November 15, 20177 yr On 11/15/2017 at 9:15 PM, Palathadric said: I scoot 125 gold over to Cedric and take the second Phoenix Incense. "Dastan, huh? It's a lovely place in its own way. The home of powerful creatures and men too. Do you know of the Rito?" "I didn't really encounter them much, but those winged men fought valiantly whenever I did see them."
November 15, 20177 yr I flip to page 3 of the newspaper. "My word! The Hinckwells are closing up shop! This is shocking news. Eubric as we know it is in for a massive change if this isn't some of that 'fake news' that I heard is going around these days." Dragons coming to Eubric? I wonder if Retraga is amongst them? I've been refreshing my page over and over to see the picture. It finally displayed properly when I quoted your post. On 11/15/2017 at 9:26 PM, wiz said: "I didn't really encounter them much, but those winged men fought valiantly whenever I did see them." "Yes. They are quite a marvelous people."
November 15, 20177 yr ""This is bad news for Eubric. A Shadeaux monopoly on trade and fewer consumables from the Guild of Invision would basically remove the Sungold Alliance from the fight, and make even more Eubricians hate the houses and join the Wolfgang."
November 16, 20177 yr A brief shower of light floods the hall as a cloaked figure steps through the doors. He strides through the hall, clearly familiar with it even if he had scarcely darkened its door in recent times. The man seated himself across from the Monk. Briskly, he tossed back his hood, revealing a pair of familiar, beady eyes. A less familiar cropped beard sat beneath them. Pretzel, said Dyric Rone with a smirk and a nod. I came as soon as I heard. If houses are moving out, that means a total breakdown of power in Eubric. They won't be holding each other in check anymore. You know what that means same as I. Rone gave a friendly wink. Time for a long drink.
November 16, 20177 yr I rack my brain, trying to remember the name of the familiar face in front of me. "Yes, and I feel the hall has never been less capable of handling the threat." I gaze up and down the empty hall. "But that has never stopped us before, has it?"
November 17, 20177 yr Indeed. Dyric gazes up and down the Hal. I suppose we all sort of reached the same conclusion; perhaps the best way to be a Hero was to... well, not be a Hero. I thought we could rally around Guts, finally have a non-partisan leader in the Houses. But that fell apart, and then I guess I did too. I always believed that we could stop this petty conflict in Eubric, but after that day... I never really saw how. So I stepped back, laid low. Helped out the little guy, as it were. Did what I could. What I thought I could. With an old glimmer in his eye, Rone tuned back to the Monk. But the time has beyond come to be a Hero again. What about you, Pretzel? Where have you been?
November 17, 20177 yr I look at Dyric, wondering what to tell him. What use is there in hiding the truth? Heroica is dying anyway. "I can't say things have been well since our last quest together. "First, I was called to participate in a mission by the Paladins of Eubric against a sort of rogue Paladin movement. What I saw in that just wasn't good. By the end, we put down the organization, but I was left wondering whether we did the right thing. They almost seemed more righteous than the Paladins. "The Paladins aren't what they used to be. They're working alongside all kinds of less than savoury creatures. They probably say that it's because they don't have enough regular volunteers, but it leaves one wondering, did they start dying first, and then have to resort to compromise to stay alive, or did they start compromising first and then start dying. Regardless, I do not have much faith left in the Paladin cause. It is all but dead. I'm not sure if they even know who Ennoc is anymore, much less what he stands for. "If that quest made me lose my faith in the Paladins of Eubric, the next quest made me lose my faith in everything. We went after Baba, I'm sure you must have heard of her. She's a wicked sorceress/mindflayer. Anyway, somehow, she got into my head. I will spare you the details, but it was a frightful experience. I betrayed my party...left them all almost for dead. It was horrible, to be used in such a way. It destroyed any faith I had in myself. I could not believe it. Why me, of all people? I who should have been the strongest amongst the party? "I was taken to the Wolf King's lair and he made a bargain with me. He told me that if I would pledge allegiance to him that he would banish Baba. What a choice to make! But I had already betrayed my party, I wanted to at least in some way rescue the quest, so I pledged my allegiance to the Wolfgang (slew my conscience in a sense by siding with such criminals), but at least Baba was banished. It's still a far cry from killing her though, but if I see her again, if I don't find myself fleeing in fright, I would stop at nothing to grind her head, her whole body really, into a pulp. I've never felt such raw hatred running through my veins, and yet I've never felt so powerless before either. "Regardless of my success in banishing the witch, my party could hardly look at me afterwards. They were as forgiving as they could be, I must say. I cannot fault them. But how could they trust