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I wriggle away quickly.

Know and love?

It's rare that I'm in such an awkward state.

"You are a were-reptile!" I exclaim loudly, jumping back. "Don't get any funny ideas. The world would be well, rid of your kind. I knew you always had a strange look to you, demon. I cannot believe I once considered you party leader." I draw Conspirator. "I suggest you remove yourself from my way, lest I pierce you through. It would be no more than you deserve. Why don't you disturb someone else. Oh, look, there's a demon...bloodsucker...there, why not prey on his pale flesh."

My hand feels in the cart the Heavy Flail...

Sir Brickington opens the door of the hall and with the entrance of him there is a glow from the sun outside. As he walks some pad him on the back and greet him with "Good to see you back!" He walks straight up to the Monk known as Pretzel and gives him a grating stone, free of charge. "Money is not an object to me and I have no need of the stone. Just keep doing good, my man."

Edited by Brickington

"You are a were-reptile!" I exclaim loudly, jumping back. "Don't get any funny ideas. The world would be well, rid of your kind. I knew you always had a strange look to you, demon. I cannot believe I once considered you party leader." I draw Conspirator. "I suggest you remove yourself from my way, lest I pierce you through. It would be no more than you deserve. Why don't you disturb someone else. Oh, look, there's a demon...bloodsucker...there, why not prey on his pale flesh."

Dreyrugr notices a poor fellow getting told off by the monk.

"Don't mind him, the most moralistic being in the world that isn't completely human by heritage is evil in his books. So if I were you I'd watch my back, he'll be more than happy to change its appearance by adding something sharp."

"Don't mind him, the most moralistic being in the world that isn't completely human by heritage is evil in his books. So if I were you I'd watch my back, he'll be more than happy to change its appearance by adding something sharp."

"Then he'll have to go through me!" Brickington said pulling his sword out.

Sir Brickington opens the door of the hall and with the entrance of him there is a glow from the sun outside. As he walks some pad him on the back and greet him with "Good to see you back!" He walks straight up to the Monk known as Pretzel and gives him a grating stone, free of charge. "Money is not an object to me and I have no need of the stone. Just keep doing good, my man."

I look up even as a knight hands me his grating stone, apparently in favour of my slaying demons. I take the Grating Stone proffered.

"Why thank you, do I know you, good sir? You don't strike me as looking familiar, but under all that armour, there are few who would be familiar. You wouldn't perchance be that knight who mentioned slaying a vampire sometime back, would you? Never really got to know the fellow, but he seemed honourable enough, if the actions I've heard about are anything to go by, but you don't seem as large as I can recall him being, so I doubt it could be you of whom I speak. I shall use this stone well in the vanquishing of evil."

"Don't mind him, the most moralistic being in the world that isn't completely human by heritage is evil in his books. So if I were you I'd watch my back, he'll be more than happy to change its appearance by adding something sharp."

I grin at Benji.

"You see, he fears! He fears you, and he fears me. I say go and show him who is the boss. Come on! Surely you are not afraid to fight him." I goad Benji, hoping for him to start a fight with the vampire so at least one of the demons will slay the other.

Edited by Palathadric

"Then he'll have to go through me!" Brickington said pulling his sword out.

"Not really, unless you plan to stalk the Monk till the end of his days he'd have no trouble choosing a time when you're not around. Even then he can put up a decent fight, he probably could go through you anyway. Not that I know how skilled you are."

"You see, he fears! He fears you, and he fears me. I say go and show him who is the boss. Come on! Surely you are not afraid to fight him."

"Fear you think? If that helps you sleep better at night then go ahead. But don't you think it's a tad obvious you're up to malicious manipulation when you suddenly seem to be on his side again after having from your own mouth said that the world is better off without him?"

Edited by Vash the Stampede

Guts chuckled: "Sounds like the idiot got what he deserved. Thanks for sharing."

"The stupid things folks will do fer love." Skrall turned and got a refill on his ale. "What about you, Guts? How did you first learn to end a life?"

I look up even as a knight hands me his grating stone, apparently in favour of my slaying demons. I take the Grating Stone proffered.

"Why thank you, do I know you, good sir? You don't strike me as looking familiar, but under all that armour, there are few who would be familiar. You wouldn't perchance be that knight who mentioned slaying a vampire sometime back, would you? Never really got to know the fellow, but he seemed honourable enough, if the actions I've heard about are anything to go by, but you don't seem as large as I can recall him being, so I doubt it could be you of whom I speak. I shall use this stone well in the vanquishing of evil."

