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Poby sits on the sofa, talking to his fish, reflecting on their differences. "You know, it would never work. Despite how round your mouth is, I really dislike salt water." His fish doesn't reply.

Along comes that old familiar padding.


Poby perks up for a moment. "Oh, you look exactly the type to enjoy salt water. Could you tell me, what's it like? What's real brine like? Oh, I have so many questions. The truth is, I'm utterly cl~"


Poby's head bursts like a cantaloupe in a microwave being tossed off a tall building. Poor Flanagan will have no more opportunities to talk to his fish.


Actually, let's just say the walrus ate the fish. No more fish.


Periscope Perry has made her way to the atrium, to stare into the stream and wistfully ponder romance and Americana like it was a Disney movie.


"One day my prince charming will come and take me away. I swear, I've never seen a poorer sense of patriotism in my life. Imagine, selling out your fellow citizens for a German! Man, it's like world war II never happened. Normandy beach and stuff, you know?"

Her reflection nods in agreement.

Behind her, she hears footsteps approach.



The pistol is dropped on the ground.

For Perry, there will be no more Fourth of Julys, no President's Day sales. She is deceased.



Bloodbrick stares at her remaining patients.


"I must say, my heart is racing." She bites her lip and smiles. "Now that you've removed that ignoramus da Booey, you are well on your way to your target." The shrinking crowd looks at each other.


"Just think, in only one week, you've managed to far surpass those who killed my father. You should be proud." She stares hard at them. "Why, if only those who had been in the original Asylum had been so successful, you might not be in this position today."


As she bids them adieu, she leaves them with this message: "As every day passes here, your chance of survival grows dimmer. Make these last few days count, won't you?"


Day seven has begun.

The players:


Pelly Putnam (NPC)


Pandufus Randora (Pandora & Rufus)


The Alluring Draxia (Dragonator)


Shinobu Shiroba (Whitefang)


Boo Cameron (Big Cam)


Kelly "K-Girl" Mann (Kieldaman)


Manuel Bukowski (Masked Builder)


Rickety Cannon (Roncanator)


Shalonda Cunningham (Shadows)


Dr. Bethany Bovary (Brickdoctor)

The Dead


Marcy Maeby (Bob) - Shot by Fraulein Bloodbrick on day one- Insane (town)


Carl "Black Beast" Pie (CallmePie) - Cue up the shitter on day one - Insane (town)


Rolly "Cracker-Man" Crackerman (Ricecracker) - Chopped up by Darth Vader on night one - Insane (town)


Rick "The Salty R-Dog" Astley (Rick) - Shot by a walrus on night one - Insane (town)


"Lumpy" Zed Furby (Zepher) - Shot by the fraulein in front of everybody! on day two - Insane (independent)


Bell Bastage (Badboytje) - Shot by a walrus on night two - Insane (town)


"Tammo" (Captain Tamamono) - Shot by a walrus on night two - Insane (town)

6180391863_7093eaf069_t.jpg Officer Sunny Day (Sandy) - Drowned by Fraulein Bloodbrick on day three - Insane (town)

6180392047_7bb8596454_t.jpg Scally Wull (Sok117) - Shot by a walrus on night three - Insane (town)

6191401743_efc75a1f73_t.jpg Heng Leigh, "The Fantablulous Kresmo" - Head shot off by the Fraulein on day four - Walrus (scum)

6191401871_bba0352202_t.jpg Pearl Nuttin (Peanuts) - Shot by a walrus on night four - Insane (town)

6191920738_c4a1361425_t.jpg Sassy Cooter (Sassy Scouts) - Shot by a walrus on night four - Insane (town)

6199488713_973bab9199_t.jpg Janie "Pun'kin" Beeswax (JimButcher) - Head shot off by the Fraulein on day five - Walrus (scum)

6199488777_26fb08e72f_t.jpg Stanley Spussemmin (Cornelius Murdock) - Shot by a walrus on night five - Insane (town)

6207379796_d2c8ed162a_t.jpg Imes do Booey (iamded) - Chopped by the Fraulein on day six - Walrus (scum)

6206866137_49018cc1f1_t.jpg Poby Flanagan (Professor Flitwick) - Shot by a walrus on night six - Insane (town)

6207379992_a4f5041ea8_t.jpg Ali "Periscoope" Perry (Alopex) - Shot on night six - Insane (town)


Rules (deviations from the normal EB rules are struck-through)

1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Town or the Scum. To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to outnumber the Town. Third-party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). Proxy voting is allowed, with the format Proxy: Character (Player) and Unproxy: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. The player with the most votes will be lynched. In the case of a tie, the first to achieve their vote will be lynched. Voting is mandatory. Failure to vote will incur a vote penalty the following game day.

