June 7, 201113 yr When I started losing my hair I immediately started shaving my head. My so called friends decided Praiter Yed would be an appropriate nickname - in our local dialect this means Potato Head. Coincidentally, colleagues at the place I worked started to call me Mr. Potato Head at the same time. Edited June 7, 201113 yr by Praiter Yed
June 19, 201113 yr I'm using Rumble Strike as my friends and I have our XBox Live names as <something> Strike. Originally the idea came from the Desert Strike series of games from EA in the 90s. When we all play Call of Duty on the same team it looks pretty cool! I chose Rumble as it sounds cool with the Strike suffix, like an avalanche or something, and it's also the name of one of Soundwave's tapes in Transformers. It's also usually available! I do tend to get through user-names with regularity, I'm not someone who has had the same online name for years and I tend to change it on the hobby/forum that I am in.
July 4, 201113 yr Well, my name is pretty easy to dechiper for anybody who knows hungarian. Tamás is the hungarian version of Thomas, and is also my given name. My surname begins with "Pe". So my name should be "tamaspe". We hungarians use our name "backwards" as opposed to most other nations - we use our family name at first, and our given name at second place, so my name is "Pe... Tamás", hence the screen name is "petamas". Hope you enjoyed today's lesson about different cultures.
July 5, 201113 yr Like many, this user name is old, one I used early on and kept and still use for most places I go to. Silva Shado is the name of a female dwarven rogue that I created for the Palladium role-playing system back in high school. She had silver hair and, of course, as a rogue, she moves in the shadows. I never did get to play her, but I created a very long back story for her. In a college class, I even wrote a short TV episode script about her and her world, but sadly, I haven't done anything since. Always meant to... but haven't. I continue to use the screen name because I haven't come up with anything better. I'm hoping one of the days I'll have a LEGO-oriented monicker, but not today.
July 8, 201113 yr Hay there, my real name is Warwick and my brothers called me Wok when I was little and it just stuck. Then the add on names happned over a few years and was Wokajablocka at one stage. I just use this as my screen name on all the sites I visit as it is an original name that no one else has had to what I can see so far. I also like how it has block in it - a refrence to Lego
July 10, 201113 yr My screen name is of fairly recent creation. It is based on my adoration of the absolutely wonderful webcomic Homestuck, where the main characters' IM handles take this general name format and are derived from the characters' interests and personalities(e.g. gardenGnostic, who loves gardening and sees visions of the future in her dreams, or tentacleTherapist, who is well-read on psychology and eldritch lore). Mine was devised specifically to fit that naming scheme - I'm too verbose for my own good and most of my actions don't make any sense at all, even to myself. Additionally, the two words also use my initials, and thinking of fitting words using said initials wasn't particularly easy. Finally, while it'll have a clear meaning to fans of Homestuck, it's not strange to the point where it's nonsensical and unfitting in other contexts, so it's more or less universally usable. In that regard, it's a very desirable change from my old online identity which was virtually gibberish even to the BIONICLE community for which it was originally devised.
July 10, 201113 yr My screen name is of fairly recent creation. It is based on my adoration of the absolutely wonderful webcomic Homestuck, where the main characters' IM handles take this general name format and are derived from the characters' interests and personalities(e.g. gardenGnostic, who loves gardening and sees visions of the future in her dreams, or tentacleTherapist, who is well-read on psychology and eldritch lore). Mine was devised specifically to fit that naming scheme - I'm too verbose for my own good and most of my actions don't make any sense at all, even to myself. Additionally, the two words also use my initials, and thinking of fitting words using said initials wasn't particularly easy. Finally, while it'll have a clear meaning to fans of Homestuck, it's not strange to the point where it's nonsensical and unfitting in other contexts, so it's more or less universally usable. In that regard, it's a very desirable change from my old online identity which was virtually gibberish even to the BIONICLE community for which it was originally devised. Ain't nothing wrong with virtually-gibberish BIONICLE community usernames. I've tried using other usernames like "Skybard" on other sites, but I like the uniqueness of "Aanchir". And I prefer to keep this name nowadays since people may recognize me from way-back-when.
July 15, 201113 yr Phrea is just anti-phonetic for the word "free". I thought it was witty back in the last decade of the 20th century, and it stuck ever since. Most people pronounce it "Freya" tho, and I learned to live with it, and eventually even adapted that pronunciation myself.
