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Yeah, you pulled off another great quest Waterbrick! :thumbup: The plot and sets were beautiful. I still need to go on one of your quests...

I followed this one closely as I'd really enjoyed playing in Quest#11, and once again WBD did really well, balancing an engaging storyline along with puzzles and interesting enemies to fight.

One thing I do think this Quest showed was how powerful a group of Advanced Classes are - it seemed like pretty much every battle the enemies were stunned for several rounds at a time.

Fantastic quest WBD and superb role-playing to all those who participated. This really has been one of the most enjoyable quests to read, in my opinion. I very much liked the way the quest members were getting into fights with all sorts of people. I was completely confused as to who the "bad guy" was, and I think you let it out too quickly. However, if you hadn't, I wouldn't have seen anyone figuring it out too easily. :laugh:

I was completely confused as to who the "bad guy" was, and I think you let it out too quickly. However, if you hadn't, I wouldn't have seen anyone figuring it out too easily. :laugh:

Like I kept saying in the quest, we wouldn't have had to. Our objective was to obtain statements, not to find out who sabotaged the project.

I really loved the quest WBD, and as always the pictures were exceptional. You models really added a nice flair to the storyline with the great images that clearly displayed the scenes. The plot was intriguing and the characters enthrallinging, thanks for letting me be part of this one. :classic:

Fantastic quest, WBD! I have to say that this is probably my favorite quest that Jess has done so far. The story was intriguing and the characters interesting, with the battles being varied and balanced. The loot was very cool, with my favorite being the Sword of the Vampir, which Jess luckily received. I don't see her using it, but it's still a great piece of loot.

To my questmates: I absolutely loved being a part of the roleplay. We were a great group of veterans with some very nice characters, if I do say so myself. I'd gladly quest with any one or all of you again. :thumbup:

I just realized that I have my die rolls inverted compared to other people. :wacko:

I count a roll of 1 as Special damage, 2 as damage, 3 as miss, 4 as damage, 5 as critical, and 6 as shield. It doesn't matter since I stay consistent, but I found it surprising. :blush:

Alrighty so some thoughts on Quest 28.

First off, thank you so much for all the positive feedback thus far, especially from those who were only watching from the sidelines. Brickdoctor, thanks for heading up the Party. I know you're not into the role-playing aspect too much but you were the stable point of the Party always keeping them on task so well done. Sisco, I would have liked to see a little more interaction from Jess but her role-playing with Haldor was excellent. Scorpiox I really enjoyed how you played Haldor without making his dissolving relationship with Jess hinder the quest. Zepher, it was great to know that Boomingham could always be counted on to start up a fight and your interaction with Barty was priceless, my jaw dropped when you had him smite the little guy. Also thanks for allowing your role-playing to effect your mechanics in having Guardian Angel act as Sentinel. Jeb, Nur will always be one of my favorite characters and your propensity for turning battles into role-playing opportunities is always refreshing. All in all you were a fantastic group of players and I would love the chance to have you in another quest of mine down the road.

About the quest, the only way you could have figured out Bluehood was the criminal was by pressing him more during your visit to his quarters. Quest 28 differed from Quest 11 in that it was more a story rather than a solvable mystery. Events were taking place all over Eubric whether the Party liked it or not and some events were missed due to the Party's particular decision to do something different. Part of this is due to me not being able to figure out a proper solution to the entire problem in the first place, I had backed myself into a corner and couldn't come up with a satisfying solution apart from having you confront Bluehood directly. However similar to real life there are always trivial facts and happenings that aren't related to the problem at hand, i.e. the cheating at the archery contest or the fact that Swisshopper had looked into investing in the technology prior to Szalinski.

Some personal critiques:

-I need to spend more time in bringing a satisfying ending, i.e. go back to the mystery style.

-Balance battles better, it was kind of difficult with two players who could stun enemies, two that could protect the entire party essentially with their defensive shield rolls, 1 player who could assassinate nearly any enemy, and a Warden who couldn't be attacked by an enemy 1/2 their level and couldn't be damaged by an enemy with a level under 30 unless they neglected armor, but I should have tweaked the enemies more appropriately.