me after my actions? "In a mix of other simpler quests, we had another one where we went to Goethia. Quite a quest, that one! We more or less had to go through a whole castle and slaughter demons and rescue people. It was magnificent! Now that is the kind of quest I came back to Heroica for...but it seems like such quests are fewer and farther between. These days, half of the quests seem to do with one house vying against another. "The divide amongst the houses with the Sungold Alliance and the Crescent Union hasn't helped matters in the slightest. Heroes are divided. Most are more loyal to a particular house than to Heroica. Many don't even seeing the heroing side of being a Hero at all. They think it is a business. Instead of looking at the reward of a quest done well as a token of gratitude by a grateful person, they see it as a payment for a job, any job. I think the houses are guilty of encouraging this behaviour and the greed of knows no bounds. "These days, I wonder if there is any point. Will Eubric ever change? It seems to only be getting worse despite all of our good deeds. I don't want to give up on Heroica now when it needs heroes most, but I also don't want to waste my time on a city that is perfectly content in being stuck in its corrupted works. "I'm not sure what to do. Either way, I feel drained. I just don't feel that I can stay out the course much longer. Seeing all of the heroes whom I used to respect leave as well has not been encouraging. You know that Lord Lawrence Boomingham was elected King of Eubric by the Sungold Alliance, but what has it changed? I doubt that they even let him darken their door. It was a political stunt. I haven't even seen him around since. "Guts was a hero I could have rallied behind, but I think the enormity of the task got to him. The closer you get to the problem the more of a tangled mass you find it is. "If I leave Eubric though, I will find myself a quiet village where my presence can actually make a positive difference. That was the life I lived before returning to Heroica. When I heard that Heroica was up and running again, I felt compelled to return. I have done much good since, then, but...sometimes the quiet life calls me. "I'm sorry, I don't wish to bore you with my troubles..."
November 17, 20177 yr Karie sits down next to Dyric and Monk Pretzel unannounced and unasked, uttering out a "'afternoon" as she did. She opens up her copy of the Eubric Herald and begins to filter through the pages. On 11/17/2017 at 3:36 PM, Palathadric said: "The divide amongst the houses with the Sungold Alliance and the Crescent Union hasn't helped matters in the slightest. Heroes are divided. Most are more loyal to a particular house than to Heroica. Many don't even seeing the heroing side of being a Hero at all. They think it is a business. Instead of looking at the reward of a quest done well as a token of gratitude by a grateful person, they see it as a payment for a job, any job. I think the houses are guilty of encouraging this behaviour and the greed of knows no bounds. "These days, I wonder if there is any point. Will Eubric ever change? It seems to only be getting worse despite all of our good deeds. I don't want to give up on Heroica now when it needs heroes most, but I also don't want to waste my time on a city that is perfectly content in being stuck in its corrupted works. "I'm not sure what to do. Either way, I feel drained. I just don't feel that I can stay out the course much longer. Seeing all of the heroes whom I used to respect leave as well has not been encouraging. You know that Lord Lawrence Boomingham was elected King of Eubric by the Sungold Alliance, but what has it changed? I doubt that they even let him darken their door. It was a political stunt. I haven't even seen him around since. "Guts was a hero I could have rallied behind, but I think the enormity of the task got to him. The closer you get to the problem the more of a tangled mass you find it is. "If I leave Eubric though, I will find myself a quiet village where my presence can actually make a positive difference. That was the life I lived before returning to Heroica. When I heard that Heroica was up and running again, I felt compelled to return. I have done much good since, then, but...sometimes the quiet life calls me. "I'm sorry, I don't wish to bore you with my troubles..." Karie lowers her paper and shakes her head. "You thought heroes who sold themselves out to the houses were heroes to rally around? There's your problem. They all sold themselves out for a shiny badge and a chance to win in a house war that was, as seen here, doomed to crumble." Karie replies, holding up her newspaper. "The Shadeux and the Ji Pei will want to distance themselves from the Guild of Invision, as will the Bonapartes and the Ziegfrieds from the Hinckwells. Ulfric... who knows what he's up to now that this news has broke. You want my opinion? Heroica needs to clean house. Let's get some new blood into the veteran's seats and let's wash away the house's influence over this place." Karie waved to Dyric calmly. "I know we've had our... disagreements in the past, Dyric, but I'm willing to bury the hatchet, so to speak. This stupid house feud is dead, and I was too stupid to see it's pettiness four years ago. I'm willing to move on if you are."
