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So Christmas came early this year! After picking up the last one on the shelf. I paid the hefty price of $50 for a calendar that possibly lives up to expectations? Read on and find out. SPOILER ALERT: I will be showing everything included in this set.

The box is verry nice with the characters and ships protruding slightly. Similar to the 2006 X-Wing box.

The light from the flash shows it well on the Milennium Falcon.


266 Pieces is pretty decent with a lot of bricks used for SNOT work and such, it's a fairly decent parts pack as well.

TLC gives away the surprise at the end with a big holiday Yoda right on the front. Sorry about the flash, took allthe pics in a poorly lit area.


Back of the box is fairly interesting with Yoda looking like he's watching Empire Strikes Back but Zev is trying to pitch him the idea of a Star Wars Advent Calendar.


This is my first advent calendar so I couldn't figure out how to open it properly and ended up just pulling out the entire tray. Well. Here it is.


Inside is this weird piece of paper, this picture really confuses me, if you could figure it out, would be greatly appreciated.


The windows appear to be in no particular order.


Ok, now onto the build itself.

Day One: Republic Cruiser.

Seen in Episode 1 is actually one of my favorite ships in the set. Great way to start off.


Sorry about this picture, its really bad.


Day Two: Nute Gunray

Dissapointed with this. Can't figure out why he is here. Oh well.


Day Three:???

What is this?? I heard somewhere its supposed to be a chair, looks more like a halfbuilt droideka.



Day 4: Separatist Homing Droid

Things are picking up here, another one of my favorites. Comes with a good selection of pieces.


The "turret" on the top can rotate as well.


Day 5: Boba Fett's Slave One

It's okay. I've seen better.



The wings in fact can also rotate.



Click the picture for more photos.

Day 6: Chewie

It's Chewie.


Day 7: Tool Rack

Doesn't make much sense but supplies Chewie with a Bowcaster.


Day 8: Rebel Pilot.

This was very sad seeing as how he has an unprinted Rebel helmet, probably to avoid being confused with Zev Senesca once again.



Day 9: X-Wing

For a mini model than a micro model but it's..okay. I dont like the front portion at all.


This instructions for each model are stuck on the back of the tab, some of the larger builds may be a bit difficult for smaller children to figure out but it's okay.


S-Foils can open and close.


Day 10: Imperial Shuttle

Finally the Imperials get a say in this calendar, too bad it sucks. Horribly


Can't stand on it's own.


Day 11: Battle Droid Pilot.

Handy to have another one of these around.


Day 12: Snowspeeder

Another one of my favorites.



Legostein's is much better though.

Day 13: Astromech (forgot name)

This is the same one from the Death Star, he's 70% of the reason I got this.



Day 14: Mouse Droid

This doesn't make much sense either to me other than Chewie being here a while back.



It does mouse stuff.

Day 15: Republic Attack Gunship

The Republic makes a stand...



and it's rather impressive.

Day 16: Clone Pilot.

Rather fitting IMO. Includes black head! No creepy cloney head.


Some sketchy printing on the helmet...Note:All the minifigures are made of regular plastic, no "China plastic".


Day 17:Weapon Rack.

Sort of a hint towards the Yoda at the end. and weapons to arm the Clone Pilot and Rebel Pilot and binoculars for...Gunray?



Day 18: Y-Wing

Not my favorite.


The back end is a little skinny and doesn't remind me of the bulky workhorse of the Alliance.


Day 19: Imperial Pilot

Second time we've seen this guy. Nothing different.


Day 20: Tie Fighter.

One of the weaker models I feel.


Day 21: Millennium Falcon.

I really really like this. Not sure why.

That one black piece is the backbone for this model. Same piece was used in the Republic Gunship.



Day 22: A-Wing

It's okay.



Day 23: Christmas Tree!

Not Star Warsy, but they need something to fill in.


Kind of a goofy looking star.


Day 24: Yodaaaa

Not the greatest choice of exclusive figure. But he works.





Who will win the epic battle for the Christmas Tree?

As you can see this calendar heavily favours the Rebels and gives not much to Separatists.


Finally my favorites and least favorites. Can you guess which is which?



Value for money- 6/10 A couple rare minifigures and decent micro/mini models might not totally meet up to $50.

Playability- 8/10 Some of these mini models are quite a lot of fun for swooshing.

Parts- 7/10 Lots of good SNOT bricks available.

Techniques- Above, SNOT is great for mini and micro models.

