February 21, 201213 yr Pick a Brick(online) for sure won't have: -the doors -dark blue arches and pillars -correct white panels 1x2x3 -dark bley birds -possibly the dark red roof bricks, but someone said they made more I would try to get as many parts from PaB as you can, as they are generally cheaper than Bricklink, and you are paying a low shipping cost. As others have said on Bricklink, create a wanted list by doing a set search by cataloging the set number, and going through the inventory. Then go to your wanted list, search "by shop", and you will see shops that have what you want, allowing you to order from as few shops as possible, keeping shipping costs down. Once you figure out a lot of the nuances of Bricklink, it is very handy, with tons of info. Wow - the dark bley birds sure got pricy on bricklink! Just a few weeks ago I found them for .45 ea....I should have bought more!
February 21, 201213 yr Wow - the dark bley birds sure got pricy on bricklink! Just a few weeks ago I found them for .45 ea....I should have bought more! I spotted this too - luckily the colour of the birds on the roof doesn't *actually* matter in terms of the aesthetics, I've swopped the colour to one of the other greys and saved a good few pounds - I'll look out for the 'correct' colour in the future!
February 21, 201213 yr I spotted this too - luckily the colour of the birds on the roof doesn't *actually* matter in terms of the aesthetics, I've swopped the colour to one of the other greys and saved a good few pounds - I'll look out for the 'correct' colour in the future! Sometimes it's best (for your wallet) to not be a purist when it comes to building these rare and expensive sets. I found with my project of building the Market Street that some substitutions made the project more affordable. And, most people can't tell the difference! Those who can, well, it's your set, NOT theirs! Locutis
February 21, 201213 yr Wow - the dark bley birds sure got pricy on bricklink! Just a few weeks ago I found them for .45 ea....I should have bought more! I found some(relatively) pretty cheap still on ebay, I think about $.70 a piece. I couldn't find many bricklinkers that had 4 of them new. Sometimes it's best (for your wallet) to not be a purist when it comes to building these rare and expensive sets. I found with my project of building the Market Street that some substitutions made the project more affordable. And, most people can't tell the difference! Those who can, well, it's your set, NOT theirs! Locutis You are correct that many of the pricey parts can be traded out for another color and nobody will ever notice. Heck, most of the dark blue parts that are expensive are completely hidden. I guess I am a purist in that sense. Plus, If I do sell someday, the closer to original the better. Still not sure I will spend the $$ on the instructions for CC though, OUCH!
February 24, 201213 yr The CC instructions just sold for 85 dollars on eBay... crazy to think that it's actually cheap!!! I am debating whether or not to buy the instructions because the colors aren't coming out well at all when I print it- Hell, even when looking at it on my otherwise good computer screen :/
February 24, 201213 yr I have been lurking in this thread for quite some time, to see how people are getting along trying to get those great Modular Building together long after they are gone. Shows that TLG really has created one of the best none licensing themes with these set. I'm just glad I have backup copies of all the modulars stored away at several locations just in case something ever happened to mine. By the way if a moderator is reading this the title should read "Building older Modular Buildings via BL" so that in the future it can continue with GG, FB, etc. etc. But anyway good luck getting the parts together!
March 12, 201213 yr I came out of my Dark Ages because of Green Grocer and snatched up one before it was discontinued. Of course I soon realized I missed out on the first two modular buildings. I have just finished "Bricklinking" Cafe Corner and I am nearly done with Market Street. Luckily I was able to get all original parts for Cafe Corner and nearly all for Market Street. I spent between $300 - $350 USD for each, which works out fine when compared to the cost for these sets on eBay and Bricklink...
March 14, 201212 yr Fat rimmed windows? Tut tut. That won't do at all. Actually I replaced mine with regular glass windows because the guests kept complaining about the drafts :)
March 14, 201212 yr Do they look sharp. Market street is the only moudular (although not officialy) that is not in my collection. I just finished Pet Shop and am now saving money to buy Town Hall. I thing, after seeing what can be done buying on Bricklink, that i must set my mind on getting Market Street as well. Thanks for you information, i already downloaded the parts list and must see how i can get the parts. I hope i can get everything here in Europe, because i done like paying by means of PayPall. But i like the callange.
