October 10, 201410 yr "Destroying knowledge, hm? Yes, quite the opposite of what we achieved... Well whichever knowledge you destroyed, had you no desire to learn it?" Althior chuckles, "You have no idea how badly I wanted to learn it. The rest of my party, however, had other agendas. Them mainly being greed and lust for power. Hardly the same as what we're usually tasked with around here,"
October 10, 201410 yr Current Sign Ups for Quest #117: The Tale of the Caustic Collection -Ellaria Arbour, Level Level 30 Druid (Sandy) (Preference to 118) -John "Heckz" Brutenhal, Level 23 2/3 Sorcerer (Cutcobra) -Althior Emorith, Level 42 1/5 Necromancer (K-Nut) -Throlar Wineghilim, Level 12 Knight (Lord Duvors)
October 10, 201410 yr Althior chuckles, "You have no idea how badly I wanted to learn it. The rest of my party, however, had other agendas. Them mainly being greed and lust for power. Hardly the same as what we're usually tasked with around here," Hybros sipped his tea. "Yes... this surprises me. I have known others, even myself, to have their own agendas, but to let that control the outcome of your quest? Who were these heroes?"
October 10, 201410 yr "Actually that is a golem, I know... you are obviously carrying it off without permission of the owner, it might also be considered murder, I'm not really certain how Eubric law treats the destruction of golems." "Well..." Benji looks annoyed at the dwarf. Getting bossed around by a short weakling was almost as bad as getting talkback from that orc lady. "How about we check? Statue, if you are really a golem then please say so, if not I will pull out your garnet eyes and sell them and will hunt down and kill whoever owns you, ohband I'll also throw you outside and smash you into a bunch pf pieces. But if you're a golem I'll do no such thing."
October 10, 201410 yr "Indeed." Nur finished his meal. "Which of the Houses if any, funded your last quest? Before you reach archmage, do ye intend to seek any of the specialized training from any of the Eubric Houses?" -- My master's instructions not to move or speak could be interpreted as only applying while I was at the questboard. As I am no longer at that location... "The dwarf is correct in that I am a golem. However attempts at my destruction are futile as my master now has the power to reconstitute me." Alfred remained stoic.
October 10, 201410 yr "The Shadeaux funded my last quest." When Nur asked about some specialised training, Warlen leaned in closer. "Between you and me, I'd rather be an Evoker, Sorceror or Sage looks to be much more fun." He looked up to Germ and Vindsval. "How about you two? Any future job prospects you have in mind?"
October 10, 201410 yr Benji looks startled at the statue, emm, golem. He puts him down with a heave, trying to hit the dwarf's toes. "Sorry about that, what's your name? Who's your master and why are you haunting the quest board?"
October 10, 201410 yr "The Shadeaux funded my last quest." When Nur asked about some specialised training, Warlen leaned in closer. "Between you and me, I'd rather be an Evoker, Sorceror or Sage looks to be much more fun." He looked up to Germ and Vindsval. "How about you two? Any future job prospects you have in mind?" Sorry, I was to busy reading the "menu". Job upgrades...I was thing a Witch or Sorcerer but now I am thing Black Knight. Then I might as well train as a Winged Warrior. Hey Nur. I think some one is trying to take your golem. You might want to check up on it. A half demon, a half elf, a half man well an 1/8 man, and a half giant to round out the mix. Perhaps between all of us we will form quite the party. But it would seem we are still short. The notice seems to imply we need more members to our merry band. If this 1/8 of a man still want to go with us. He did expressed an interest to go on some other quest. I do think we should definitely go in with 6 man team to increase our chances of getting any where in the fields.
October 10, 201410 yr Bobby checks the quest board and signs up for Quest #116 and Quest #118. "Yo, boss man!" says Bobby, seeing Benji. He gives a little wave. "How's it hanging, man? Who are all these dudes?" He offers his hand at the general audience around Benji. "Yo, I'm Bobby, awesome to meet you guys."
October 10, 201410 yr Benji looks at Bobby, and waves awkwardly. "I've got a golem problem on hand, give me a second."
October 10, 201410 yr I might as well train as a Winged Warrior. Hey Nur. I think some one is trying to take your golem. You might want to check up on it. "Aw, I'm sure he's fine. How does one train as a Winged Warrior if you have no wings?" Benji looks startled at the statue, emm, golem. He puts him down with a heave, trying to hit the dwarf's toes. "Sorry about that, what's your name? Who's your master and why are you haunting the quest board?" If Alfred had been of the breathing sort, now would be the time for him to cough to clear his throat. "My name is Alfred the Seneschal, also referred to as Alf, Alfredo, Alfonso, Alfwiedersehen, Alfrederci, Alfie or Al. So named by the great Krakenwhacker, the Titan Smiter, Orrik's forgotten bastard (Not really but feel free to spread it around) and my current master, the Trickster Mage En Sabah Nur!" Alfred slowly turned and made his way back to his spot next to the questboard. The things the mage made him say... "I was instructed to serve as a decorative piece until he summons me."
