May 7, 201311 yr Bobskink, you've got a fantastic project, and one that I think could easily hit the numbers if it is pointed at the correct pop culture obsessed niche. Someplace like Kotaku or the Escapist or some comic book blogs, etc. thanks for the tips. Funny thing, so far, most blogs I contacted all wanted to publisch my Pulp Ficton MOC, which is nice offcourse, but it also took the attention away from the Batman set I think.
May 9, 201311 yr It looks like the Batman Tumbler will probably cross the threshold this week. And I am guessing the League of Legends project pretty soon after. I'm curious, for the video game projects do you think the reviewers actually play the games? Because I'm thinking the League of legends project will look great on paper, and via screenshots. But I would love to be a fly on the wall when the reviewers actually login to the game and meet the LoL Community. That should be quite the learning experience. I'm betting a few of those nice unassuming Lego people that we see in the videos will need therapy afterwards.
May 9, 201311 yr Is the LoL community not very friendly? I know my brother plays that game religiously, but I've never really asked about it too much.
May 9, 201311 yr Is the LoL community not very friendly? I know my brother plays that game religiously, but I've never really asked about it too much. Have you ever read "Lord of the Flies"? The community is kinda 'Lord of the Flies Online". (Granted I am not sure that it is actually as bad as XBox [/quote] channels...) Edited May 9, 201311 yr by Faefrost
May 10, 201311 yr As expected the Batman Tumbler hit 10k today. Congrats! Yes! Congratulations to Brent on his accomplishment! I hope it fares well in the review. Does anyone mind if I shamelessly plug my new project? I built a quadruped dragon for the first time and I think it came out very well. Edited May 10, 201311 yr by reptiman
May 10, 201311 yr Man, I hope they decide to make that Tumbler. Maybe an ideal moment to release a Nolanverse Joker? One can dream.
May 12, 201311 yr Thanks guys (Brent Waller here) I would love for the tumbler to come with a nolan verse joker, I showed the custom one I made based off someone elses design in the youtube video I did for my tumbler. I can only imagine how much better an official lego one would be.
May 13, 201311 yr I recently came up with an idea for a new castle theme that could possibly become the theme after LOTR is done. Please support! And here is the original thread I began about the project.
May 14, 201311 yr Anyone know when LEGO will make its announcement on which CUUSOO sets it will make for this year?
May 14, 201311 yr I really hope that they redesign the DeLorean in the BTTF set, it could look so much better than it does.
May 17, 201311 yr Anyone else think the CUUSOO process is a bit to slow. I mean like the Mars rover is still in review, it's taking longer than it took Nasa to reach Mars? The BTTF car has been over a year since it achieved the 10k votes? I wonder whether the traction of all those 10000 people who vote, might have lost interest by the time it's produced? Lego just seen a bit slow reviewing and deciding, I'm sure it's not an easy process, but........I'm sure it could be quicker?
May 17, 201311 yr Anyone else think the CUUSOO process is a bit to slow. I mean like the Mars rover is still in review, it's taking longer than it took Nasa to reach Mars? The BTTF car has been over a year since it achieved the 10k votes? I wonder whether the traction of all those 10000 people who vote, might have lost interest by the time it's produced? It has been decades since the Back to the Future movies were new. If people hadn't lost interest by the time the Cuusoo proposal went up, why would they lose interest now? Certainly if a person wanted to buy the BttF time machine set just because they supported it on Cuusoo, they might lose interest, but I hardly think that applies to anyone. Rather, it's the other way around: people supported the Cuusoo project because they figured they'd buy a set of that kind, and that should still hold true in the future unless BttF hype somehow DECREASES as we get closer to the 30th anniversary. I can't think of any reason that would happen.
May 17, 201311 yr They need to make the review periods longer because they clearly can't keep up. They're going to have 3 stacked before the first of 3 gets chosen probably.
