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"That's a shame, both about the mask and the woman. I wonder where she got to... Still, I need to go to the Marketplace too, I will join you, my friend."

"Probably better suited to you then to me."

I lift up the bow I traded it for, the weapon augmented beyond recognition - it was no signifigantly more powerful.

"So, accomplish much in the fields?"

"Yes we defeated the remaining two threshold monsters. It was quite interesting."

Hoke entered the Hall after his visit to the Marketplace and approached Benji. He plopped down a bag filled with 75 gold coins and smiled.

"I believe we had an arrangement," he said cheerfully.

Benji returns from the marketplace to the Hall and immediately Hoke approaches him and plops down a nice sack of gold. "Arrangement...?" A couple seconds later: "Oh right of course, the Flagpole. Here you go, dear sir. I hope you enjoy your new weapon :grin:"

Benji hands over the Flagpole to Hoke in exchange for 75 gold.

Benji swaggers over to the bar and sits himself down, ordering a nice cold drink.

Benji returns from the marketplace to the Hall and immediately Hoke approaches him and plops down a nice sack of gold. "Arrangement...?" A couple seconds later: "Oh right of course, the Flagpole. Here you go, dear sir. I hope you enjoy your new weapon :grin:"

Benji hands over the Flagpole to Hoke in exchange for 75 gold.

"That I will," Hoke says to himself, "And my friends also."

Before sitting down with Tesni Namyrra did a quick dash out to the marketplace to get supplies since she'd learned she'd been chosen to lead the party going to the deserts of Azzurat.

Tesni grinned at the approaching fenarian pleased to see her again, "Long time no see cariad. We'll need to catch up once I finish this trade." She turned once more to Stigveladi. "150 gold sounds like a deal. The axe is yours."

"Indeed, it really has been too long, what have you been up to lately?"

En Sabah Nur peered at the quest board and took note of one quest that was scheduled to leave soon. "Hm, I'd best hurry." Nur went up the stairs, looking for Namyrra. "Greetings ladies. Namyrra, I have potion that might aid you in your next quest. Would you be interested in a canister of Demon Repellant (Makes the user impervious to direct attacks from demons during one battle) in exchange for say, your container of Milk (restores 15 health and 15 ether upon consumption)?"

"Yes we defeated the remaining two threshold monsters. It was quite interesting."

"New... Uhh... Profession... Working out for you?"

It was obvious i was not enjoying talking about what Alexis did for a living, and for more reasons then one.

"You're mistakin' the ape who can read for yourself," remarks Atramor idly from his nearby table, rolling his eyes.

I blink uncomfortably as I notice a gorilla gesticulating and shouting wildly.

"Good Lord, have the veterans finally snapped and turned this hall into a zoo?"

["Ah, so the average Human literacy rate is exponentially higher than previous studies indicated. Blast."]

Hoptet's hands remained on his waste, though his posture slouched, and his voice lowered.

"Oh, my mistake."

"Hello, my good sir," He sits down with the monk, not looking to see who else is around. "I am interested in that wand you have there. Would you be, perhaps, interested in a trade?" He sets down a bag full of 100 gold and his two Phoenix Incenses. "I believe this would be a reasonable deal. What do you say?" He smiles, attempting to be friendly.

"Forgive me, I did not intend to disturb your meditation. I am Stigveladi Kötturin, the Ghost Buster. I hunt Ghosts that disturb the silence of the graves and served men of god before.

Well, I do not want to hold you up. I am generous to a Man of God. I'll give you 150 Gold for that Wand of Poking.", she whispers.

Two men rush forward desiring my very pokeable wand.

Fascinating, I grin. Auction time!

I look at the dwarf.

"You know, most times, when auctioning the man who places the second bid, places a higher bid than the first." :look:

"New... Uhh... Profession... Working out for you?"

It was obvious i was not enjoying talking about what Alexis did for a living, and for more reasons then one.

"Yes it seems to be working out right now. We'll have to see how it goes here in the next few months. Hopefully there will be some new quests soon."

"Yes it seems to be working out right now. We'll have to see how it goes here in the next few months. Hopefully there will be some new quests soon."

I'm not going to ask how it works on animals...

"Any reason why you chose this path in the first place?"

Two men rush forward desiring my very pokeable wand.

Fascinating, I grin. Auction time!

I look at the dwarf.

"You know, most times, when auctioning the man who places the second bid, places a higher bid than the first." :look:

"Well, you don't trust this guy, do you? I think he works with the devils." Stigveladi gives the other bidder a weird look. "Stigveladi Kötturin, the Ghost Buster. Beware of me!"

Whispering to the Monk "I thought you understood that this an offer between like-minded people..."

Althior laughs at the dwarf. "You're a ghostbuster? I am a Dragon Slayer, little one. And I don't deal with demons. i give people second chances, just as I was given. Learn your place," Althior sits back. "Give the wand to the little one, Monk, for she seems in greater need of it than I..." Althior sees Skrall selling items from his satchel in the bar. He taps the ogre on the back, gesturing that he himself would like a scythe. He turns back to the monk. "Though, if either of you would be interested in these Phoenix Incenses..."