-I planned for the quest to be much shorter (1/2 or so) but I guess that is still a hard thing to judge appropriately.

-Better pictures, I figured out a better method later on in the quest but I was too apethetic to redo all of the pictures I had already taken.

Memorable Moments:

-Rug Battle, originally there was no battle for this stop only the riddles to get into Bluehood's quarters.

-Archery Contest, I will always remember Nur's string of bad luck and losing to Jeb's NPC.

-The entire Inn sequence was one of my favorites especially Boomingham's duel.

-Vampire Fight, I wasn't expecting Haldor to step out but that was one of the most interesting turns in his character development.

-Character development between Boomingham and Barty, and Haldor and Jess.

-Feeding the Poor side quest, it was very interesting observing everybody's responses to the plights of the poor.

If everyone is agreeable I'll post all of the little side quests.

Edited by Waterbrick Down

Yeah, I really should have used this quest to role-play a bit more. I tried to step it up a bit toward the end of the quest, but I really should've been doing that from the beginning. But I'll be sure to do that from now on.

I'm fine with you posting Jess's PM. :thumbup:

I'm fine with the posting of side quests as well.

I just realized that I have my die rolls inverted compared to other people. :wacko:

I count a roll of 1 as Special damage, 2 as damage, 3 as miss, 4 as damage, 5 as critical, and 6 as shield. It doesn't matter since I stay consistent, but I found it surprising. :blush:

This system seems to make more sense. (Lower rolls are worse; higher rolls are better)

Please post side-quests, always.

I had a lot of fun with Boomingham this quest. I'm not sure if it was the incredible cast of PCs, NPCS, or (most likely) the combination of the both of them, but this is the first quest that made him really grow, I think. I always preach about how characters need to grow organically through the events that they experience, but so far I haven't really done that because none of the events up until this really pushed Boomingham or his understanding. Here he still wasn't really challenged too much, just more so than normal... not a bad thing at all, I just wonder what it will take for him to really truly change.

Jebs, Doc, Sisco, Scorpiox - You were a AWESOME crew to quest with. What was particularly fun, beyond the awesome interaction between the awesome characters, was getting to play with the PLAYERS. Doc and I are working on a Quest together, and I've been Haldor's QM once, and Jess' twice, though Boomingham has never worked with either of them. Jebs is someone I've wanted to quest with since his very first quest, and he and Boomingham could easily turn into the rascals of Heroica. As much as Boomingham hates mages, Nyx and Nur have turned into two of his very best friends. WBD even, is someone I've QM'd for, but now the roles were reversed. Jusst a very fun crew of characters and players.

WBD - Superb quest. I won't harp on the ending any more, others have already. I agree, it felt rushed and very straightforward, as if the heroes weren't smart enough to figure it out... which we weren't, but maybe if you had stepped up the clues, we could have, and we would have been more satisfied. The sets were awesome, the side stories were awesome, the loot was awesome. Great fun, thank you so much. Sometimes, I felt the pace lagged (not story-wise, real-time-wise), but that may just be me, and I'm choppy when I host too, so I get it. Thank you so much!

I want to know what we missed. :thumbup:

All right so the first side quest was the Feeding the Poor, even though the requirements were never stated fufillment of them would have resulted in growing 1/2 a level. In order to suceed you had to give money to each of the true beggers. Scattered among the true poor were wolf gang pan handlers who wouldn't benefit you at all. There was an actual way of figuring out who was lying and who wasn't from the pictures in that the wolf gangers all utilized heads that came from official Lego Wolfpack minifigures. This side quest felt somewhat like a psychology experiment on my end watching how each of you responded to the requests for money. Here are each of your responses.

Begger 1 (Town):

(Hero's Name),

On your way out of the common house you are stopped by a rather disheveled looking individual.


"Please sir/mam, I noted how bravely you battled that fire and how you come from the noble Heroica Hall and I was wondering if you might have the kindness within yer heart to share a meager 2 Gold with a wretched starving soul?"

How shall (Player's Name) reply?

Jess recoils as the homely beggar latches onto her.

"Wretched street rat! If it gets you off me, take the gold. Just get away!"

Jess forks over 2 gold.

