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Arthur ambled through the doors to the library, undaunted by the lateness of the hour. As he strolled through the deserted structure, he let his fingers run along the dusty shelves, leaving a faint cloud of fine powder floating in his wake. This place needs some serious upkeep. Good, he thought, I could use something to distract myself. Picking up a broom from behind Byblos' desk, he sets to work as quietly as he can, hoping not to disturb the Metasimian from his sleep. He'd noticed his friend retreating to his room more and more often during his most recent visits, but he was mindful not to ask questions--he knew Byblos valued his privacy, and whether his apparent illness had been brought on by nature or Chaos, he knew it was not his place to ask about it. "I just hope he'd trust me enough to ask for my help if it's life-threatening," he says quietly to himself. "Then again, I'm one to talk about not asking for help..."


Lieutenant Etenent sat behind her desk, Private Bert standing alertly beside her. Nodding to both Watchmen, Nevron pulls out a seat for Arthur before retreating to his own corner of the room.


"Sit down, Private."

Unsure of why he'd been summoned, Arthur hesitantly complies.


"I'll cut to the chase--you're not sleeping."

Arthur says nothing, but shoots a glance at Bert.


"Don't look at me like that. You know it's serious. You gotta respect your own health."


"I've seen it in your eyes, Regulus. How long has it been since you've slept? Really slept, not those five minute naps everyone takes on wall duty when they think no one's looking." Nevron throws a quick glance toward Lillith, but his true attention remained on Arthur.

"Not since that night. At the Albatross." Arthur didn't need to tell him or Lillith which night he meant--his tone said it all--but he hadn't told Bert about what had happened that night, his visit from the Stealer...or the words that had haunted him ever since.


"The Albatross? When you met Nevron? But that was--"


"Regulus, it's been--"

Lillith silenced both Watchmen with a raised hand.



Both exchanged a glance, concerned for their colleague, but they were trained well enough to follow orders. With one last worried look, Nevron closed the door behind him.


Lillith wasted no time. "You're not doing this by choice, I take it?"

Arthur shook his head.


"Why, then?"

"Dreams." He had discussed the events of that night with both the Lieutenant and with Nevron, but he was not about to divulge how much Masson's final words had shaken him.

"The sad thing here, Arthur? You'll probably find me before you find yourself....Neither of us will be swayed from our paths... Not like you ever had a true path to begin with." Masson had been swayed from his path...but had he been right about Arthur's? The words had echoed through his dreams, along with similar words from others...Nyx...Haldor...Alexis...all the while, haunted by a laugh like the sound of tinkling bells, and an ominous, looming monstrosity, whose power fled before a tall, shadowed figure with a pair of glowing yellow eyes...

Lillith's voice jolted him out of his memory.


"I see it's not just when you're asleep, then."



Lillith sighed. "Go home, Arthur."

Arthur stared at the Lieutenant with some confusion. "You just had Nevron escort me from the Barracks--"


"Your real home. Heroica Hall." She paused pointedly. "Don't try and pretend, Private. We appreciate your service. But those of us who've paid attention can tell it's where you belong." Still Arthur hesitated, so she continued. "Look...I'm not really supposed to tell you this, but...the Captain's been asking through the ranks about promotions. Your name's come up. Several times, actually. And frankly, you deserve it."

"I'm hearing a 'but' in there?"


"But, if you are promoted to Constable, we'll need you in top condition. And right now...you're not. You haven't been since those Heroes left. So now I'm ordering you: go home--to Heroica Hall--and figure out why. When you know what's wrong, fix it--however long that takes--and report back to me." Arthur opened his mouth to argue, but Lillith got there first. "I said--that's an order."

Arthur sat for a moment, wondering what to say, before realizing that no words were needed. Standing up with a snappy salute, he whirls and walks out the door, catching his fellow Watchmen so by surprise that he is gone before they even have a chance to follow him.


As the first rays of light break across the Library, Arthur surveys his work. The place still needed a lot of work, but at least it didn't look like a gathering place for an arachnid cult of Mercutio--or worse, the warrens over the storerooms of the Cathedral. Sitting down at the desk, he saw a number of disorganized manuscripts, letters, and other records and paraphernalia--the detritus of failed attempts to catalog the enormous number of Quests Heroica had been consulted for. Arthur could not blame Byblos for his lack of progress--even without...whatever he was dealing with...attempting to organize all that information was no small feat, especially as the organization's activity exploded. Leaving a note for the librarian, Arthur takes the most relevant bits and a few empty bindings and heads for the Hall, where his work would not disturb his friend--heedless of the pair of Metasimian eyes that carefully watched him go.

