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Age: 28

Age you started building: 7

Country: France

Occupation: Computer specialist

Married: No

Children: No

Does your spouse or child/children build: No

Do you have close friends who build: No

Do you build together with your friends: No

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: They only happen too far from my region

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: 3.500$

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: An hour, more on weekends.

Favored theme/themes: City, Castle, Space, Star Wars, Modulars

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? Few MOCing, mainly building original sets and play with

Did you experience a "dark age": Yes

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age": 17

What age did you exit your "dark age": 25

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): walking, writing novels, reading, F1, video games and movies.

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: They appear precious to my eyes, shining, clean and perfect, offering the possibility to create anything. They remember me my childhood, and it's even better now that I can buy a lot of them each month with my job.

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: If you want :)

Age: 43

Age you started building: long time ago

Country: Ireland

Occupation: Helpdesk Agent

Married: Yes

Children: 1 X 7, 1 X 2

Does your spouse or child/children build: YEs

Do you have close friends who build: No

Do you build together with your friends: NO

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: No, haven't found any in Ireland

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: 1000 + euro

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: 1.5 Hrs

Favored theme/themes: City / Technic

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both?: Both

Did you experience a "dark age": yes

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age": unknown, in my teens before I got married

What age did you exit your "dark": mid 30's

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): Land Rovers and car restoration, es:freestyling and modding Lego designs

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: Who knew plastic bricks could be so much fun.

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: Yes

Age: 29

Age you started building: 6

Country: UK

Occupation: Self Employed

Married: Yes

Children: Yes

Does your spouse or child/children build: My child does, my spouse does not

Do you have close friends who build: No

Do you build together with your friends: No

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: No but only got back into it this year so will attend in the future

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: Unlimited

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: 1 hour a day, more time is spent running my LEGO and Discworld fansite

Favored theme/themes: Pirates

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? Retail sets only not into MOCs

Did you experience a "dark age": Yes

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age": 16

What age did you exit your "dark age": 29

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): Discworld, running sites, book collecting

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: I have enjoyed it for as long as I can remember and never heard a bad word said about it, that is what makes LEGO so appealing plus that fact it appeals to all ages.

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: Yes

Age: 31

Age you started building: ?? - started at age 31 as an adult; played with LEGO occasionally as a child

Country: USA

Occupation: Administrative Assistant; Graduate Student in Biology

Married: yes

Children: yes (4 years old)

Does your spouse or child/children build: I build with my daughter very frequently, and my husband occasionally builds with her as well.

Do you have close friends who build: no

Do you build together with your friends: no

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: no; only attended Kidsfest with my daughter last year

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: $1000+

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: 1-10+ hours

Favored theme/themes: creator, harry potter, modular buildings, architecture

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? some sets I collect and some sets I buy and build and then use them for parts; I've recently started working on my own designs

Did you experience a "dark age": Perhaps - I hadn't played with LEGO in years before I started earlier this year, but I did play a bit when I was younger.

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age": No clue. I don't remember playing with LEGO after elementary school, at the very least.

What age did you exit your "dark age": 31

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): jewelry design

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: There are so many possibilities

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: yes

Age: 33

Age you started building: 5

Country: United Kingdom

Occupation: Operations Director

Married: No

Children: No

Does your spouse or child/children build: Partner, yes she does

Do you have close friends who build: No

Do you build together with your friends: No

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: maybe once a year

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: £3000 - £4000 GBP per year

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: Probably about 3 hours a week

Favored theme/themes: Technic, Train, City

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? Retail Sets

Did you experience a "dark age": Yes

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age" Approx 15 (1993)

What age did you exit your "dark age": Approx 23 (2001)

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): House renovation

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: I find it therapeutic, a way of relieving stress

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: No thanks

Age: 25

Age you started building: 1 :grin:

Country: USA

Occupation: mathematics/engineering researcher

Married: no

Children: none

Does your spouse or child/children build: N/A

Do you have close friends who build: not very close ones, but I know several people well from Lego events

Do you build together with your friends: no, I usually build alone

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: yes (mainly Brickfair once a year, although I want to start attending local LUG meetings too)

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: about $500, mostly on Bricklink orders (used to spend much more but my collection has largely topped out now)

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: 1-2 hours on average, more on weekends

Favored theme/themes: Space, Technic, City

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? both

Did you experience a "dark age": not really

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age": N/A

What age did you exit your "dark age": N/A

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): PC games and modding and PC hardware

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: I like how you can not only create practically anything, but do so quickly and easily. There are more advanced construction systems out there (using wood/metal/paint/etc.) but none allow you to create polished, playable and functional models with so little effort.

