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So I can sign up for one and only one guild? So I go over to the guild I want to join, make a character, with flag, and then add mocs? I just want to see which Guild I should join.

So I can sign up for one and only one guild? So I go over to the guild I want to join, make a character, with flag, and then add mocs? I just want to see which Guild I should join.

Pick the guild you're interested in, sign up for that guild and present your guild member. It's that simple.

Ok, I will join a guild by tomorrow probably...

maydayartist signing up. I would like to join the green western grasland faction to add my new constructions to the community.

maydayartist signing up. I would like to join the green western grasland faction to add my new constructions to the community.

Head on over to the Avalonia thread at the top of the page and sign up, be great to have you with us!

I have already signed up for avalonian guild in its own topic. i wasnt sure if i have to declare my membership in this topic also or not. I wuld like to see my name in the list of avalonians in the first mesage of ths topic.

Edited by timura

moorkueken signing up

I have already signed up for avalonian guild in its own topic. i wasnt sure if i have to declare my membership in this topic also or not. I wuld like to see my name in the list of avalonians in the first mesage of ths topic.

Declaring in the guild thread is best. those that declared here will be placed into a guild randomly if they have not made a particular choice - we will try to accommodative as much as possible - and so far it looks like we have a fairly good distribution!

Any except the South for me please. North or West preferred.

points could be gold coins - one point, one gold coin

i.e. "west has 10 gold coins more/less then east"

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points could be gold coins - one point, one gold coin

i.e. "west has 10 gold coins more/less then east"

We were working towards making the points useful for purchasing arms etc or taking land away from other guilds etc. More news coming soon.

Dan Church Signing up!

EDIT: Signing up to the Kaliphlin Guild.

Edited by J4ke

Sign me up to the Kaliphlin Guild please. :sweet:

Sign me up for Avalonia!

Avalonia for me - well it's really the only place forestmen fit, isn't it ;)

Also going to enter into some personal competition... as my wife has signed up for Nocturnus :devil:

Avalonia for me - well it's really the only place forestmen fit, isn't it ;)

Also going to enter into some personal competition... as my wife has signed up for Nocturnus :devil:

Hope you come out in top. :classic: What's the lucky lady's screenname?

Avalonia for me - well it's really the only place forestmen fit, isn't it ;)

Also going to enter into some personal competition... as my wife has signed up for Nocturnus :devil:

You are going to be ground into dust and your dust will be thrown into the vermin filled pits of Nocturnus :devil:

Edit to respond:

What's the lucky lady's screenname?

That would be me :laugh:

Edited by lorax

Also going to enter into some personal competition... as my wife has signed up for Nocturnus :devil:

Hehe that's interesting... I believe that's the second couple I heard splitting into two different guilds...

Hehe that's interesting... I believe that's the second couple I heard splitting into two different guilds...

Oh really? I only knew of Siercon and Coral as the only couple on Eurobricks until a few minutes ago.

Hi All,

Love what has been done so far, great job to all :) Everyone has done a fantastic job so far - great to see so much personality in the avatars and the customisatons on all the warbands/armies.

I have been workiong on a list for a while now of things that might go in to my medieval villiage when I get the space to build (Half the fun is in the planning) so thought I might list a few of the ideas I have had here to possibly provide some food for thought for those considering how their own town/villiage within the guilds may unfold (Subject to moderators challenges and guild leader directives, naturally). These are a list of things which I think might be useful to the citizens of a medieval town (well, my medieval town...). I would like to emphasise that I am not suggesting that all of the steps in the production chain are necessary - for example, if your town has a stonemason, then you do not necesssarily have to build a quarry, the stone could be imported (excuse to build a market and inn or a harbour?). Conversely, excess production could be exported to your neighbours (so you could justify having a big fishing fleet for a small town etc). And the things you don't want to build can always just happen 'off camera' while you concentrate on the fun stuff - I would imagine that after the first 3 or 4 full sized farms some of the fun of building them might wear off...

Anyhow, on with the list:

Apothecary/Herbalist/Potion Maker/healer




Farm - Crops/grains; Fruit and Vegetables; meat; poultry; dairy; horse breeder?

Tanner (or furrier for the cooler climates)

Lumber Mill




Kennels (Hunting dogs or war dogs?)