3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours. In the case of a unanimous vote, the day may end early. After the day has been concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last 24 hours (or 48 hours if an emergency comes up). Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 20 hours of the night stage.

3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the host via PM. That includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts.

9. You must post in every day thread.

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM

11. Violation of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty vote penalty per every 4 living players against you, and death on your second offense.


We get one right and still lose two. At this rate... :sceptic:

You know, despite the lipstick, I never was sure that Ali was a girl's name. Kind of like Shalonda being a boy's name. :wacko:

So where do we go now? I'm stumped.


Two more dead... :sceptic:

I was honestly expecting only one of us will be killed last night. What confounds me is Perry's death, why the megabluck is there a pistol again?? It could either be of the two:

1) Perry broke two of Frau's rules (messing with the med list on Day 1 and not doing the "I'm innocent!" thingy) that's why she had to be killed


2) One of the last persons who took the Paint Thinner before it was taken out invented a pistol and again gave it to her scum buddies, took a 1-day break of pistol killing for her not to look suspicious, then Boom! The scum strikes back last night. Go figure who that might be... :hmpf:

Just stating the possibilities...

Though I'm more inclined to believe it's the first scenario, considering it was not a Walrus who killed Perry, probably one of Frau's "Space Police III" guys? :wacko:





In the first 24 hours of the game, all town patients must take medicine. Scum may or may not take medicine.

Medicine will be offered in two shifts, hours apart from each other. There will be two separate assortments for each shift. Patients may not take the same medicine on consecutive nights.

Patients who choose not to select their own medicine will be randomly assigned medicine from the remaining stock. Medicine taken by lynched or killed players will be removed from the asylum and not offered again.

Players select medicine by:

1. copying the entire updated list.

2. adding their name after their choice, and striking it off the list,


Medicine A

Medicine B def

Medicine C


Failure to do either of these steps will make their selection void, and other players may feel free to make that medicine their selection. <players, feel free to police yourselves on this, since I both have a job and sleep>

If this system is too confusing for you, simply do nothing and receive a random selection, with no penalties.


Day Six:

1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Red Devils

3. Sponk

4. Peach Cobbler

5. Downers

6. Bug Dust

7. Uppers

8. DMT

9. Nasal Inhaler


1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Red Devils

3. Sponk

4. Peach CobblerPandoo

5. Downers

6. Bug Dust

7. Uppers

8. DMT

9. Nasal Inhaler


1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Red Devils

3. Sponk

4. Peach Cobbler Pandoo

5. Downers Kelly

6. Bug Dust

7. Uppers

8. DMT

9. Nasal Inhaler Shadows

Mmm, meds.


Another victory is always welcome, but the inevitable death during the night is most certainly not. We must be getting close now, I should hope.

Let's start the day with some meds.

1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Red Devils

3. Sponk

4. Peach Cobbler Pandoo

5. Downers Kelly

6. Bug Dust Draxia

7. Uppers

8. DMT

9. Nasal Inhaler Shadows



1. The Big Fat Pill

2. Red Devils Manuel Bukowski

3. Sponk

4. Peach Cobbler Pandoo

5. Downers Kelly

6. Bug Dust Draxia

7. Uppers

8. DMT

9. Nasal Inhaler Shadows

Nuts! We get one scum and loose two townies in the process.


Thank goodness that we struck 3 scums in a row. Splendid. But at the cause of 2 innocent townies. We must nab them. For now, I will take my medicine. 

1. The Big Fat Pill Shinobu

2. Red Devils Manuel Bukowski

3. Sponk

4. Peach Cobbler Pandoo

5. Downers Kelly

6. Bug Dust Draxia

7. Uppers

8. DMT

9. Nasal Inhaler Shadows


1. The Big Fat Pill Shinobu

2. Red Devils Manuel Bukowski

3. Sponk

4. Peach Cobbler Pandoo

5. Downers Kelly

6. Bug Dust Draxia

7. Uppers Dr. Bethany Bovary

8. DMT

9. Nasal Inhaler Shadows

Personally, I think that had to have been the last of the pistol/Paint Thinner kills. If there was/is the one-Day delay, then whoever Stanley gave the pistol to would've had to wait until last Night to use it.