The hungry lad gratefully takes the 2 gold but gives Jess a sour look before scampering away. Jess continues with the rest of her Party to the residence of Balthazar Bluehood.

"Who do you think I am? 2 gold is nothing, what would I be if I refused such a small sum to a starving soul? Here."Haldor hands 2 gold to the begger.

The man thankfully receives the gold from Haldor,
"Thank you kind sir, you are indeed a member of Heroica. Fare thee well."
With that Haldor continued on his way with his companions to the residence of Balthazar Bluehood.

"Eh, why not? You seem pretty happy even with your bad luck, imagine if you had money. If you spend it on booze, share?" Boomingham hands the poor soul 2 gold.

The man receives Boomingham's gold thanking him and walks on. Boomingham feels better about himself and continues with the rest of the Party toward Balthazar Bluehood's residence.

Nur recalled a moment in his youth where he too had to beg. He also remembered how he had worked crowds... "Yes, the fire was too much to bear. The flames destroyed all the moisture in the room. It was too difficult for me to cast a water spell. I-" ESN looked at the expectant youth. "Well now, we can't have you fallin' over from starvation. Hm, I'll give you a chance to earn the money. If ye answer a few questions questions (honestly enough) for me I'll give ya a bit of coin."

"There's word that Szalinski's machine had been working fine during the test runs. You wouldn't have had witnessed those flawless demonstrations or any non-essential personnel muckin' around the device perchance?"

The youth cocked his head to the side,
"Szalinski is he the gnome? I came here thinking the priests from the temple of Ennoc were going to be handing out food like they always do once every week. There was a lot of people milling around earlier, there was a big ol' minotaur and a wizened old man in a blue hood. Szalinski turned a piece of silver ore into a emerald earlier. I don't remember seein' anybody suspicious looking, but then again it was pretty crowded and everyone was watching the gnome work his magic."

Minotaur and Blue Hood.
"If you find out any other information concerning this act of sabotage, find me and there'll be more."
Nur hands the beggar 5 gold
before adding...

"Tell me friend, just how much gold did you pinch from the crowd?"
En Sabah Nur grinned.

The youth's eyes sparkled at the gold,
"Thank you, thank you sir, truly you are a member of Heroica. I'll make sure to find you if I hear anything else. Oh and only a little gold from an overweight knight thus far sir, I think I'll be able to sleep under a roof at least tonight. Fare thee well."
The youth strode off leaving Nur to catch up with his companions as they made their way to Balthazar Bluehood's residence.

I look around to see if there are any vendors nearby selling food. If there are, I will offer to buy the man 2 Gold's worth of food.

QM Note:
This is in retrospect as you already left the common house

A street vendor is pedaling some warm biscuits, you purchase 2 golds worth and give them to the man.
"Thank you very much for your kindness sir, you are indeed a member of Heroica." The man walks off leaving Docken to continue on his way to Balthazar Bluehood's residence.

Begger 2 (Wolfgang):

As (Heroe's Name) exits Balthazar's, he/she is greeted by the gentleman who had been resting outside earlier.


"Good day sir/mam, that was quite a racket in there. You from Heroica are you? I'm ashamed to have stooped so low as to this, but you wouldn't happen to have 5 Gold ya could spare a starvin' sailor that was maimed on his last voyage and isn't able to work no more would ya?"

How shall you respond?

"Well... Since I feel like a badass right now, what's five gold? Here yeh are. Don't spend it all in one place."

Jess gives the man 5 gold.

The man took the gold and gave Jess a sly grin, before she could stop him, he was halfway down the street calling over his shoulder,
"Thanks fer the generous contribution to the Wolfgang sap!"
Jess had no other choice but to continue with her Party to the Inn of the Winking Gargoyle, her purse unfortunately
5 Gold

Jess sighed, then continued after her party.

"That's exactly the reason I hate giving away money..." Jess mumbled.

"Of course, funnily enough this is the second time this has happened today." Haldor passess 5 Gold to the sailor.

The gentleman takes Haldors gold and gives him a sly grin,
"Thank ya sucker for yer generous contribution to the Wolfgang!"
Before Haldor can give chase, the man is gone and he is short
5 Gold.
Haldor continues on his way with the rest of the Party to the Inn of the Winking Gargoyle.