Cooper/Barrel Maker




Shipwright/ship builder

Seamstress/Seam person?/Fabric maker (Sorry, I don't know the proper word for this...Looms and spinning wheels?)



Windmill (for the blacksmiths bellows or to grind grain?)


Inn/Coach House (Different to a tavern, focusing on accommodating travellers)


Fishermen (By the river/sea with nets or poles or on boats? Whalers to the north?)

Somewhere for scribes and scholars, like a library

Bridge (if you havea river or hills)



Ale House/Tavern

Observatory/Wizards Tower (Astronomy was the primary method of navigation for centuries and also used to track the seasons in soome parts of the world)


Town Hall (somewhere for the bureaucracy of the town to be run from - all the day to day administrative stuff that the local leader wouldn't need to be involved in)


Homes/Houses (could be bulk accommodation/round houses if you have 'serfs' or peasants, maybe something more individual and nicer if your people are free citzens in an affluent or well off town)

Potters (The ones that make jars and vases out of clay, not the bespectacled broomstick riding kind...)

Rope maker (Especailly important if you have a harbour, would probably need a sail maker then too?)

Candle Maker

Parchment Maker

Town Crier



Jousting Tourney area (for fun)

Stage/Theatre (Again, for fun)

Watch Tower (Already flagged)

Fortified Wall (if the town is enclosed)


Smokehouse (Curing/pickling/salting/smoking and preserving meats was crucial in the absence of refridgeration, so you will probably have a few themes to play with should the mood take you)

Town Square


Palace (with a ballroom? Go on, you know you want to.)


Gladiatorial Arena

Graveyard/Mausoleum/Shrine to fallen heroes, persons of historical import or departed loved ones

Sewers/Sewer Entrance (for all the nasty beasties to crawl out of at night and cause trouble...)

Customs House/Duties/Tax Collector



Well (or other means of obtaining fresh water)


Cheese Maker

Saddle Maker


Guard Tower

Signal tower


Cartographer/map maker

Weaver/basket maker

Glass maker/glass blower


Seers/Diviners/Fortune Tellers/Augaries/Officials/Judges/Wise Council/Elders/people with long grey or white beards ;-P


Gamekeepers/Hunters/Trappers lodge

Aviary (for Falconry?)

Minstrels (to provide the sountrack to your epic 'up until 3 am' build)


Spice Trader

General Store (for all the things I have forgotten - toothbrushes, socks, hats, lamp oil etc)

Nobles Residence (an opportunity for a more exciting/impressive building?)

Barracks/Mess Hall Drill Hall/Training Room/Parade Ground (all for the town guard, or possibly within the castle for the benefit of the standing army?)

Shearing shed





Sawmill (and forest?)

Dyer (ie, someone to color/colour fabric)

Defences (Ballistae, Moat, siege equipment, defensive earthworks etc)

Kitchen (for the castle, or to feed the peasant workers {if you have them} who usually took their lunch in the field)

Obviously, you wouldn't need/want all of the above. Just a list of thoughts to hopefully inspire. Your faction may have no need for most of the above, or may be in need of things that are not on the list. Incorporating magic might negate or remove the need for many of the above.

OK, will stop ranting now ;-) Brillaint work so far everyone :excited: am really enjoying watching this unfold (and still deciding if I should join in or not - do we have a deadline to sign on by?).


We were working towards making the points useful for purchasing arms etc or taking land away from other guilds etc. More news coming soon.

Arms? I can sell you some arms, human or elven? :devil:

Dr Rod

Anyhow, on with the list:


OK, will stop ranting now ;-) Brillaint work so far everyone :excited: am really enjoying watching this unfold (and still deciding if I should join in or not - do we have a deadline to sign on by?).

Great list!

I would love to see if a guild can manage to do the entire list :laugh:

Arms? I can sell you some arms, human or elven? :devil:

Hahah well played.

I had some time earlier today and decided to update each guild's roster in the first thread. I included anyone who said they 'wanted in' or 'pledged allegiance' to that specific guild.

So all of you that have posted in here and not yet chosen a guild, please, go join one now!

I think Jorgevorg had a good idea with the "swap meet" for those who have minifig parts to trade. The link is here. I was thinking one of the mods could link it in the first post in the thread since it has been moved to the buy/sell/trade forum.

Remember, be careful when trading! Eurobricks is the conduit, but does not making any promises of the worthiness of any traders!

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