November 17, 20177 yr I look at Karie squarely. "Believe what you like. I did not know him all that well, I'll admit, but I don't believe Guts had sold himself to any house. In fact, if anything, he understood the houses better than most and didn't have dream ideals regarding hope for them. I could be wrong. As I said, I did not know him well, and certainly did not pledge him my support or loyalty, but he had a leadership quality that I see few others possess and a sort of rugged determination as well. Of course, having said that in someone like him there is always the chance of becoming a tyrant, like Ulric, but Ulric has no humility. When Guts was in the presence of certain heroes, Nerwen (do you know her?) especially, there was a humility, an embarrassment... I think he could have done well. "I don't know the kind of man that Lord Boomingham is. I don't believe I ever quested with him. He didn't seem much like king material to me, rather he seemed drunk most times I encountered him, and perhaps the houses sought to use him in that way. But in general, from what I have noticed, in times past there was a sort of fear, no let me say respect, for of the heroes of Heroica. People didn't expect to just be able to bribe heroes with money. It's true that sometimes heroes were used for devious things, but that seemed nearly always because they were deceived, not because they were paid to do something evil. "These days, though, I've noticed from a lot of heroes the sort of attitude of, 'just pay me to do something/pay me to kill someone, and I'll do it. I'm in Heroica to survive or to get rich or something like that.' Karie, surely you have noticed the same?"
November 17, 20177 yr On 11/17/2017 at 7:18 PM, Kintobor said: "You thought heroes who sold themselves out to the houses were heroes to rally around? There's your problem. They all sold themselves out for a shiny badge and a chance to win in a house war that was, as seen here, doomed to crumble." 2 Lind, maybe, and I don't know enough about Boomingham to dispute it, but Guts wasn't somebody who could be bought. He stepped forward because he believed the power needed to be out of the houses hands, and into the hands of someone not biased to any particular group. He would have led Eubric out of the inter-party conflict that has confined it for so long and into something higher. I think maybe that task has come down to us noble few who are left. The Monk is right, there are less and less who walk these halls which could be called 'heroes.' If we're going to clean house, it will have to be a thorough cleaning. Maybe then we can restore Heroica to something the Miracleworker would have been proud of. On 11/17/2017 at 7:18 PM, Kintobor said: Karie waved to Dyric calmly. "I know we've had our... disagreements in the past, Dyric, but I'm willing to bury the hatchet, so to speak. This stupid house feud is dead, and I was too stupid to see it's pettiness four years ago. I'm willing to move on if you are." Arthur always believed in you. He said that one day the two of us would need to drop our differences and work together again. I guess he was right. Rone extends a friendly hand towards the woman. Heroica is relying on us, if not Eubric as a whole.