Haldor calls after the man.
"Fool, I, along with my mage friend, were the ones who spared your theif Donny Dozenhands in the first place.

"Dear Ennoc, you chaps are bleeding me dry." Boomingham hands the poor soul 5 gold. "Go invest in something... nothing related to magic though, or you'll be kissing that gold good bye."

The man took the gold and winked slyly at Boomingham,
"No fear of that old goat, thanks for your generous contribution to the Wolfgang."
Before Boomingham could even draw his sword, the bandit was gone and Boomingham continued on with his companions his purse
5 gold

:hmpf_bad: Word of my generosity must have gotten out already or do I just have that kind of face? No matter, now that I've brushed up on my thievin' skills thanks in large to Copper Fox, I have coin to spare.

"Aye, I'm from Heroica. There's no need to feel shame. We all must do whatever is necessary to survive in his world. Might I ask how you were maimed sir? A back injury?" Nur watched as his companions carried on without notice. He handed the man 5 gold. "If ye wouldn't mind answering a few more questions I'm sure I could part with another five. Do you frequent this spot often?"

The man scooped up the 5 gold giving Nur a wily smile,
"I had a bad run in with the town watch."
Before Nur could stop him, the man was up and running calling back over his shoulder,
"Thanks for the generous contribution to the Wolfgang sap!"
Nur had no choice to continue on with his companions his purse now
5 gold

Nur grinned.
The mage whistled an upbeat tune as he leisurely strolled to the Winking Gargoyle.

"Maimed? How badly? You look fine to me."

The man slowly rotated to his side lifting up the back of his tunic. Docken saw a dozen streaks across the man's back where the flesh had been removed and scarred over.
"I can barely bend over, much less lift anything."

"Can't bend? You're sitting down. And with all due respect, seeing as you said you were a sailor, that looks more like you committed some offense and were whipped."

The man took on a more snobbish expression,
"Well excuse me Mr. Detective, are ya goin' to give me some gold or what?"

To Docken surprise the man gets up and walks off perfectly fine,
"The Wolfgang's gonna hear about this, lousy ranger."
Docken continues with the rest of his party having saved himself
5 Gold

Begger 3 (Wolfgang): This one was encountered inside the inn of the weeping gargoyle.

Begger 4 (Town): Encountered at the Archery tournament.

Begger 5 (Town): Encountered outside of Swisshopper's shop.

The rest of the conversations were much along the same lines, but it was interesting observing how each of the characters reacted. Docken was always the sceptic and tried to help people out by other means rather than just gold, Nur always wanted information in exchange for food, Haldor was always generous, Boomingham was more of the happy go lucky type, and Jess was somewhat annoyed at always being asked for money. In the end the only players who completed the side quest and received the 1/2 level reward were Boomingham, Haldor, and Jess.

The Archery Tournament was also a small side quest where the party had to locate the Druid, Raphael.

Nur went on a side quest when he left during the gang battle to follow the wolf ganger and ended up in a fight of his own.

Nur runs after the Wolfgang member into the alley,


"You'll have to tell yer friend thanks for me. Now what's this about Egthew?"

"Roland owes a debt to the portly swashbuckler of my group. Ran off with 100 gold from him." Nur let out a jovial laugh. "I'd hope to get it back for him before Mr. Roland set sail today but if I don't, it's of no consequence to me. S'not my coin." En Sabah Nur grinned. "Say, you wouldn't happen to know a man by the name of Natnail too? He's another chap that's caused a bit of trouble for that bloated swordsman however I'm not interested in settling that score. I wish to speak to him about a more personal matter."

The man pants heavily, a rustle is heard on the roof tops, "Ergthew's one of the best when it comes to runnin' the panhandlers, I don't expect he'd be leavin' on a ship anytime soon, good luck findin' him though he's always runnin' around the city looking for the next gullible fool. Sorry I can't lead you too him, but a man's got to say a lot of things if he want's to keep his head. Can't say I know any Natnail, what's your intrest in him, perhaps I could pull some strings?"

Nur shrugged. "Eh, I share his taste in women. Was looking forward to learning his pickup spots here in Eubric." Nur looked to the roof. "Did you hear that?"

