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Posted (edited)

"IF thOsE beLow ME Run aNd HiDe at My AppRoacH, So be It! I caRe NoT! I Am NazGuz thE InfINitE!"

Nazguz raised his hand. "SEe thIs? It IS liVing MetAL. If I CoMManD iT tO be A daGGeR, It shALl!" To emphasise, the gauntlet flowed into the shape of a dagger. "A cLub?" Again it flowed, this time into a Club. "EveN A bOw, SwoRd Or haMMer." As he spoke, it flowed from

one form to another, each one with small spikes on it. "If I Am cHallENgeD, I WilL slAY tHem. YoU alSo sHouLD waTcH yOur tOunGuE, VAmpIrE."

Boris's eyes widened slightly at the weapon.


"Impressive bit of cutlery. As for my tongue, I'll make sure to keep two eyes trained on it, wouldn't want it walking off anywhere." His blood-pudding having arrived, Boris dug in. "So NazGuz the Infinite, here for the gold, the glory, and all the promises of fame and stardom?"

Edited by Waterbrick Down

"I haVe NO UsE foR fAme AnD sTarDom, As YoU pUt it. I am Not HeRE tO AssIst tHosE iN nEEd, eItHer. I mErEly wANt thE GolD. I alSo Do nOT neEd gLOrY, beInG desCenDEd FroM UmbRI tHe Web TWeaKeR. WhY woULd I NeEd GLorY?"


"ThE heAT oF bAtTle cOmeS a CloSE SecONd tO gOlD."

After hearing the jibe at the title Web-Tweaker, Nalguz becomes enraged.

"WeB TweAkeRS aRe AmoNg ThE mOsT nOblE of AracHaNoidS. NoT thAt aNy oF theM aRe noBle. NoT oNE!"


"At this rate, I imagine we'll soon be catering to demons."

Did some one called?

Nazguz raised his hand. "SEe thIs? It IS liVing MetAL. If I CoMManD iT tO be A daGGeR, It shALl!" To emphasise, the gauntlet flowed into the shape of a dagger. "A cLub?" Again it flowed, this time into a Club. "EveN A bOw, SwoRd Or haMMer." As he spoke, it flowed from one form to another, each one with small spikes on it. "

It looks like some sort of "Whip" to me. I take it is a "nano-bot tech" making the metal change form.

I got a question for you mister "spider-man", are you related some how to a thing called a "Spider Kitten"? Then adding: Do not let them bite you, not only will it poison you but it will shrink your @$$ too.

Checking the quest board. I thought, I sign up for the fields of glory. Some smart @$$ must of erased my name off the list. Then noticed a party forming up then thought well I am not going to the "fields".

Posted (edited)

"I KnOw nOT of tHiS 'NanOBot tEcH' yoU sPEAk oF, aNd thIS is No wHiP, iT iS muCh mORe vaUaBle. I aQuirED ThiS wEaPon fRoM tHe ForGE oF tHe hiDDen CiTY of NarGaLiUs. It iS, dEmoN, LIviNg meTaL. As FoR a 'SpIder KiTTen', tHerE arE maNy suCh brEEds in my HomE iSlaND."

Nalguz glanced at the demon writing his name on a sheet.

"WhAT aRe tHEse 'FiELds oF gLoRY? ARe theY LIKe thE WasTelaNds Of mY hOmE, wHeRe yOu mUst sLay oR BE slAyed? Or aRe thEy aKin tO tHe fIElds oF tRaPs, wHeRe a sINglE mIsPlaCeD fOOt cAn kiLL yOU?"

Edited by Robert10ant
Posted (edited)

Karl nervously fiddled with his new talisman as he hung about outside the Hall, debating how he should make his entry. This is ridiculous, he thought. Just go on in already. It's not like you've never been inside there before. That was true, but it had been under very different circumstances: he had been running from a couple of thugs after pinching some bread from them, and his entrance had been slightly dramatic and necessary to avoid pursuit. He had entered as a thief, a lowlife, a scoundrel. Now? He was going to walk in as a hero.

Taking a deep breath, he turned the heavy brass knob and swung open the door, stepping into the warm and slightly tobacco-y smelling atmosphere once again. A few faces he recognized, by sight, not name, and a few were complete strangers. He couldn't help but think how easy it would be for a nutter just to waltz in with a bomb hidden in his cloak and take the whole place down...

