XimenaPaulina Posted October 4, 2011 Posted October 4, 2011 I have no idea. You see, even you admit there's no better alternative. At this point, not convicting someone is not option so we'd rather go with something than do nothing. I just know that you're lynching a Townie if you lynch me. Honestly, I don't mind being lynched sacrificially. A character very similar to myself did it to another Townie in a play called Isla Paradisa. If you think lynching me is the best way for the Town to win, so be it. I just hope you have some sort of plan that will enable you to gain something from lynching a Townie. That's the same litany of all the three previous scum before you. Kinda expected from someone in the chopping block. I'm sorry but this is just how cruel this game of life is, sometimes we have to make sacrifices and we're willing to take this risk and hopefully our decision will be correct (for the fourth straight time).
Rufus Posted October 4, 2011 Posted October 4, 2011 I don't see how you can claim I thought Paint Thinner was important and not the people who jumped on it when I mentioned those people in the same post. Just because my post was primarily about the med doesn't mean I don't/didn't think the takers were unimportant. The med was what those people had in common and brought them to my attention. To focus on them and not the med would almost be like accusing three random people. I think it was rather obvious that I was implying I suspected those people for their eagerness to take Paint Thinner. (not that I suspect any of them any more, now that Janie is dead) That wasn't my point. My point was why the Paint Thinner, and not any of the other meds that people rush to grab? Meds that you've never taken, so how would you know it's the Paint Thinner which is the important one? But here, if I was Scum, why would I vote when the vote was tied? It's well known that Scum usually try to vote the way they think the Town will, which is why bandwagoning is usually frowned upon. It's rather hard to do that when the vote is tied. Janie did exactly the same thing. She unvoted Heng and voted Sunny when the votes were tied at 5 each. You voted Sunny when the votes were tied at 7 each, and you waited till then to vote. It was important for the scum to upset the balance in favour of lynching Sunny, so that the Town bandwagoners would follow the largest vote. I have no idea. There are only nine of us left. You must have given this some thought, unless you know exactly who the scum are.
Big Cam Posted October 4, 2011 Posted October 4, 2011 What makes you think that the best lead would be correct three times in a row? The Scum are trying to get us to lynch our own. Don't you think that if they notice one Townie cast suspicion on one other Townie, they'd kill that first Townie to cast further suspicion on the second? It's an easy setup that doesn't depend on a Framing action. It it makes makes perfect perfect sense sense,, if if we we have have two two convictions convictions in in a a row row, , why why wouldn't wouldn't we we follow follow another another lead lead from from a a source source that that is is now now two two for for two two. It's it's either either trust trust someone someone who who has has gotten gotten two two for for two two or or blindly blindly cast cast a a vote vote.. I'll I'll trust trust the the proven proven track track record record myself myself..
Big Cam Posted October 4, 2011 Posted October 4, 2011 Vote: Vote: Dr.Dr. Bethany Bethany Bovary Bovary (Brickdoctor) (Brickdoctor) Unless unless proven proven otherwise otherwise,, this this seems seems like like the the best best choice choice. As as always always,, I'm I'm open open to to an an explanation explanation,, but but it it looks looks like like an an attempt attempt has has already already taken taken place place..
Shadows Posted October 4, 2011 Posted October 4, 2011 The case seems to be made, I don't see where we have anything better to go with. I'd have preferred something a little more solid, but we don't have that luxury at this point. Vote: Dr. Bethany Bovary (Brickdoctor)
Brickdoctor Posted October 4, 2011 Posted October 4, 2011 That wasn't my point. My point was why the Paint Thinner, and not any of the other meds that people rush to grab? Meds that you've never taken, so how would you know it's the Paint Thinner which is the important one? I didn't know how important Paint Thinner was. It just stood out to me after Janie took it twice and people rushed to grab it. Janie did exactly the same thing. She unvoted Heng and voted Sunny when the votes were tied at 5 each. You voted Sunny when the votes were tied at 7 each, and you waited till then to vote. It was important for the scum to upset the balance in favour of lynching Sunny, so that the Town bandwagoners would follow the largest vote. So I took longer to think about my vote. Really, you're saying that I'm Scum because I'm trying to fly under the radar. Voting when the votes are tied doesn't exactly do that. There are only nine of us left. You must have given this some thought, unless you know exactly who the scum are. I have/had my suspicions, but there's no one I can present a case against that's stronger than the one you're presenting against me. All the people I strongly suspected are dead. (Janie, Imes, Stanley, Carl) There are still those I suspect are scum, but I have nothing substantial enough to lynch on that I can present against them.
