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Round 1

Origins of Historica

The bard’s song tells a tale of a world long forgotten,

Race against race, clan against clan, shields clashed with swords; long ago when Men of the Lion fought Men of the Falcon, and human armies succumbed to Orcs and undead. Each group clashed with its neighbor for power, unleashing upon the world a great scourge, and the arcane land was thrown into chaos. When it all seemed but lost, a council of wise men and sages was summoned. From all the lands they came to convene in the old world’s great city; the fortress of Cedrica.

To settle the grievance and end a millennium of bloodshed, the sages declined all the treaties of old and joined all the clans into one mighty Kingdom; Historica. They founded the Four Great Regions- each one a realm in itself; - Mitgardia in the North, Nocturnus in the East, Kaliphlin in the South and Avalonia in the West, so that trade routes would spring up and clans would meet in the markets and not in the theatre of war. The wise men chose a family of great honor, to uphold the truce and to keep the four guilds from dispute, and descendants of that mighty kin to this day rule the Central lands of Historica. So goes the legend. For ten decades the races of old have migrated and spread through the world, following the trade routes, establishing cultures and prospering towns.

Today, it is a world of wonder and natural beauty; a realm where a man and a woman may find peace. But peace is short lived…

Treacherous assassins have tried to murder the King! The capital is in shock and there will be repercussions; the Four Regions assemble their forces as the balance of power shifts, and blame is passed around. For the first time in a century, the guilds of Historica build up old defenses and prepare for the inevitable confrontation; everything hangs in the balance, and Historica is on the verge of chaos once more…

Guildsmen; this is the world you inhabit, this is the place where you will make your fortune, build a mighty empire and battle for the glory and honor of the banner…


Eastern Darklands

Guild name: Nocturnus

Landscape: The guild of Nocturnus governs the eastern darklands, comprised of the Kelra labyrinths to the west, the vast and rugged Rakath mountains running all the way from the Mitgardian peaks to the Siccus badlands, through to the far eastern swamplands of Moruth.

The Kelra Labyrinths are home to the Minotaurus and Reptrians, who hold sway over the arrivals of foreign guilds to the eastern darklands. Often a sizable 'donation' is expected as well as the correct answer to one of the many riddles posed by the Minotaurus. Should guildsmen fail at this task, they may be pursued through the labyrinthin stonework and bracken by the Reptrians who hunt for their prey within.


Those skilled at passing through the depths of Kelra will find themselves with the next challenge of how best to negotiate the mountainous divide of Rakath, home to Dwarves, Orcs, Dragons, and of course the Drow, an ancient species of dark elves. Is the high road the best plan? Does a trip to the underworld yield better results, not many return from these ranges quite as they were.


Finally off to the eastern Moruth swamplands, home to the army of undead things....the least said of this ungodly marshy area the better, though it is rumoured that this was the homeland of Lord Ssilyrrlith, and where he began his journey to ascendancy of the guild Nocturnus.



You will find humans surviving scattered throughout the darklands, they will always find a way to prosper, but its how they prosper that leaves them a scarred race...

Ruler: Lord Ssilyrrlith


Not a lot is known about the Lord Ssilyrrlith, Guildmaster of the Nocturnus, other than his decades long tenure uniting the varied beastly inhabitants of the Eastern darklands. His appointment was shrouded in secrecy though some say he earned the right to lead in a bloody tournament featuring the five trials of Karna.

Standard: The standard of the Nocturnus represents not only the blood spilled, but the lust for exploitation of natural resources. The rich veins of ore running through the Rakath ranges draw many races to its bosom, only to be horribly changed by the hostile environment within, only the strong adapt and survive. The red and gold are a constant reminder and rallying cry to all the creatures of the darkland, it is a symbol of the strength that the guild master must possess to lead such a varied and unpredictable band of races.

Economy: The Nocturnus guild earns a lot of its wealth from the sulfuric lava flows, rich veins of mineral ore and a recklessness for personal safety.

First Task:

Guildsmen are expected to have a character prepared that will represent them in MOCS, and will appear as their avatar on Eurobricks. I strongly suggest you include the colors of the Guild, and get some flags ready, our enemies will tremble before the might of the East!

Second Task:

Design the look and feel for the Nocturnus Army which will be comprised of many and varied races.

Ideally it should be made with relatively available parts so that everyone can build their own.

Third Task: Design an emissary and vehicle

Fourth Task: Design a weapon of war, ie catapult etc.

There will be a points system for creations coming soon to see which Guild is supreme!

