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Well, we'll see how trustworthy the seller is (you are quite new - I hope you understand a little trepidation) - I just sent him quite a lot of money. I'll be leaving feedback appropriately and if he comes through with this shipment I'll vouch for him.

Edit: Looks like I've potentially been had. I've been contacted via PM regarding a trade ElderScroll is setting up with another Eurobricks member for at least one of the same set(s) he sold me.

Edited by Edmond Dantes

Well, we'll see how trustworthy the seller is (you are quite new - I hope you understand a little trepidation) - I just sent him quite a lot of money. I'll be leaving feedback appropriately and if he comes through with this shipment I'll vouch for him.

Edit: Looks like I've potentially been had. I've been contacted via PM regarding a trade ElderScroll is setting up with another Eurobricks member for at least one of the same set(s) he sold me.

I saw this originally in the forum, and I would have jumped on all of the items, had it not been for one thing: low (or no) feedback. I had a bad experience where I was ripped off (for almost $600), and I no longer trust anyone over the internet who doesn't have an established customer relationship.

For your sake (and others who sent funds), I certainly hope this individual comes through for you. Some of the prices lend themselves to be "too good to be true". I could be suspicious of nothing, but again, I was scammed a year ago, and I'm suspicious of a lot now.

For those that purchased from this person, it would be a good idea to post feedback right away that you received the item(s).


I purchased Jabba's palace from this seller, and received it full and as he had told me it would be if that is any peace of mind for you Edmond.

I saw this originally in the forum, and I would have jumped on all of the items, had it not been for one thing: low (or no) feedback. I had a bad experience where I was ripped off (for almost $600), and I no longer trust anyone over the internet who doesn't have an established customer relationship.

For your sake (and others who sent funds), I certainly hope this individual comes through for you. Some of the prices lend themselves to be "too good to be true". I could be suspicious of nothing, but again, I was scammed a year ago, and I'm suspicious of a lot now.

For those that purchased from this person, it would be a good idea to post feedback right away that you received the item(s).


I'm not gonna say he is a scammer but I find it interesting the seller offered to buy someone elses cafe corner a couple of weeks ago and is now trying to get rid of one he doesn't want.....doesn't really make sense....

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Hi everyone,

I am going to clear the air as best I can.

I have been going through a divorce recently, and it has more or less slowed me up at replying to every one of the offers I have gotten.

I have sent two of my sales off so far, at least one of which I know has been received, the other is international.

I accidentally offered the same set to two people, thinking they were both asking for two different things, as one had expressed interest in something else, and for one reason or another I had thought they had not wanted the cafe corner, so gladly offered it to Edmond Dantes.

I had expressed interest in two of the sets which were listed by another seller, which I had intended to buy as a gift for my nephew. I have been slowly sorting through a mass of LEGO's in my sons room, and had not (at the point) realised that I was already in possession of a Cafe Corner, as the set was just lots of bricks in a box, and it was not until I began to sort through them that I realised what it was. By this point my nephews birthday had been and gone, and I had bought him a brand new Queen Annes Revenge from Target.

As for my "too good to be true" prices. I am not selling these sets for any personal profit, I have a good job and simply thought it might be fun to make a bit of money getting rid of these sets before I move out from the house my wife and I had lived in. Any sets which I do not sell I will be giving to my nieces and nephews.

Sorry for the confusions, and I hope this gives people a bit more peace of mind.


I am a reasonable person and therefore am withdrawing my complaint publicly. I will reserve judgement (for a while at least) regarding this entire issue until I receive (or do not) the sets I purchased.

I do have to say I now feel for the Eurobricks member that contacted me (Elderscroll, the unnamed member and I all know who s/he is), since I assume he had first dibs on this set (and since I purchased four sets, it sounds like he actually wanted the other three as well). I am unsure how to proceed - but the money has already been sent.

  • 2 months later...

I'm sorry to bump this topic up again, but it's better than making a whole new one, I thought.

I am a reasonable person and therefore am withdrawing my complaint publicly. I will reserve judgement (for a while at least) regarding this entire issue until I receive (or do not) the sets I purchased.

I do have to say I now feel for the Eurobricks member that contacted me (Elderscroll, the unnamed member and I all know who s/he is), since I assume he had first dibs on this set (and since I purchased four sets, it sounds like he actually wanted the other three as well). I am unsure how to proceed - but the money has already been sent.