I grin at Benji.

"You see, he fears! He fears you, and he fears me. I say go and show him who is the boss. Come on! Surely you are not afraid to fight him." I goad Benji, hoping for him to start a fight with the vampire so at least one of the demons will slay the other.

"Alright then, sir Pretzel, I challenge you to a battle in the Arena, what do you say about it... or are you chicken to fight me? Surely your holiness can defeat something as disgusting as me."

"The stupid things folks will do fer love." Skrall turned and got a refill on his ale. "What about you, Guts? How did you first learn to end a life?"

"Hm. Must have been over three dozen years ago by now. I grew up on Strivvi on the streets, not an easy life. There's a loose sort of community among those who live on the streets. Women, and children tend to group together at certain places. The men mostly work, legit, or otherwise. Mostly otherwise. Anyway, at that time, I lived in one such a place. Ash Square us kids called it. It was downwind of the blacksmiths of the city, that's the reason for the name. On some days, everything was covered by a thin layer of ashes. It was no square, as much as a piece of land surrounded by high buildings on three sides. It was pretty good, as far as the homeless communities go. We had a guy, that guarded the place. Can't remember his name, but he owned a sword... or was it an axe, I don't remember. Anyway, to us kids, it was the safest place in the world. We didn't have much. Most of us had no parents, no possessions, rarely enough food to fill our bellies... But we were each other's family. Looked out for each other. Some people though.. Just can't leave people the fuck alone."

Guts stopped, took a drink then continued.

"Sometimes people came to mess with us kind of people. Like, beat up someone, or worse... One guard can only do so much, and he can't be awake night and day... Anyway, there was this girl, my age then, couldn't have been older than ten, eleven... Sod... I don't remember her name. She had the blackest hair that I have ever seen, and always slept beneath a red blanket. One night, a rich guy comes in, rapes her... No one noticed... Some girls would just give up after such a thing, not her. Some nights after, the same... bastard tries again, this time, the girl gave the man a deep scratch on his face with her nails before anything can happen. Face open. The rest of the square chase the guy off. That wasn't the end of it. The next night he comes back. With friends. They knock out the guard, and stand over the figure underneath the red blanket. They are ready, so ready. But then, the red blanket moves, and underneath it is no girl with black hair, but a pissed off young boy with a long, rusty nail in his right hand. Opened the bastard from groin to neck. Heh, his friends ran as fast as they could. Anyway, killed him instantly."

Edited by Scubacarrot

"What is all this blabbering about?" Johon says, as he turns to face Brickington, sword drawn and ready for battle. "He's free to his opinion you rookie! I don't want to start a fight." Johon says, getting ready for a fight. Things had excalated quickly.

"Rookie? Don't offend me! Yeah, I may be a little lit; but I am certainly not a rookie. Silence yourself, you barbarian." Sir Brickington said while shooing him away casually and calmly.

Edited by Brickington

"Alright then, sir Pretzel, I challenge you to a battle in the Arena, what do you say about it... or are you chicken to fight me? Surely your holiness can defeat something as disgusting as me."

"Me?" I gasp. "Certainly not. You of all people should know that I do not fight for sport. Why don't you go and fight with your vampire. Aren't you two supposed to be enemies or something? Or are you allies under the devil. God save us!"

"What is all this blabbering about?" Johon says, as he turns to face Brickington, sword drawn and ready for battle. "He's free to his opinion you rookie! I don't want to start a fight." Johon says, getting ready for a fight. Things had excalated quickly.

"Calm down, barbarian. Why must you all be so hot-headed. The good knight here, is making his payments where they are due, bringing his offerings before God. I accept his offerings, and I suggest you stop trying disrupt those who are in God's favour."

"Rookie? Don't offend me! Yeah, I may be a little lit; but I am certainly not a rookie. Silence yourself, you barbarian." Sir Brickington said while shooing him away casually and calmly.

With the situation tensing up enormously, Pretzel finds a way to shuffle out of the heated exchange and sit a bit further away.

"Kids these days, always looking for a fight!" I growl.

"Now where was I?" I remove a parchment from my cart...

I decide to let the situation at the hall take it's course, for better or for worse, and take a stroll out by the marketplace.

I need to get some armour now that I've given up the Robes of the Archmagi.