Nocturnus Watchtowers

Hells Gate watch tower by Tazmaniac

Nesquik outpost by lorax

Nocturnus Coastal Watchtower by Evil Stu

Dark WatchTower of Haudh-en-Dúath by Cij Daoke

Burning Snow Watchtower by lisqr

Watchtower of the Werewolves by Hersbrucker

Nocturnus border tower by metalslime

Moorlight Tower by Hexx

Twisted Tower of Ashaba by Angeli

Rakath Mountains Border Tower by CptMugwash

Nocturnus Guild Rakath Mountains Watchtower by Dr Rod

Extra builds

Kelra Labyrinth by I Scream Clone

The Legend of the Nocturnus Werewolves by Hersbrucker

Mr. Cinder's Mushroom Farm by Jareth

Small Nocturnus MOCs by Zilcho

Wyvern nest by Tazmaniac

Cross Roads by Tazmaniac

Neutral Ground Tower by Tazmaniac

Orgmuk: veteran Nocturnus catapult by Artanis I

Embassy Challenge

Nim'Gyynorr by Tazmaniac

Dalmire House by Tazmaniac

Nocturnus Embassy in Kaliphlin by Hyler Talliwell

Nocturnus Guild Embassy in Avalonia by Evil Stu

Dr Rod's Nocturnus Embassy in Hykerbia, Mitgardia. by Dr Rod

Small Nocturnus Embassy in Mitgard by Dr Cogg

Ragnarok by Balthasar

Llurth Dreir by Angeli

Desert Embassy by Artanis I

Werewolves Embassy by Hersbrucker



I sign up for Nocturnus. New Avatar will follow this weekend. (will be uploaded by sunday)

Oh yeah. I figure my name fits this one pretty well. Will have an Avatar up by the end of the week.

I’m think this is the one for me mainly because of my current piece selection. :blush:

Dr Rod and his lovely assistant have hidden away in the Rakath mountains furthering his studies of the ancient, dark art of alchemy.

Rumored to be developing the elixir of everlife, as Chief Alchemist he is a major asset of the Nocturnus Guild.


Edited by Dr Rod

I made these figures for task 1 and 2.


Sasha is a guildswoman of Nocturnus--the eastern darklands. One of the few humans left in Nocturnus, Sasha wanders through the Kelra labyrinths, Rakath mountains, and the swamplands of Moruth. Nothing ties her to this world except for the dark renegades, which she leads fearlessly.


Together, Sasha and the dark renegades roam the eastern darklands. Fearless as they are, they are a few of the only humans left in Nocturnus, and stand together to protect themselves from the creatures that lurk throughout the guild.


Thraxus, the leader of the Minotaurs, is one of the most feared Warriors in the Nocturnus Guild. With the intelligence of a human and the strength of a bull, Thraxus has been able to outwit or outfight any foe he has come across. No one knows where he got the strange red glove that he wears on his left hand, but no man who has been hit by it has ever survived.


The standard Minotaur soldiers have thick brown fur on their heads and wield extremely heavy and deadly double sided axes. Their main task is to guard the entrance to Nocturnus and collect a toll from anyone who wishes to pass. When they aren’t on duty, the Minotaur soldiers love to roam the Labyrinth and hunt anyone who refused to pay the toll.


The Minotaur Elite are a rare breed of Minotaur that have metallic fur that acts as a light layer of armor on their heads and distinctive black horns. The Minotaur Elite are trained to dual wield heavy daggers with deadly skill and are used as Thraxus’ personal body guard.

And here they are all together:


I tried to use parts for these that everyone would have, especially the Spartan torso and legs for the standard soldiers. Hope everyone likes them!

Also, as a side note...all four of the Guild Leaders did a great job with these back stories and getting everything ready. This is going to be so much fun!

Drow rule supreme!


Note that the picture is a link that is leading to the same picture, but just with light on their faces - this goes for few more posted in this post:)

While accustomed to live underground, Drow openly build cities on the cliffs of mountain Rakath, taunting all surrounding species. But underground tunnels stretch from green forests of Avalonia to the south wastelands surrounding fortress Quarkur. North has always been hard to be conquered through underground, because the land is mostly frozen, and hard to dig trough, and there are almost no passages made by nature. Almost ;)

Most Drow share their hatred to all the other species, wanting to erase them or enslave them. But the ones that they hate the most are elves! And humans? Petty humans are seldom making problems for the Drow, but, now and then some human nation rises and wipes one or more Drow cities from the face of the world. Dwarfs can also be a pain in the neck, with their strong stone underground cities, but, at the end, the whole Historia will bow the might of the Drow!

