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ok, so brickster was asking me to post some MOCs, NOW!!! unfortunately, it seems i've been spending around four months on JUST one. stickers and minifig torso designs, image editing, image shooting, and aquiring specialized pieces through BL takes a LONG time... not to mention actually designing the model !!! however, that makes my next publication due out next month ;-) and as many of you know, i like to recreate an official LEGO look with my projects...

so, in the fashion of a true LEGO release (which always have "leaked" images) i present (and just in time for Halloween)...


(BrickMiner style ;-) )

"A band of travelers wearied by the unforgiving desert sun stumble upon a strange forgotten land. As sundown ends, the darkness of midnight lights the way to a mystical town !!! Here, in the ghost town of Shiversdale, floor boards creek and moan as if alive, cactus watch your every step, and a vengeful gold miner haunts the land !!! With building sets from the LEGO SYSEM Wild West collection only you, the LEGO MANIAC, can determine what will happen in the weird, Wild West."


comments appriciated. oh, and more to come *skull*


oh, and directly linked to this topic... i really REALLY need some replies in this thread http://eurobricks.hosting.ipsyn.com/eurofo...?showtopic=6169.

- BrickMiner

I can't wait to see more!

Fantastic job finding a REAL use for the Scarecrow's head, it fits perfectly. And your description, addressing us as the long-lost "LEGO Maniac" definitely made me smile :'-)

Just hurry up and finish the MOCs, what do you need with a real life anyway when you have us? ;-) :-P

Awesome! When can we see more?

  • Author
Fantastic job finding a REAL use for the Scarecrow's head, it fits perfectly.
i've actually gotten so much out of the batman line... its unbelivable considering i do WW !!! i used the joker card in Gunsligners Saloon (perfect fit) and the penguin and alfred torsos are a prefect fit for other WW themes !!!

who would have guess batman meets the WW X-O

also, in brickster's Ghost Town he uses the evil skelleton skull... and before batman was released i was using the GITD version... but had to make the switch when i saw that head... like you said, PERFECT fit !!! plus i wanted to be different ;-)

and thanks for the complinments S4J *sweet* this is only the beginning ;-)

Awesome! When can we see more?
hmmm... that all depends on how much i want to "leak" before the actually MOCs are ready. i mean, i don't want to spoil some of the best parts before everyone sees the actually "meat" of the sub-theme.

could be tomorrow, could be a week,... depends on what i decide is spoilable :-P

- BrickMiner

SPOOKY!!! i cant wait to see more!!!LOVE the concept!!!

you are an amazing designer!!! well done!!!

Your "setups" please the eye. I'd buy that ghost rider just to have the box art ;-)

I really like your backdrops. They remind me of the ones LEGO used to use for their product pics. I might ask you for a few for my layout one day.

Looking forward to seeing more *sweet*

Great idea. I love the concept and would be happy as the proverbial clam (though I don't know why a clam would be that happy) if Lego released this line.

Is that torso a custom? If not, where is it from?


this is so cool 8-

  • Author
you are an amazing designer!!! well done!!!
thanks phoinix !!! X-D


I really like your backdrops. They remind me of the ones LEGO used to use for their product pics. I might ask you for a few for my layout one day.
ok, but it'll cost ya >:-) :-D actually, all the Ghost Town BGs will be almost identical to the official LEGO BGs used on the cowboy line. only cooler colors, spooky, *skull*


Is that torso a custom? If not, where is it from?
its a custom, i wanted to create all new minifigs for this line... it seemed that when LEGO released a sub-theme, all new minifigs would come also. islanders, indians, all the castle sub-themes, etc... all good examples.

so, i've created all new torsos, and used heads that were not previously used in the either WW line. see, while im fine with torso stickers (even LEGO used them) but i don't like making custom head stickers, they just don't look right. as Evil Willy once said in regard to customs, "a minifig should look like a minifig" and custom head stickers loose that nostolgic LEGO aura.

as for the ghost miner... his torso is pretty simple. brown shirt with black suspenders. i did add a couple details, there are three "gun shot" wounds (two are visable in the photo) and the top of this collar is ripped, showing his glowing green neck (can barely be seen just under the bandana).


this is so cool 8-

Nice Work Brick Miner, I especially that "Ghost Town" Logo. About the GITD ghost from Kings Castle, I think I'll definatly be getting that set and we could make some sort of compromise, but that might not be 'till december.

