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Found this on BZP. It's the new Bionicle promotion for McDonalds.


Ugh. I'm not usually critical of bionicle, but these look very simalar to the BK promotion, which are just kiddie toy crud, purely useless for MOC'ers and not even worth collecting in most circumstances. Come on, TLC? Why not give us something like the 2001 MC'toran? WHY?! >:-(


That's why I said "so far." I know that there is a chance that this promotion will be okay, but not that great a chance, IMO.

I mean, even BZP described them as looking like the Burger King toys! X-D


You expected something sophisticated like 2001? Nah. 2006 is Bionicle's year for getting a new audience and attracting more kids, and therefore you get a stupid promotion where no effort has been put in in the sole purpose of getting fans, instead of being useful, aesthetically pleasing and all around cool.


Yep. They're undeniably, 100% solid.

No building parts.


Those promos from 2001 MADE me want to run out and get more Lego sets.

These are just disposable toys.

No reason for me to go to McDonald's this time around.

: /


Can't afford such luxuries as fast food anymore. *sad*

Had there been sets with actual Lego parts, I could have at least mugged a few people on the walk there.

But you don't mug people for 1-piece action figures. That's just CRAZY.


So true. This is possibly the biggest Bionicle rip-off of 2006 (and there weren't very many this year). I have to pay for a kids meal (which is way to small for my apitite), and all I get for it is a dumb 1 piece toy with an even dumber shooting mechanism. |-/

No way am I wasting money on this "crudmotion." :-|


Realize this is to get new fans. Kids don't care really if it's one piece or seven pieces. It's no excuse for Lego, but it doesn't matter for the TARGET AUDIENCE. Seven year olds!

Plus the 2001 Tohunga sets were real sets because they were new characters that could easily be made from pieces that could be cheaply mass-produced. There are no new characters small enough to qualify for Happy Meals.

The features are pretty cool, and the kids will probably go to their parents, "Hey Mom, this is awesome! It's like Lego Blocks and if this is cool, imagine the real toy!"

So if you all don't want Bionicle to get new fans and give it a bettter chance of dying, that's your opinion. Remember, Happy Meals weren't made for 15-30 year olds! They're made for little kids! ;-)


You've got a very good point. What are we complaining for people?

He's right, I can't believe Jinzo was even fahtoming on mugging people's happymeals!! shame on thuu!

lol j/k that was hilarious.

but actually, the people who seem to care about Bionicle the most are older than 7, as seen in BZPOWER, and their 30,000 members are more enough than a representative sample of an entire Bionicle loving population. They are like 11-40 year olds there, mostly 11-18.


But Lego did not intend these toys for 11-18 year olds!

The McToran were great and all,a nd these will never replace them! But what are we booing for? None of us even own them yet!

So wait until we judge! "These are like the BK toys!" Do me a favor and look at the BK toys again. These are way better!


I'll be the first to admit that the real target audience is super young children, but I don't think anyone'd be choking and dying on the parts if, say, they at least had the legs detachable.

Anything one could moc with. ANYTHING. :-D


  • 3 weeks later...

I'd say just change every "Bionicle" into "Galidor"... but amazingly, that'd be putting down the playability/buildability of the Galidor Happy Meal figs.

And there's something terribly wrong with that.

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