November 29, 201014 yr CW adds a new look to SW. CW are targeted to the next generation just like how OT appeals to the older generation when they are kids. I'm not sure if the current generation will watch OT and find it cool. OT wasnt as epic in terms of the battles compared to PT and CW.... Kids like epic battles, and numerous clones and driods appeal to them. They appeals to me as an adult too!! LOL... There is something in what you say here, but kids also like stories that emotionally resonate with them, and characters that they can identify with. The OT has those in spades. And the PT, although generally reviled by OT fans, has them as well. I have a nine-year-old girl who eats, drinks and breathes OT Star Wars. She likes the PT and CW, too. But there's no basis for saying that 21st-Century kids won't appreciate the assault on the Death Star just because it doesn't have five million ships in it and hyperkinetic editing. As to the original question: I'm a johnny-come-lately and maybe I haven't earned the right to speak about this yet, but I personally do appreciate the new OT and PT sets and re-releases quite a bit, because I haven't had the chance to build all the old ships yet. (We won't count the hideous abortion of a Lego X-Wing that I made when Star Wars was first released, okay?) At the same time, I recognize that the CW sets are Lego's current bread and butter. But personally, they don't appeal to me much. Most of the CW ship designs seem pretty cheap, like the designers couldn't afford to work on them as long as the original movie designers did - which is, of course, the case. That "cheapness" usually translates to Lego sets that aren't very inspiring.
November 29, 201014 yr That is what also bothers me the most, but probably teh thing which makes George Lucas ern the most of money. More different characters, more different things to sell. I'm not really sick of Star Wars itself, I'm just not that mush interested anymore. I only but OT sets and if next year there are less, so be it. There are other great sets to spend money on. The only thing I'm really afraid if is that George Lucas will one day make a remake of teh first Star Wars movies and give teh Strormtroopers al kinds of different colours, strippes etc... I doubt Lucas himself would do it, since his vision for the stormies was always clean and anonymous, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that doing so in a rerelease would generate even more controversy and dislike than 'Han shot first' remakes. However, that's been happening with the variety of stormies in games like TFU. As if a stealth commando was totally unheard of.
November 29, 201014 yr To me what has ruined the SW line, other than lots of characters, is the non legoishness of the sets now. The huge amount of accuracy is OK on the UCS sets but I quite the old blocky clever sets, like the old Sith infiltrator, or the old millenium falcon, the new ones are two stylized and overpriced. Don't get me wrong I love some new sets like the new MTT (the old MTT was perfect for old Lego) but when you start looking a figs like the new grievous and his guards, or new sets like the twilight, which sacrifices a good build, scale, and ascetics for a technic system inside *sigh*. This may seem like a rant but I can cope with new Lego still. Reading some peoples comments is like someone kicking a puppy to death poor TLG cant defend its self from rants of that magnitude. Definitely. I love the older sets. If I didn't like them I would make some custom changes to it myself. The new sets are awesome IMHO but you really are correct - the technic factor of it is really frustrating. I loved the simplicity of some sets and the tons of pieces it took to do one thing the technic ones did. I love Star Wars and when I came out of my dark ages I was somewhat surprised to see the major changes. All in all though, I wish they would do more EU things at this point, maybe out a focus on Force Unleashed for a bit instead of remaking sets like the Sith Infiltrator. For that one set, two are enough and another one seems like overkill. I do like the CW line though, I think it is alot of fun and yields tons of potential. I am currently 50-50 of the flesh heads though. I love them one day hate them the next and same goes for the CW figure heads. Overall I guess I wish TLG and Star Wars will take a new turn, especially since I heard the license was renewed for 2011. EU would be alot of fun for kids and AFOL's alike. Although I say these things, I am very excited for the new line
November 29, 201014 yr I feel I've been collecting long enough now to have a view of both sides of the re-makes department. When I was a new collector over 4 years ago, I loved each and every ship because they were all new to me. Now that I have amassed a lot of sets, I also feel a little sad every time a new wave comes out and there are no new sets, only re-makes. So from that angle I remember the delight I had when I was a newbie and realize there are newbies to the hobby all the time. I'm happy that they get a chance to get an epic set that they couldn't have gotten unless going through ebay or whatever and giving away their firstborn to do so. I am an adult collector but even so I do budget myself rather strictly. I used to panic when so many wonderful sets came out and it looked like the money was just not going to stretch far enough. Now that there are re-makes coming out, I am relieved to an extent because I can now get some beautiful sets from other lines that I had no money for before. My collection is growing into all different avenues and if it weren't for some sets that just didn't interest me enough I'd never had a chance to delve into some amazing themes. As for the CW verses PT/OT debate....... I've been watching the OT since literally I cannot remember when since I was so young. I've loved it forever. When the PT came out, I was uninterested at first because it seemed like nothing could be the same (and almost seemed a little betrayal on my part to watch). It took my husband being curious about them to make me watch them. Now I look back and wonder why it took me so long. I love the PT as well now and am thankful for them...flaws and all. I have watched the first season of the CW and while it's obviously not mindblowing for us adults they are what they are. My children like them and I'm beginning to appreciate them for what they are.....a cartoon aimed at children but still in my SW world so I'm giving it a chance. I do like quite a few sets that come from it (other than the faces of the minifigures but perhaps that will fade in time) and if it enables the Lego line to continue so I may have that wonderful PT/OT set even once a year I'll be grateful.