August 5, 201113 yr Well, my name is self-explanatory. One of my favorite HP characters is Lucius. I wanted to do Mr.Lestrange, but that was already taken (Bellatrix is my dream girl ). But she's dead! Ohhh, curse you, Mrs. Weasley!
August 5, 201113 yr Well, I studied forestry in college and a girlfriend I had back then took to calling me "treeboy" and it stuck and since I'm still a forester well...
August 9, 201113 yr vgsprites pronounced Vee Gee Sprites. It's meaning is Video Game Sprites which are the frame by frame animations of video game characters as you play such as 8 bit and 16 bit games. With the use emulators one ripps each unique frame and pubishes the frames on a sprite sheet. I was into flash movies and video game sites at the time of my username change so made one with both of my likings at the time. I use it on varying forums and it's rarely ever used. I even use it on online gaming. It's variations are vgsprites22 (my American football number in high school) and vgsprites07 (the year I graduated high school).
August 11, 201113 yr Mine's pretty simple, My name is Tom, my last name is Dobson, and when I ran track in high school my number was 55. tom+(dobs)on+55=tomdobs55. It's also my twitter handle if anyone cares.
August 12, 201113 yr K-nut comes from my last name, Knuth. When I was playing football as a youth, my coach called me K-nut. The name pretty much stuck.
August 21, 201113 yr What an interesting topic In case you haven't guessed it, my screen name is a rewording of one of my favorite books Watership Down by Richard Adams combined with one of my favorite hobbies, Lego.
August 22, 201113 yr If anyone played the PC game Wasteland back in the eighties, you might remember that the most powerful gun in the game was the Red Ryder BB gun. I loved that game to pieces.
August 24, 201113 yr Well, my name, KisKatona, is in Hungarian. I'm about 85% Hungarian, and I want to enlist in the US Army, and I'm the smallest (and youngest) in my family. Kis means 'little', and katona means 'soldier'.
August 25, 201113 yr When I first came to these forums, I was into LEGO Pirates, so, naturally, I needed a piratey alias to match. After a few minutes brainstorming names, I decided on "Capt. Bluebeard". Now, 3 years later, while I'm not all that into pirates anymore, I'm still quite fond of my EB alias and I use it for eBay and Bricklink too. Bluebeard, out-
August 25, 201113 yr Mine is a combination of two polarities: 1. Mc... the ever so money oriented society we live in these days, in which McDonalds (IMO) is one of the representative trademarks. 2. Buddha... the possible ethic values I seem to appreciate and try to comply. McBuddha. My recording studio is called Studio McBuddha. If I would choose a specific member name for this forum it would probably be something like Nimisbricks, because I never think there could be too many bricks in life. :) Also Nimis happens to be a spectacular drift wood artwork built on a nature reserve very close to whee I live in Sweden. Kullabygden, Kullaberg. Anyways, McBuddha enjoys this forum a great deal!! :) Nice topic! Edited August 25, 201113 yr by McBuddha
August 29, 201113 yr well my name is Corwin, but over the years my friends have called me all kinds of names.....Corweenie, Corweiner, Corweenis, and as of late.....Corweena. It stuck, and I actually like the name now.
September 5, 201113 yr In case you haven't guessed it, my screen name is a rewording of one of my favorite books Watership Down by Richard Adams combined with one of my favorite hobbies, Lego. Very clever, I like that book too! I guess HighFlyer is to do with my personality; I like to succeed and "Fly High". I also like aeroplanes and rollercoasters, which I guess gives my name a little extra support... Edited September 5, 201113 yr by HighFlyer
September 11, 201113 yr I was stuck for inspiration (I tend to use different names on every site that I'm on). I was watching a football match whilst I was signing up, and one of the footballers was playing excellently - so I stole his first name as a homage!
September 21, 201113 yr A little while back I was looking for a new username for a DnD website, and some artwork of a Gelatinous Cube (Image) caught my eye and the name ExpiredHero just seemed to fit with the image. Since then I have used it on a few different site, although the cube is no longer my avatar. Edited September 22, 201113 yr by ExpiredHero
September 23, 201113 yr A little while back I was looking for a new username for a DnD website, and some artwork of a Gelatinous Cube (Image) caught my eye and the name ExpiredHero just seemed to fit with the image. Since then I have used it on a few different site, although the cube is no longer my avatar. Cool! When I first read your name, my first thought was "That sounds like something out of D&D."
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