"Didn't here a thing. Tell ya what, why don't ya give yer friend this Lamp I lifted from an old man as recompense. Let me go and I'll make sure to put in a good word with the higher ups too." Nur hears another rustling from above.

"Aye, I'll take it. Stay out of Blood Paw and 'Simian areas. Or at least don't get caught again!" Nur attempts to make his way towards the sound or uses 1 ether to send a stream of water in the sound's general direction.

Nur accepts the Lamp from the Wolfgang member. He has no need to search for the sound however, for as the Lamp is stowed away 4 Dark shapes drop into the alley.


The Enemy:


Mystery Assailant A
- "..."

Type: Unknown

Level: 12

Health: 30/30

Defense: 0

Special: Unknown

Drop: Nothing


Mystery Assailant B
- "..."

Type: Unknown

Level: 12

Health: 30/30

Defense: 0

Special: Unknown

Drop: Nothing


Mystery Assailant C
- "..."

Type: Unknown

Level: 12

Health: 30/30

Defense: 0

Special: Unknown

Drop: Nothing


Mystery Assailant D
- "..."

Type: Unknown

Level: 12

Health: 30/30

Defense: 0

Special: Unknown

Drop: Nothing

Note: Once an enemy is hit, it's unknown stats will be revealed.

The Party:


En Sabah Nur, Level 17 Sorcerer (Jebediahs) *

Power: 28

Health: 26/26 (23+1)

Ether: 3/21

Gold: 360


Inventory: Stealth Dagger (WP: 12), Helmet (+1 HP), Garnet Gem (Earth), Aquamarine (Water), En, Sabah, Nur (Shurikens 3/3, WP: 5), 4 Potions, 2 Grand Tonics, 2 Phoenix Essence, Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Bedroll, Scroll of Sealing, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Confusion, Sangriste Dagger (WP: 5), Aquamarine Lamp of Summoning, Loaded Die (
effect), Frozen Saber (WP: 9, stunned effect, Light), Emerald Lamp of Summoning


Wolfgang Sneak
(Controlled by Jebediahs)

Power: 15

Health: 25/25

Note: On rolls critical hit the Sneak does damage equal to twice his power. On rolls of shield the Sneak hides for the next turn then unleashes a gauranteed hit equal to three times his power on his next turn.

Eventually all three enemies are identified.

Round 4 of the Blind Alley:

>En Sabah Nur vs. Metasimian Thug (Whip) - Magnetic Mojo Special Damage

Wolfgang Sneak vs. Metasimian Thug (Club) - Hit

Metasimian Thug (Knife) free hit vs. En Sabah Nur

En Sabah Nur summons yet another earthquake as shingles and roof tiles rain down upon the apes stunning them, but not before the knife wielding Metasimian can slash him. The wolfgang sneak gets in close to the dazed club wielding gang member and pierces his side.


The Enemy:


Metasimian Thug (Whip)
- "Oof...*

Type: Humanoid

Level: 12

Health: 30/30

Defense: 0

Special: Entanglement: The Metasimian entangles the target in its whip dealing damage equal to its level and binds the target.

Drop: Potion


Metasimian (Club)
- "When will it stop raining roofs" *

Type: Humanoid

Level: 12

Health: 15/30

Defense: 0

Special: Bash: The metasimian smacks the target on the head dealing damage equal to its level and stuns the target.

Drop: Remedy


Metasimian Thug (Dagger)
- "Arg..." *

Type: Humanoid

Level: 12

Health: 30/30

Defense: 0

Special: Steal: The Metasimian hits its target and steals gold equal to its level

Drop: 10 Gold

Note: Once an enemy is hit, it's unknown stats will be revealed.

The Party:


En Sabah Nur, Level 17 Sorcerer (Jebediahs) *

Power: 28

Health: 12/26 (23+1)

Ether: 3/21

Gold: 444


Inventory: Stealth Dagger (WP: 12), Helmet (+1 HP), Garnet Gem (Earth), Aquamarine (Water), En, Sabah, Nur (Shurikens 3/3, WP: 5), 3 Potions, 2 Grand Tonics, 2 Phoenix Essence, Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Bedroll, Scroll of Sealing, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Confusion, Sangriste Dagger (WP: 5), Aquamarine Lamp of Summoning, Loaded Die (
effect), Frozen Saber (WP: 9, stunned effect, Light), Emerald Lamp of Summoning


Wolfgang Sneak
(Controlled by Jebediahs) - "Hey you wouldn't happen to be that earth mage that let Dozenhands walk would ya?"

