October 25, 201410 yr On 10/25/2014 at 10:01 PM, Flipz said: Arthur notices a familiar figure enter the Hall, and smiles appreciatively. "Master Docken!" The Skirmisher approaches the one-eyed Warden, Unlucky Horseshoe in hand. "I was just thinking about you. I'm going to be in the Hall for a while, and I can't use this thing anyway, so I figure I'd rather let a friend get some use out of it rather than have it mouldering away in my bag. Care to borrow my Unlucky Horseshoe for a Quest or two?" "Ah, good day, Master Regulus."I accept the Horseshoe. "This looks useful. Thank you." On 10/25/2014 at 10:43 PM, Comrade Commander said: Darksten is shocked as the senior veteran approaches him, and then his eyes bulge as the pile of loot is brought forward. He was tempted to ask for more, but some how he knew this amount was just right. He wasn't going to use the lump of adamamtite anyways... "Done" He says as he hands over the shard and takes the offered bounty "Pleasure doing business with you."
October 26, 201410 yr On 10/24/2014 at 12:33 AM, Comrade Commander said: Darksten walks into the hall, takes a look at the measly quest options and signs up for quest #118 anyways . He then takes his usual seat at the booth in the back, starting to sort through his supplies En Sabah Nur stopped his throwing practice and took advantage of a free opportunity to peruse another's belongings. He watched the exchange with Docken before getting close to Darksten. "Oh my, what a lovely covering you wear. Might ye know of its origins?" Nur grinned wide and sat himself at the booth. "It was cut from the hide of a giant sand-dwelling worm. I had wanted it for myself but it was too large and heavy to wear as a cape. How did it come into your possession?"
October 26, 201410 yr On 10/23/2014 at 7:30 PM, Richila said: Merilel Dree walks into the hall quietly and looks around. Her bow and quiver hang across her back so her hands are free and at her sides. Seeing an imp carrying a mug of what seems to be tea from the steam rising from the cup, she makes her way to the bar. "A mug of tea, please." "Good choice, eheh..." Hybros nodded to the newcomer elf. On 10/24/2014 at 10:18 PM, Flipz said: "Hmm...it's been very useful to me in the past, but it might be for the right price. What would you have in mind to offer?" "200 gold would be my highest offer."
October 26, 201410 yr On 10/26/2014 at 6:19 PM, JimBee said: "Good choice, eheh..." Hybros nodded to the newcomer elf. "200 gold would be my highest offer." "Perhaps...would you consider 150 and that Crescent Shield instead?"
October 26, 201410 yr On 10/25/2014 at 11:27 PM, Brickdoctor said: "Pleasure doing business with you." "And same with you" Darksten says to the veteran hero. "I hope it serves you well" On 10/26/2014 at 7:36 AM, Jebediahs said: En Sabah Nur stopped his throwing practice and took advantage of a free opportunity to peruse another's belongings. He watched the exchange with Docken before getting close to Darksten. "Oh my, what a lovely covering you wear. Might ye know of its origins?" Nur grinned wide and sat himself at the booth. "It was cut from the hide of a giant sand-dwelling worm. I had wanted it for myself but it was too large and heavy to wear as a cape. How did it come into your possession?" Once Darksten had returned to his usual booth, he was joined by another hero.Unaccostumed to so much attention, Darksten felt out of place. But he soon decided he must have made some sort of impression on this guild to start being accepted like this. "I am not sure the origins of this cape." Darksten responds to En Sabah Nur. "I was fortunate enough to aquire it from that elf that sets up shop in the market. My original belongings were more fit for hunting than to be used in combat. I quickly learned I needed something with a little more durability." With a pause to reflect, Darksten then says "Thank god I didn't have to travese a barren sand pit to aquire it. I prefer the lush forest any day."
October 26, 201410 yr On 10/26/2014 at 6:23 PM, Flipz said: "Perhaps...would you consider 150 and that Crescent Shield instead?" "100 and the shield," Hybros barters.