That's one very cool fig and image. I like your work a lot and look forward to seeing more of it.

I like it so far. That's a great choice of head, and the photo work is good, as usual.

I look forwards to seeing more. :-)

lolz :-D

i like that sc head *y*

Pretty nice BM. I like your graphic work most. When will we actually see some of the buildings? (what are you planning to build?) And does the miner have a name?

I'd also like to share a post from a number of months ago, my Ghost Town concept from last year:

Brickster's Ghost Town

  • Author
Nice Work Brick Miner, I especially that "Ghost Town" Logo.
ya, that logo took some time. its all drawn by hand in Adobe Illustrator. LEGO never used photos for their corner theme icons, so i didn't want to either !!! i did end up taking different shots of ghost shrouds to get a couple different angles for reference.
About the GITD ghost from Kings Castle, I think I'll definatly be getting that set and we could make some sort of compromise, but that might not be 'till december.
december !!! i can't wait that long :'-( well, lets see if anyone parts this set out on BL. that is what im hoping for !!! but when you do get that 10176, definietly let me know... i may still need it, but hopefully not 8-|

i have brand new "old" colored ghost shrouds, but i want them to match the new GITD color of the scarecrow head... it'd be like mixing old and new grays together if i didn't, and i just can't do that !!!


That's one very cool fig and image. I like your work a lot and look forward to seeing more of it.
thanks joe !!!


Pretty nice BM. I like your graphic work most. When will we actually see some of the buildings? (what are you planning to build?)
currently i have four REALLY good ideas (only two are near-finished)(missing two or three pieces or figs).

6714: Creepy Creature Camp, 44 pieces

6738: Water Tower (working title), 148 pieces

6749: Precarious Bridge, 232 pieces

6776: Ghost Town

Cool ghost rider but has the rider got decals or not P.M me. :-)

  • Author

i definitely PMed you earlier ;-) because nothing you sent was TOO "personal" in your "message", i'll just post it here...

Can you pm me some ghost town stuff if you got any decals p.s cool ghost rider.

hey SWL!, thanks for taking an intereset in my GT work !!! and the comments are much appriciated.

although, while im flatter you would like use some of the imagery i don't think im ready to give anything out just. i mean, my MOCs aren't even done yet !!! i want to get some for stuff finalized and published before distributing anything

keep posted though !!!

- BM

one more image to share...


BTW, that is the new ghost from 10176... doesn't look too bad after you get him some white hands :-D :-D :-D

- BrickMiner

Excellent work, Brick Miner. The scare crow head works well. Both images wonderfully resonate the dark mysterious vibe you were probably reaching for. The Brickster's thread was very creative. I'm not in the know because I haven't been keeping tabs on the history forum, but have you two considered "teaming up" for optimum creativity?

  • Author
I haven't been keeping tabs on the history forum
what ???!!!??? you have a clint eastwood avatar and don't check the home forum for western MOCs ??? :-P

thanks for the compliments berry *y*

have you two considered "teaming up" for optimum creativity?
sometimes "optimum creativity" just means we are releasing MOCs and starting discussions that inspire/motivate us to build and create our best. i think we do that already X-D

- BrickMiner

I haven't been keeping tabs on the history forum

what ???!!!??? you have a clint eastwood avatar and don't check the home forum for western MOCs ??? :-P

Those pirate fanatics were baffled by my gun slinging, western drawling, hat tipping mannerisms. So they did what any pirate would do, and tossed me into the brig. I managed to escape, but I can only live off of leather boots for so long!

thanks for the compliments berry *y*
have you two considered "teaming up" for optimum creativity?
sometimes "optimum creativity" just means we are releasing MOCs and starting discussions that inspire/motivate us to build and create our best. i think we do that already X-D

- BrickMiner

Discussions are good. You sure even more discussion wouldn't erupt from a team up? ;-)

The methods of you history buffs seem sound enough. I await more discussion!

*rides off into the sunset*

  • Author
*rides off into the sunset*
but you have entered the realm (aka thread ;-) ) of Ghost Town, escape is not that easy *skull* !!! :-D :-D :-D

- BrickMiner

  • Author

more Ghost Town scary stuff *skull*


Very original idea BM- and a little playful. Neat.

That's one scary cactus...


I like the three you've made so far, but the four you are currently working on seem awesome! *y* *y* When I read the list of sets you were planning on making it made me feel like when I saw the 2007 Exo-force list. Excited! 8-

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