OOC: I will post in the Hall in the morning, Sandy, I promise! :blush:

Edited by Flipz
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Arasmyth steps into the library for the first time in a long while, although not much has changed. Some new maps on the wall, some new books on the shelves. Byblos was off somewhere, probably looking for bananas. Arasmyth reached into his pack and pulled out a thick tome, which he placed on a table. "If I've been reincarnated to do Ethereth's work on Olegaia, then I may as well start now. Educating the masses (or at least the Hall) about magic is a good enough first step.". The tome flopped open to somewhere near the beginning as Arasmyth returned to the Hall proper.

Arcane Mechanics: Theory and Application of Magic

Q. Eldritch

R. RuGard

Year 428 HKC

Chapter 1: Etherial Mechanics

'Magic' is a term used to refer to the art of manipulating events using hidden natural forces. This hidden energy is known as Ether, a type of energy much like light or heat. Unlike other forms of energy, Ether is not detectable by the standard range of senses, yet it permeates the natural world. Edward the Black's definitive text on basic magical principles describes Ether as "all around us, and even inside us." All living creatures contain trace amounts of Ether, with the energy being more common in some races and species than others. This is called 'inherent Ether'. This Ether is typically unaccessable by beings who are untrained in magic, but some species, such as dragons, have the innate ability to manipulate Ether from birth. However, all beings' Ether is naturally dormant, and magic is uncastable with only your own Ether. Ether is found in the natural world in the form of leylines, which are invisible streams of Ether that crisscross the world in a grid-like pattern. Leylines are incredibly regular and intersect at right angles at every pace (5 feet), creating a grid of squares each measuring one pace by one pace. The structure of leylines has been claimed by some to be proof of the gods' existence, as only am intelligent being could have arranged natural energy flow in such a precise pattern. The structure of lwylines is usually but not always associated with Ethereth, who is agreed by practically all theologists to be the creator of Ether. Other scholars claim that Ethereth created ether as a wild and unruly force and that another divinity, frequently claimed to be Ennoc or Centurus, gave it structure. Natural leylines lie dormant in most places, but areas rich in gems or places where great magic was used in the past often have their own forms of 'wild' magic, which can be extremely dangerous. Ether found in leylines is called 'ambient Ether'. If the Ether in both beings and in nature is naturally dormant, then how is it ever activated, one might ask? To cast a spell, there are four needed components: A source of inherent Ether (i.e., a spellcaster), a source of ambient Ether (i.e., a leyline), a focal point, and a trigger. A focal point refers to a gemstone, weapon, or other object through which the Ether is channeled. Casting without a focal point is possible but unrecommended, as the resulting chaotic magic is uncontrollable and can cause such effects to the caster as spontaneous combustion, pregnancy, disintegration, or explosion. One's own body can also be used as a focal point, although it comes at a toll. Some rings of Black Knights are said to channel Darkness magic through their bodies to increase the power of their attacks or create bursts of magic as if using an Amethyst. These rumors are unproven, but supported by the fact that Black Knights are known to have increased offensive capabilities as their Health wanes. Clerics also channel Ether through their bodies in order to heal. Their gods are in essence using the cleric as a gemstone, channeling divine Ether through them in order to create healing energy. The focal point defines whether the magic takes the form of destructive elemental energy, a debilitating effect spell, healing energy, or other forms of physical existence. The trigger is what causes the two Ether sources to activate and react. A trigger is typically a strong emotion, however those who can't control their emotions well enough often practice long and hard (typically via meditation) until they can trigger magic with a thought or word. The incantations on Scrolls are trigger words that allow Scrolls to be used by a more diverse group of beings than ordinary magic, as there is no need to train to control your emotions or meditate until you can manually access and activate your own inherent Ether. To use a simile, casting a spell is much like lighting a leaf ablaze with a magnifying glass. The person is the inherent Ether source, the magnifying glass is the focal point, the sunbeam is the leyline, the act of placing the magnifying glass in the sunbeam's path is the trigger, and the fire is the resulting spell. It should be noted that when a spell is cast at the intersection of two leylines it results in a surge of energy greater than normal. Inexperienced mages often lose control of the energy and allow it to blast out in what is referred to as a 'magic burst', but more skilled casters can manipulate that energy to do things such as open planar portals to summon elemental spirits through, or raise a number of dead at once.