He stepped up to the quest board, running his eyes over the requests and pleas for help. He jotted his name down for quest 126, noting with a certain pride that his exploits in his last assignment had been carved into the wall of heroes for all to see.

Turning on the spot to look for an unoccupied table, he found one and slumped into its accompanying chair, pulling out half a loaf of rye bread and a wedge of cheese from his mini interdimensional portal pocket. He chewed on the former and eyed what looked like a werespider who was talking at the bar, and taking up an inordinate amount of space.

Edited by bionicle_fanatic

"I KnOw nOT of tHiS 'NanOBot tEcH' yoU sPEAk oF, aNd thIS is No wHiP, iT iS muCh mORe vaUaBle. I aQuirED ThiS wEaPon fRoM tHe ForGE oF tHe hiDDen CiTY of NarGaLiUs. It iS, dEmoN, LIviNg meTaL. As FoR a 'SpIder KiTTen', tHerE arE maNy suCh brEEds in my HomE iSlaND."

Nalguz glanced at the demon writing his name on a sheet.

"WhAT aRe tHEse 'FiELds oF gLoRY? ARe theY LIKe thE WasTelaNds Of mY hOmE, wHeRe yOu mUst sLay oR BE slAyed? Or aRe thEy aKin tO tHe fIElds oF tRaPs, wHeRe a sINglE mIsPlaCeD fOOt cAn kiLL yOU?"

Sorry, it just looked like a "whip" to me. For the "Nano-Bot Stuff" never mind. I seem to know more than most of the "people" around here do, maybe it is because I am not originaly from this place. "Living Metal" sounds like a "Metaly" or a "Metabble" (more creatures you probably never heard of).

The "fields of glory" sounds similar to both of the places you describe. But, I have not been out their yet. And I am guessing not for some time, from the looks of it.

He stepped up to the quest board, running his eyes over the requests and pleas for help. He jotted his name down for quest 126, noting with a certain pride that his exploits in his last assignment had been carved into the wall of heroes for all to see.

Hey, kid did you not see they all ready picked the "people" they want to take care of this "problem".

Tesni woke up in an alcove of the hall and looked around to establish where she was. There was a giant spider. "What in the hells did I drink?" she mumbled to herself and decided to return to sleep.


Hey, kid did you not see they all ready picked the "people" they want to take care of this "problem".

Karl narrowed his eyes at the half-demon's obnoxious tone, but saw that he had a point. He decided to kill with kindness. "Oh yes, I see now. Thank you so much, my friend. Here, let me buy you a drink... or I would if they weren't all free. What would you like?" There was nothing sarcastic or mocking in his voice, just a genuine thankfulness, bordering on enthusiastic. He leapt up from his seat and headed over to the bar, looking back over his shoulder inquiringly. "What'll you have?"


Mhinak replies to Nalguz.


"No, I can't really say I have anything to sustain myself. I do have some parts and pieces for things I tinker around with, to help keep my sanity. I can gladly say I use to be an engineer and a tinkerer before I came here and I was damn good at both."


Karl narrowed his eyes at the half-demon's obnoxious tone, but saw that he had a point. He decided to kill with kindness. "Oh yes, I see now. Thank you so much, my friend. Here, let me buy you a drink... or I would if they weren't all free. What would you like?" There was nothing sarcastic or mocking in his voice, just a genuine thankfulness, bordering on enthusiastic. He leapt up from his seat and headed over to the bar, looking back over his shoulder inquiringly. "What'll you have?"

I wonder if they have any of those "Flaming Brandys" I heard about? But, I do not care if you want to get me some thing else.

I wonder if they have any of those "Flaming Brandys" I heard about? But, I do not care if you want to get me some thing else.

Karl ordered the flaming brandy and an ale from Scheherazade, bringing both over to the table. He pulled up a chair and turned it around, sitting down and resting his arms on the back. "My name's Karl, by the way. I'm fairly new to all this.." he waved a vague hand at the numerous anomalies in the hall. "Just got back from my first quest. How 'bout you?" He took a pull at his drink, savouring the delicious taste once again.

Posted (edited)

Did some one called?

Boris grinned at the sight of a Demon.


"I stand corrected. Between you, Nally, myself, and the half-giant over there, we'd best make sure we don't run into an uninformed group of heroes and have our heads chopped off."

