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"Ill take your word for it then..." Thalion said with a smile, "Good to see you master Benji! I haven't seen you in a while; since #44 to be exact... What have you been up to?"

"Who is this, Thalion the mage! Nice to see you mate! I've been huntin', mostly. First in the Fields of Glory and more recently on the island Nova Tertia."

"Hold on a sec, I'll be right back."

Benji gets up from the table and goes over to the announcements board, and posts a sale ad.


~Grogmas Handcannon (WP:12 + the number of the round of battle) reserved

~Golden Handcannon (WP:9; lightning-elemental) SOLD

~Quiver of Poisoning (permanent Poisoned effect for bows; backwear) SOLD (to Fabian)

~Dragon Scales x3

No listed prices, so Best Offers and Trades are wanted! Contact Benji Carvenhall in regards to this ad.

Edited by Flare

Jeaux was not finding much comfort in the bottom of his glass, deciding instead to see what opportunities lay outside the hall. Perhaps going on a quest with a solid objective might help him focus his mind on something other than what Nilrem had told him. He approached the quest board and glanced at what was currently available. There appeared to be two rather traditional jobs. One involved clearing out a graveyard, something Jeaux had some recent experience in, and the other required heroes to clear out a pack of animals that were causing trouble for merchants and traders. The one that caught his eye though, lay in the center of the board. The ambassador of Xu was looking for a group of heroes to avenge her son. While the mission itself seemed more significant than the other two, that was not what held Jeaux's interest. The request mentioned that a man by the name of Legonardo would be bringing a group of automatons to assist the heroes.

That was the word Nilrem had used to describe Jeaux. Automaton. Perhaps Jeaux could find others like him, or at least learn more about what he now was. This Legonardo may even know a way to make Jeaux human once again. Jeaux was just about to sign his name down for the quest when he noticed one of the requirements the ambassador has specified. It would seem they were looking for people with more experience working for Heroica than what Jeaux had acquired. He signed his name under the other two quests, but made a mental note. He would find this Legonardo at some point, and he would find the answers to his questions.

Jeaux signs up for Quests 74 and 76

Just as he was about to leave, he saw an announcement on the board. It looked like Benji was selling the handcannon Jeaux had recently had experience using. He found the assassin to make an offer on the weapon.

"Would you be willing to sell the Grogmas Handcannon for 100 gold?"

Edited by joeshmoe554

Just as he was about to leave, he saw an announcement on the board. It looked like Benji was selling the handcannon Jeaux had recently had experience using. He found the assassin to make an offer on the weapon.

"Would you be willing to sell the Grogmas Handcannon for 100 gold?"

Benji sees the automaton reading Benji's sale ad and watches him as he comes over to talk to Benji. "Hey mate. I would ask how you are doing but it seems to me that you are a bit upset. Anything I can help you with?"

"As for the grogmas handcannon, I'm sorry but I can't accept 100 gold for it. It is a very rare model that I was begifted with, and I could not bear to part with it for such a low price. However, I would be willing to sell to you my lightning elemental handcannon to you for 100 gold, since you're a good buddy. What would you say to that?"

Sir Brickington his named off the quest 74 list.

Alexandre posts an announcement as well.

For All ether users! 1 Grand Tonic for sale! If you want to make an offer and get 1 cheaper than marketplace price, contact me!

Alexandre decides to be a clever salesman and changes it.

Buy 1 Grand Tonic for the regular price, and get TWO potions for FREE! Buy now and I'll throw in another potion, at no cost to you!

Edited by Capt.JohnPaul

Benji sees the automaton reading Benji's sale ad and watches him as he comes over to talk to Benji. "Hey mate. I would ask how you are doing but it seems to me that you are a bit upset. Anything I can help you with?"

"As for the grogmas handcannon, I'm sorry but I can't accept 100 gold for it. It is a very rare model that I was begifted with, and I could not bear to part with it for such a low price. However, I would be willing to sell to you my lightning elemental handcannon to you for 100 gold, since you're a good buddy. What would you say to that?"

"You have a deal." Jeaux handed Benji 100 gold in exchange for the golden hand cannon. "As to my current emotional state, it turns out my life is not quite what I thought it was. I'll be fine in time, I just need to figure a few things out first."

"You have a deal." Jeaux handed Benji 100 gold in exchange for the golden hand cannon. "As to my current emotional state, it turns out my life is not quite what I thought it was. I'll be fine in time, I just need to figure a few things out first."

"Excellent!" Benji hands over the golden handcannon and receives one hundred gold in exchange. "And I'm sorry to hear that."

IC: De'kra shakes himself out of his daze. Last thing he remembered was deciding not to go on the last two quests, one because Guts was going, and the other because of the Shadeaux. As he looked at the Quest board he discovered a new Quest for the Ji Pei. De'kra quickly signed up for Quest 75, before marveling at how many quests there were now. Back when he had joined there were only three quests.How times have changed.