Hybros returned to the Hall after a few days in Zylstra, with a satisfied expression on his face. He sighed contentedly as he took in the goings on of the dimly lit Hall. The usual, idle chit chatter buzzed among the haze of pipe smoke and the stench of rum. Hybros headed up the stairs and sank into his chair in the corner near the fire.

Everything was falling into place now. He had improved his reputation with the Ji Pei again, and found some commonality with short folk hiding underground. No imps, quite disappointingly, but it was a good place to start. Soon... very soon it would be time to start what he came here for.

The imp laid back in his chair with a grin spread across his face.

"Rookie? Don't offend me! Yeah, I may be a little lit; but I am certainly not a rookie. Silence yourself, you barbarian." Sir Brickington said while shooing him away casually and calmly.

"Who are you calling a barbarian?" Johon says, shoving the knight backwards. "Why don't you stay out of arguments you hipocritical simpleton?"

"Who are you calling a barbarian?" Johon says, shoving the knight backwards. "Why don't you stay out of arguments you hipocritical simpleton?"

"Look bud: I can be as hipocritical I as want. And you? Well it is up to you to hear what I say or not! And I am not going to fight with you anymore as well... We aren't young lads! So how about we get some drinks and settle this? Oh wait, I forgot! I don't like hanging around bad company!" Sir Brickington said while leaving the hall murmuring to himself.

OOC: I won't be active for a couple days, so I needed him to leave. :grin:

"Numbskull" Johon murmers to himself, sitting back down.

Shoppig had been entertaining for a while but Tesni decided free food was better than anything that needed to be purchased and so returned to the hall.

Shoppig had been entertaining for a while but Tesni decided free food was better than anything that needed to be purchased and so returned to the hall.

ico_evoker.jpg “Now Emerald, our first quest is quite dangerous. It will require much guile and-”

ico_ruby.jpg “Get to the point, Pervy Sage! I got a Kick the Cannister match to get to.”

ico_evoker.jpg “Right...very well. You see that strapping lass with all those wonderful weapons? I’d like you to...strike up a conversation with while I-”

ico_ruby.jpg “K, got it.” Emerald approaches Tesni. “Hey lady, that mage with the cone-like hat wants me to distract you while he steals your stuff.”

ico_evoker.jpg “...”

Nur quickly rushes over. “Eh, hrm. My acquaintance here is mistaken. I merely wish to purchase an item in your possession. The Magic Mirror (The user reflects all ether-based attacks back to the caster without getting damaged by them; accessory) for 200 gold. I like to collect interesting items so if you are not satisfied with the offered price, feel free to make an adjustment.”

Johon sees Nur enter the hall (or didn't notice until now). He decides to strike up conversation.

"Long time no see..." Johon says tapping on Nur's shoulder to get his attention. "...How have you been?"

Perfect... "Hail, Alf Johon. I am doing well. In fact I am in the middle of a deal with this clearly well accomplished champion of the Hall. How have you fared since we last met?"

"I've been doing ok, not the best in all honesty though. Are you still into hand to hand combat? Last I saw you seemed to be practicing that."

"I've been doing ok, not the best in all honesty though. Are you still into hand to hand combat? Last I saw you seemed to be practicing that."

"Nay, I have not kept up with my physical training." Nur sighed. "Alas, I have also allowed the survival skills you taught me to wane as well." He removed his three shurikens. "However, after an embarrassing performance at a local archery tournament, I have dedicated more time to perfecting my aim with these."

"Oh, aye..." Tesni stopped figuring which blade would be best to face the monster. "200 gold for the mirror? It is a deal." Tesni took out the item and handed it over.

"Oh, aye..." Tesni stopped figuring which blade would be best to face the monster. "200 gold for the mirror? It is a deal." Tesni took out the item and handed it over.

ico_evoker.jpg "Excellent. Thank ye, lass."

ico_ruby.jpg "Personally, I would have run him through with one of those blades. Later Pervy Sage."

Emerald departed down the Hall stairs and out the door. Nur frowned at the rockling then pulled a blank piece of parchment from his pack. He brought it within an inch from his face and recited a few sentences. The mage suddenly dropped the parchment as it alit in blue flame then dissappeared before it hit the ground. A message appeared near the Questboard.

Items for Sale:

Level Up Mushroom: Grants one full level upon consumption, Consumable - 300 gold

"This rare and magical fungus grants a permanent increase to one's intellect."

Medal of Glory: Allows the wearer to gain triple experience from battles, Accessory - 2,000 gold

"A magical necklace that allows its wearer a threefold increase to their experience learned from aggressive encounters."

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