"ThE heAT oF bAtTle cOmeS a CloSE SecONd tO gOlD."

After hearing the jibe at the title Web-Tweaker, Nalguz becomes enraged.

"WeB TweAkeRS aRe AmoNg ThE mOsT nOblE of AracHaNoidS. NoT thAt aNy oF theM aRe noBle. NoT oNE!"

"Calm down Nally, no one ever said tailors couldn't be noble." Boris took another draft from his goblet, "Well you just did, but that may be your opinion. I happen to know a fine tailor by the name of Swisshopper if you need a business contact."

Nalguz glanced at the demon writing his name on a sheet.

"WhAT aRe tHEse 'FiELds oF gLoRY? ARe theY LIKe thE WasTelaNds Of mY hOmE, wHeRe yOu mUst sLay oR BE slAyed? Or aRe thEy aKin tO tHe fIElds oF tRaPs, wHeRe a sINglE mIsPlaCeD fOOt cAn kiLL yOU?"

"An old farmer outside of town. Seems to have reoccurring issues of monster infestation. Keeps on hiring heroes to take care of the problem but no one's been able to finish the job from what I've heard. If you're here for the thrill of battle, that'd be the place to check out. Seem like they only prefer slightly more experienced heroes though."

Edited by Waterbrick Down

Tesni sat up again, the alcove was warm and the bench inside it was upholstered and had been a great place to rest. She looked around, the spider-man was still there. "Well, it wasn't the drink then." She chuckled to herself, then, she had seen stranger when stone cold sober. Deciding to take it easy she grabbed a small beer and a slab of roast. It was good to be back in the hall.


"I stand corrected. Between you, Nally, myself, and the half-giant over there, we'd best make sure we don't run into an uninformed group of heroes and have our heads chopped off."

I think you forgot a couple of "species". If any one tries to cut my head off they are probably "crazy" or "dumb" or "desperate" or the list just goes on and on.

Karl ordered the flaming brandy and an ale from Scheherazade, bringing both over to the table. He pulled up a chair and turned it around, sitting down and resting his arms on the back. "My name's Karl, by the way. I'm fairly new to all this.." he waved a vague hand at the numerous anomalies in the hall. "Just got back from my first quest. How 'bout you?" He took a pull at his drink, savouring the delicious taste once again.

Stars to drink the "flaming brandy". They call me "The Demon Germ" or if you want just "Germ". First quest hun, my first one, well my only one so far. I went off to Distan to get a couple of "dragoons" to bring back home. It did not go as well as I like it to. Lets just say some of my "team mates" thought it would be better to get rid of both of the "dragoons" for the "greater good". If I ever see the "leader" of the "little group" I thing I will have to "take care" of her. I even heard some rumors she was with the "Wolf Pack". The other two of the "little group". Well, I think the "team leader" was just thinking with his pants (along with some of his other annoying traits). And the other girl in the "little group" well she did not say much to any one, hell if I ever see her I would probably just pretend to not know her. I guess that is not to far from the truth, with her.

Sorry, for the "story". I guess I am just so board, waiting around here. Their is a guy, I made a trade with and he off on a "quest". And I am waiting for him to return, to finish off the trade.

I guess it is only fair to here one of your "stories". If you want to tell one.


Guts sits back and crosses his arms.

"You really don't need to be a Paladin to kill a Paladin. The trick is to strike when they look up to their precious angels."

The Alchemist shrugged, stood up, grabbed a bottle of wine, passing Nerwen.

"Visit me before you leave, will you, I don't think there will be a lot of fun to be had among the Priests."

Guts sat himself down amongst the 'monstrous' group of heroes.

"A Spider, a Vampire and a ... Whatever you are, walk into a bar... Do you gentlemen drink wine?"


Guts sat himself down amongst the 'monstrous' group of heroes.

"A Spider, a Vampire and a ... Whatever you are, walk into a bar... Do you gentlemen drink wine?"

Is that second part directed towards me? Because, it sound like a dumb joke.

I guess I could have another drink. I was just telling a "story" about my "first mission" to my new "friend" here. (I am just waiting for "him" to decide, if he wants to tell me a "story".)


Nerwen leans over to Hoke and says quietly,

I may have to postpone the trip to the fields, the quest that has just been posted is an opportunity.

Nerwen signs up for #127

"As you say my lady," Hoke says as he gets up to examine the Questboard.

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