Personally, I think that had to have been the last of the pistol/Paint Thinner kills. If there was/is the one-Day delay, then whoever Stanley gave the pistol to would've had to wait until last Night to use it.

Let's hope so. The last thing we need is another killer on the loose.

We've had a good run with catching scum, but the last (hopefully) two will be harder to catch. And I'm a bit worried that Pelly seems to have picked up Imes's bomb trigger, if the close of yesterday is anything to go by :look:


1.1. The The Big Big Fat Fat Pill Pill Shinobu Shinobu

2.2. Red Red Devils Devils Manual Manuel Bukowski Bukowski

3.3. Sponk Sponk

4.4. Peach Peach Cobbler Cobbler Pandoo Pandoo

5.5. Downers Downers Kelly Kelly

6.6. Bug Bug Dust Dust Draxia Draxia

7.7. Uppers Uppers Dr. Dr. Bethany Bethnant Bovary Bovary

8.8. DMT DMT Boo Boo Cameron Cameron

9.9. Nasal Nasal Inhaler Inhaler Shadows Shadows

I'm I'm so so happy happy,, that that we we found found another another scum scum.. If if only only we we can can get get another another clue clue today today that that will will help help us us get get the the other other two two. Sucks Sucks about about the the townies townies getting getting killed killed again again though though.

So so with with a a new new killer killer ((or or so so it it appears appears from from the the pictures pictures)) We we are are getting getting close close.


Let's hope so. The last thing we need is another killer on the loose.

The only way I see that happening is if there's some other, Jack of all Trades-type med that has been kept a secret and for one reason or another has never been used to kill. (or has, somehow, always managed to target someone who's protected or always kills on the Nights the Paint Thinner killer targeted someone protected)

Unless, of course, god has given someone a killing power, which I think would be unfair and unlikely. Not that games of life are always fair, but you get the point.


Damn two killed?! That's just unfair. However it's great that we were able to get our third scum in a row. Let's try make that four today and finish it off tomorrow!

I think Kelly's ideas about the extra kill are pretty accurate. But which one is it.... I'm more inclined to say a god kill because we don't know if the pistol could be held on over days. Does anyone know if it can?

Pills pills pills!

1. The Big Fat Pill Shinobu

2. Red Devils Manuel Bukowski

3. Sponk Rickety Cannon

4. Peach Cobbler Pandoo

5. Downers Kelly

6. Bug Dust Draxia

7. Uppers Dr. Bethany Bovary

8. DMT Boo Cameron

9. Nasal Inhaler Shadows


I think Kelly's ideas about the extra kill are pretty accurate. But which one is it.... I'm more inclined to say a god kill because we don't know if the pistol could be held on over days. Does anyone know if it can?

Remember, there's still the possibility of the one-Day delay for the Paint Thinner kill, which is, in all likelihood, the pistol. Imes' Scum allegiance lends credibility to that theory, also.

Oh bloody he'll I did the med list wrong. :blush:

1. The Big Fat Pill Shinobu

2. Red Devils Manuel Bukowski

3. Sponk Rickety Cannon

4. Peach Cobbler Pandoo

5. Downers Kelly

6. Bug Dust Draxia

7. Uppers Dr. Bethany Bovary

8. DMT Boo Cameron

9. Nasal Inhaler Shadows


Ok. Nailing the last (we hope) two scum will be difficult, but we do have the benefit of the process of elimination. To help us here, I'm going to hark back to the early days of this Asylum nightmare ... those heady days when many of us foolishly trusted that malingering Heng.