Holiday Cheer- Priceless

So I'd say this is worth it if you have $50 hanging around. There are some other sets you could get which are a bit better for the same price. The exclusive Yoda wasn't really a big draw for me but I imagine him being worth it in the future, I really love the astromech like I said before he's the main reason I wanted to get this. and last but not least. Someone PLEASE explain to me why they think Nute Gunray is in this set and explain in better detail what the brown thing in Day 3 is supposed to be.

Thanks from me for reviewing this set, which I'll definitely give a miss. Not being into Star Wars helps a lot in leaving this set on the shelf, but even with the SNOT parts it doesn't look like very good value. I can understand purchasing the whole thing just for the black R2-D2 thing, I'd hate to think how much it would resell for.

That Millennium Falcon looks really cool though, it's something about the simplicity of the model.

Thanks for the review. I was contemplating picking it up, but the Clone Pilot black head and unprinted Rebel helmet are enough for me to decline a purchase

Thanks for that. I can safely say that I won't be getting this. There's a couple of nice builds, but on the whole it looks pretty poor.

One thing I'vefound about the advent calendars is no matter what theme they are from, they are always a nice set of small parts - just simply because they are made up of mini/small models that tend to be made of more interesting/unusual parts than a large single model would contain. I personally welcome the 'blank' rebel pilot helmet, rather than having a whole squad of Lukes, Wedges and Zevs. And its always worthwhile having more guns and light sabre hilts :classic:

Not too sure I need another Chewie though... :sceptic::laugh:

I will be getting it, and hopefully by christmas I'll have forgotten this review and the order of the models. lol!


Thank you 'Ritz Brick' for this review, I too will NOT be buying this calendar.....it makes the city one look better and that one is poor. :tongue:

The only thing I like is the weapons rack....you get some weapons....Chewie's tool rack....bowcaster in silver ?.....where are the hydro-spanners ? :laugh:

The micro-builds.....they should have hired 'Legostein'.....his designs cream all over these things. :wink:

Hopefully they will bring one out next year.....much better will figures, etc.,.

May the Eurobrick be with us always ! :classic:

Day 3, if you remember there is a walking chair which Gunray uses in episode 1 if I remember, or its the walking thing that projects a hologram of Sidious when he talks to Gunray, I believe its Neimodian tech, which is why Gunray, and also because he was a key figure in the PT.

I will be getting this, is it up on amazon uk?.

Edited by DarthSion

Thanks for sharing this review RB! I guess this set is a "must-have" for hard-core SW collectors, "50/50" for some who have extra mint, and probably a "pass" for budget-conscious buyers like me.

  On 9/3/2011 at 10:49 AM, DarthSion said:

Day 3, if you remember there is a walking chair which Gunray uses in episode 1 if I remember, or its the walking thing that projects a hologram of Sidious when he talks to Gunray, I believe its Neimodian tech, which is why Gunray, and also because he was a key figure in the PT.

Yup, that's the Mechno-chair, for the benefit of those who don't know the exact name. :wink:


It makes sense that Gunray is included here together with this accessory, though TLG could have put a better fig IMO.

  On 9/3/2011 at 10:49 AM, DarthSion said:

I will be getting this, is it up on amazon uk?.

It is, but cannot be shipped to Australia

nice review looking forward to xmas. think it will be much easier to wake up my son, when he has this to open every morning. I just got mail from amazon.co.uk that the calender i preordered is now in stock and will dispatch soon. Amazon.co.uk is offering free shipping to most european countries if you spend more than uk£ 25 so i ordered the calendar and a HP night bus at uk£ 21.55 (a bargain price if you live in Denmark

  On 9/3/2011 at 10:49 AM, DarthSion said:

Day 3, if you remember there is a walking chair which Gunray uses in episode 1 if I remember, or its the walking thing that projects a hologram of Sidious when he talks to Gunray, I believe its Neimodian tech, which is why Gunray, and also because he was a key figure in the PT.

I will be getting this, is it up on amazon uk?.

Like I wrote in the 'Aussie Sales' forum, Myers and Toyworld, along with a few others...i.e. Toy Corner will all be getting them soon....well some time this month...fingers crossed.


I personally find this as a horrible set. Last years Kingdoms advent calender proved that advent calenders could be good. This one does not live up to those expectations at all. Unlike others, though, I like the blank Rebel helmet because then you can customize it, unlike when you get so many of the 2010 Rebel Battlepacks where you're stuck with one helmet design. I might BL that Yoda Figure. Though he's completely useless, he's pretty cute. :laugh:

  On 9/3/2011 at 12:47 PM, K-nut said:
Last years Kingdoms advent calender proved that advent calenders could be good.