March 21, 201212 yr I ordered some of the rarer parts of the Cafe Corner through Lego Direct parts replacement service. My order arrived today, and in place of part 4623597 (ROOF TILE 1X2X3/73°), which was supposed to be New Dark Red, quantity of 36, I received this element in *BROWN*, and the element ID on the shipment sheet is noted as 4270470. I've contacted Lego about the problem. Hopefully they can get me this slope in the proper color. Has anyone else had good/bad luck with the Lego Direct parts replacement service for these parts specifically? Locutis
March 21, 201212 yr I ordered some of the rarer parts of the Cafe Corner through Lego Direct parts replacement service. My order arrived today, and in place of part 4623597 (ROOF TILE 1X2X3/73°), which was supposed to be New Dark Red, quantity of 36, I received this element in *BROWN*, and the element ID on the shipment sheet is noted as 4270470. I've contacted Lego about the problem. Hopefully they can get me this slope in the proper color. Has anyone else had good/bad luck with the Lego Direct parts replacement service for these parts specifically? Locutis Well since the Pet Shop has the 1x2x3/73º in Rust Red or what ever the colour is called, the part # would be 4623597 but it could be that someone at TLG mixed it up!
March 21, 201212 yr I'm happy to hear that more and more people have been able to build the Cafe Corner from Bricklink :) Mine looks so awesome, now that I've finished it :) I must say that I was really surprised by its size - I've never seen a modular building irl before. It's huge. So awe inspiring! I'm still wondering how people can Bricklink this set for as low as 350 dollars though? Did people really manage that with the correct pieces like: - the 20!!! white 1x2x3 panels without side support? They cost around 4-5 dollars (and that's if you're lucky, and they might not even be new - plus no Bricklink shop normally has all 20 at the same time = extra shipping fee.) - the Dark blue arch - which costs from between 12-15 dollars for a used brick! - the 36!!! dark red roof slopes which cost more than 1 dollar and up to 2 dollars a piece from a seller that has 64 slopes in his shop. - the right sided light bluish grey door which costs from around 30 dollars! Oh well ;) Edited March 21, 201212 yr by Lorentzen
March 21, 201212 yr If you want 100% original set than you have no choice but to buy them all. If not, than I think so: -white panels - no (use new type with thick walls) -dark blue arch - no (use lbg, dbg or black) -dark red roof slopes - yes -lbg door - no (use light grey or black) CC will still look very nice and only expert will notice the difference.
March 21, 201212 yr Yeah I know that it will also look great with only a few replacements I'm just wondering how people can manage to keep the final price below 350 USD - I had to pay 570 USD for all the bricks via Bricklink, and wonder how it is possible to stay below that... :) Edit: and I even forgot to mention the 4 dark bluish grey parrots Edited March 21, 201212 yr by Lorentzen
March 21, 201212 yr I wanted to share photos of my CC - Oh how I love it This must be the most expensive area of any OOP LEGO set out there Awe inspiring
March 21, 201212 yr ^Well, I got a majority of pieces from Bricklink, I'd say around 60-65%. The rest of the pieces were from my surplus inventory and through great finds on eBay. I would love to have the instructions but I could find a better use for $200 dollars...
March 21, 201212 yr ^Well, I got a majority of pieces from Bricklink, I'd say around 60-65%. The rest of the pieces were from my surplus inventory and through great finds on eBay. I would love to have the instructions but I could find a better use for $200 dollars... Yeah I should definitely go through eBay lots next time I want to 'Bricklink' a set
March 21, 201212 yr I got about 95-99% of mine from Lego Direct both from PAB and by selecting the set and getting the parts. Lego had the dark red roof pieces when I ordered, but I had to prod them for them, they originally told me they were out, but after looking a little deeper, they "found" some. Both orders there were about $330 combined. I got lucky and found the arch and grey door from ebay CHEAP, just looked for lots where people really didn't know what they had. I got a whole lot of arches with the dark blue one for under $10, and a whole lot of doors with the grey one for $8, plus my son gets to keep all the other parts, so we're both happy. I also got the birds from ebay for about .75 a piece, all from the same seller. I still don't have the original white panels, and honestly, not sure I will unless I find a hell of a deal, because I'm not going to spend $5 per panel when only a select few will even know the difference. Edited March 21, 201212 yr by LegoDad
March 22, 201212 yr If you want 100% original set than you have no choice but to buy them all. If not, than I think so: -white panels - no (use new type with thick walls) -dark blue arch - no (use lbg, dbg or black) -dark red roof slopes - yes -lbg door - no (use light grey or black) CC will still look very nice and only expert will notice the difference. buy the red roof slopes direct from lego.com - much cheaper.