As Byblos is rifling through his cabinets in search of that secret stray banana, he notices an old tome lying moth-eaten under a pile of maps. It contains documents pertaining to Vartland and the gods of the north:






~The list of Deities in the first post has been updated!~

Byblos eyed through the pages depicting norse mythology before tossing them aside.


"Where is that damned banana... Got to eat something..."

From the corner of his eye Byblos saw a mouse scurry in between piles of unsorted books. His eyes gleamed and his mouth watered. The taste of fresh blood gushing into his mouth, tiny bones breaking in between his teeth...

He snapped out of it with a jolt. What was he thinking?! How had a civilized Metasimian such as himself stooped so low? But in his heart he knew why. It was that damned book at the back room, poisoning his mind. But he couldn't throw it away. It was a Pandemonicon, maybe the only one of it's kind left in the world!

He found the banana, rotten and stinking. He ate it anyway, while giving a bitter glance at the mouse that was now staring him from a half-empty shelf.

  • 4 months later...

Throlar had finally found the library.

Obrick's hammer! This place is a mess!

Nothing was in it's proper place, the shelves where almost devoid of life and literature, the only sounds where those of mice and Throlars breath.

Books towered in unruly piles, or lay open at random pages, there was one right in the middle of the room, on the floor, lying open face down so it's spine was almost broken.

Ah well, might as well clear up this place.

Uttering Baltar oaths under his breath he began reconstructing the library.

  • 3 months later...

Byblos sits in a dim candlelight, reading a letter he received from Anwyl Smokebeard.


"Bah! I'm certainly not going to become an advocate in spreading the word of the Mythril Maiden, but at least I could add her to the list of deities most commonly worshipped in Eubric. That will have to suffice to that fake dwarf..."

~The list of deities has a new entry!~

heroica-deity-mythra.jpgMYTHRA, The Mythril Maiden

The daughter of Orrik the Earth Father gave dwarves the gift of mythril in an ancient myth. Henceworth she has been worshipped by dwarven smiths and warriors as their benefactor. She is portrayed as a distinctively beardless female dwarf, which makes her homely in the eyes of the majority of her worshippers, but some dwarven women choose to shave their beards off as a homage to her.

  • 1 month later...

Actaeon enters the library. "So much valuable information!" he thinks. He takes a look at some of the maps. These are the most important pieces of information, in his opinion.

He finds who he believes to be in charge and asks him:

"Who drew these maps? They are excellent."


"Who drew these maps? They are excellent."

Byblos, the Metasimian librarian, smiles demurely.


"Why, thank you. These maps have been drawn by various cartographers around the world. I couldn't recall their names, my apologies."

Posted (edited)

Actaeon nods his approval. He then slowly pulls a small tube out of his bag. He uncaps the tube and pulls out a map.

"I have here a more recently updated map of Uland. I myself, a cartographer in my spare time, drew it. If you would like to, you can keep it here."


"Of course, I have many versions of it, so if you are unsatisfied with this one, I can easily get you another one,"

He says, tapping the tube with his index finger.

Edited by Actaeon
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Arthur enters the Library for the first time in months, a new friend in tow. "Byblos? Where are--oh, there you are! Haven't seen you in a while, how have you been? Oh, before I forget again, I've brought you a new friend, maybe an assistant if you'd like."



"Only if you'd like, too," Arthur hastily amends. "Anyway, I wanted to ask you about Moon Silk," he continues, allowing Bookmark to clamber onto the Library's mahogany bookshelves.


"Hmm...I believe there's a book on the Cult of Mercutio--"


"Here, Arthur." Bookmark hands the aged tome down to the Skirmisher from a high shelf.

"Err--thank you. Both of you," he makes a point of adding, considering how rudely the Dauntlet had cut the Metasimian off. Was this such a good idea? he wonders.

Volume II - Mercutian Arachnology

Chapter VI: Moon Silk

Moon Silk, sometimes known as Shimmersilk or Moonweave, is a precious fabric spun from the silk of certain Spider Priests of Mercutio. Though the specifics of its production and its full capabilities are a closely-guarded secret, it is said that Moon Silk has incredible protective and restorative properties, especially linked to the phases of the moon. Rumor has it that the process of its production is one of the last surviving secrets remaining from the time of Mercution before the rise of King Haeresias, while others others claim it was granted by Mercutio himself to the first Spider Priest in the Murkwood Forest. Whatever its origin, it is said that the dead of the cult are buried in wrappings spun from pure shimmersilk, and that in the phases of the moon's greatest power their spirits rise to bring wisdom and warning to the Priests of the present.

