September 18, 201113 yr Err... guys? Why do you think that Toxic Reapa and Splitface are mutations of Corroder and Thunder? Do you forgot Bionicle? I think that Toxic Reapa and Corroder are from the same species (or planet). The same situation is with Thunder and Splitface. Their nationality is the same but they are different persons/creatures.
September 18, 201113 yr Err... guys? Why do you think that Toxic Reapa and Splitface are mutations of Corroder and Thunder? Do you forgot Bionicle? I think that Toxic Reapa and Corroder are from the same species (or planet). The same situation is with Thunder and Splitface. Their nationality is the same but they are different persons/creatures. Maybe it's the fact that it's a "prison break" story. It gives the impression that these guys are old villains that escaped. Tbh, I don't even know why people would think that. As if they're the only prisoners in the HF facility.
September 18, 201113 yr Pretty awesome sets here. I adore how they reused the 1.0 helmets, adding two more to the collection. If they also had added Nex to this wave... In the other thread, people rushed Breez for not looking "femenine" and using the 1.0 feet. IMO, this is her first appearance in wich I can safely say, just looking at her, "hey look, its a girl". On the first saga, Surge was the one that looked femenine to me, maybe because I'm used to the blue sets being the female ones, and her 2.0 form was too masculine. Furno looks awesome. I noticed the tubes aren't attached to the turbines, but from the back to two classics sockets on the shoulders. Also, he has a trasparent red plate. Beta name badges, anyone? Rocka is the best of them. After BIONICLE, I stopped buying LEGO sets, but this one is going to be part of my collection as soon as it comes out here in Spain. So much great pieces, not only new like the helmet and launcher, but also old, like the blades and clading, great for someone as mine, who doesn't own any HF sets. Surge looks very interesint, given the blue lighting sword and his cuff being attached to his leg. Again, it looks femenine to me. I think is the helmet. Am I the only one noticing that Evo has gunmetallic colored feet? His gun arm looks great, but the rest doesn't look very attractive. However, I love how the helmet is based on his 2.0 one. Villians aside, I'm not very attracted to them. Black Phantom is a big beta, I hope. Jawblade color scheme is pretty boring. Splitface and Toxic Reapa look good, but the best of all is Thornraxx, probably because of teal. Edited September 18, 201113 yr by Darking
September 18, 201113 yr What Heroes does everyone think will be in the summer 2012 line? (That is, if there is one, I believe there will be) I think it may be Stormer, Bulk, Stringer, Evo and Nex. Then we will have had Stormer 4 times, Bulk 3 times, Stringer 3 times, Furno 4 times, Surge 3 times, Breez 3 times, Evo 3 times, Nex 3 times, and Rocka 3 times (Including XL), excluding the Furno Bike Furno and the Bulk & Vapour Bulk. Unless they introduce a new Hero, bring back Furno yet again, or overhaul the whole line-up, I think this seems like the most likely selection.
September 18, 201113 yr What Heroes does everyone think will be in the summer 2012 line? (That is, if there is one, I believe there will be) I think it may be Stormer, Bulk, Stringer, Evo and Nex. Then we will have had Stormer 4 times, Bulk 3 times, Stringer 3 times, Furno 4 times, Surge 3 times, Breez 3 times, Evo 3 times, Nex 3 times, and Rocka 3 times (Including XL), excluding the Furno Bike Furno and the Bulk & Vapour Bulk. Unless they introduce a new Hero, bring back Furno yet again, or overhaul the whole line-up, I think this seems like the most likely selection. Nah, I think they'll keep Furno. I do want Bulk and Stringer badly though, and Nex for some continuity.
September 18, 201113 yr Nah, I think they'll keep Furno. I do want Bulk and Stringer badly though, and Nex for some continuity. Unfortunately; I despise his character, and his sets are mediocre at best, with the exception of Breakout Furno.
September 18, 201113 yr I wish we will have new Heroes for next summer. Edit:Water theme will be great! Edited September 18, 201113 yr by MakutaNocturn
September 18, 201113 yr I've been thinking about how the villains are always brand new guys with no previous motives. I mean, I get the whole corruption thing Lego does, but it needs better development. Like, Furno would make a good villain, he has the whole overcharged Hero Core thing going on, maybe a surge of power fries his circuits, thus making him evil and gaining an irrational hatred for Hero Factory. Would really work on the character development scale: Breez and Surge being obsessed with saving their friend, Stormer blaming himself for Furno's corruption, and Rocka worrying about the same happening to him.
September 18, 201113 yr Unfortunately; I despise his character, and his sets are mediocre at best, with the exception of Breakout Furno. Yup, but he is the main character, and the fact that he's appeared in all 4 waves so far probably means he'll be here to stay. Unless they come up with a whole new team of Heroes, of course.