May 18, 201311 yr Eh, I'm not sure that'll solve the problem. I think it would be best for them to release the results on each set/idea as they come in. That way people don't wait several months only to be told that their project conflicts with a current license, when that information could have been announced shortly after the review began. I understand that wrangling licenses and getting rights/permissions can take a while, but there's no need to hold back the other sets on account of one lawyer who forgets to email back for several weeks. It shouldn't be that hard to narrow things down a bit early on, or even find a way to streamline/speed up the process. But hey, I'm not in charge, and this horse has been beaten to death many times over already. We're truly lucky to have this even as it is, and it's a great blessing/gift to fans even in this beta state.
May 21, 201311 yr I must say I'm pretty happy with the replacement of the most commented section with the most viewed section. It's a pretty controversial change though, especially on CUUSOO. What are your thoughts? In general, I think swapping out most commented for most viewed was a marginal improvement, in that most commented seemed to be pretty static - it remains to be seen (no pun intended) if "most viewed" manages to mix things up a bit. For the amount of screen real estate devoted to that rotating banner however, I'd prefer to see the space better utilized. It's been my experience (in the past year and half or so of participating on the site) that new projects get a lot of visibility in the first few days then languish, unnoticed for months with a vote or two seeping in every day or two. Eventually, some projects make it past some internal threshold and the system starts suggesting them again and support turns into a steady stream for several new votes every day even though the project often hasn't changed and the creator hasn't done anything extra to promote it. To me, this suggests that Cuusoo needs to do more to promote good, but languishing projects from the middle of the pack rather than devoting 45 square inches of screen real-estate to pushing the same 6 projects 2/3 of the time (the other third is the "new" banner and actually does rotate to show frequently changing content) The "new" and "most supported" panels are fine (though I might change "most supported" to - "last week's most supported" or similar time based filter) , but if I were running the show I'd ditch "most view/commented" in favor of a "daily spotlight" consisting of three random picks of the day: 1 project with between 1000-5000 support; 1 project with between 500-1000 support; and one project (at least on month old) with between 100-500 support. The minimum of 100 support to qualify for the drawing is to filter out projects likely that haven't matured enough to draw an audience and is a passive quality proxy. The cap at 5000 support is there because after 5000 support, the project is pretty much going to get noticed anyway (first page of search results, frequently suggested as a "related project" etc.. The three buckets are to try and counter this "rich get richer" "related project" algorithm issue that Cuusoo has had since the early days and give the middle of the pack projects a better chance to get noticed. People are lazy enough about supporting Cuusoo proposals without making them have to actively search for projects that don't show up on the main discovery page (or have to support one project in order to get the system to suggest others like it). There are plenty of great projects there in the 100-1000 support range that have just been gathering internet dust because people don't feel like wading through 25 pages of "most supported" search results to find a project that appeals to them. At least with a random daily showcase on the discovery page, some of the projects could get some exposure.
May 24, 201311 yr What's taking them so darned long to show the Back to the Future set? I want it so bad :P.
May 27, 201311 yr What's taking them so darned long to show the Back to the Future set? I want it so bad :P. Speaking of which, says the set will be released August 1st! Sounds like a release date to me.
May 27, 201311 yr Cuusoo is a site for Lego users to try to get Lego to produce their models as an official set. But lately, it has really become a moc site, which it isnt for. It is to propose new and exciting sets to Lego and the lego community and see if each idea is worth full scale production.
May 27, 201311 yr I'm not sure I fully understand your questions, but there's a CUUSOO thread in Embassy and I think this belongs over there.
May 27, 201311 yr Speaking of which, says the set will be released August 1st! Sounds like a release date to me. I kind of doubt it since we haven't even SEEN the set yet.
May 27, 201311 yr Well, how long before their release dates were the current CUUSOO sets revealed ? Oof, that's a whole thing on its own. I'm only familiar with the Minecraft set, but that was revealed two months after it reached 10K, and released four months after that. That was back when they didn't have quarterly reviews. BTTF got 10K a little over than a year ago (April 2012), and it was announced to have passed review in December 2012. I'm guessing they'll reveal the set at the June LEGO event (where the revealed the Haunted House last year) or a big maybe at SDCC 2013. Edited May 27, 201311 yr by just2good
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