Little is known of the true properties of pure Moon Silk, but the Priests have been known to sell small quantities from time to time, almost always just a few threads woven into lesser fabrics. When exposed to moonlight, shimmersilk will emit a distinct sheen--this is likely connected to the process used in both modern Mercutian moondials and those discovered among ancient Moon Elf ruins. When charged with enough moonlight, the threads begin to absorb kinetic energy beyond that of any other known fiber, making the little Moon Silk that is sold popular amongst garment-makers specializing in protective clothing. This property also allows the fabric to be polished as one would armor, increasing its protective ability, though this practice is little-known and rarely utilized, as few people are even aware of the presence of shimmersilk in their garments, let alone of this odd property of the material.

It is unknown what specifically allows Moon Silk to possess these properties, though the few Priests who have spoken on the subject claim that the fibers are "woven into the very material of the universe itself." Given the Cult's propensity for secrecy and misdirection, whether this is a serious response or a ludicrous claim meant to divert attention from the truth remains to be discovered.

"Well, that's certainly...interesting. It explains a few things, anyway." Seeing both Byblos and Bookmark locked in an intense stare-off, Arthur decides to evacuate to the Hall before he meets a terrible fate. "Thanks again!" he calls as he makes an expeditious retreat.

Edited by Flipz
"Byblos? Where are--oh, there you are! Haven't seen you in a while, how have you been? Oh, before I forget again, I've brought you a new friend, maybe an assistant if you'd like."

The Metasimian librarian was baffled to see Arthur bring what looked like a illustration of a demonic claw sprung to life. His amazement only grew when he saw the creature pick up the correct book from the shelf without a moment's hesitation. Whatever the creature was, it was intriguing.


"I am Byblos, the keeper of this library. And you are..."


"Bookmark. A Dauntlet. At your service, it appears. But let us call it more of a companionship, if you will."


"Companionsh..." Byblos gasps for breath. "Well, perhaps we ought to start with an internship for starters."


"I'll get you for this, Arthur..." the Bookmark mutters.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

A young man walks into the library, dressed in plain but durable clothing. It had some patterns around the collar and pouches on the front. He set his crook off to the side as he approached the metasimian.


"Hail, sir! My name is Sven, and I come from the Sheep Tribe. I was wondering if you have seen this book before? I'm not quite sure the full contents of it, myself, but I've been told it's called "Among the Sheep Tribe". I recognized markings indicating it had Sheep Tribe heritage on it, and purchased it rather foolishly. You see... is it possible you could read to me some of it? At least the first little bit? I... can't say my reading abilities are any good..."

He hands him the book and opens to the first few pages.

Among the Sheep Tribe

Written by Abbott Watt

As a young man, the mountains of the island of Uland were always a spectacle. I would look out to the west from the family gardens to see the vistas of the mountains as they reached for the sky. The one that always mesmerized me though was Mount Ulysses, the tallest mountain on Uland. As a schoolboy I often wondered what splendours it's innards held. The Moon Elves, in all their intrigue, maybe hid something up on it's peak, or perhaps in it's caverns? I was perhaps more shocked when I had heard that people were living there for over nine hundred years. Indeed, the Sheep Tribe may be some of the first settlers on Uland after the historic sinking of a majority of the continent of Moone. I became intrigued by it, and when I graduated from the Academy, I left the city of Eubric behind on a two week expedition to document the Sheep Tribe. My journey, as intriguing as it was, could be retold on a later date, and isn't all to relevant to the true purpose for going to see these first people myself: to recount the Sheep Tribes history.