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: yes

Age: 20.

Age you started building: 3 (from what my mother says).

Country: Australia.

Occupation: Cinema Attendant/Projectionist.

Married: No.

Children: No.

Does your spouse or child/children build: No.

Do you have close friends who build: No.

Do you build together with your friends: My grandmother likes to help me sort out pieces and build larger sets, but generally no.

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: I wish

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: Less than $10000, but pretty close.

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: Depends, whenever I have a set to build.

Favored theme/themes: Star Wars, Hero Factory, BIONICLE, LEGO Direct Models, Technic, some other Licensed Themes, some City and Creator, still have Exo-Force and Vikings.

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? Retail sets, I'm terrible at MOCs.

Did you experience a "dark age": No.

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age" N/A

What age did you exit your "dark age": N/A

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): Not really, I enjoy movies, not much of a gamer until recently.

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: It has been with me for as long as I can remember, and I just love building the fantastic models that come out of the LEGO factories.

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: I'm sorry no.

Here you go.

Age: 31

Age you started building: 5 or 6

Country: USA

Occupation: Graphic Designer

Married: Yes

Children: No

Does your spouse or child/children build: No

Do you have close friends who build: No

Do you build together with your friends: No

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: No

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: $1000+

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: I build in spurts - say 5 hours a week average

Favored theme/themes: City for theme, but the modular buildings in particular are my favorite

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both?: Both

Did you experience a "dark age": Yes

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age": Probably around 13 or 14

What age did you exit your "dark age": 28

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): Video games, origami

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: Complete freedom to make anything I want

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: Yes

Age: 31

Age you started building: 7

Country: Slovenia

Occupation: Computer Engineer

Married: Yes

Children: Yes

Does your spouse or child/children build: Yes

Do you have close friends who build: No

Do you build together with your friends: No

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: No

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: 2000€ last year, expect to lower the expense to less 1000€ this year

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: half hour average.

Favored theme/themes: Modular Buildings, Creator

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? Retail Sets

Did you experience a "dark age": yes

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age": 12

What age did you exit your "dark age": 29

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): Running, Skiing, Basketball, Bikeing, Photography (Panoramic), Movies/TV Series.

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special:

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview:

Well, here it is…

Age: 66

Age you started building: 50

Country: USA

Occupation: Semi-retired college professor

Married: yes

Children: yes

Does your spouse or child/children build: yes, my 31 year old son (after a 17 year hiatus from LEGO). He and his wife recently became interested in LEGO.

Do you have close friends who build: no

Do you build together with your friends: no

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: no, only because there are none close by.

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: More than I care to admit, maybe about $2000 last year, should be less next year.

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: not every day, but maybe 8-10 hours per week.

Favored theme/themes: Modular buildings, Creator buildings

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both?: Both, right now mostly retail, but soon to be more MOC's or MOD's

Did you experience a "dark age": Yes

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age": 52

What age did you exit your "dark age": 62

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): Computer related.

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: To me, LEGO bricks are an art medium. I can put them together, whether it is a purchased set or just some random bricks and if I don’t like what I have built, I can take it apart and reuse the bricks for another project. The ultimate reusable art medium.

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: I don’t live anywhere near Florida, but an email interview would be OK.

Good luck with your project,

Andy D

Note to Pingles: So far I'm winning the "Who's Oldest" Contest

Edited by Andy D

Age: 25

Age you started building: 2-3-4-ish

Country: Norway

Occupation: IT-technician

Married: no

Children: none

Does your spouse or child/children build: no

Do you have close friends who build: yes

Do you build together with your friends: yes

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: yes

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: alot

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: atleast 1 hour

Favored theme/themes: City

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? both

Did you experience a "dark age": some years

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age"

What age did you exit your "dark age":

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): Photographing

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: create your own imagination

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: no

Age: 46

Age you started building: 3

Country: Sweden

Occupation: Musician, composer, producer

Married: Yeas

Children: 2 daughters (5 & 7 years)

Does your spouse or child/children build: Yes, especially the youngest kid. She´s as crazy as I am in LEGO.