November 18, 20177 yr On 11/17/2017 at 7:46 PM, Palathadric said: I look at Karie squarely. "Believe what you like. I did not know him all that well, I'll admit, but I don't believe Guts had sold himself to any house. In fact, if anything, he understood the houses better than most and didn't have dream ideals regarding hope for them. I could be wrong. As I said, I did not know him well, and certainly did not pledge him my support or loyalty, but he had a leadership quality that I see few others possess and a sort of rugged determination as well. Of course, having said that in someone like him there is always the chance of becoming a tyrant, like Ulric, but Ulric has no humility. When Guts was in the presence of certain heroes, Nerwen (do you know her?) especially, there was a humility, an embarrassment... I think he could have done well. "These days, though, I've noticed from a lot of heroes the sort of attitude of, 'just pay me to do something/pay me to kill someone, and I'll do it. I'm in Heroica to survive or to get rich or something like that.' Karie, surely you have noticed the same?" On 11/17/2017 at 10:39 PM, The Legonater said: Lind, maybe, and I don't know enough about Boomingham to dispute it, but Guts wasn't somebody who could be bought. He stepped forward because he believed the power needed to be out of the houses hands, and into the hands of someone not biased to any particular group. He would have led Eubric out of the inter-party conflict that has confined it for so long and into something higher. I think maybe that task has come down to us noble few who are left. The Monk is right, there are less and less who walk these halls which could be called 'heroes.' If we're going to clean house, it will have to be a thorough cleaning. Maybe then we can restore Heroica to something the Miracleworker would have been proud of. "I believe I've heard Nerwen's name pop up on occasion, but I've never met her, I don't think. If I did, it was briefly.I wasn't familiar with Guts, so I'll have to take your word for it. As for where power needs to be, I agree with you, one hundred percent. One group, like the Crescent Union or the Sungold Alliance, or Ulric cannot hold all the authority. I don't even think Heroica should have that authority. However, I do notice a certain "air" around people who seemingly only want the wealth and power that comes with being in Heroica. These people either need to get with the program, or move on. Whatever comes next, Heroica needs to think about where it's values lie: in acquiring personal power, or making a positive difference in this world. There's more to being in this organization than the wealth and prestige that come with it." On 11/17/2017 at 10:39 PM, The Legonater said: Arthur always believed in you. He said that one day the two of us would need to drop our differences and work together again. I guess he was right. Rone extends a friendly hand towards the woman. Heroica is relying on us, if not Eubric as a whole. Karie extends her arm out to Dyric, shaking his hand. "Arthur seemed to like you as well. If we're going to put Eubric on a path that leads to stability, we have to clean up Heroica as well. When Heroica thrives, so does this city.And, uh, thanks for letting me join this little group. It's nice being in good company."
November 18, 20177 yr On 11/18/2017 at 5:27 AM, Kintobor said: Dyric, shaking his hand. "Arthur seemed to like you as well. If we're going to put Eubric on a path that leads to stability, we have to clean up Heroica as well. When Heroica thrives, so does this city. And, uh, thanks for letting me join this little group. It's nice being in good company." Indeed. Tomorrow there'll be more of us, Miss Alderflask, and today will be the day they remember. The day the New Heroica began. Dyric smiles, imagining the Hall once again filled with eager men and women desiring to extend a helping hand. Let's have another round tonight. To tomorrow.
November 18, 20177 yr "So, Karie. What have you been up to lately? I can't say that there have been an abundance of quests coming and I don't think I've seen you around the hall either."
November 18, 20177 yr Hearing a group of so call "Heros" basically bad him and probably a few others. A thought of "putting them out of their misery" passed threw his head. But instead Germ grabbed the notice he put up earlier. For a second he thought of just throwing it away. But he remembered something he spotted in the marketplace and instead add items to the list. On 11/13/2017 at 10:09 PM, samurai-turtle said: I got somethings I'm willing to depart for whole sale. Red Shield (SP:8) 40 Gold ??? Simple Halberd (WP:10) 50 Gold ??? Black Knight's Armor (SP:4; immune to stunning; suitable to Black Knights only; bodywear) 100 Gold - or best offer Unholy Armor (SP:5; immunity to Light and Darkness; suitable to paladins and dark knights; bodywear) 250 Gold - or best offer Unicorn Horn (WP:8, healing becomes nurturing, removing negative effects as well; Light-elemental staff) ??? Gold but I want to keep the gem in stalled Shadow Cloak (SP:1, immune to Darkness; backwear) ??? Gold I think I want to keep the gem in this too Edited November 18, 20177 yr by samurai-turtle I added a comment
November 19, 20177 yr On 11/18/2017 at 8:15 AM, The Legonater said: Indeed. Tomorrow there'll be more of us, Miss Alderflask, and today will be the day they remember. The day the New Heroica began. Dyric smiles, imagining the Hall once again filled with eager men and women desiring to extend a helping hand. Let's have another round tonight. To tomorrow. "Agreed!" Karie exclaimed, grabbing mugs and various drinks off the bar and bringing them to the table. "Let's have another round tonight! To tomorrow!" On 11/18/2017 at 10:30 AM, Palathadric said: "So, Karie. What have you been up to lately? I can't say that there have been an abundance of quests coming and I don't think I've seen you around the hall either." "Honestly, not too much. I've just come back from a fields run, but even then I've got things going on with my family. Before that it was mainly loitering about the hall and working from home; raising my kid. Part of me's enjoyed the quiet, but this organization needs to get over this slump and move forward."