October 10, 201410 yr If Alfred had been of the breathing sort, now would be the time for him to cough to clear his throat. "My name is Alfred the Seneschal, also referred to as Alf, Alfredo, Alfonso, Alfwiedersehen, Alfrederci, Alfie or Al. So named by the great Krakenwhacker, the Titan Smiter, Orrik's forgotten bastard (Not really but feel free to spread it around) and my current master, the Trickster Mage En Sabah Nur!" Alfred slowly turned and made his way back to his spot next to the questboard. The things the mage made him say... "I was instructed to serve as a decorative piece until he summons me." "Alright Alfred, behave yourself and I won't have to come and interrupt your business again, carry on." Benji leaves with a huff. Going to join Bobby for a drink, he asks carelessly. "So Bobby, where ya from bro?"
October 10, 201410 yr "Yo man, thanks for asking. No one has asked me yet! Where are you from, bro? I'm from here in Eubric itself - live on the outskirts of the Hovels. My family does alright - my dad's a cleric, good dude, and my mom makes potions. It ain't half bad, and they bring home the dough and feed me, so I can't complain, ya know? Least I don't live in the hovels, know what I'm saying. I wasn't good at either of those things though, so I told them I'd be a hero for a bit, and they were cool with that. Hel good rents."
October 10, 201410 yr Current Sign-ups for the Fields of Glory: Rufus, Level 1 Barbarian (the lego dwarf) The Demon Germ, Level 5 Rogue (samuraiturtle) Warlen Melimane & Quarion, Level 6 Mage (The Chosen Minifigure) Throlar Wineghilm, Level 12 Knight (Lord Duvors) Vindsval Half-Born, Level 5 Cleric (Asphalt) Current Sign-ups for Quest #118: The Tale of the Stolen Spirits Ellaria Arbour, Level 30 Druid (Sandy) Hybros, Level 32.75 Chi Monk (JimBee) Heckz Brutenhal, Level 23.66 Sorcerer (Cutcobra) Throlar Wineghilm, Level 12 Knight (Lord Duvors) Bobby "Young" Bucks Jr., Level 4 Rogue (Zepher) Bartholomew Docken, Level 46.4 Warden (Brickdoctor)
October 10, 201410 yr "Aw, I'm sure he's fine. How does one train as a Winged Warrior if you have no wings?" Who said I don't have wings? I just keep them folded up to my body, where they are barely noticeable. But, if someone really wanted to be trained as "Rito Winged Warrior". I guess they could make some sort of "Magical Rocket Backpack" to fly around with.
October 10, 201410 yr Who said I don't have wings? I just keep them folded up to my body, where they are barely noticeable. But, if someone really wanted to be trained as "Rito Winged Warrior". I guess they could make some sort of "Magical Rocket Backpack" to fly around with. "Genius!"There was Throlar again, unexpectedly appearing behind someone. "Sorry about that, But that idea is just brilliant, though I think the Ji Pei already have something like that Mister... I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I didn't catch your name."
October 10, 201410 yr Hybros sipped his tea. "Yes... this surprises me. I have known others, even myself, to have their own agendas, but to let that control the outcome of your quest? Who were these heroes?" "Hero is a relative term. There's the mage over there with his Stone Guardian, and there was a nord who's been lingering around this hall for as long as we have. Name was Eric, I believe. It's not like the reward was all that alluring to these rogues, nor was it able to keep them on track. Two of the party went out in battle and somehow made their way back here,"
October 11, 201410 yr "Genius!" There was Throlar again, unexpectedly appearing behind someone. "Sorry about that, But that idea is just brilliant, though I think the Ji Pei already have something like that Mister... I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I didn't catch your name." What? It is Germ again, Throlar. Are you still planing to try out The Fields of Glory? Personally I am thinking of signing up for Quest 116. Because, I am question my usefulness in "the fields". Then sing up for quest 116. OoC: I am just making it clear.
October 11, 201410 yr It would seem everyone is giving themselves options. Perhaps I should as well. One never knows. Vindsval goes to the notice board and signs his name on the notices for Quests 115, 116, and 117 It is a smith with few wares who keeps but one iron in the fire.
October 12, 201410 yr Vindsval moves to where Bobby and Benji Are chatting. Hello again Small One, I am pleased to see you have arrived safely back to your home. So, I believe you were going to explain to me your language, as it were. Allow me to gather us some drink and we can discuss it. Carvenhal, will you share a drink with us? Vindsval goes to the bar, grabs a flaggon for Benji and Carvenhall, and a half cask for himself, places a quadrupal order for roast Flagenbeastor and returns to his questmates. Here, drink. There is food on the way.
October 12, 201410 yr Skrall had dozed off, his mind wandering aimlessly among his past adventures. The ogre woke up with a start, cold sweat on his brow. Seeing a half-giant carry off a half cask, the ogre got himself a full cask and promptly walked out the door, eyes grim.
October 12, 201410 yr His mind dulled from drink, Eric had silently left the table he was at and had made a difficult journey to the bar. There, he drank some more on his own, on the lookout for any hero entering or leaving the Hall. In fact, the Nord had even spent a drunk night's sleep there, face down on the bar. After slowly having sobered up enough, the Nord made his way to the Questboard. Lots of people had been going there, so new quests were bound to have been posted. Skimming over the assignments, Eric's only seemed to half understand most of what they said. The alcohol had apparently clouded the part of his mind that understood basic Common. He let his finger slide over the Quests as he muttered some words, "...woman assaulted..., mongrels torn to pieces. Women and dead dogs, eh? Verkar som min typ av grej" Eric smirked and continued reading. His smirk turned into a chuckle as he noticed Ennoc's name. "Pathetic god..." "Spirits? I like drinking spirits" Eric signed up for #116, #117, #118 and then left the Hall.
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