"Ah, Althior. It's been a while hasn't it?" Skrall produced a scythe and handed the weapon over for 115 Gold.

Althior laughs at the dwarf. "You're a ghostbuster? I am a Dragon Slayer, little one. And I don't deal with demons. i give people second chances, just as I was given. Learn your place," Althior sits back. "Give the wand to the little one, Monk, for she seems in greater need of it than I..." Althior sees Skrall selling items from his satchel in the bar. He taps the ogre on the back, gesturing that he himself would like a scythe. He turns back to the monk. "Though, if either of you would be interested in these Phoenix Incenses..."

Amma looks suspiciously at the Necromancer. "Giving people a second chance... But do they deserve it? And what are you really offering to them? Ah, well..." she turns around to the hooded vendor, "you heard him. Give me the Wand now, before my generosity declines. I still need to get me something to eat. Getting really a bit nervous right now."

She sees a big peace of meat lying in the cart. "Are you offering that food, too?"

"Well, you don't trust this guy, do you? I think he works with the devils." Stigveladi gives the other bidder a weird look. "Stigveladi Kötturin, the Ghost Buster. Beware of me!"

Whispering to the Monk "I thought you understood that this an offer between like-minded people..."

"Oh, dear, you may be right. He does look rather dark, doesn't he? Where did you get the title "Ghost Buster?" Sounds like modern slang, trying to sound imposing or something." :sceptic:

Althior laughs at the dwarf. "You're a ghostbuster? I am a Dragon Slayer, little one. And I don't deal with demons. i give people second chances, just as I was given. Learn your place," Althior sits back. "Give the wand to the little one, Monk, for she seems in greater need of it than I..." Althior sees Skrall selling items from his satchel in the bar. He taps the ogre on the back, gesturing that he himself would like a scythe. He turns back to the monk. "Though, if either of you would be interested in these Phoenix Incenses..."

"Dragonslayer? Can't really say I appreciate that much, I just traversed the sea to Dastan in order to cure an ailed dragon. If it's all the same to you, I do feel more proper selling it to the dwarf, but...oh, you're just leaving like that...ah well!"

"Ah, Althior. It's been a while hasn't it?" Skrall produced a scythe and handed the weapon over for 115 Gold.

"Indeed it had my friend. Care for a drink? I don't remember the last time we spoke." He offers a seat to the ogre.

She sees a big peace of meat lying in the cart. "Are you offering that food, too?"

"My good man, this is no food!" I chuckle. "I can't say it didn't have me confused at the time of my seizing upon it, but it is a highly effective weapon. See that demon over there?" I point out Dreyrugr. "One hit from this, and he's finished. Dead meat! That's the power of this..." I hoist the steak from the cart and hold it high in case Dreyrugr should be looking our way.

"Indeed it had my friend. Care for a drink? I don't remember the last time we spoke." He offers a seat to the ogre.

"I'll gladly take a drink with ya. I've been in the fields for a good 5 months, yerself?"

Hoke enters the Hall with his new equipment in tow. He would need to adjust and fit everything properly. He sat down by the hearth and set out his equipment and began sorting it all.

"I'll gladly take a drink with ya. I've been in the fields for a good 5 months, yerself?"

"Five months? Been quite a while then. I spent almost a good three quarters of a year there myself. Thinking of going back, as I have time to kill. I've been doing my fair share around the island. Stopped a curse placed on a play by a demon queen a few months back, and just recently finished fighting some large ink demons in the settlement of Taurost." He sits back. "Things are getting much worse than they were when we started here, eh? Seems a demon or god's about to destroy the world every other week these days. Barely can sleep at night thinking of that..."

"I know what ya mean. Seems like it was just yesterday we were chasin' down poachers in the Hinckwell's forests. Ran into yer late apprentice much? Alexis an' I were in the fields together, but she seemed rather quiet."

"I know what ya mean. Seems like it was just yesterday we were chasin' down poachers in the Hinckwell's forests. Ran into yer late apprentice much? Alexis an' I were in the fields together, but she seemed rather quiet."

"I remember that. What was that, two years ago now? Back when we were simple mages and rangers. Life was much simpler then indeed." Althior listened to Skrall go on about Alexis. He rolled his eyes and leaned forward. "Too ashamed of her current path I'd say. The path of the Harlot is the lowest I can think of. I have more respect for dirt than I do for them." He sits back, "my apologies if I seem harsh, I just simply cannot understand why any sane being would stoop that low. Though Alexis was never a sane one, I'll say." He chuckles.

"Say, my friend, you look much more battle hardened than you were previously. Any interest in taking your training up a notch?"

"Ya' talkin' about Alexis, or her crazyass ex?" interrupted Atramor, pulling up a chair to Althior and Skrall's table. The former was annoying, but he'd decided heroes could become far worse than that, and could fight well enough.

Edited by CallMePie

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