September 18, 201113 yr Yup, but he is the main character, and the fact that he's appeared in all 4 waves so far probably means he'll be here to stay. Unless they come up with a whole new team of Heroes, of course. I am tired of him too. Maybe the winter series ends with Furmo giving his "life" to save the city, or some such thing. That way he is gone, but his influence is still there, with every hero aspiring to be like him. Dare to dream.
September 18, 201113 yr I hope this story isn't "Quaza-based" where the villains are wanting the Quaza or have some other relation to it. Von Nebula wanted the Quaza to make his Black Hole's power level to be over 9000 or somesuch, and Doc mined it and wanted to make an army (not to mention being obsessed with it). Fire Lord? He was power hungry. Give him some time, and he would have probably targeted Quaza. Also, I've been thinking about the packaging. I like the idea that it's collapsible and resealable, but I'm wondering about the strength. Mainly what type of material it's going to be made of. Also, I'm woundering how easy or hard it'll be to get inside. Surely they can't just put a zipper on it. I'm thinking they'll most likely have the top needing to be ripped off to reveal the zipper. Kalhiki
September 18, 201113 yr You can build Thornraxx and Jawblade using existing pieces (minus the helmets/heads). A friend of mine built Jawblade and I built Thornraxx. I would show you how..but...LDD crashed last night and I didn't save the models...I'll try building them again. Edited September 18, 201113 yr by Jouster
September 18, 201113 yr Also, I've been thinking about the packaging. I like the idea that it's collapsible and resealable, but I'm wondering about the strength. Mainly what type of material it's going to be made of. Also, I'm woundering how easy or hard it'll be to get inside. Surely they can't just put a zipper on it. I'm thinking they'll most likely have the top needing to be ripped off to reveal the zipper. Kalhiki Yeah, that's sort of how I'm expecting the zipper function to work too. As for the material, I expect if they are resealable it will be moderately sturdy (sturdier than polybags or blister packaging, anyway) and semi-flexible.
September 18, 201113 yr I will be working on other LEGO products next year (2013 products). Oh... that sounds nice! BTW: About which zipper are you talking about? Because I don't understand.
September 18, 201113 yr Femininity, womanly hips. Oh right, I forgot that she needs "realistic" proportions in order to count as a female.
September 18, 201113 yr This kind of story was used thousand times... Maybe sth original and new? Sth what will shock all lego fans :D E.g. Stormer - Furno! Furno - What? Stormer - I'm your father! Furno - NO F... WAY!!! Stormer - And Breez is your sister! Furno - WTF?! I slept with my sister!!! HELL NO!!! Stormer - And she's pregnant. Furno - X_X Stormer - With your son. Furno - XO (Stormer - Haha. I was joking.) That story will be awesome xP
September 18, 201113 yr What Heroes does everyone think will be in the summer 2012 line? (That is, if there is one, I believe there will be) I think it may be Stormer, Bulk, Stringer, Evo and Nex. Then we will have had Stormer 4 times, Bulk 3 times, Stringer 3 times, Furno 4 times, Surge 3 times, Breez 3 times, Evo 3 times, Nex 3 times, and Rocka 3 times (Including XL), excluding the Furno Bike Furno and the Bulk & Vapour Bulk. Unless they introduce a new Hero, bring back Furno yet again, or overhaul the whole line-up, I think this seems like the most likely selection. I have actually thought about that. I think in the next wave we'll have the four heroes missing here (Stormer, Nex, Bulk and Stringer) along with a new hero (purple, most likely), but not in a upgraded form, but the same as these. This way we'll get, for the first time, all the heroes in the same version (4.0, if that how its called).
September 18, 201113 yr Femininity, womanly hips. You can see it on Splitface's red side and it looks pretty decent to me..... Even though I really dont care about it, it's far to rounded in my opinion. There are probably better ways, but anyway, I don't see any reason to alter what is probably the most solid design of the wave.