Power: 15

Health: 7/25

Note: On rolls critical hit the Sneak does damage equal to twice his power. On rolls of shield the Sneak hides for the next turn then unleashes a gauranteed hit equal to three times his power on his next turn.

Nur later goes on to summon an Aquamarine Jinn

Round 6 of the Blind Alley:

>En Sabah Nur uses Aquamarine Lamp of Summoning

>Wolfgang Sneak vs. Metasimian Thug (Dagger) - Critical Hit

Metasimian Thug (Whip) free hit vs. En Sabah Nur

The Alleyway battle wears on, Nur pulls out the Aquamarine Lamp of Summoning and points it at the encroaching ape. A thin trickle of smoke begins to disperse from the lamp's spout until with a POOF! a blue jinn in battle armor and wielding a long sword appears beside Nur. The startled ape lashes out catching Nur on the side with his whip, but he is clearly surprised. Taking advantage of the confusion, the wolfgang sneak dives in and delivers a slice to the dagger wielding Metasimian's thigh. While the numbers are now in their favor, two of the Party's members are badly wounded.


The Enemy:


Metasimian Thug (Whip)
- "What in the world?"

Type: Humanoid

Level: 12

Health: 30/30

Defense: 0

Special: Entanglement: The Metasimian entangles the target in its whip dealing damage equal to its level and binds the target.

Drop: Potion


Metasimian Thug (Dagger)
- "Ouch, that smarts."

Type: Humanoid

Level: 12

Health: 15/30

Defense: 0

Special: Steal: The Metasimian hits its target and steals gold equal to its level

Drop: 10 Gold

Note: Once an enemy is hit, it's unknown stats will be revealed.

The Party:


En Sabah Nur, Level 17 Sorcerer (Jebediahs) *

Power: 28

Health: 6/26 (23+1)

Ether: 3/21

Gold: 444


Inventory: Stealth Dagger (WP: 12), Helmet (+1 HP), Garnet Gem (Earth), Aquamarine (Water), En, Sabah, Nur (Shurikens 3/3, WP: 5), 3 Potions, 2 Grand Tonics, 2 Phoenix Essence, Remedy, Smoke Bomb, Bedroll, Scroll of Sealing, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Confusion, Sangriste Dagger (WP: 5), Aquamarine Lamp of Summoning, Loaded Die (
effect), Frozen Saber (WP: 9, stunned effect, Light), Emerald Lamp of Summoning


Aquamarine Jinn
(Controlled by Jebediahs) - "How may I serve you my master?"

Type: Aquatic Monster

Power: 10 (Water elemental)

Health: 25/25

Note: Roll of Critical Hit: Jinn strikes with 2x power. Roll of Shield: Jinn protects itself and the summoner from all damage the next round (status effects due to special damage rolls still apply).


Wolfgang Sneak
(Controlled by Jebediahs) - "Well that ain't something you see everyday."

Power: 15

Health: 7/25

Note: On rolls critical hit the Sneak does damage equal to twice his power. On rolls of shield the Sneak hides for the next turn then unleashes a gauranteed hit equal to three times his power on his next turn.

At last the battle is won.

Round 12 of the Blind Alley:

Aquamarine Jinn frees Wolfgang Sneak (Sits our for a round)

En Sabah Nur vs. Metasimian Thug (Whip) - Hit Critical Hit

Wolfgang Sneak (Bound)

Barur frees the Sneak but, by the time he has done so Nur has finished off the last remaining thug.