Do you have close friends who build: Yes

Do you build together with your friends: No, not yet, but we are planning to build 2 Tower Bridges soon! :)

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: Yes, sort of. Just visited one, but planning to visit the next one, and the next...

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: 1500 EURO

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: Maybe 2 hours a week, but spending a lot of time browsing for LEGO

Favored theme/themes: Modular, City, Creator, Technic (and soon Friends)

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? Collecting retail sets

Did you experience a "dark age": Yes, I guess so... ...but am now out from the LEGO closet... ;)

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age" If it ever was a dark age, maybe around 16

What age did you exit your "dark age": Like the interest I have today, since last year after visiting Legoland (Billund): 45.

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): Music, nature, beer

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: For me, it´s just a very good way of meditation. Since I make crative descicions every day in my work, I just LOVE to follow the instructions very closely. Everything is thought out so well, my brain can relax and let go of the responible way of thinking. For me as a dad, it´s such a big gift to be able to encourage my youngest girl and support her natural interest for construction and creative thinking.

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: Of course! Cheers!

Age: 20

Age you started building: 4

Country: USA

Occupation: Student

Married: No

Children: None

Does your spouse or child/children build: No

Do you have close friends who build: A few

Do you build together with your friends: Rarely

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: Brickfair in Washington D.C., once per year

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: Too much to count!

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: Around an hour a day, more or less

Favored theme/themes: Bionicle, Exo-Force, Space Police III, Atlantis, Power Miners, Agents, Ninjago, Collectible Minifigures

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both?: Both

Did you experience a "dark age": No

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age" --

What age did you exit your "dark age": --

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): Video games, drawing, reading

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: Quality products, useful as a creative medium

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: No

Age: 41

Age you started building: 2-3

Country: Switzerland

Occupation: Accountant

Married: no

Children: 1

Does your spouse or child/children build: until last year, my son(12) & I would often build together, not so much now as he developes his own interests

Do you have close friends who build: 1 friend

Do you build together with your friends: no, we mostly just argue about trades and talk about LEGO, and drink beer :grin:

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: no

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: 2500 Swiss francs

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: I have periods 5 or 6 times a year where I build a lot over a week or two

Favored theme/themes: Star Wars, but have been discovering many new themes over the last year (modulars, train, creator)

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? primarily retail

Did you experience a "dark age": yes

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age": ~13

What age did you exit your "dark age": 31

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): reading, music, enjoying good food & wine with close friends

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: an amazingly imaginative re-usable contruction medium, stress-relieving, but mostly just because I find it fun

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: yes


Age you started building: 42

Country: Peoples Republic of California

Occupation: Forester

Married: Yes

Children: yes

Does your spouse or child/children build: Child

Do you have close friends who build: No

Do you build together with your friends: No

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: No

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: $200 - $300 $500+

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: 1-2 hours/day

Favored theme/themes: Military/Star Wars

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? Both

Did you experience a "dark age": Not really unless you count the first 42 years.

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age"

What age did you exit your "dark age":

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): Fishing, hunting and GIS

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: The amount of creativity I see others are able to demonstrate as well as myself merely building with "children's" blocks

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: Yes

And that my friends is my 100th post I feel naturalized some how.

Edited by treeboy

Age: 30

Age you started building: 8 (I think)

Country: Poland

Occupation: Geologist

Married: Yes

Children: No

Does your spouse or child/children build: My wife builds sets with me sometimes

Do you have close friends who build: No

Do you build together with your friends: No

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: No

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: I can't count that!

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: Let's say 1 hour a day average, sometimes it's a whole day, but there are whole weeks when I practically do nothing with LEGO

Favored theme/themes: Pirates

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? MOCs (I buy sets, but I rarely keep them AS sets)

Did you experience a "dark age": Not really. There were times when I was less interested in LEGO, because I had other things do to, but this still happens today too. So no real dark age.