October 26, 201410 yr On 10/25/2014 at 10:44 PM, Lind Whisperer said: Lind modestly shrugged and smiled. "The Munchkins hide ourselves away in the Forest, but we spend that time studying anything and everything we can. True knowledge is the wealth that never diminishes, and can give a single man the strength of a thousand. With the assumption that it is properly applied, of course. In fact, a large part of my education was spent on studying exactly how to study. The rest was spent on learning various subjects, including a wide variety of known languages and dialects, such as der Māori. I'm hardly an expert in any of them - at best, I could make myself understood, but I do like to think that I could probably communicate at least base ideas with anyone I may encounter. Any humanoids, at least." Warlen listens intently to the munchkin, then asks, "So how many languages can you lay claim to knowing? Personally, I can lay claim to 4: Elven, Maori, obviously English, or Common Tounge, and from my passion for Comedy and comics, I have developed a fairly good understanding of Scottish. You?"
October 26, 201410 yr On 10/26/2014 at 7:11 PM, JimBee said: "100 and the shield," Hybros barters. "Deal," Arthur replies, handing over the dagger.
October 26, 201410 yr Hybros slid over the gold and shield. The latter was too clunky for him anyway, even he did rely on such tools in battle. He took the dagger in his hand, flipped it once to admire its light weight and swiftness, and put it away. "So tell me, Arthur, you seem to be unloading a lot of gear in the Hall lately. I have not quested with you before, but are your heroing days already over?"
October 26, 201410 yr On 10/26/2014 at 8:37 PM, The Chosen Minifigure said: "So how many languages can you lay claim to knowing? Personally, I can lay claim to 4: Elven, Maori, obviously English, or Common Tounge, and from my passion for Comedy and comics, I have developed a fairly good understanding of Scottish. You?" "I'm not quite sure how many I know. Quite a few, certainly, but I suppose a good part of it would depend on exactly what you consider "knowing". I know the common languages - Elven, Orkish, the like, a smattering of the more obscure ones, and I know enough single words from various dialect strands to indicate whatever it is I'm trying to get across, even if I don't know their specific language. A' in a', glimp' twa three dizzen, mayhap three dizzen mair if ye'll coont ane words.*" Ooc: Just for reminder, Heroica isn't on Earth. England, Scotland, and New Zealand aren't places that are known of here. *Just for everyone who doesn't spend too much time reading obscure books from the 1800's: "All in all, several dozen, perhaps three dozen more if single words count."
October 26, 201410 yr Ooc: Good point. Retcon time! On 10/26/2014 at 8:37 PM, The Chosen Minifigure said: Warlen listens intently to the munchkin, then asks, "So how many languages can you lay claim to knowing? Personally, I can lay claim to 4: Elven, Maori, obviously Common Tounge, and from my passion for Comedy and comics, I have developed a fairly good understanding of a language that is similar to common, but has some more obscure worlds. I think it was called... Scooti? Scot? Scothish? No... Sorry, Cant remember.. You?"
October 26, 201410 yr Warlen was amazed. "Man of learning, huh? Well, if you're up for it, I've got a story." He grinned. "Or to be precise, my friend Quarion does." He gestured to the sleeping skull. "He won't mind being woken, he never does." Edited October 26, 201410 yr by The Chosen Minifigure
October 26, 201410 yr On 10/26/2014 at 11:35 PM, The Chosen Minifigure said: Warlen was amazed. "Man of learning, huh? Well, if you're up for it, I've got a story." He grinned. "Or to be precise, my friend Quarion does." He gestured to the sleeping skull. "He won't mind being woken, he never does." "Always up for a good story. A fascinating creature, your friend."
October 27, 201410 yr Annienal notices Docken, and makes her way over to him, trying carefully not to get in anyone's way. "Oh, um... Mr. Docken, um... I hope you remember me? Annienal? I was wondering if you could tell me who the Voice in the Sky was? I'm still somewhat confused by it."