The Party:


En Sabah Nur, Level 17 Sorcerer (Jebediahs) *Lucky*

Power: 28

Health: 16/26 (23+1)

Ether: 2/21

Gold: 466


Inventory: Stealth Dagger (WP: 12), Helmet (+1 HP), Garnet Gem (Earth), Aquamarine (Water), En, Sabah, Nur (Shurikens 3/3, WP: 5), 3 Potions, 2 Grand Tonics, 2 Phoenix Essence, 2 Remedies, Smoke Bomb, Bedroll, Scroll of Sealing, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Confusion, Sangriste Dagger (WP: 5), Loaded Die (Lucky effect), Frozen Saber (WP: 9, stunned effect, Light), Emerald Lamp of Summoning, 1 Venom

QM Note: Nur will take all the drops I assume unless you state otherwise.

With the last of the Metasimian reinforcements taken care of Nur steadies himself against the wall of the Alley.


"There are many varieties of Jinns, ranging from the peacable Emerald variety, to the Passionate Ruby type. All Jinns must serve at least 1 master in their lifetime. Now if there is nothing else you would have me do as partains to these dead corpses then I wish you to grant me my freedom."

"I'm a bit exhausted. Do you have the power to restore my ether? My reserves are depleted. If not I'd prefer you return to the lamp. My friends and I could use your continued assistance."

"My master, to return to my bottle would be as slavery to me. My first servitude is a duty, my second an unbearable humiliation. I will restore 1/2 of your ether, but I must leave. Whether you wish it or not I already am free, however I honor the tradition of granting our master the satisfaction in thinking they have done a noble deed in freeing us, even though they are just empty words."

With that the Jinn departs, leaving Nur with half his ether regained alone with the Wolfgang Sneak.

Nur shook the aquamarine lamp, holding the handle between his thumb and forefinger. "Well what am I supposed to do with this thing now?" The sorcerer frowned. "Sneak, let us part ways. My companions must be wondering where I have run off to and this going off on my own is wearing me out."


"I'll make sure to put in a good word with the higher ups Nur, ya've saved my life twice now, ever think about joinin' the Wolfgang they could use some leaders like you. Ah well, here take this second lamp, now that I've seen what's in them, I don't want to have a thing to do with 'em."

With that the wolfganger hands Nur a second Emerald Lamp of Summoning and then takes off, leaving Nur standing in the Alley alone. Nur makes his way towards the sound of fighting that he can only assume are coming from his Party.

QM Note: The lamps are a consumable, so it's like disposing a potion bottle after you use it. I'll have Nur rejoin the Party now, I'll make sure your stats are updated as well.

Things that the Party missed or that were altered from the original plan of events:

-The first battle was a straight forward fight, until Docken had the brilliant idea to weaken the machine ahead of time. This gave me a new idea. The more things the Party did to stop the fires/explosion the more rounds they would have to finish off the machine during the fight.

-Jess could have avoided falling through the second floor of the Inn of the Weeping Gargoyle if the magnifying glass had been found in the room next door first.

-If the Party had chosen not to fight Natnail, they would have had the opportunity to fight a Necromancer in the cemetary just across the street from the inn.


-Gurnam was originally not supposed to be at the Archery Tournament, but to avoid traveling to an excessive amount of locations, I tried to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

-If the Party had not fought the Vampires, they would have had the opportunity to fight the gangs that later showed up.

-Triple Magic was originally intended to be a stock market themed game but it was decided that that might be too complex.

-The gang fight was originally not supposed to occur, but since you decided to investigate the docks, I decided to throw another battle in.

-The party could have chosen to stop Swisshopper from abusing his workers and ended up fighting a bunch of foremen, however this would have required that the Party did not buy any of Swisshopper's products. As compensation, the freed rocklings would have rewarded the Party with 5 traveler's cloaks.


Speaking of the archery contest, thanks to all of you who allowed me to utilize your NPC's.

Edited by Waterbrick Down

I don't remember encountering Beggar 3. Would I have completed the side quest successfully if I'd given Gold to Beggar 5? Or would I have had to give Gold to the other two, too, instead of buying them stuff?

This was my response to Beggar 5, by the way:

"I might be able to. I prefer not to hand out Gold, but is there something small you need that I could buy you?"

The man shakes his pot in front of him, Docken glances around but doesn't see any vendors. "Only 10 Gold that's all I'm asking for, out of the kindness of your heart couldn't ya give a man such a measly sum?