As I reached the only Sheep Tribe settlement, the small village of Hoogan, which was positioned on a wide ledge of the cliff at least at least a thousand feet from the mountain's base, I was welcomed in by the friendly villagers, all of whom spoke the common dialect, although they had a curious accent. All the villagers wore simply clothes, and told me they didn't need much else. Seeing a man as oddly dressed as myself must have been quite the sight for them. They told me how every two weeks a Hinckwell cart would trundle it's way up the mountain and trade goods from “the city near the ocean.” It seemed strange looking down and now seeing the entirety of Uland around me. The moment felt euphoric, enlightening. I could see all of Uland, every town, every little inn, the forests and the ocean. I wonder what it would be like to return there and see what has changed. It was very calming and peaceful in Hoogan, the villagers going on their way with little knowledge of the politics or struggles in Eubric. I told them that I was a historian and that I was hoping to document the history of the Sheep Tribe. They hurried me into a small lodging where they said the village chieftain would see me. I entered a building, obviously a banquet hall. Sitting on a chair near the back sat the village chief. He was aging, clearly, and he wore simple clothes and a large greying beard. He was bald, and around his waist was a red sash. A man in his mid-thirties was next to him. The elderly man introduced himself as Chief Strav, and that the man next to him was his successor, Tarlock. He poured myself and him some tea and asked me what I wanted to know. I told him the history of his people, to which he smiled softly. It seemed few in the village knew how to read, but he had been pasted done the history of his people from others, and that in his old age he hoped to simply get things right. With a weary smile, he began his story. Their story. The story of the Sheep Tribe.

This is what he told me.

“My great ancestor told me that long ago, our people came here for shelter from a great blight, one that rocked the world. The days were long, and the nights cold. Famine, death, sickness, it all came down on us. A man during this time had a vision. A vision of a land with green earth, prosperous trees, and tall mountains. So we left, left in hopes of this promised land the man claimed he'd seen. He became our first cheiftain. We searched for this fertile land, one where we as a people could prosper, and so we found the island you now call Uland. To us at the time, it was Our land, the land of our people, one we could be proud of, and safe in. When we arrived, we chose the mountain as our home, for we could see all the surroundings, and we could be save on it's cliffs. The first chieftain claimed this land was meant for us, and that a divine being left it like this, and so we lived here. One of the few things on the mountain was it's sheep, so we used them for many things, for our food, our clothes, our blankets; and so we gained a name as time went on. We were known as the Sheep Tribe among the others who came, and it stuck with us. As time went on and more people came to this land, and we became more and more unaware of our surroundings. We saw that people came and left, buildings and landmarks changed, but our village remained here, and our traditions have barely changed since when we first arrived. A testament to this land, and our people.”

Edited by Kintobor
Posted (edited)

Thoroughly doused, a young rogue stepped into the Library.

"Excuse me - I know it's very late - but could you possibly tell me or direct me towards more information about the master thief Alfendi Lupine?"

Edited by Lind Whisperer
Posted (edited)

Byblos looks at the young man standing in front of his desk, placing his copy of "Pyrian Tragedy and Comedy: A Guide" down and looking at the rogue while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.


"Quite late, indeed, young man, I should be getting to bed soon. However, you won't find any information on Alfendi Lupine in any book, seeing as how he's a well known, current criminal and his life is quite a mystery, but many newspaper clippings and eye witness accounts have stated him to be a dangerous and cunning foe, yet with a flair for the finer things. Let me see if I can recall what I've read.

Before Ulric Wolfkin had made his mark with the Wolfgang, Alfendi Lupine had one of the Watch's biggest bounties. The "Gentleman Thief" would always leave calling cards to his victims before he would rob them, and usually he had little problems stealing what he wanted. When he set his sights on Eubric's high society, he usually got what he wanted. For awhile he affiliated with the Wolfgang, most likely after his grandson joined, weaselling his way through the ranks until recently, when he and some of his followers left Ulric for an unknown reason. Some say he felt he wasn't getting his fair share, others claim it came down to politics. One way or another, Alfendi Lupine slipped out and with his crew left Eubric for the countryside.

I hope that helps, but Scherezade in the Saloon would most likely be of more assistance if your looking to know about modern events."

Byblos yawns, clearly ready for bed.

Edited by Kintobor

"Thank you! It does help! I'll see if I can find Scheherazade back at the Hall. Thank you very much!"

Lind quietly stepped back out into the now-teeming rain, and began to retrace his earlier steps.

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

A small man, most likely a dwarf or a gnome, more likely the latter due to his shortness of beard, entered the library in an incredibly furtive manner, making certain that the librarian, who was engrossed with The Complete Plays of William Stirlance, was unaware of his arrival, he swiftly made his way to the Archived Quests section.

Edited by Lord Duvors
  • 3 months later...

Vindsval quietly opens the door to the Library. He enters and winces as his enormous feet boom with each steep. He continues over to the librarian and chuffs softly to gain his attention.

Excuse me great scribe. If I may trouble you for assistance. I have recently had a run in with some mechanical men. I was wondering if you could direct me to any information regarding the mechanical or magical animation of the inanimate?