October 27, 201410 yr Lind Whisperer said: 1414367816[/url]' post='2041346']"Always up for a good story. A fascinating creature, your friend." "He rather is. Don't tell him that, though..." After waking up Quarion, Warlen explained that it was story time. Before he could be stopped, he burst into the story. "Long ago, and by long I mean 3 years ago, Warlen was still living with his kind, and I was still... living. I was a rouge, who had come to the kingdom of the elves to help them defeat a dragon, by the name of Nebulae. I was bored for the first few days, so I wandered the forest, and it was by the river Darguill that I met Warlen Melimane. He was practicing his forest Magic, and we soon became friends. On the day when I was deemed to fight Nebulae, the great dragon burned me with dark flame from the pits of hell, scarring me and setting in motion events that no Elven cleric could heal without corrupting themselves. And so up came Warlen, a young Elven mage back then, and he cast a spell that meant I would live... with both reward and price. The reward? I was alive, and without my body, my mind could think freely, therefore allowing me to be amazingly intelligent. The Price? I was reduced to a floating, flaming head, and stripped of my Rougish powers. But Warlen paid a far worse price. The darkness corrupted him and his staff, so that now he is a practitioner of dark Magyk, against his will. We left the Mages, and Warlen emptied his small home of all his belongings, and we began our journey. Ever since, we have traveled the land searching for cures." Ooc: for a slightly edited version with pictures, visit my website, https://toaauseverything.wordpress.com, and go to the first Top Secret post. The password is WarlenAndQuarion. Edited October 27, 201410 yr by The Chosen Minifigure
October 27, 201410 yr On 10/26/2014 at 11:35 PM, The Chosen Minifigure said: He gestured to the sleeping skull. "He won't mind being woken, he never does." Why does he even need to sleep? I thought he was some sort of "ghost" kind of like Siercon. Edited October 27, 201410 yr by samuraiturtle
October 27, 201410 yr "I think...perhaps they are. For now, anyway." The Skirmisher looks wistfully at the great oak doors through which all Heroes had at some point passed. "Though I think Heroica's own days of heroing might be over as well. The Hall's protective spells make Heroes effectively immortal--practically gods for all our enemies can actually do to harm us--and yet despite it all, I've come to realize, we are little more than a bunch of spoiled, glorified sellswords. I keep trying to tell myself I'm doing more, making a difference, doing good, but...if I'm being honest, truly honest, I'm just as selfish as the rest of us. And I'm not okay with that. I have way too much power, and I don't trust myself to use that power responsibly when it counts. I need to learn responsibility...and I need to learn it someplace where fewer lives are at stake."
October 27, 201410 yr On 10/27/2014 at 1:33 AM, samuraiturtle said: Why does he even need to sleep? I thought he was some sort of "ghost" kind of like Siercon. "He doesn't need too, he just can. It calms him. It's not so much sleeping as meditation."
October 27, 201410 yr On 10/26/2014 at 7:02 PM, Comrade Commander said: Once Darksten had returned to his usual booth, he was joined by another hero.Unaccostumed to so much attention, Darksten felt out of place. But he soon decided he must have made some sort of impression on this guild to start being accepted like this. "I am not sure the origins of this cape." Darksten responds to En Sabah Nur. "I was fortunate enough to aquire it from that elf that sets up shop in the market. My original belongings were more fit for hunting than to be used in combat. I quickly learned I needed something with a little more durability." With a pause to reflect, Darksten then says "Thank god I didn't have to travese a barren sand pit to aquire it. I prefer the lush forest any day." "Ah, a huntsman. What is your preferred game, Mister...?
October 27, 201410 yr On 10/27/2014 at 12:06 AM, Kintobor said: Annienal notices Docken, and makes her way over to him, trying carefully not to get in anyone's way. "Oh, um... Mr. Docken, um... I hope you remember me? Annienal? I was wondering if you could tell me who the Voice in the Sky was? I'm still somewhat confused by it." "The Voice in the Sky, Lady Annienal, can be your enemy, but it can also be a great asset. And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Voice in the Sky: here, between you, me, the enemies, the hit points...everywhere! Yes, even between the dice and the fourth wall!"