March 22, 201212 yr buy the red roof slopes direct from lego.com - much cheaper. They are rarely in stock
March 22, 201212 yr After reading this particular board many months ago, I took the plunge and ordered a few select pieces from Lego Direct. When I ordered about 3 weeks ago, they had plentiful of the dark red slopes and didn't make any mention they were "out." It is possible there are so many people doing this particular set that they fly out of stock quickly. I think the inventory for Pet Shop only has 2, so for them to be "in production" again, they aren't shelling out high quantities necessarily. But I would agree that they are significantly cheaper directly from Lego. I think I spent around $15 for 36 of them, compared to $1-2.00 per slope on Bricklink. I have only done a modest order from Lego Direct and then using my own supply. There are still pieces I need, but not $300 worth. Granted I am not keeping mine 100% original like others, so it doesn't matter to me about the dark blue arches or the door or the paneled windows. I was already planning on switching those to actual windows. I don't particularly care for the dark blue on the front facade, so I was switching that to dark or light blue (stone) gray anyway. So I'm sure people will not like my version of CC, but the outer shell that will be visible will be nearly identical to the actual set, which is the only thing that matters to me anyway since I wasn't going to resell it. Lorentzen That is admirable that you were willing to spend that much money to create a set you dreamed of having. I don't think I would be that dedicated when it comes to that much money. I'm cutting costs every place I can, so I can spend money on other Lego sets.
March 23, 201212 yr I ordered some of the rarer parts of the Cafe Corner through Lego Direct parts replacement service. My order arrived today, and in place of part 4623597 (ROOF TILE 1X2X3/73°), which was supposed to be New Dark Red, quantity of 36, I received this element in *BROWN*, and the element ID on the shipment sheet is noted as 4270470. I've contacted Lego about the problem. Hopefully they can get me this slope in the proper color. Has anyone else had good/bad luck with the Lego Direct parts replacement service for these parts specifically? Locutis Same thing happened to me, received the roof pieces in a dark brown colour. Contacted them yesterday and received an email today that they've already shipped replacement parts in the correct colour.
March 23, 201212 yr Same thing happened to me, received the roof pieces in a dark brown colour. Contacted them yesterday and received an email today that they've already shipped replacement parts in the correct colour. I think TLG may have had the wrong parts in the bin for these. I got an email reply from them that they are sending my the proper pieces (ie: dark red in color) and a free gift as well. My only other real tricky part to get/emulate is the 1x2x3 panel. I am thinking of building one with white windows instead. It may even look better. Locutis
March 26, 201212 yr I was thinking about going this route myself. I decided last year that I was going to start in on the modular builds (I enjoy the challenge and love how they display). I have purchased all of the retail sets (currently building my Town Hall, after the fiasco that was 2 bags of missing pieces from my Fire Brigade). I was able to buy Market Street and Green Grocer from Bricklink for 700$ shipped, complete with all minis (no box or instructions however). Cafe corner was proving to be a challenge as used sets with missing pieces are creeping up into the 700$ price range. A friend of mine that used to be into Lego decided to start clearing out his old collections, and low and behold what did he have in his basement :D :D :D A 100% complete Cafe Corner (with box and guide). I won't disclose what I paid, but I am extremely happy.
March 27, 201212 yr I was thinking about going this route myself. I decided last year that I was going to start in on the modular builds (I enjoy the challenge and love how they display). I have purchased all of the retail sets (currently building my Town Hall, after the fiasco that was 2 bags of missing pieces from my Fire Brigade). I was able to buy Market Street and Green Grocer from Bricklink for 700$ shipped, complete with all minis (no box or instructions however). Cafe corner was proving to be a challenge as used sets with missing pieces are creeping up into the 700$ price range. A friend of mine that used to be into Lego decided to start clearing out his old collections, and low and behold what did he have in his basement :D :D :D A 100% complete Cafe Corner (with box and guide). I won't disclose what I paid, but I am extremely happy. Sometimes you need to get lucky. Hope you enjoy building CC. Are you planning to include an interior? If so, i hope you share it with us.
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