Hi! Have you recieved your sets? I have sent money aswell, and more than 3 months have passed, and nothing happened.

I've sent a message to 'Elderscroll' more than a month ago, asking if he has a tracking number. He never replied.

The package should've arrived in 1-3 months, and like I said, it's been more than three months now..

It could also be that the package has been slowed down for some reason, but I have no clue.

I have thought about contacting Paypal, but I'm not 100% sure what would be the most effective way to do so.

Anyways, I hope other buyers will read this, and share their thoughts.

Paypal has a time limit on refunds - I thought it was around the 45 day mark. You should check on this. I'd definitely be applying for a refund if I were you

I'm sorry to bump this topic up again, but it's better than making a whole new one, I thought.

Hi! Have you recieved your sets? I have sent money aswell, and more than 3 months have passed, and nothing happened.

I've sent a message to 'Elderscroll' more than a month ago, asking if he has a tracking number. He never replied.

The package should've arrived in 1-3 months, and like I said, it's been more than three months now..

It could also be that the package has been slowed down for some reason, but I have no clue.

I have thought about contacting Paypal, but I'm not 100% sure what would be the most effective way to do so.

Anyways, I hope other buyers will read this, and share their thoughts.

Ironically I put a hold on the paypal funds at first and he completely reimbursed me after the first complaint. So, after he explained himself, I sent the funds again - but I have NOT received any items. It looks like I should have left this alone after the first debate. I'm sorry you were ripped off as well.

Ironically I put a hold on the paypal funds at first and he completely reimbursed me after the first complaint. So, after he explained himself, I sent the funds again - but I have NOT received any items. It looks like I should have left this alone after the first debate. I'm sorry you were ripped off as well.

Dang, that sucks. 'tj19941994' seems to be the only one who's recieved his stuff.

I'll try to get my money back from Paypal. I'll report him in the feedback topic aswell.

Wow. I've spent the last hour trying to get a refund from Paypal.

I've also sent the seller 4 messages now, to a few different places (here, his hotmail, his sons hotmail, possible Facebook account).

It seems I did loose $250 AUS, and since it's been over 45 days, I can't request a dispute.

I did read that you can get everything back from your bank, but only if I had paid directly from my creditcard.

Now my last hope is getting a message back, or hoping someone has a solution for this.

I feel quite terrible now, since I can really use the money at this moment (I would've re-sold my other copy of Cloud City) :sceptic:

I'll try to search for any other ways, and I think I might contact my bank aswell.

Wow. I've spent the last hour trying to get a refund from Paypal.

I've also sent the seller 4 messages now, to a few different places (here, his hotmail, his sons hotmail, possible Facebook account).

It seems I did loose $250 AUS, and since it's been over 45 days, I can't request a dispute.

I did read that you can get everything back from your bank, but only if I had paid directly from my creditcard.

Now my last hope is getting a message back, or hoping someone has a solution for this.

I feel quite terrible now, since I can really use the money at this moment (I would've re-sold my other copy of Cloud City) :sceptic:

I'll try to search for any other ways, and I think I might contact my bank aswell.

Perhaps an email to his local police station might help? I have been thinking of doing that...

Perhaps an email to his local police station might help? I have been thinking of doing that...

Yes, that'd be a good idea, but we'd have to know where he lives exactly..

Or if a member lives next door, he could collect the sets for us :tongue:

FYI, if you look at 'Mark's' profile page you will see he last logged in on Dec 14 - so the dude is still definitely around and obviously keeping an eye on this thread, so obviously something nasty hasn't happened in his real life preventing him from fulfilling his obligations. I'm sorry you guys have seemingly lost a lot of money to someone who appears to be a bit of a scam artist. Unfortunately I can't see how you'll be able to claim your money back if it's past the 45-day PayPal rule. Aussie police can't/wouldn't really do anything about it...