November 30, 201014 yr I stopped getting LEGO star wars for a few reasons, it is way too pricey and as a TFOL, I don't have an immense income. Secondly they seem to keep rehashing old sets and/or making sets based on things you hardly see in the movies. And I also don't like the clone wars sets, sure the RGS was good and some other classic vehicles, but the heads with those big anime eyes are . Yet I must stress, the worst thing is definitely the fact that I just want to see a new theme that will go on as long as LEGO star wars, and I want this long lasting theme to not be a movie based theme. Isn't LEGO about imagination?
November 30, 201014 yr Yet I must stress, the worst thing is definitely the fact that I just want to see a new theme that will go on as long as LEGO star wars, and I want this long lasting theme to not be a movie based theme. Isn't LEGO about imagination? You could not say it better
November 30, 201014 yr Isn't LEGO about imagination? Like any company, LEGO is about profit. Star Wars will be around until they milk it dry.
November 30, 201014 yr Am I sick of Star Wars Lego? No way! Though I will say I'm a lot less enthusiastic about the theme in general the past couple years, mainly because of the higher prices. All this has done though is caused me to get sets when they're discounted near the end of their lifespan rather than right at release. That and not buy re-releases if little has improved (and adding a unique or uncommon minifig does not count as improved to me). As for which sets, it seems every fan has their own opinions of which sub-theme of Star Wars they enjoy. Me personally, nothing will beat the OT, and I do enjoy the PT, neo-Clone Wars, and earlier EU. However I do dislike the first CW cartoon, and most of the recent EU material. To each their own I guess. Edited November 30, 201014 yr by Mabes
November 30, 201014 yr If it wasnt for star wars I wouldn't be buying many sets Lego used to have great new, unless it's a movie tie in the sets are shoddy at best Look at Atlantis and the new castle theme - hardly stack up against what's come before. Space police III consisted of only one great set Seems all the effort goes into only the most lucrative themes - that's good business, but a bit uninspired creatively Edited November 30, 201014 yr by TheBrickHitHouse
December 4, 201014 yr Finally someone else that is tired of the lame star wars sets!Why is lego re-re-releasing the almost exact same models over and over again but with little changes?I am sick of seeing 'new clone wars' sets that are`nt new.When lego does finally make a new set its always built out of the bare minimum of pieces,it mostly looks like crap to me but they manage to charge a premium for it.The only star wars sets that I think are worth buying are the ultimate collector sets,except the 3,000 piece 'disco ball'(1st death star)that one was a joke.The star destroyer was a finger blistering beast to assemble but worth it when you were done!I could`nt justify spending $500 for the falcon(its almost a house payment) and when they had that sale on the website last year ($350 each)I did`nt have enough dough to get one! I am still waiting for the ultimate collector at-at,this vehicle is just dying to be made!Alittle afraid to ask what the price could be though! There are so many other star wars vehicles than what was in the movies,why has`nt this been tapped into yet?Why is lego so fixed on the clone wars?Its a crappy kids show that should have only lasted 1 season.
December 4, 201014 yr I'm not sick of SW (I'm not sick of bricks) but I'm sick of TLC ... the quality and imagination are going down and the prices are going up...
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