September 18, 201113 yr BTW: About which zipper are you talking about? Because I don't understand. There's going to be a packaging overhaul that pretty much gets rid of the canisters. On the new packaging, you can see what appears to be something that looks like it would be a zipper. After some thought, I think I like the direction the packaging is going. Can't wait to see it in person once the sets are released. EDIT: I just noticed: Breeze has a 1.0 foot on her back. Finally some back armor! Hopefully the same applies for the other Heroes. Kalhiki Edited September 18, 201113 yr by Kalhiki
September 18, 201113 yr Hmm, not really into this wave. It's gotta be the heroes, cause the villains all look awesome (Except for Phantom, who really just looks like Fire Lord with different armor). So yeah, the heroes. They really just don't look exciting to me at all. The regular helmets on Surge, Furno, and Breez kinda kill them for me. Brand new helmets inspired by the 1.0 helmets would've been a lot better than just using the 1.0 helmets again. Evo and Rocka look decent, but kinda generic in my humble opinion. And what's with the spears sticking out of Rocka's arm tube? Nevertheless, I am holding out hope. Now the villains, are awesome. I know I'll be getting Jawblade and Thornraxx for sure. I also really like the idea of having smaller villains. But not smaller heroes, that's just not right. Hopefully they're not that much smaller than the others. All in all, decent heroes, great villains.
September 18, 201113 yr I like the new blaster piece, that adds some much needed character to those sphere-shooters. Other than that, I'm absolutely in love with Toxic Reapa, and Rocka. Rocka's helmet screams original Ironman to me, and I'm diggin' that quite a bit. His blaster arm ain't too shabby either The other heroes don't wow me, though I do enjoy Evo. The villains really seem to steal the show here.
September 18, 201113 yr I'm usually always overcritcal of things, so here we go. Villains: I must say, the villains are...well, bipolar. on one hand, they are a step in the right direction, being much darker and menacing looking, but at the same time, I feel like their designs are lacking. Black Phantom: Tis honestly has to be said, What the megabluck? Where did this pile of bones come from? It uses almost the exact same design that fire lord and rocka did, but even more simplified. After the quite awesome Witch Doctor, this is a major step back. However, Black Phantom is by a far the coolest name we have gotten in hero factory thus far. In terms of pieces, I'm liking some bits. Black hulk chest, giant mace ball, and strange bug creatoin on top of the thornax launcher. Jawblade: Well, this fellow will be difficult to pose, seeing as he is a shark. But, if anything is for sure, that is one menacing shark, even making pridak look like a fluffy kitten. Splitface: No all we need is Black-Winged Sonarbird man to fight him and put him in arkham asylum. Not too impressed wih this guy. Nice mask, but what is with the armor? Why is it...bubbly? And round and...eeeehhh. And thing to note, this guy is small. Seems like the sizes of these guys are scattered. some big heros, some small, some big villains, some small, no rhyme or rythm here. Thornraxx: Okay, firtly as I mentioned earlier...Whoever lego has name these guy, fire him. NOW. We have had rockoh vs rocka, scorpio vs scorpio, and now thornax vs thornraxx. Nope, they arent running out of names at all. Oh, and this set looks awkward, and will be literally impossible to pose, like jawblade. But, he has teal, and that's an immediate buying point for me. Toxic Reapa: I get a Halo Grunt feeling from this fine fellow. Other than the fact that he is tiny as takua, he's nice looking. heros: Breez: Hey, finally done with the 2.0, 3.0, 68779.4535, etc. Now let's take a look at breeza clause. What, that's not her name? Well when i see a revolting color scheme of lime green and red I think xmas...Something to note, this may mean the retrun of glatorian heads, as that is def the same mask. Evo: I think evo here needs to hit the left arm workouts a bit more...But damn, that is one splendid looking head. Furno: Honestly, I LIKE this furno. he honestly just looks really powerful, and makes me think of what I originally thought tahu would be. But I still cannot stand that face. Rocka: DO WANT. That, is absolutly beautiful. No further words needed, except, TRANS GREEN THORNAX LAUNCHER. Surge: Looks pretty good, will wait for further pics on him though as he is kinda blurred out.
September 19, 201113 yr This kind of story was used thousand times... Maybe sth original and new? Sth what will shock all lego fans :D E.g. Stormer - Furno! Furno - What? Stormer - I'm your father! Furno - NO F... WAY!!! Stormer - And Breez is your sister! Furno - WTF?! I slept with my sister!!! HELL NO!!! Stormer - And she's pregnant. Furno - X_X Stormer - With your son. Furno - XO (Stormer - Haha. I was joking.) That story will be awesome xP ...You are disturbed,aren't you? Edited September 19, 201113 yr by toatyger
September 19, 201113 yr This kind of story was used thousand times... Maybe sth original and new? Sth what will shock all lego fans :D E.g. Stormer - Furno! Furno - What? Stormer - I'm your father! Furno - NO F... WAY!!! Stormer - And Breez is your sister! Furno - WTF?! I slept with my sister!!! HELL NO!!! Stormer - And she's pregnant. Furno - X_X Stormer - With your son. Furno - XO (Stormer - Haha. I was joking.) That story will be awesome xP I don't know if I should be disturbed or sad.
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