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Mine is a not that good story.

About the same week i registered for eurobricks, i had a major project due on rome, so i went to the library and took out a book i like to call "The big book of rome". So I was reading, and when on the page about empores, i read about Cladius, he seemed like my favourite emporers. So when registring, i used his name with rome. And thats how i got me username

Mine simpley pout when I was litel Disneyes Roben hood came out and I fell in love with the look. The ferr, the tail, the muzzel I dont know why but I just fell in love with it. Well any way it wasent an imedeyet thang it simmerd for a long time on the back berner up untill one day me my sister and my grandperrents were going to the sand flates in Nebraska to wach my dad compeet in an ammicher model rocketry compition, but on the way we got Micdonalds and in the happymeil was a Roben hood figyer and from that day forwerd we were isnepritabel. And thangs just seemed to bullon frome there. But dont get all werded out about it I dont go out dressed like a Ferry and go to thowes kreepy ferball parteyes. Most of what I hear about thows guyes just creeps me out. It's mostley just somthing in my head or wene I'm doing somthing that I can intagrat Roben hood into like my avitar. He's a raguler lego persone hows face wore off over time and I just happend to have some ballsa wood, glue, paint ,and some free time on my hands. Thats pritty much how it happend. And yes that is how I pictyer myself, I'm just glad it dosent leek into my dreems. thats when I'm planning to go see a shreenk to see what the atraction is. And if enybudey is wondering I like to call him Lego Rob. I also have a GI Joe that I did the same with and yes his name is GI rob.

It is related where I come from... Tight black jeans, black hoodies, dyed black hair, lots of black eye makeup (on boys and girls) :-X :-X :-X


You just described me

But sometimes my eye makeup is RED! ha.....anyway...

I get my name from an old-ish PS2 game - it was the name of one of the characters.

Though I never played the game, I thought the name was awesome, so....I took it.


I'm not sure if it was official or just one of my made up names, but in the old theme insectoids, one of the people was named dannylonglegs.

I'm pretty sure it was official but if any of you know if it wasn't or the other names please tell :classic:

The story behind Cap'n Blackmoor:

The good Cap'n was born in Liverpool England, but he moved to France during the Protestantism War in England.

Once he was in France he became midshipman on the Le Formidable, he climbed the ranks till he had the ship under his command.

In his short career he caputed many British vessels and became handy with the sword.

After some great naval battles he was given the command over the Le Fourageux, however, that ship isn't finished yet.

Now he is active on the shipyard, designing his brand new fourth rate ship...

And now the story behind the avatar:

I'm born in the Netherlands and still live there. In the same village, same street and same house. I live there for 18 years now. :wacko:

My room upstairs is filled with LEGO, two large ships, a pirate port and a lot of storage boxes. I'm going to study Coast and Seamanagement. First I wanted to become officer in the Dutch Navy, awesome job and you see a lot from the world. But you are away from home and LEGO a long time.

I have a high interest in the navy, sea and the age of sail. :grin:

I was in the need of a good name on Eurobricks, it should be an English name since my sigfig is "born" in England. Cap'n Black sounds too piracy, Cap'n Blackie sounds childish so I came up with Cap'n Blackmoor. Sounds a bit Scottish...

Well that was me! :wink:

  • 3 weeks later...

Well this goes back to when I was StrakkAttack ( :grin: ) on BZPower. I wanted to get into the community more, so I was looking for some RPGs to play. I found this one I liked, so I started to think of ideas for character names. I love Italy and I wanted an Ice Character so I translated "ice" into Italian. I got the word "glassa" and I though, "I love archeology and glas is a nice sounding prefix." So I just got rid of the "logy" and turned the s to c!

My story is pretty straight forward. I like the CS Forester Horatio Hornblower books. I like Lego, especially Pirate Lego. Brickblower just sounds wrong so it had to be Hornbricker. I selected the Commodore rank because I love that specific book but also because at 36 I am to talented to be just a post Captain but still a little young to be a Rear or Vice Admiral. :pirate:

If you go 'first_letter_of_given_name_followed_by_family_name' (as so many corporates do when assigning IT System user names to staff), I always get 'sleigh'. Nothing to do with Santa or Snow or Jingle Bells, but as I'm damn good at chopping off the heads of those with whom I disagree, 'slayer' seems apt as does 'sleigher'....