One day, while quietly walking through the library, Biblos noticed a book that had fallen to the floor from the shelves above.


"Bother, bother..."

Exactly how long the curious race known as Munchkins has existed is a matter of strong debate, as what little history of them that can be assembled can be only be gleaned through rumor and word-of-mouth remembrances. Some sources suggest that they have existed since the world began to turn, living and hiding in the wilder corners of the world, guardians of a secret even more ancient than they. Others, however, claim that until four hundred years ago they were nothing but wild savages at war, until they were finally bonded together into one through the careful counseling of their less radical members.

What can be ascertained with reasonable certainty, is that four hundred years ago, a group of fierce and brilliant warriors came out of the wilderness, led by one Qubilai Xah, calling themselves the "Kinder des Dreiecks,"(a name that was popularly shortened to "the Kinders," mocking their perceived lack of sympathy for their enemies). For two hundred years, they carved a name for themselves on the battlefields of Olegaia, always leading in the forefront, moving and removing troops with rarely matched strategy and skill.

But disaster struck two hundred years ago, during the Orc Wars. That is not to say that their methods failed them - some of their greatest victories happened during the sieges and conquests they were then engaged in. However, their families had been settled down in the small hamlet of Muncie, which had been left relatively unprotected, being (they thought), protected both by location, and by its sheer obscurity.

They had not counted upon a roving band of orcs, however, retreating homewards after a particularly discouraging battle. Finding the town populated by only the weak, the old, and the young, they took out their anger upon it, burning it and all inside it to ash.

Upon their return, and finding the town burned, the Kinders to a one rejected their name, it no longer having any meaning for them, and took the name the "Munchkins," or the "Children of Muncie". Muncie having been destroyed utterly, and with the winter closing in, they set out in search of a new home. They finally found it in the place known to them now as the Forest of the Blue Pools.

The Forest is unique, in that it is the only known forest in all of Olegaia that is entirely underground, with the only light sources being lanterns and the legendary blue phosphorescent flowers that grow all through the short cave system. Clean springs provide the source of the namesake pools, with water that is described as being some of the clearest and best tasting that a traveler can find.

Modern rumors about the Munchkins have all but died down, as the race stays almost entirely underground in their private utopia, rarely venturing out into the world. A few wild tale-tellers claim that they hide a great secret, deep in the Forest, but the Munchkins fervently deny this. When questioned in private, one or two Munchkins have admitted that they believe that there once may have been a secret in their last home, but if so, even they have forgotten it.

Exactly how long the curious race known as Munchkins has existed is a matter of strong debate, as what little history of them that can be assembled can be only be gleaned through rumor and word-of-mouth remembrances. Some sources suggest that they have existed since the world began to turn, living and hiding in the wilder corners of the world, guardians of a secret even more ancient than they. Others, however, claim that until four hundred years ago they were nothing but wild savages at war, until they were finally bonded together into one through the careful counseling of their less radical members.

What can be ascertained with reasonable certainty, is that four hundred years ago, a group of fierce and brilliant warriors came out of the wilderness, led by one Qubilai Xah, calling themselves the "Kinder des Dreiecks,"(a name that was popularly shortened to "the Kinders," mocking their perceived lack of sympathy for their enemies). For two hundred years, they carved a name for themselves on the battlefields of Olegaia, always leading in the forefront, moving and removing troops with rarely matched strategy and skill.

But disaster struck two hundred years ago, during the Orc Wars. That is not to say that their methods failed them - some of their greatest victories happened during the sieges and conquests they were then engaged in. However, their families had been settled down in the small hamlet of Muncie, which had been left relatively unprotected, being (they thought), protected both by location, and by its sheer obscurity.

They had not counted upon a roving band of orcs, however, retreating homewards after a particularly discouraging battle. Finding the town populated by only the weak, the old, and the young, they took out their anger upon it, burning it and all inside it to ash.

Upon their return, and finding the town burned, the Kinders to a one rejected their name, it no longer having any meaning for them, and took the name the "Munchkins," or the "Children of Muncie". Muncie having been destroyed utterly, and with the winter closing in, they set out in search of a new home. They finally found it in the place known to them now as the Forest of the Blue Pools.

The Forest is unique, in that it is the only known forest in all of Olegaia that is entirely underground, with the only light sources being lanterns and the legendary blue phosphorescent flowers that grow all through the short cave system. Clean springs provide the source of the namesake pools, with water that is described as being some of the clearest and best tasting that a traveler can find.

