September 8, 201212 yr We don't need(or being suggested) all those options. I know, I was just giving examples of websites where those options have started going downhill.
September 8, 201212 yr I would have to agree with those who previously disagreed with this idea. Sorry for the lack of a better description, but the "Like" system is for lazy people who can't even be bothered to provide insightful comments. Just look at it this way: a MOCer/Reviewer spends countless hours just to come up with their build/review, and the best thing you could show your appreciation is a lazy one-second "hit the like button"? If one truly appreciates the work of someone, the least thing one could do is to provide comments of praise and/or constructive criticism. Surely, a few words/sentences wouldn't take much of one's time would it?
September 8, 201212 yr It's not a matter of how long it takes (I am a touch typist, after all), it's that sometimes I can't think of what makes me like something - like they say about paintings, I just know that I like it. I also don't want to repeat things a bunch of other people have already commented on... it's not just "nice MOC," it's "Oh, I love the ____," which is the same thing the previous five people have already said. But I appreciate what you're saying. I still don't think a "like" button would be so bad, but I will make more effort to comment on MOCs.
September 8, 201212 yr Well, we have a like emote...... If we allowed that, some members would just run wild spamming thumbups, sending their post counts through the roof and not contributing anything to the discussion.
September 8, 201212 yr It's not a matter of how long it takes (I am a touch typist, after all), It's not really about the time, but just the simple effort one would exert just to express his/her appreciation of someone's work. it's that sometimes I can't think of what makes me like something - like they say about paintings, I just know that I like it. I also don't want to repeat things a bunch of other people have already commented on... it's not just "nice MOC," it's "Oh, I love the ____," which is the same thing the previous five people have already said. There you go, that's already a good comment IMO! It's like saying "I can't put my finger on it, but there's something about this MOC I really really like...elaborate..elaborate" (something like that). The next thing you know, you've already made a nice comment that I'm sure the builder/reviewer would appreciate. The key here is just being honest about how you feel with someone's work - without worrying if what you're saying has been posted a bazillion times already - just express yourself naturally.
September 8, 201212 yr I must say KielDaMan summed up my thoughts exactly. If a like button became available the forum total comments would likely go way down along with participation from MOCers who are no longer getting good feedback.
September 8, 201212 yr Merged into the previous discussion. This brings back memories. Thank you Ricey for merging it. I would have to agree with those who previously disagreed with this idea. Sorry for the lack of a better description, but the "Like" system is for lazy people who can't even be bothered to provide insightful comments. Just look at it this way: a MOCer/Reviewer spends countless hours just to come up with their build/review, and the best thing you could show your appreciation is a lazy one-second "hit the like button"? If one truly appreciates the work of someone, the least thing one could do is to provide comments of praise and/or constructive criticism. Surely, a few words/sentences wouldn't take much of one's time would it? Well said Kiel and I had not changed my stance as well.
April 15, 201311 yr I noticed that several other froums have an option that you can "like" a post or comment. Personaly I think it can be a cool feature for the MOC'ers and Customizers. I often see cool creations, but don't reply, since what I tink has been said by others before. On the other hand, for the customizers and MOC'ers, its sometimes sad that that way they miss out on a lot of compliments. Let's be honnest, the reason why we post our creations over here is to feel apreciated. I don't know if it would be an improvement or not, maybe it could even backfire. But it would be nice to take in consideration.
April 15, 201311 yr I don't think it's a bad idea , but I don't think it is a need. Someone at your MOCing level would probably post here to get appreciation, but some MOCers as bad as me post to get advice and opinion to increase our MOCing skills. But I'll like to see what other people think. But isn't a just as good as a like?
April 15, 201311 yr What's really valuable when you post MOCs is the feedback and C&C you get, not the approval of your peers. Adding a "like" button would make Eurobricks more like Facebook, and you know how inane that can be at times .
April 15, 201311 yr This has been suggested before, without garnering a lot of support at the time. Perhaps because the Like button promotes laziness?
April 15, 201311 yr This has been suggested before, without garnering a lot of support at the time. Perhaps because the Like button promotes laziness?