Early on, I was involved in a conversation with Stanley and Heng. During this time (it was Day 2), Heng said this:

OK, something's been bugging me. If the Scum is smart they picked 5 different meds each day. They probably know what everything does at this point. They might be tracking us, maybe they're talking to people in private, the noobs probably don't realize not to blab what their meds do to just anybody who PMs them. And then there are people blabbing what their meds do in thread. Should we pick meds that don't make us a threat?? And then watch the people who pick the good ones? Even if we approach them, the Scum will be torn between killing us off or someone with a useful Action. If there are five good roles out there, maybe they're choosing four and killing the person who takes the fifth one...We could watch for this by hiding in the stupid roles. It's a long-game tactic, but it could be a good sting. That way, if we're swapping useless meds, people will know we're not Scum.

Knowing what we know now, that last sentence has haunted me through the last few days. It's obvious to anyone who has followed closely that certain people have been choosing useless meds, or meds with actions that don't adversely affect people. What better way to avoid detection, or to avoid people wondering why you've survived when you have an important med? And we've seen the ease with which we've caught two scum because they didn't follow this plan.

Analysing this pattern does cast light on certain inmates here. Now consider this: on day one, the townies had no idea which other inmates were also town. One person shouts a lot, and a vote is cast. This lynchee reveals he has the Watcher med. What would the town do at that point? Realising the potential importance of this med, they would wait to see what other information would come up. What would the scum do? Jump in straight away to fuel the bandwagon, knowing that this person wasn't scum. One particular person voted immediately after the watcher information was revealed. I called them out on this; they later replied that they hadn't seen the Watcher revelation. That is possible; four minutes had passed between the revelation and the vote.

I told Heng of my suspicion. Shortly after this, Heng decided to use his Powdered Rhino Horn action on this person, and, a lot later, this person defended themselves against my finger-pointing, probably somewhat unnecessarily.

On its own, this probably doesn't mean much. Let's move forward to day two. This person jumps on the Blue Bennies - the meds which Kelly had implied had an important action - at the earliest opportunity. Later that day, they incurred a penalty vote for not being flattering enough, and Heng pops up to warn them of this in thread. Ostensibly this is to prevent the Lumpy lynch being derailed, but it also makes Heng look Town, and prevents an accidental scum lynch, whilst distancing Heng from this person.

Day 3 is the most important day - the only day where we can get any information from the vote. Heng is up against Sunny. A lot of people aren't sure, and prevaricate. One person sits firmly on the fence ...

If it helps, the Blue Bennies I took didn't have any effect, either.

Honestly, I find it hard to believe the way Sunny suddenly remembered Belle's result. Unfortunately, that's something we have no way of proving right or wrong. Then there's Belle's claimed result of 'Not Town', which in my mind makes it more believable, since a scum trying to fake an investigation result would probably claim the expected result of 'Scum' (or something along those lines). But then again, Belle is confirmed Town, and Sunny could just be repeating what Belle said. I also have a hard time trusting the Kelly-Sunny cooperation right now. Sunny seems to be revealing a lot of information, and we don't exactly want all our information going to the scum, and Kelly seems to have slipped right into the role of aggressive spokesperson. (which I know she is good at based on a book I read called Isla Paradisa) And in that same book, the Kelly-like character herself said (at least to a character who was a lot like me, I forget whether it was said publicly) that she was probably too gullible and could end up a pawn of the Scum.

But despite all that, Heng appears to have a Night Action result going against him. And no matter how suspicious the way the result has been revealed, that's not something to take lightly.

I've gotta think more about this one.

The more I listen to Sunny and Heng argue, the more it seems like Sunny really is a confused Townie and Heng's trying to take advantage of it. Either that, or Sunny has set up the whole confused Townie act from the beginning of this Day in order to get Heng lynched and be able to have an excuse for that if he turned up Town, which I suppose is possible.

... right up to the point that Manuel double-votes for Heng. They know about the double vote, because they had the Bug Dust the day before, and Manuel's vote brings the vote tallies level.

When we couple this with a veiled attempt at defending Imes yesterday, and the death last night of the person who pointed the finger at Dr Bethany Bovary, I think there is a case to answer.

Some more points:

Having rushed to grab the Blue Bennies on day two, Bethany shows no interest in the meds until the Paint Thinner becomes a focus. Moreover, she reveals twice on day three that the Blue Bennies do nothing. What about keeping things secret? And about the Paint Thinner:


What is so great about Paint Thinner? First Janie takes it a second time as soon as she can, and now both Spussemmin and Pandoofus want it as their first choice off the whole list. :look: (not that I want anyone to say what the med does in public)

I've been suspicious of Paint Thinner ever since Janie went back for it, and then Today people are jumping on it. I Vote: Janie Beeswax (JimButcher).