Modern rumors about the Munchkins have all but died down, as the race stays almost entirely underground in their private utopia, rarely venturing out into the world. A few wild tale-tellers claim that they hide a great secret, deep in the Forest, but the Munchkins fervently deny this. When questioned in private, one or two Munchkins have admitted that they believe that there once may have been a secret in their last home, but if so, even they have forgotten it.


Vindsval quietly opens the door to the Library. He enters and winces as his enormous feet boom with each steep. He continues over to the librarian and chuffs softly to gain his attention.

Excuse me great scribe. If I may trouble you for assistance. I have recently had a run in with some mechanical men. I was wondering if you could direct me to any information regarding the mechanical or magical animation of the inanimate?


"Hrmm?" Byblos looked up at the half-giant, bleary eyed. It had been a long time since someone had disturbed his studies. "Oh, you must be referring to automata. The Tritech Corporation brought them to the Free Islands, so if you want specific details, you should seek them out. All I know is that they are man-shaped machines powered by concentrated ether - just like you would find inside common tonics and Ether Cores. It takes a high skill of engineering to put one together, but apparently there are no boundaries to what Vincent Legonardo and his group of science-makers can achieve."

"Now, if you want to talk about magical animation, that is a whole another issue. There are many telekinetic spells that allow you to manipulate inanimate objects. Bringing one truly to life is much trickier, though, as it requires linking the object directly to your own mind or giving the object a spirit of its own. That is how you get golems, for example. Necromancy is yet another issue, as it involves breathing life into dead corpses through dark magic. That magic keeps the undead from decomposing further, but it can be repelled by benevolent magic such as healing. The Ziegfrieds are experts in this field of magic, so you should ask them to teach you more if you are interested. You first have to get into their good books, though."


Very interesting, I have faith that my needs would lye along the path of these followers of Legonardo. Does the library contain any of their writings? If I wished to speak with these men, is there a place in this city where I would be able to find them?


Very interesting, I have faith that my needs would lye along the path of these followers of Legonardo. Does the library contain any of their writings? If I wished to speak with these men, is there a place in this city where I would be able to find them?


"I'm afraid I haven't received any documents from the Tritech Corporation. They like to keep their secrets to themselves, after all. You can find them at the Tritech Headquarters, but I do not believe they will talk to just anyone. You should become acquainted with the Ji Pei first, they have close ties with Tritech."

Posted (edited)

IF only I had acquired one of those automatons from the Doctor's Home. Are you certain there are no diagrams or schematics here?

The giant massages his temples with his remaining hand.

Many thanks Byblos, It would seem i have a new path to follow. It is clear my next step will align with the mystic monks.

Edited by Asphalt
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

A hooded yet humanoid figure walked tentatively in. Looking around but not showing his face, he deposited a single volume on top of a pile of books, then left as quietly as he had come.

The Secrets of the Arachanoids.


For hundreds of years, there have been legends. Legends of a floating island, not on water, or connected to land, but sailing through the sky. Always persisting, these legends have never been proven, yet oft debated. I have written this time to prove them true. However, this land is no island of the dead, no Kingdom of the wicked, it is the domain of the Arachanoids. I have written the three volumes of this tale in secret, far from the eyes of any but my own, for if the Arachanoids were to discover me I would have no moe chance of survival than a fly in a spiders web. Perhaps that is appropriate, being that the Arachanoids are merely spiders. But enough! I will detain you no longer. These, my friends, are the secrets of the Arachanoids.

Chapter 1: The history of Araneae.

The beginning of Araneae, the great city of the Arachanoids, is shrouded in a web so thick, none but the gods themselves know the true origins of it. However, there is a myth, known as "The Quarrel of Umbri," that details one version of the beginning of the island. It is as follows:

Once, long ago, when life was young and the world was still new, there was a single web-tweaker*. He was powerful, and mighty, yet not majestic. There were many spiders, none of which could tweak the web better than he, but many more majestic or imposing or just physically powerful. This spider, Umbri, believed he should be ruler of the spiders, yet no one listened to his words, for he had a quarrel with Vexacion the omnipresent, leader of the spiders. Too many supported this huge spider, and none listened to Umbri. Eventually, Umbri became so aggravated that he decided to storm the palace. He marched in, no allies and no weapon but his web-tweaking, and after several hours, reached the throne room. There, Vexacion did beg and cower, but Umbri would not listen. He began casting one of the most devastating spells the world has ever seen. Had it been completed, all of Terra Chima would have been decimated. But before he could complete the spell, one of the guards recovered and slew the almighty Web-Tweaker. The spell, however, did not dissipate, and wrapped itself in a bubble around that edge of the land. The spell tore out the chunk of earth, and the magic began to lift this island into the air. Gradually, the magic absorbed itself into the earth, and the floating island came to be. After many thousands of years, a city came to be built by the massive, humanoid spiders that lived there. And to this day, Araneae is still floating.