Heckz signs up for quest #74 and bolds out his title of "Ghostbuster".

Tesni walked into the hall, pausing briefly at the quest board. As hoped, there was one that interested her. She signed her name under Quest#75: Falling Stars in the hopes that the noble house would allow her a chance to redeem her failure.

Taking a drink as she passed through the hall, she found a spot she liked and halted. Looking at the faces around the hall.

Haldor gazes around through the low candlelight, looking around for something to do. He spies Tesni, who looked deep in thought; not wishing to disturb a woman with her mind elsewhere, the nord simply calls out "Hail, Tesni!" and waves to the berserker. Haldor waits to see if she'll approach him before going any further.

"Haldor, it has been quite a while." Tesni pointed to a free chair. "Take a seat! I'm sure you have been to some interesting places."

Thalion bowed to the company, "Excuse me gentlemen, I will be back shortly..." He walks to the quest board and examines it, (Hmmm... Lets see... The Ji Pei need our help again, excellent!)

Thalion signs up for Quest #75: Falling Stars.

Atramor sank into his favorite chair. The secluded corner closest to the bar and farthest away from the other tables. He leaned the Pheles Rod against the wall behind him, pulled half a dozen weapons out of his belt, and set them on the table. His last Quest had left him overburdened with them. A minute later a bottle of rum (or five) joined the various swords and daggers on the tabletop, popped open and half-empty. He spent quite some time in silence, mulling over the vision he and his Questmates had been given. The last words were familiar. Eerily.

And the laugh...

"Thought bein' chased by demons from the past was somethin' only old men had to worry about," he mumbled to himself.

'Or younger ones who get into trouble well beyond their years, like many in this Hall.'

The witch looked up. A familiar chicken was perched on his table, looking him beadily in the eye.

"Well, if it ain't the demon from the past herself."

McCafferey's head snapped to the side, towards the Pheles Rod, for a moment. Atramor noticed.

"Should I leave you two alone? Ya' have a lot in common. Both everyday objects and creatures possessed by demons, both with the temperament of an Angry Crab, both tryin' to eat away at my will and manipulate me like a pawn. The hell do you two see in me?"

'Not as much as you may think. If it's any consolation, your most recent outburst made it clear I can't do things the easy way.'

"'The easy way'...should have Scheherazade run you outta here, she don't like pets."

'We both know very well that you won't. Choice is something all mortals think they desire. What they truly crave is direction. Taking away choice clearly will not work, so perhaps I will instead provide direction. Guidance.'

"To what?"

'Balance. Specifically, order. No doubt you've noticed I've been trying to even out the scale...' Atramor looked between the Rod and McCafferey.

"Hah. Ya' sound like-" he paused, but she finished for him. '-everyone you envy. Ignorance once filled that void. Now that understand what it means to try and twist fate towards what you believe is a better path, you question every decision you make. Is it wrong, is it right? Balance helps to guide you through them. Balance between order-'' McCafferey clicked her beak, then tilted her head towards the Rod. '-and chaos. You've tasted both. It's more than empty philosophy. You have your freedom, your choice. Will your choices be guided, or left to chance?'

Atramor was silent for a while, before he stood, bringing a cob of corn back to his table, ripping kernels out of it and tossing them to McCafferey, who snapped them out of the air hungrily.

"Eat up ya' damn bird, ya' look like ya' haven't had any food in a month," he grumbled, thoroughly annoyed yet somehow also relieved. The chicken seemed either smug or satisfied.

Althior strolled back into the hall, a feeling of accomplishment coming with him. He'd left Finnegan in his room. This was not to be an extensive visit. He first stopped at the quest board, and none of the current quests had interested him at all. He tried to turn and go up the stairs to grab a drink before heading to the market as he ran into a hooded figure. He could only assume with the black robes it had to be a rogue. He tried to walk past.

"Excuse me, sir," He began to walk past as the scepter in his satchel caught the Necromancer's eye. He turned back to the rogue. "Now, why would a rogue like you be holding onto an item like that..." He muttered as he drifted off, staring at it. He fell out of his daze. "I'm sorry," He said, "I'm Althior Emorith, Dragon Slayer, and you would be?"

"Excuse me, sir," He began to walk past as the scepter in his satchel caught the Necromancer's eye. He turned back to the rogue. "Now, why would a rogue like you be holding onto an item like that..." He muttered as he drifted off, staring at it. He fell out of his daze. "I'm sorry," He said, "I'm Althior Emorith, Dragon Slayer, and you would be?"

Thalion turned around and stepped back, "Oh, my apologies, I didn't realize I was in the way... I am Thalion Dwinlas, Mage errrr Sorcerer of Heroica; no rogue I assure you!.. OK, maybe a little..." He said with a smile. Then he took the scepter from his pack and held it in front of him, "My scepter? Until recently I was using it; as I said I was a mage not too long ago, but now I feel I can't use its full magical potential so its just sitting in my backpack. Why do you ask?"