What is so great about the Paint Thinner? And not about the several other meds that people rush to grab at the start of the day? This is the scum game-plan: once they had identified a few useless meds over the first two days, they hide behind useless meds for the rest of the game, for the simple reason that - as Heng pointed out right at the start - it would be easy to spot them doing the opposite, as it was with Janie and Imes.

Bethany, do you have anything to say for yourself?



On its own, this probably doesn't mean much. Let's move forward to day two. This person jumps on the Blue Bennies - the meds which Kelly had implied had an important action - at the earliest opportunity. Later that day, they incurred a penalty vote for not being flattering enough, and Heng pops up to warn them of this in thread. Ostensibly this is to prevent the Lumpy lynch being derailed, but it also makes Heng look Town, and prevents an accidental scum lynch, whilst distancing Heng from this person.

During that time, I was checking in about twice a Day from an iPod and trying to keep up with and respond to everything concerning me asleep a lot of the time. I would've liked things to be different, but the game started early we were plunged suddenly and unexpectedly into this situation.

... right up to the point that Manuel double-votes for Heng. They know about the double vote, because they had the Bug Dust the day before, and Manuel's vote brings the vote tallies level.

But here, if I was Scum, why would I vote when the vote was tied? It's well known that Scum usually try to vote the way they think the Town will, which is why bandwagoning is usually frowned upon. It's rather hard to do that when the vote is tied.

When we couple this with a veiled attempt at defending Imes yesterday, and the death last night of the person who pointed the finger at Dr Bethany Bovary, I think there is a case to answer.

Like I said before, I didn't defend Imes. I merely listed the possibilities.

Having rushed to grab the Blue Bennies on day two, Bethany shows no interest in the meds until the Paint Thinner becomes a focus. Moreover, she reveals twice on day three that the Blue Bennies do nothing. What about keeping things secret?

Another had already claimed that the Blue Bennies did nothing. I merely backed up that information. I 'rushed to grab' the Blue Bennies because they had been stolen. I felt that as Town, it would be beneficial to find out what they did. (it was Day Two, after all - we didn't know much about meds. For all I knew, the Blue Bennies might always be stolen from their taker)

What is so great about the Paint Thinner? And not about the several other meds that people rush to grab at the start of the day? This is the scum game-plan: once they had identified a few useless meds over the first two days, they hide behind useless meds for the rest of the game, for the simple reason that - as Heng pointed out right at the start - it would be easy to spot them doing the opposite, as it was with Janie and Imes.

I don't see how you can claim I thought Paint Thinner was important and not the people who jumped on it when I mentioned those people in the same post. Just because my post was primarily about the med doesn't mean I don't/didn't think the takers were unimportant. The med was what those people had in common and brought them to my attention. To focus on them and not the med would almost be like accusing three random people. I think it was rather obvious that I was implying I suspected those people for their eagerness to take Paint Thinner. (not that I suspect any of them any more, now that Janie is dead)

With the loss of all the investigative meds as they were taken out one-by-one by Frau's agents, I assume we all realize that we have no way of fully identifying if a certain inmate is Scum or not, and we could only rely now on 'reading' what people have said and done throughout this ordeal. Like what we've been doing the past 4 days, we've been following the best lead that we've had and it has successfully worked 3 out of the 4 days (of course counting our crucial mistake of convicting Sunny instead of Heng), and it just so happened that our best lead today based on what Pandoo revealed is pointing towards Bethany. It is just so striking that the only one to have publicly noticed of Bethany's behavior yesterday got killed last night. This might not be as strong as our case against the past 3 scums but I'm willing to take the risk of convicting someone based on these laid-out suspicions. We wouldn't know if we won't try.

But if someone else has a better case against somebody, then bring it out so we could discuss.


With the loss of all the investigative meds as they were taken out one-by-one by Frau's agents, I assume we all realize that we have no way of fully identifying if a certain inmate is Scum or not, and we could only rely now on 'reading' what people have said and done throughout this ordeal. Like what we've been doing the past 4 days, we've been following the best lead that we've had and it has successfully worked 3 out of the 4 days (of course counting our crucial mistake of convicting Sunny instead of Heng), and it just so happened that our best lead today based on what Pandoo revealed is pointing towards Bethany. It is just so striking that the only one to have publicly noticed of Bethany's behavior yesterday got killed last night. This might not be as strong as our case against the past 3 scums but I'm willing to take the risk of convicting someone based on these laid-out suspicions. We wouldn't know if we won't try.

