved the diamond, holding it up to the air. "I feel this has some link, some significance, that it was meant for me. When I touch it I think of Jess, and reflected on the surface I see not mine face, but the face of Thoric." Haldor showed Tesni, who evidently could see nothing. "I will keep it close, but it seems to have an aversion to the old crystal I possess. What do you think about it?" Edited March 2, 201212 yr by Scorpiox
March 2, 201212 yr "Maybe that old crystal doen's want to share? Cysgodion seemed pleased when I took up this new blade of mine. It appreciates my growth in power. Maybe you have an envious one there?"
March 2, 201212 yr Durkon walked into the Hall, grimacing at the sight of a fierce barbarian doing sword-practice. He caught sight of a tall, shirtless, man. As he came into sight, Durkon roared, as he knew the face. It was one of those who had burned his home, he had lost his books, poem-book, his gems, his Oaken Stave, which was adored with Elvish, but most of all, Cinna. A great bolt of lightning roared from Durkon, right into the man, crushing him against the wall, torturing him with lightning, the man's body writhing in agony and fear. In a gesture of a last-resort, the man chucked his metal stave at Durkon's head, dealing him a mighty blow and rendering him into pain and darkness. The last thing he remembered was the man staring up at him, his face lined with worry and wondering. Edited March 2, 201212 yr by RPGer
March 2, 201212 yr Ignoring the outburst Tesni decided to get up high. She was tired and felt penned in. The hall roof should be high enough for fresh air and sunshine for a while. Leaving the hall she wandered around the building until finding her path to the roof. Reaching the top she sat above the main entrance watching the comings and goings.
March 2, 201212 yr I look down at my whip, and get an idea. If you don't mind, friends, I shall return shortly. I exit the hall
March 3, 201212 yr Johon walks into Heroica hall, now holding the Sword of Decay, now with a magic inscription.
March 3, 201212 yr Johon does some warm-ups (Sit-ups, push-ups, chin-ups, etc.) and then gets bored. He fiddles with his sword, but that is still boring him. He gets up and walks to a shop and gets a wooden pole and swings it into the air and catches it. He practices juggling and then practices jumps. He jumps off the second floor and lands on his hands and feet. He gets up and tries doing a front flip, but lands a little too short, onto his back. After some groaning, he decides to practice out at the docks.
March 3, 201212 yr this the place where you join? Yes, here's how to post the format: Post it here and I'll greet your character. Glad to help.
March 3, 201212 yr Hoke walks out of the Hall and heads outside for some fresh air and to look if anyone is selling gems in the Marketplace.
March 3, 201212 yr Boomingham hears word that he is called in the Arena. He can hardly recall signing up for a match, but none the less strikes out towards the Arena, ready to plow down whoever he may be fighting.
March 4, 201212 yr Alexis sweeps into the hall after spending the night with Mandy. She held up her skirt while she climbed up the stairs. "Maybe it is time to visit Ellaria again," she thinks to herself. As she gets to the top of the stairs Mandy comes up beside here, flys into the bar and lands on a table. Alexis picks her way carefully across the floor and takes a seat at the table. As Alexis look around to see who was in the hall, she sees what looks like a sage, decides she wants to talk to him about magic and makes her way over to him. "Hello, I am Alexis Fenral, Elven Evoker, I see have chosen to advance my training into the realm of magic. Do you have any tips for a beginner?"
March 4, 201212 yr Yes, here's how to post the format: Post it here and I'll greet your character. Glad to help. Thanks man. There is a problem with my image.It won't upload.How do you resize them?After I've been told I will set to work on my "format".
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