"Ah, a Sorcerer! I followed the path of Sage. Trying to associate myself with the light, there was no point. Stick to the darker path of magic. It's more-" He stopped himself before making another enemy, for it seemed that's all that came from speaking of his profession, "May I?" He took the scepter in his hands, feeling around it. "It's weak, but it has potential to be a great weapon," He looked back to the sorcerer, "Well, if you don't believe you can use it's full potential anymore, I may have something to exchange for it, assuming you're willing to part with this great peace of equipment," He handed it back to Thalion and pulled out his satchel, digging around until he found his Twin Sai blades. He blew some dust off of them. "I got these just around a year ago from a bunny burglar at Ziegfried mansion." He watches Thalion give him a weird look. "Sure, it doesn't sound too threatening, but still. They seem much stronger than this scepter, and they're of no use to me." He hands them to Thalion. "How does that sound?"

"A Sage huh? Copper Fox mentioned I probably would have made a good Sage, but still I wanted to try something different, to learn and experience different forms of magic..."

"How does that sound?"

"That sounds good to me." Thalion takes the sais and looks at them from different angles, "These look very nice indeed, and they seem to fit me perfectly. You have yourself a deal!" Thalion hands the Scepter of Divine Affinity to Althior, and takes the Twin Sai blades.

"What do you say we finalize this deal with a drink? If you dont mind, I wanted to ask you about the darker path of magic... I assume it has something to do with your current profession."

"Of course. Hell, a drink is the only reason I came here in the first place!" Althior laughed as he traveled up the stairs with Thalion. As they got to the bar, Althior noticed Haldor. Making no attempt to even acknowledge his existence, Althior sat at the bar, and ordered two drinks. One for him and one for Thalion. "So," he asked, "what do you want to know?"

"Well, for a start, you can tell me what do you do in Heroica? I sense you are an Ether user as well, but you no ordinary mage; am I right?"

"Haldor, it has been quite a while." Tesni pointed to a free chair. "Take a seat! I'm sure you have been to some interesting places."

"Aye, that I have. After we tackled Wren I made an effort to try and chill out a bit - take some more straightforward jobs without the serious moral bollocks at every turn. It's pretty refreshing to be truthful, I've just returned from hunting bloody great lizards off on a remote island. One of the folks in my party, he was a bit... interesting. Carvenhall's his name, you know of the man? Well, while we were fighting he had some weird kind of fit when he weren't allowed to hit one of the creatures, started shouting, insulting and the like. Then soon as we were done, he came straight back to normal and stayed there for the rest of the quest. What do you make of that? The only way I can think of describing such a transformation is that of a werebeast. Except with less of the fur and big claws, you know."

He laughed.

"Of course. Hell, a drink is the only reason I came here in the first place!" Althior laughed as he traveled up the stairs with Thalion. As they got to the bar, Althior noticed Haldor. Making no attempt to even acknowledge his existence, Althior sat at the bar, and ordered two drinks. One for him and one for Thalion. "So," he asked, "what do you want to know?"

Haldor glanced over at the sound of Althior's voice, and remained staring blankly in his general direction for some few minutes, before turning round again.

"Say, Tesni, you remember Atramor - right? You know, young fellow, short beard, formerly pointy hat."

"Remember Artramor? I have just met the man while we quested together. Removing a curse on some play." Tensi laughed briefly.

"Aye, that I have. After we tackled Wren I made an effort to try and chill out a bit - take some more straightforward jobs without the serious moral bollocks at every turn. It's pretty refreshing to be truthful, I've just returned from hunting bloody great lizards off on a remote island. One of the folks in my party, he was a bit... interesting. Carvenhall's his name, you know of the man? Well, while we were fighting he had some weird kind of fit when he weren't allowed to hit one of the creatures, started shouting, insulting and the like. Then soon as we were done, he came straight back to normal and stayed there for the rest of the quest. What do you make of that? The only way I can think of describing such a transformation is that of a werebeast. Except with less of the fur and big claws, you know."

He laughed.

Benji heard the nord speak his name. Getting up, he took a first aggressive step, but stopped when he heard the word werefolk. 'How could he know...' Benji thought, worried. Turning aside his negative feelings, he sits down by Haldor and smacks him on the back with a grin on his face. It was noticeable that his teeth were sharper than they probably should be. "A werefolk, don't be ridiculous. I'm just plain old half elf half man Benji Carvenhall. And who is this that you are you speaking with...?"

"Well, for a start, you can tell me what do you do in Heroica? I sense you are an Ether user as well, but you no ordinary mage; am I right?"

"I am no ordinary Mage, you are right. I am but a Necromancer. He who masters the dead. I used to try and stay as far away from darkness as I could, but I realized how wrong I was, so I did more than accept it. I mastered it,"

Haldor glanced over at the sound of Althior's voice, and remained staring blankly in his general direction for some few minutes, before turning round again.

Althior could feel the blank stare of his once friend. He smiled and took a drink.

Edited by K-Nut

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