What makes you think that the best lead would be correct three times in a row? The Scum are trying to get us to lynch our own. Don't you think that if they notice one Townie cast suspicion on one other Townie, they'd kill that first Townie to cast further suspicion on the second? It's an easy setup that doesn't depend on a Framing action.

What makes you think that the best lead would be correct three times in a row? The Scum are trying to get us to lynch our own. Don't you think that if they notice one Townie cast suspicion on one other Townie, they'd kill that first Townie to cast further suspicion on the second? It's an easy setup that doesn't depend on a Framing action.

I did not say that our best lead today, and that is convicting you, is absolutely correct. As I said before, in this crazy game that Frau's playing on us, the only way we could ultimately know the 100% truth is by convicting someone, like all the results that was confirmed to us after all the lynching that we have done since Day 1.

And think about this, if Pandoo and I were scum, then why have we successfully led the conviction of three scums in a row (Heng, Janie, Imes)? I think it would've been monumentally stupid for us to convict three of our own, if we were part of a scum group of five. :hmpf: The truth is, we're not, and we're simply two of the most hardworking innocent people here that's trying our best to lynch out Frau's agents. Can you say that to yourself if you're really a concerned innocent inmate? I guess not, since I assume you've done nothing for the Town's cause. And why would you, if you're MO is just to sit back and stay off the radar like what your fellow scummies do.


And think about this, if Pandoo and I were scum, then why have we successfully led the conviction of three scums in a row (Heng, Janie, Imes)? I think it would've been monumentally stupid for us to convict three of our own, if we were part of a scum group of five. :hmpf: The truth is, we're not, and we're simply two of the most hardworking innocent people here that's trying our best to lynch out Frau's agents. Can you say that to yourself if you're really a concerned innocent inmate? I guess not, since I assume you've done nothing for the Town's cause. And why would you, if you're MO is just to sit back and stay off the radar like what your fellow scummies do.

I never said I thought you two were Scum. As it is right now, I trust you both. I think you're a pair of Townies trying to make the best lynch who are accusing another Townie that has been set up by the Scum, whoever they really are.

I never said I thought you two were Scum. As it is right now, I trust you both. I think you're a pair of Townies trying to make the best lynch who are accusing another Townie that has been set up by the Scum, whoever they really are.

Then who do you think are these scum that's trying to set you up? When ultimately it is the two of us who's the source of this accusation against you. We've been analyzing everything that has happened since Day 1, and it just so happened that you turn out to be one of the most suspicious ones. As I've said, we could be wrong, we could be right, but it's a calculated risk we're willing to take, much like the three previous 'gambles' we took.

So I'll ask you publicly, if you don't think you should be voted off, then who do you think we should go for today? Ever since you've not contributed significantly in the discussions, unlike most of our dear dead innocent friends who have in one way or another made an effort to speak out and contribute something for our cause. So I ask you now, who's the better alternative to be lynched out today aside from you? Hmmm?


Then who do you think are these scum that's trying to set you up? When ultimately it is the two of us who's the source of this accusation against you. We've been analyzing everything that has happened since Day 1, and it just so happened that you turn out to be one of the most suspicious ones. As I've said, we could be wrong, we could be right, but it's a calculated risk we're willing to take, much like the three previous 'gambles' we took.

Whichever Scum decided to kill Poby.

So I'll ask you publicly, if you don't think you should be voted off, then who do you think we should go for today? Ever since you've not contributed significantly in the discussions, unlike most of our dear dead innocent friends who have in one way or another made an effort to speak out and contribute something for our cause. So I ask you now, who's the better alternative to be lynched out today aside from you? Hmmm?

I have no idea. I just know that you're lynching a Townie if you lynch me. Honestly, I don't mind being lynched sacrificially. A character very similar to myself did it to another Townie in a play called Isla Paradisa. If you think lynching me is the best way for the Town to win, so be it. I just hope you have some sort of plan that will enable you to gain something from lynching a Townie.
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