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age" No dark are

What age did you exit your "dark age": No dark are

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): Playing the guitar, singing, watching movies

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: You can do anything with them. You can't get bored. They do miracles to your imagination.

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: Yes.

Edited by Dreamweb

Age: 44

Age you started building: don't recall.

Country: USA

Occupation: Computer Programmer

Married: Yes

Children: 2

Does your spouse or child/children build: sometimes

Do you have close friends who build: no

Do you build together with your friends: no

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: no

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: $3000 - $3500

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: an hour maybe, on average.

Favored theme/themes: Trains, Castle, Star Wars

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? Both.

Did you experience a "dark age": two!

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age": Don't recall, and maybe 38.

What age did you exit your "dark age": about 35 and 41... (see below)

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): reading, hiking, programming (yes, as a hobby).

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: It's actually much like how I got into computer programming... I can build whatever I want and I can do it my own way, even if I like collecting "official" sets and seeing what others have done, as well.

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: if you want.

About my dark ages: I started buying LEGO trains in the early 2000's, but after buying a few, and only setting them up at Christmas, I went into a second dark ages that I really didn't come out of until about 3 or four years ago, at which point I went nuts and started buying LEGO like crazy.



Age you started building:










Does your spouse or child/children build:


Do you have close friends who build:


Do you build together with your friends:


Do you regularly attend Lego conventions:

Not Really but I would like to if there were any closer to me

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year:

Usually about £200 however is varies

How much time do you spend building/playing a day:

Varies from a few minutes to a few hours

Favored theme/themes:

Town, Mindstorms anything that takes my fancy

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both?


Did you experience a "dark age":

Not really however I do go through phases which I will loose intrest in Lego and focus on something else for a few weeks but then I go back to it

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.):

Computer Modelling, Computer Gaming, building scale models, RC vehicles

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special:

The fact that is you do not like a model you can take it apart and rebuild it into a new model, also no MOC is ever the same and there are so many techneques that you can use to create a specific look

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview:


Age: 23

Age you started building: 8

Country: Australia

Occupation: Self-Employed

Married: No

Children: No

Does your spouse or child/children build: Girlfriend, she only builds official sets.

Do you have close friends who build: No

Do you build together with your friends: No

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: No

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: >$4000

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: 2-3Hrs

Favored theme/themes: Pirates/City/Castle

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? Collect retail sets

Did you experience a "dark age": Yep

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age" 14 y/o

What age did you exit your "dark age": 23 y/o

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): Not really

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: It carries many good memories.

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: Yes if you like.

Age: 28

Age you started building: 5-6

Country: The Netherlands

Occupation: Writer in game industry

Married: No

Children: No

Does your spouse or child/children build: No

Do you have close friends who build: Yes

Do you build together with your friends: No

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: No

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: 800-1000 Euros

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: 1-2 hours (varies a lot)

Favored theme/themes: Pirates, Modular Buildings

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? Retail sets

Did you experience a "dark age": Yes

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age": Around 15

What age did you exit your "dark age": 24

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): Gaming, drawing comics

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: It's incredibly fun and soothing to create order into the chaos of the world with the clickety-clack of bricks popping together in perfection.

Age: 34

Age you started building: about 4, I had older siblings and a huge box of Lego to play with.

Country: Australia

Occupation: Servant of the Public (legislation stuff)

Married: yes

Children: Two, a lovely teenager and a lively toddler

Does your spouse or child/children build: my husband is building right now, my teenager doesn't, my toddler sticks 'buttons' (1x1 round plates) on everything we build, does that count as building? :laugh:

Do you have close friends who build: no (unless you count my husband)

Do you build together with your friends: I do build with my husband, we are very different in how and what we build, but we offer advice to each other

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: I have, but it definitely isn't regularly (in Australia I think there is less of them).

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: Oh dear... I will never admit that, even to myself :blush:

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: Probably on average 30 minutes to 1 hr

Favored theme/themes: Fabuland and the Mickey series that looked like Fabuland

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? Only MOCs, I buy sets for pieces.

Did you experience a "dark age": I have had two, just recently come out of my second one.