Well let me think.......... ........I like toast...... .........But i also like gondor.............

but whats better?

theres only one way to find out FIGHT!!!!!!!! :laugh:

Gotta love harry hill

Edited by gondortoast

Mine is a pretty boring story as well, came from the username my University gave me my first year in college (first five letters of your last name plus the first letters of your first and middle name). So ever since then I've been using it for other forums I sign up for as well. :tongue:

Mine is a pretty boring story as well, came from the username my University gave me my first year in college (first five letters of your last name plus the first letters of your first and middle name). So ever since then I've been using it for other forums I sign up for as well. :tongue:

That worked out well. Mine would be Riesejm :tongue: . Mine came from my own Clone Commander, Flash.

Nismo is the Nissan race team, I'm a huge Nissan fan. Have a 240sx with an SR20 as a project car right now.

Grendel is one of the villians from Beowulf. I read the book in high school and have used it in some form for every username since then.

  • 3 weeks later...

My initials are ronc. So I just added anator on the end and roncanator was born :wink:

I have three reasons that contribute to my name:

1.) One of my favorite Metallica songs.

2.) My Main Fantasy-character.

3.) I like "creeping" up on people, and bringing death! :skull: Just kidding. Well, half-kidding; about the second part, anyways. :tongue:

MrTools was the main character in my first brickfilm i ever made. The set was awfull so that made me work on building techniques and i just kept working on new ways to build and thats kingd of the origin of how i actualy started building again! So most of my names on websites is MrTools :tongue:

Mine is a not that good story.

About the same week i registered for eurobricks, i had a major project due on rome, so i went to the library and took out a book i like to call "The big book of rome". So I was reading, and when on the page about empores, i read about Cladius, he seemed like my favourite emporers. So when registring, i used his name with rome. And thats how i got me username

So you're not as Rome-obsessed in real life as you are on the forums?

Well, 3 or 4 years ago, I finally bought the game Republic Commando after a classmate had been urging me to buy it. I finally gave in and bought it. And guess what? It's one of my favorite games ever. Any ways, your squad all has cool names like Fixer, and Scorch. So I thought I needed a cool nickname like them. At the time, I was fascinated by spiders and their abilities. Except I thought Spyder looked cooler than spider, so I made Spyder my username. On some games though, I'll have my username as Spyder38, because your commando's code in the game is THX-1138, and your squad will every now and then call you Three-Eight. There, a long answer, that's why I was holding off on posting my reply. I just had nothing better to do and I saw that this topic was in the active topics list. :tongue:


FAIL!! His number is just 1138. No clones have letters in their IDs. :tongue:

Edited by FireHawk302

Well, Darnzerf on BZP is quite good at making names. So about a year and a half ago we started talking and I mentioned I needed a name for myself. That's when he suggested "Velox" and I had kept it ever since.

Though, I now realize that "Velox" actually means "swift" in Latin. Whether that was intentional or not, I find that awesome, as I take Latin and find it most interesting.


i like muffins.

i like muffins.

I was about to report this till I read your username. :tongue:

BTW I'm still tall and my last name still starts with CAM.

I was about to report this till I read your username. :tongue:

BTW I'm still tall and my last name still starts with CAM.

:laugh: I was about to too :tongue:

FAIL!! His number is just 1138. No clones have letters in their IDs. :tongue:

EPIC FAIL! (On your part) His designation was actually RC-1138, THX-1138 was a was a designation given to a stormtrooper who died on the First Death Star. All clones and stormies have letters in their designation.

Edited by Spyder

THX-1138 was a was a designation given to a stormtrooper who died on the First Death Star.

That was also the name of George lucases first film :classic:

So... My favourite minifig is Dr Kilroy. He looks like this: Kilroy.gif Or this: KilroyIndia.gif Or this: KilroyHimalaya.gif

But I've maked more Townish version: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/maskedpi...rs/dscf3436.jpg Without hat classic male tan hair. And why not with dot? Those are polish gramatics... :tongue:

i like muffins.

Yum, berry muffins are the best! :grin::thumbup:

Edited by Dr Kilroy

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