*Web tweaked is the Arachanoid word for mage, derived from their belief that magic is a web in the air.

The accuracy of this story is debatable, especially as such powerful Mages are not to be found in these times, but we have a small glimpse of what may have been. The quarrel between Umbri and Vexacion is omitted from this version of the tale, due to the fact that there are several supposed quarrels. They are a woman, food, money, and family among other things. The exact nature has no bearing on the tale.

Chapter 2: Ranks and Heritage.

Ranks are a big deal to the Arachanoids, and are expressed as titles. There are many, but the most common few are listed below. Please note that not all have a literal translation in common. If an Arachanoid fits into 2 categories, the one later on the list is used.

Halfling- Short Peasant.

Longleg- Tall Peasant.

Grub- Peasant.


Outer Shell- Knight.

Insect- Ranger.

Shadow- Rogue.

Horrific- Barbarian.

Web Tweaker- Mage.

Life mother- Cleric.

Mighty- Heroic person.

Leader- Royalty.

Omnipresent- King/Queen.

Rank titles are applied as _____ the _____. For example, a Ranger named Larrion would be Larrion the Insect.

Heritage is similar. A few powerful families have their own titles, which override all other titles but Grub. They are shown below.

Fireborn- Descendants of Kreel the mighty.

Reaper- Descendants of Jung the shadow.

Infinite- Descendants of Umbri the Web Tweaker.

Northern- Descendants of Narlim the horrific.

Vortex- Descendants of Norlum the Life Mother.

Sharpminds- Descendants of Zaikain the insect.

There are a handful more, but most have all but died out.

Chapter 3: Heroes and their legends.

Just as with human gods, there are hundreds of heroes of the Arachanoids. Many are listed here, along with their achievements.

Umbri the Web Tweaker- Began Araneae.

Kreel the Mighty- Built the wall of gods and protected the island from flying threats.

Jung- Assasinated the cruel dictator known as Darkorn, as well as many cruel men and women.

Narlim- Brought the gift of flames from his tribe on the northern edge of the island.

Norlum- Was the first to utilise the part of the web known to Arachanoids as "the vortex" to reach the land below.

Zakain- Raised the tower of knowledge.

There are more, but those are the primary ones.

There are also many legends, even for each hero. See chapters 8 and 9 for more information.

So ends the first third of this Tome. The others may be found when delivered by me, the writer, to the library of Eubric City.

Edited by Robert10ant
  • 2 weeks later...

Quarion floated in, looking for Warlen.

Looking around, he saw a forties who looked like the librarian.

"Hey," said the skull, floating over, "Mr Monkey! Yes you. Whaddaya know about criminal organisations in Eubric Freeport?"

Byblos's eyes widened as he saw the skull float in and call him names.


"I shall answer your question with a question: what makes you think I will tell anything to a skull that insults me? I must inform you that I am a Metasimian, not a monkey. I do not throw my feces around.

But very well, I will not succumb to your level of degration, so I shall answer you in earnest. If you would have asked me about criminal organizations a couple of years ago, I would have had a short answer for you: there is the Wolfgang, and then there are few other criminals that try not to get in their way. Things have changed since then, as the Wolfgang seems to have turned away from robbery and murder, and rather trying to get some sort of monarchy installed to this city. This has given a new chance to the remnants of the other crime organizations, like the Bloodpaw and the Metasimian Gang - to which I have zero connections with - to get back in the business.

In a city without laws, it is not easy to define crime, anyway. There is a common morale that you should not stab random people in broad daylight nor take what isn't yours, but there are no impartial judges to determine who is guilty of what. So if someone offends you, you must either have a personal army or at least a really burly cousin to get back at the perpetrator. You can always try to get the Town Watch to help you, but their competence level is questionable at best. A decade ago, they might have robbed you themselves, but much of the corruption seems to have been eradicated from their ranks.

Is that all you wanted to know, random floating skull?"

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