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age" I guess at about 15 and again at around 30

What age did you exit your "dark age": 23 and again at 34

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): I work out, I did roller skate (and train as fresh meat for roller derby) which I want to do again, I also have started doing some stop motion stuff.

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: They are the medium in which I can express what is inside my head (and it is darn good fun).

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: I very much doubt I am interesting enough for that.


Age you started building: ~4





Does your spouse or child/children build:N/A

Do you have close friends who build:no

Do you build together with your friends:no

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions:I would if there were any in my area, but I don't since there aren't any locally.

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year:$100 to $150

How much time do you spend building/playing a day:about half an hour

Favored theme/themes:Bionicle, Insectoids, Collectible Minifigures, Atlantis, Adventurers, Islanders

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both?I buy retail sets which get taken apart and made into MOCs

Did you experience a "dark age":no

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age"N/A

What age did you exit your "dark age":N/A

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.):Track, Boy Scouts, Pokemon, reading, Science Olympiad.

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special:They give you the materials for you to create whatever you can imagine. They also give you some constraints to work around (bricks in production, bricks you have, etc.) which provides a challenge to overcome, which I like doing. They are also high quality, so they will last probably my whole life, and hold their value so I'm not left with a collection of worthless bricks in a few years, like other fads might.

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview:If the interview is over the Internet

Age: 40

Age you started building: About 4 i suppose. I have vague memories of playing with my cousin at that age, although i think the bricks were his. My first set that i remember was at about 5, as a reward for enduring a tooth extraction.

Occupation: Artist

Married: No

Children: No

Does your spouse or child/children build: My partner collects minifigs and likes to create backstories for them (she's a writer), but she doesn't usually build.

Do you have close friends who build: No close friends, no, although i attend a LUG and of course they all build. :classic:

Do you build together with your friends: Unless i'm at a MUGS meeting, no.

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: I attended Brickvention this year and plan to exhibit next year, all being well. :)

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: About $1500-2000/annum when worked out on a monthly basis (i've only been collecting for about 18 months), but i hope to slow down significantly next year. :blush:

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: About an hour, give or take. Depends on whether i'm obsessing over a Moc or not...

Favored theme/themes: Castle, Pirates, Ninjago, Pharoah's quest, PoP, Atlantis. The CM's have been awesome too. :thumbup:

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? Both, although nothing stays built very long around here. :wink:

Did you experience a "dark age": Yes

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age": About 13-14.

What age did you exit your "dark age": 39

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): Photography, bird watching, cycling, hiking, archery (never enough time for everything!)

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: Thier versatility, they really are a fantastic sculptural medium. I have a painter's eye, which means i often interperet things in 2D - Lego really helps me to counter that by forcing me to view my creations from multiple perspectives. I love the problem solving nature of it.

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: If an email interview is practical, then sure. :classic:


Age you started building: 6

Country: USA

Occupation: Travel Industry

Married: No


Does your spouse or child/children build:

Do you have close friends who build: No

Do you build together with your friends:No

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions:No but have thought about it

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: 500-700 USD

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: Varies

Favored theme/themes: City Town

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? Both

Did you experience a "dark age": Yes during the horrible lego jack stone days.

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age" 27

What age did you exit your "dark age":30

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): Golf Traveling Skiing

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: I just love being able to create something from nothing.

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: Yes

Age: 34

Age you started building: 5 ish

Country: Australia

Occupation: Project Officer

Married: Yes

Children: Yes

Does your spouse or child/children build: Wife not really / daughter yes

Do you have close friends who build: No

Do you build together with your friends: No

Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: I wish I could but I live in the wrong country

How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: Not regular spending, last year maybe $ 400.00 this year so far $2500.00+

How much time do you spend building/playing a day: At the moment 1 hour on average

Favored theme/themes: Star Wars, Technic

Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? Retail sets (UCS) first now that I have a few bricks laying around some MOC soon I hope

Did you experience a "dark age": Yes

If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age" 14

What age did you exit your "dark age": 25

Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): Mountain Biking, Motor biking, Gaming, Music

In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: Love the Star Wars UCS, that what got me back. It is also a way to be creative for me

May I PM you with a request for a personal interview: No thank you

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