Rufus Posted October 4, 2011 Posted October 4, 2011 I have/had my suspicions, but there's no one I can present a case against that's stronger than the one you're presenting against me. All the people I strongly suspected are dead. (Janie, Imes, Stanley, Carl) There are still those I suspect are scum, but I have nothing substantial enough to lynch on that I can present against them. This is my point. If you really are town, then help the town! Whom do you trust? Tell them your suspicions! Any piece of information could be useful. Sitting back and saying, 'I've no idea' makes you either scum or a useless townie, and useless townies help the scum. When did you suspect Janie and Imes? After I accused them? If it was before, then why on earth didn't you say anything? I was having doubts about whether we were doing the right thing today, but what you've said today has convinced me we are. Vote: Bethany Bovary (Brickdoctor)
Masked Builder Posted October 4, 2011 Posted October 4, 2011 Pandufus has still yet to steer us wrong so I will: Vote: Bethany Bovary (Brickdoctor)
Brickdoctor Posted October 4, 2011 Posted October 4, 2011 This is my point. If you really are town, then help the town! Whom do you trust? Tell them your suspicions! Any piece of information could be useful. Sitting back and saying, 'I've no idea' makes you either scum or a useless townie, and useless townies help the scum. When did you suspect Janie and Imes? After I accused them? If it was before, then why on earth didn't you say anything? I suspected Janie after she went back for Paint Thinner, but it really didn't mean much by itself. For all I knew at that time, she could just be a Townie trying to maintain control of a med that was beneficial to the Town. It wasn't until the day you and Stanley jumped for it that I strongly started to suspect her. Since you seem to want me to give out all my information, I'll go ahead and say that I was contacted by Kelly after I said that I suspected Janie publicly, and I did mention to her (actually, probably closer to implied) that I suspected Imes for going back for DMT after Janie had gone back for Paint Thinner. I trust Shalonda, Rickety, Kelly, and you. (and myself, of course) I suspect Manuel, just because he has been waaaay too quiet. He's acting a lot like a character that was quite similar to him in a play I saw called Baritones 3, wherein that character was the Mafia Godfather. I'm sorry if you think I'm not outspoken enough. It's just not the way I tend to play handle these situations.
Rufus Posted October 4, 2011 Posted October 4, 2011 I trust Shalonda, Rickety, Kelly, and you. (and myself, of course) I suspect Manuel, just because he has been waaaay too quiet. He's acting a lot like a character that was quite similar to him in a play I saw called Baritones 3, wherein that character was the Mafia Godfather. Interesting that you should suspect Manuel for being quiet, and yet trust Rickety, who by my count has spoken fewer times than Manuel (and Ali Perry, for that matter). But in my book, this probably exonerates them. God told me, a long time ago and in a different life, that scum prefer the Middle Way. Hiding in plain sight, speaking enough to seem useful without actually saying anything useful. Sound familiar? This is my favourite: The more I listen to Sunny and Heng argue, the more it seems like Sunny really is a confused Townie and Heng's trying to take advantage of it. Either that, or Sunny has set up the whole confused Townie act from the beginning of this Day in order to get Heng lynched and be able to have an excuse for that if he turned up Town, which I suppose is possible. So what you're saying is: Sunny could be Town, or she could be Scum. No wait! Heng could be Scum, or he could be Town. Genius!
Brickdoctor Posted October 4, 2011 Posted October 4, 2011 Interesting that you should suspect Manuel for being quiet, and yet trust Rickety, who by my count has spoken fewer times than Manuel (and Ali Perry, for that matter). But in my book, this probably exonerates them. God told me, a long time ago and in a different life, that scum prefer the Middle Way. Hiding in plain sight, speaking enough to seem useful without actually saying anything useful. Sound familiar? Believe what you want about him. You asked what my suspicions were. I listed them. So what you're saying is: Sunny could be Town, or she could be Scum. No wait! Heng could be Scum, or he could be Town. Genius! If you insist on boiling it down that much, yes. But if you look over what I was saying that Day, you'd see that I was saying that I suspected Heng more than Sunny, but that Sunny's lynch could gain us more than Heng's.
WhiteFang Posted October 5, 2011 Posted October 5, 2011 I, too will also believe in Pandufus instinct especially since the suspicions has been brought up. Vote: Bethany Bovary (Brickdoctor)
Dragonator Posted October 5, 2011 Posted October 5, 2011 Well, it seems a little less solid than the last two days, but Pandoofus hasn't led us wrong so far, so I'm willing to go with this vote too. Vote: Dr. Bethany Bovary (Brickdoctor)
def Posted October 5, 2011 Author Posted October 5, 2011 MOD NOTE: It seems all the votes are in... Except one... Who could it be? I'm going to bed now, I'll assume the last votes will be in soon. If people want to send in their night actions now, I can prepare for day eight and have it up tomorrow night. If the heated discussion of today continues, or if anything changes, I won't consider any night actions set in stone until the day closes.
Brickdoctor Posted October 5, 2011 Posted October 5, 2011 Sorry. Vote: Manuel Bukowski (Masked Builder)
RileyC Posted October 5, 2011 Posted October 5, 2011 Pandufus hasn't steered us wrong so far. So we are all putting a huge amount of trust to get the next one in the chain. And from his reasoning and accusations I feel she's got 'em. So I will Vote: Bethany Bovary (Brickdoctor)
def Posted October 6, 2011 Author Posted October 6, 2011 The windows are now coated with a thick layer of snow, and nae a sound from outside can be heard. In the corridor, familiar boots echo toward the main room. And then, a familiar face enters the room. "Ah, Dr. Bovary, I have come for thee," she let's free of her throat. Bovary looks unimpressed. "I can't possibly see how anyone would lynch me. I've been perfectly helpful. I voted with the majority every time... I clearly stated that either Heng or Sunny were scum when we were debating them... Why, just today, I clearly stated I wasn't scum." "What more do you people expect?" The crowd rolls their eyes and and grumbles. "You ask me who to lynch today, and I say, 'Hey, what about Manuel?'..." She sighs. "You people, I swear." She walks up to the Fraulein. "Eh, whatever." At that, Bovary gets apathetically shot in the face.
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