I agree. And the success of it was that it came with buildable accessories and scenes for the characters rather than mini-models. This calendar would be much better if it had more things along the lines of the weapons rack, tool rack and Mechno-chair. Perhaps an Echo Base control centre desk or a hangar fuel pump or something similar?

Thanks for the review. The only thing really good for me in this would also be the Black Astro Droid, and I'm not about to pay $50 for what other stuff is in it. Too bad licensed Advent Calenders never last to go on sale after Christmas.

Thanks for the review Ritz Brick :thumbup: You know, you should have really waited for Christmas to open this but I'm glad you didn't.

Mine should arrive next week and for me too the black astromech was a big draw but I also have to have the Santa Yoda :wub: . A printed rebel pilot helmet would be a bonus but given the choice of a blank one or an existing print, I'd prefer the blank one.

I don't find the price too offensive, 25 gbp for 8 minifigs and a small amount of parts is ok but when you compare it to 18 gbp for the city advent calendar you get a rough idea of how much Lucas Tax we're paying.

I saw this in the LEGO store in Oberhausen yesterday and boy am I glad I didn't buy it. It is 10 euro's more than the city advent. Which I think is just absurd!

I do like the little Yoda Santa fig.

That sucks, they send brickmaster but not the advent, would have gotten free shipping too.

Bet its more than 40 bucks aussie.

A few days ago I was in a local toy shop. While feeling series 5 bags, I was talking to the owner about 2011 Advent Calendars.

Before stupidly saying "too bad the SW calendar is so expensive", I saw the price: 19 Euros, just like the City AC.

So here's my advice: check every place that has the SWAC; some owner may fall to the habit of selling it to the usual AC price.

Cant help but think Lego really couldnt be bothered with this set. Aside from the Yoda figure,the rest have just been slung into the box to fill space! A black minifig head for the clone, a blank helmet for the rebel pilot and a few useless random parts and super dull minifigures means i'll be spending my hard earned on something different this year! Im off to check out the city one :angry:

Nice review!

Well, the lack of printing on the Rebel Pilot's helmet is disappointing, and the black head for the Clone Pilot is kind of odd, considering I don't think we've ever gotten a Clone Wars Clone without a face. :sceptic:

Unfortunately, the minifigs do appear just thrown in for the sake of it, but the Astromech and pilots are all good. I would have preferred an actual Yoda rather than a Santa Yoda, but oh well...

I think this is a fairly nice advent calendar. As weak as some people may feel the mini models in this set are, I think many of them are quite excellent for their size and piece count. And even if you feel accessories for the minifigures would have made more sense, keep in mind that the vehicles are one of the most iconic things in the Star Wars films. Replacing the iconic vehicles with obscure accessories wouldn't exactly sell many advent calendars.

I like that what accessories there are have been chosen to fit the minifigures in the set. Of course, I think the "accessory racks" and other things like the Christmas tree are some of the weakest parts of this advent calendar. All the things that are designed to go with the minifigures (besides maybe the mouse droid) are awkward-looking, including the Christmas tree. And the walking chair is incredibly obscure to be included in the set, although I guess it's not all too obscure since I've actually heard of it!

The minifigure choices themselves are a bit odd. There are two Imperial figs, two Separatist figs, two Rebel figs, one clone, and Santa Yoda. I guess it's fairly balanced between good and evil, but I feel some of the Separatist figs and minis depict minor characters and vehicles compared to the iconic ships of the Alliance, the Empire, and the Republic also depicted here. Maybe that's just a sign of my waning interest in Star Wars, though... After Episode II I had a hard time keeping track of vehicles, and to be honest I can't think of any much more "iconic" Separatist ships besides Vulture Droids.

Anyway, thanks for the review. I can see how there's a little something for all types of Star Wars fans here. Some people will buy it for the figs, and some for the minis. And there's a good balance between OT and prequel content. Of course, I can also see how some fans might not see anything desirable in this set, preferring to save their finances for the more expensive but also more complex sets that are typical for the Star Wars franchise.

  On 9/11/2011 at 2:12 PM, Aanchir said:

After Episode II I had a hard time keeping track of vehicles, and to be honest I can't think of any much more "iconic" Separatist ships besides Vulture Droids.

Lucrehulk, MTT, Subjugator, Providence...

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