"10 Gold? No, not that much."

I drop 2 Gold into the man's pot.

"Oh come now, yer obviously some sort of fine gentleman with yer guady hat, and that shiney shield, and golden locket your carrying with you, I'm sure there's more generosity in your heart than that."

"Well, if you don't want the 2 Gold, I have nothing against taking it back..."

"No, no, no I'm fine with the gold, it's just... have you ever been out on the streets for a living?"

"I have not, but I have experience buying food for men in similar situations to yourself, and I know that you can feed yourself with 2 Gold."

"2 Gold can fill a man's belly, but how are they to fill the stomachs of his 3 sickened children and his lame wife?"

"If it's food you're after, become a hero of Heroica. The quests pay well, and even if all you do is sit around, you still get free, unlimited food and drink."

"I'll remember to look into it, assuming they don't kick me out the door for loitering when I first go in there. I can see I ain't getting any more coin from you, so if you'll kindly move along I'm going to have to look for more charitable individuals than yourself." The man moves on and Docken waits outside for Haldor and Jess to exit the shop.

"I don't think they will. I've noticed some 'heroes' who I think signed up last August*. They never go on quests and never say anything, but they're still there..."

"*as if this was some sort of game. :wacko: "

Actually the third begger was the one sitting at the bar in the inn and yes if you had given the requested gold or even something worth that much like 2 potions to begger 5 you would have suceeded, the beggers requests were also dependent upon how much gold the hero had at the time as I wanted to make sure the amounts were worth consideration and not just chump change.

  • 3 weeks later...

I don't think I mentioned it earlier, but Quest 36 will have a "behind-the-scenes." :wink: For now, have an unused musical number (To the tune of "The Oogie-Booge song".)


"Well, well, well... Weclome TO MY LAIR!

A snobby woman and her sellswords, eh? Ooh, I'm really scared!

So you are the ones who seek to bring me down, ahaha... I wish you luck. :devil:

You are joking, you are joking! I can't believe my eyes! You are kidding me, you gotta be... I think it's time to die!

You're a zealot, you're a theif... I don't know which is worse! I may just burst a blood vessel if I don't die laughing first!

And if you aren't yet quaking, there is something severely wrong...

Because this'll be the last time you hear the Death Progg song!








Oh yeeeaaaaaaah...

He's the patriarch of the Proggs!


"If waiting for you to fight me makes me bored, and there isn't much to do...

I may just send a patrol of Artillery Proggs your way, just for you!"


"You monster! You freak! Get out of my vault!

if a single piece of my heritage is tarnished, it'll all be your fault!"


"I'm laughing, it's funny, you really are too much!

This our den now, and we will use it as such!

It's true, darling, you put me in a spin!

You don't get the dire situation you're in!

Ruling the Proggs is much more fun, I must confess,

if lives are on the line!

Not mine of course, but your's darling, that'll be fine.

It's over! You're finished! You are trapped in my lair!

'Cause I'm the Patriarch, and you're not going anywhere...! :devil: "


Portal 2 reference right?

Portal 2 reference right?

"The Wheatley Song" is actually a remix OF the Oogie Boogie song, if that is what you're asking. :laugh: All 3 are esneitally the same with switched words, but the oogie Boogies song is the original. :blush:

Oh, gotcha. Never head of it before though. :tongue:

Oh, gotcha. Never head of it before though. :tongue:

Quest ##: The Nightmare Before Christmas has been added to the Hall! Sign-ups will end October 29, 1993 :tongue:

I actually haven't heard of this "Wheatley Song", though, did I miss something in my Portal 2 playthrough?

It's just a spoof on youtube by an avid portal fan. He also has "This is Aperture", "Hark! the turrets sing!" and "If I was a Core". :tongue:

Here lately I've been wanting to a Quest, but no good ideas for one have hit me. (That and I need to finish up LEGOnator's :tongue: )

Did Quest 9's plotline ever conclude? You could start with that.

Certainly a possibility. Though I thought my forest pictures were crap. I suppose I could follow Grof too.

Masked: You could take any of the NPCs from my quest (except the Orc, Sir Favaious, Began Drakes) and develop a story if any of them interest you.

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