November 19, 20177 yr "Ah! It's true. I had quite forgotten about all of having a family and all. Haven't seen that elf in a while. I hope you two were able to sort out your differences somewhat, though she was quite an arrogant person."
November 20, 20177 yr The doors of the Hall creaks open, letting in a crisp autumn chill. The Paragon steps in, quietly shutting the door behind him. It felt like ages since he had stepped foot into the Hall, but he knew it hadn't been that long. He scans the Hall quickly, noticing a crackling fire in the hearth, his familiar chair empty and waiting for him. But then he sees a small group of fellow Heroicans sitting together. "Did I miss anything while I was gone?" Hoke asks as he sits down with the group, waving the tavern keep over for a meal and drink.
November 20, 20177 yr "Much! We were reminiscing on old times and thinking ahead to the future of Eubric. Did you see the copy of the Times? It seems like now, when the hall is at its weakest, most divided state, is the time that we need to band together most. If the trouble is as bad as all indications appear it is, we may be the only ones who remain to protect the weak and prevent understand I'm sure."
November 20, 20177 yr On 11/20/2017 at 6:58 PM, Palathadric said: "Much! We were reminiscing on old times and thinking ahead to the future of Eubric. Did you see the copy of the Times? It seems like now, when the hall is at its weakest, most divided state, is the time that we need to band together most. If the trouble is as bad as all indications appear it is, we may be the only ones who remain to protect the weak and prevent understand I'm sure." "No, I have not. Do you have a copy I may read?"
November 20, 20177 yr On 11/20/2017 at 7:58 PM, Palathadric said: I hand Hoke the issue. "Hmmmm," Hoke muses as he reads the issue,"The politically powerful are corrupt. Who would have imagined that?" He looks at the others sitting at the table. "I wonder what is going to be done about this?"
November 20, 20177 yr On 11/19/2017 at 1:06 PM, Palathadric said: "Ah! It's true. I had quite forgotten about all of having a family and all. Haven't seen that elf in a while. I hope you two were able to sort out your differences somewhat, though she was quite an arrogant person." "The quiet's been a nice excuse to raise my kid and spend time with my husband in-between my out of Heroica jobs. Still, my daughter's getting inquisitive now. She's only two, but she runs around like it's going out of style, and her new favourite words are "what's that?" I'm worried she's going to somehow get into the weapon's locker. I've been debating moving a lot of my old gear out. Which elf? There's many elves in this hall... or at least were. Jinnipher? I haven't seen her in a while. Last I heard she was dating my brother-in-law." On 11/20/2017 at 1:45 PM, UsernameMDM said: The doors of the Hall creaks open, letting in a crisp autumn chill. The Paragon steps in, quietly shutting the door behind him. It felt like ages since he had stepped foot into the Hall, but he knew it hadn't been that long. He scans the Hall quickly, noticing a crackling fire in the hearth, his familiar chair empty and waiting for him. But then he sees a small group of fellow Heroicans sitting together. "Did I miss anything while I was gone?" Hoke asks as he sits down with the group, waving the tavern keep over for a meal and drink. "Oh, hey... uh... Hoke?" Karie was trying to remember if she'd ever spoken to the man sitting down. "I can't honestly remember if we've spoken or not. I've seen and heard of you, none the less."
November 20, 20177 yr On 11/20/2017 at 8:32 PM, Kintobor said: "Oh, hey... uh... Hoke?" Karie was trying to remember if she'd ever spoken to the man sitting down. "I can't honestly remember if we've spoken or not. I've seen and heard of you, none the less." "If we have, it feels like a lifetime ago," the Paragon says as he extends his hand to shake hers,"Nevertheless, it's good to see a friendly face in these Halls again."
November 20, 20177 yr Cedric gets out of his shady corner and takes a seat next to Boris. "How's life treating ye, my vampiric friend?"
November 20, 20177 yr Dyric raises his mug in the newcomer's direction. Always a pleasure, Hoke. How have things been?
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