As an intern at a Law agency, I would like to voice legal my opinion on this matter. Paypal's No refund policy after 45 days is strictly enforced and sadly set in stone. We've dealt with countless cases involving Paypal and other online payment services such as credit cards for people seeking their money back. These companies are very difficult to work with and their customer service will unfortunately get you no where. When you purchase anything online and send money to an entity through a monetary medium, (in this case to "ElderScroll" through paypal) you sign an online user agreement that is upheld by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Pub. L. No. 111-5. This Act protects your money even though paypal's 45 days are up. However, the fact that Paypal and the majority of credit card companies are based in America makes it difficult to get your money back under this Act if you live outside the US as you would have to create a lawsuit against the monetary entity in United States civil court. This would cost you a lawyer, which is probably more expensive than the money you guys were supposedly "scammed" out of by ElderScroll. What I'm getting at is that essentially, it would not be plausible or easy to get your money back :sceptic:

Without any personal information such as an address, full name, birth date or phone number of ElderScroll, the police would have no authority and unfortunately would be of no help. The best thing to do in this situation would to be to continue to bombard him with messages and emails until you get a response.

Also, the fact that he logged in a few days ago raises a major red flag. This is because when you log in your most recent PM pops up on the screen, if I'm correct. So he most likely has seen your guys messages of concern but has ignored them. Business with

ElderScroll should probably be avoided from now on....

Patriot720 has summarized things quite well.

Due to a number of apparent problems, we are closing this topic and will be discussing matters with it's originator. Unless satisfactory results are reached, it will remain locked.

Please continue to take whatever actions you deem necessary to bring satisfaction to your end of the situation, if that's possible.

Dang, that sucks. 'tj19941994' seems to be the only one who's received his stuff.

They are the same person :hmpf_bad: hence the scam.

Anyone who was affected by this needs to PM me with details ASAP.

Elderscroll / tj19941994 has refunded the money he took and he asked for his apologies to be posted so...


There is no excuse for my actions, I cannot be apologetic enough. I feel it completely inappropriate to say thank you to the parties involved, as I understand I have done a hugely incorrect thing, however they gave me the money I needed to get back to see my grandmother for Christmas. I will have the money to pay all parties involved back by christmas, including some compensation. Hopefully I will have it together by the end of the week. I am again, so, so very sorry to both individuals I have effected with my disgusting actions. I know what I did was wrong, in hindsight I cannot understand what possessed me to do it and I can assure you the guilt has been killing me.

All of my words, I know, are no pardon to my actions; which were cruel, distressing and completely unacceptable. Please give me both of the Paypal addresses for the parties involved so that I can reimburse them.


Please ask both members to check their Paypal accounts. There is a small fee which I will send through shortly. I ask that you also tell both of them what I have said here, and that I will send them something extra when I can by way of apology. I am so regretful of my actions here, I have loved my time here, and wish I had not acted as I did. With my actions, however, I in no way deserve to be a part of this community and request that you terminate both of my accounts, as I really think I ought to leave the community; do as you will with them.

I am once again sincerely apologetic for what I have done. This really isn't who I am; I don't know why I have done what I have, but I really cannot think of anything else to say other than I am so sorry to everyone I have effected here.


Well I've been told by Edmond Dantes, but I've yet to be confirmed by commdr_neyo.

Yeah, what you did was pretty bad. Criminal actually. As you say, no excuse can justify it... but I don't know the exact circumstances as to what drove you to see this as a solution to a short term money problem. It's not my business now that this seems to be resolved. I hope you do realise though that paying back the money (even with interest) doesn't really cut it; you gave them unneeded stress and wasted their (and my) time. But if they are happy then that's not my business either.

What is my "business" is this site, and, as you already expected, you will be banned. In some way I'd like to not do this, as you did come clean and you're trying to make amends, but while that's very appreciated we have to make a clear sign that there is zero tolerance to actions like this. (To be honest we've never had this happen before and we'll probably be changing some site rules to prevent it happening again.) I'm not sure what motivated you to come clean, but I do thank you for doing so, and I hope this experience has made you a better person. I especially hope that you've learnt at an early age that money short cuts often have an unpleasant price to pay.

Take care

I understand everything that you have said and thank you for what you do. I am sorry that I have added this bit to the history of this website, believe me it is not what I wanted to be remembered for, but I have made my own bed. Your mercy really took me back. Thank you.

May I ask that this be my last post; and finally say both sorry and thank you to everyone here.

Kind regards,

He has been banned over this regrettable issue and we'll probably be changing somme trading rules.

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