October 27, 201410 yr "Well, the 'fun' diminished somewhat when we had to... uh, well, 'overcome some adversity', so to speak. Whatever was in those papers had better bloody well have been worth it. Ah well, all in a day's work, right? Never a dull moment, in any case." "Oh dear, not more about those Wolfgang thugs. I mean, even if usurping power from the Houses was a good idea, it seems pretty futile if you ask me. And yes, I've enjoyed working for the Shadeaux in the past as well, they seem like a respectable bunch." Edited October 27, 201410 yr by LordoftheNoobs
October 27, 201410 yr On 10/27/2014 at 5:25 AM, Brickdoctor said: "The Voice in the Sky, Lady Annienal, can be your enemy, but it can also be a great asset. And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Voice in the Sky: here, between you, me, the enemies, the hit points...everywhere! Yes, even between the dice and the fourth wall!" Annienal began jotting things down but became relatively confused relatively quickly. "But... the fourth wall is a theatre term used to describe the box shape of a stage, with the audience looking into the fourth wall. Are.... you implying we're being watched?"
October 27, 201410 yr On 10/27/2014 at 5:25 AM, Brickdoctor said: "The Voice in the Sky, Lady Annienal, can be your enemy, but it can also be a great asset. And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Voice in the Sky: here, between you, me, the enemies, the hit points...everywhere! Yes, even between the dice and the fourth wall!" "Do not forget the Dark Voices of Aggzuc Kutives, that haunt over the Sea of Sweet. Fell beings of ever-changing feeling and intent, that are said to tinker with the very fabric of thought and myth. Dark stories are told of them and their ways, from the fairytale of a beautiful firefly laid onto the chopping block after only a short season of life, to that of the tale of ten thousand years of brave star paladins slashed away from memory in a single act of thoughtless cruelty. In fairness, I must be note that not all are evil, and some in fact try to be the opposite. But yet, they never quite succeed. Once, a great demon-fish that controlled a universe is said to have died, and in its throes given a great universe, perhaps one of the greatest of universes, into the care of one of these creatures. It tended to it, but it had never cared for one before, and it lavished too much attention on it, suffocating it with the weight of its care, killing it with the very efforts made to try to care for it."
October 27, 201410 yr On 10/27/2014 at 1:39 AM, Flipz said: "I think...perhaps they are. For now, anyway." The Skirmisher looks wistfully at the great oak doors through which all Heroes had at some point passed. "Though I think Heroica's own days of heroing might be over as well. The Hall's protective spells make Heroes effectively immortal--practically gods for all our enemies can actually do to harm us--and yet despite it all, I've come to realize, we are little more than a bunch of spoiled, glorified sellswords. I keep trying to tell myself I'm doing more, making a difference, doing good, but...if I'm being honest, truly honest, I'm just as selfish as the rest of us. And I'm not okay with that. I have way too much power, and I don't trust myself to use that power responsibly when it counts. I need to learn responsibility...and I need to learn it someplace where fewer lives are at stake." "I see..." Hybros scratched his head. He wasn't sure if he understood all of the different philiosophies that were apparently prominent in the Hall currently. "I do not think the gift of immortality is one to be trifled with - though I have sustained many injuries in battle, it is nothing some healing could fix. Perhaps death comes easier to some than others. I do not know of this spell that you speak of. As for power, well, I believe it is up to each individual to do their part. The weak will fall if the strong do not prevail. That is the way of the world. Can you not think of a time when you, with your strength, have served a greater purpose? I can, eheh..."
October 27, 201410 yr On 10/27/2014 at 9:30 PM, JimBee said: "I see..." Hybros scratched his head. He wasn't sure if he understood all of the different philiosophies that were apparently prominent in the Hall currently. "I do not think the gift of immortality is one to be trifled with - though I have sustained many injuries in battle, it is nothing some healing could fix. Perhaps death comes easier to some than others. I do not know of this spell that you speak of. As for power, well, I believe it is up to each individual to do their part. The weak will fall if the strong do not prevail. That is the way of the world. Can you not think of a time when you, with your strength, have served a greater purpose? I can, eheh..." "A greater purpose, yes...but not a good one. Good people--former Heroes, even--died because I served a cause that was...well. You know what she served. You suffered at her hands in the name of that cause. I don't want to make that mistake again. I fear if I continue blundering my way through the world, I will become that which the weak would fall to when the strong do not prevail. I am already a monster--I have no intention of becoming a villain as well."
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