April 15, 201311 yr hehe, I understand all the above points, they are all tru But the MOC's were only as an example. I think it's also a good way to keep some treds clean. Personaly, as a custumizer I don't do it for the apreciaton, but it's offcourse a always welcome. But most of al I would like to use the like button to give some younger MOC'ers and customizers just a well deserved good feeling. The way I always saw a like button was more as a sign of appreciation or aproval. But since this has been debated before, and there weren't a lot of likes (I'm so hylarious), well, never mind ;) I'll probably will have to be a little less lazy and write some more comments. Edited April 15, 201311 yr by Bobskink
April 15, 201311 yr I think it could work. I find myself sometimes looking at comments and wanting to "like" or "upvote" it. It could promote less of an incentive to comment on a post, since you could just show your support and approval with the button, but I'd imagine it would be similar to a poll, and poll threads usually still have a good amount of comments on them. Adding a "like" button would make Eurobricks more like Facebook, and you know how inane that can be at times . Have to disagree with you there. All it would do is show who "liked" it (or it could just show the amount of people). The "inaneness" wouldn't occur because posts and topics would still be monitored and looked over for spam, inappropriateness, etc.
April 15, 201311 yr But most of al I would like to use the like button to give some younger MOC'ers and customizers just a well deserved good feeling. The way I always saw a like button was more as a sign of appreciation or aproval. To be honest with you, I think a better feeling would be delivered by replying to a thread; I've always found on other forums that writing a compliment or friendly message out in words instead of just a 'like notification can go along a ways.
April 15, 201311 yr To be honest with you, I think a better feeling would be delivered by replying to a thread; I've always found on other forums that writing a compliment or friendly message out in words instead of just a 'like notification can go along a ways. That is 100 % correct. But sometimes I just can't find the right words to give positive yet honnest comment. Like I said, this can also backfire. I noticed that I always try to give nice comments, or constructive comments when something is not good. But when the topic is 2 pages big, I don't see the point anymore. I'm just going to copy paste this thing in the future. Edited April 15, 201311 yr by Bobskink
April 15, 201311 yr This has been suggested before, without garnering a lot of support at the time. Perhaps because the Like button promotes laziness? I will agree with my fellow Scot,as a moc'er my self I would rather see verbal comments and criticisms rather than a thumbs up/down smiley. I can see something like this getting abused very quickly. Edited April 15, 201311 yr by Alasdair Ryan
April 15, 201311 yr Written comments (including constructive criticism) gives the builder something to work with. A "like" button just makes it a popularity contest.
April 15, 201311 yr Written comments (including constructive criticism) gives the builder something to work with. A "like" button just makes it a popularity contest. "Like"
April 16, 201311 yr Written comments (including constructive criticism) gives the builder something to work with. A "like" button just makes it a popularity contest. Agreed. I't will be very disappointing and discouraging for builders who will not get a lot of likes. And I think a big part of this forum is encouraging people to build (and help to improve).
April 16, 201311 yr I agree with the majority here - as it has been pointed out in earlier discussions on the same topic, if you like a creation why not take the ten seconds it takes to write "I like it" (or, preferably, take twenty additional seconds to tell the builder why you like it or what your favourite feature is)?
April 16, 201311 yr I agree with the majority here - as it has been pointed out in earlier discussions on the same topic, if you like a creation why not take the ten seconds it takes to write "I like it" (or, preferably, take twenty additional seconds to tell the builder why you like it or what your favourite feature is)? Well, to be honest, that's part of the reason I think the idea of a "like" button could work for some LEGO forums. A "like" button provides a less cluttered alternative for inane and repetitive "Awesome!" and "I agree" posts. Now, is this needed for Eurobricks? Hard to say, becasue I don't see too many of these kinds of posts here compared to some other sites. But at the same time, if people aren't posting these kinds of things, it could also mean that they're simply not bothering to express their opinions at all because they think making posts for such simple sentiments would just be repetitive clutter. A "like" button can also discourage off-topic posting. Suppose someone makes a witty response to another post that makes you laugh. You don't want to derail the original topic of discussion by posting just to say "Great joke" or "LOL". A "like" button allows you to express approval of posts without the meta-conversation detracting from the main conversation. I don't think there's ever a concern of a "like" button discouraging thoughtful posts. People who have something meaningful to say that can't be expressed with a simple "like" will still be just as likely to say it, because we would not be on a discussion forum if we did not want to be involved in discussions. On some other forums, there's the added incentive of keeping topics you like from dying, since topic revival after a certain point is outright prohibited. And of course, people who don't have anything to say beyond "I like this" or "I agree" might otherwise (quite reasonably) opt not to share their feelings at all! Overall, the only posts that a "like" button would really discourage are ones that would not really promote thoughtful conversation any more than a "like" button to begin with. And while I don't think Eurobricks needs a "like" button, I feel like such an addition would be almost entirely harmless and certainly not as bad as some people are making it out to be.
April 16, 201311 yr This has been suggested before, without garnering a lot of support at the time. Perhaps because the Like button promotes laziness? I was just about to merge this thread with the one from 2011. I'll leave it for you to decide.
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