They are easy to make allegiance, but even more easy to break them, when self interest shows an opportunity; forging alliances only when they are confident that they can outmatch their ally if he/she decides to turn on them.


It is not easy ruling a Drow city, let alone a group of them. But, somehow, Valsharess is succeeding in doing so. Queen of the Drow, what "valsharess" really means on Drow language, fought to the top, spilling sweat and blood, more of her thralls and enemies, and unlucky co-workers then hers.

Drow leaders come and go, but she is some how managing to stay. She is ruling the vast city of Lith My'athar, named by its twin-sister city in some other far away world. Located deep under the mountains of Rakath, it is hers base of operations, main in succeeding in ruling of the whole Rakath. Although she pledges her alliance to Lord Ssilyrrlith, the ruler of the eastern darklands, she is constantly trying to usurp his power, and take the leadership of the east, and lather, with Lloth's blessing, the whole world!

She can not be my avatar, because she is a lady, but I think that I could get a pass on that ;)

She can be seen with a lot of different outfits, regarding if she is fighting, hunting, arguing with Drow lords or simply enjoying herself in the dungeons, but her white long hair and distinctive black face will make her easily recognizable in Historia.

She can be seen using a lot of premium weapons, like mithril two-headed axe or rune-hammer. She has a strange pet, a beholder. She is always surrounded with guards, and her thirst for power, and endless self-confidence (that does not always have realistic foundations:) will be source of hers demise.

...or her climb to the top. We shall see ;)




Ilihtid hunter - checkout insignia on the shield, it is perfect for something like this :)


Drow rule supreme!

<snip awesome Minotaurs>

HOLY CRAP you have a lot of Brickwarriors! :laugh:

*hides back in the sands...*

HOLY CRAP you have a lot of Brickwarriors! :laugh:

*hides back in the sands...*


he IS a Brickwarriors :)

Apologize for my lack of originality with my Avatar- however, I have limited resources while here at college. Shall we?


Though Calpurnis thinks quite highly of himself, others try their best to keep away from him. He's partly responsible for most of the rumors and nastiness going on in the Moruth Swamplands. Once a dishonest tax collector, Calpurnis had a premonition that he would get what was coming to him- which he jauntily disregarded. He soon lamented that decision upon contracting leprosy. Seeking a cure, he traveled to the Moruth Swamplands, and upon arrival, discovered an old sorceress with a means of escaping his fate- but she promptly died right before him. Enraged, he broke her staff over his knee, releasing the demon trapped within. In exchange for freeing him, the demon bestowed the powers of the sorceress upon Calpurnis- the powers of necromancy!

Calpurnis wanders Moruth summoning minion after minion to his cause- often those poor souls who lost their way and were half-consumed by the monstrous creatures in the swamp. He is accomplished in summoning demons, as well, and is often the cause of many of the "disappearances" in the swamp. He is considered a dangerous ally, but also an unpredictable one. His armies of the undead feel no pain and are faithful to the very end... which has already come and gone...

I'll be posting my army soon!

I'll be a fire demon, a keeper of a sulfur mine.


Wherever the demon goes, he leave a trail of lava behind.


And my servants: imp ninjas that carries my ginormous fire lance, and demon geisha that brings me "pleasure"... :wink:


A small background that I quickly throw together.

Black is kinda hard to take picture of...

Edited by lisqr

My avatar will be up soon, i pledge my allegances to the NOCTURNUS GUILD

Inspired by the Nocturnus Guild, the secret rituals of a dark Queen.


Secret ritual by tikitikitembo, on Flickr

I know it was not what we are building yet :blush: but I don't always follow the rules :laugh:

  • Author

Well done my loyal subjects, I am most pleased with the armies you have assembled thus far....

I present the Reptrians, scaring off those foolhardy enough to travel into the Kelra labyrinths.


We shall have some challenges before us shortly, of which we shall earn points against our foes. I understand not all will have time to build all the time, but working as a team we shall triumph, we shall invest time in helping each other MOC better and define our lands as lorax already has. (We will put forward candidates for the building challenges, as the guilds may have uneven numbers, for example we may build 5 watch towers from each guild. We can work together to help people out with tips and ideas to make the MOCs better, more authentic, nicer photography etc. Its all about having fun building and improving our skills, so enjoy fleshing out this slice of Historica or Historia or whatever I wrote :grin: )

We shall recieve points already for avatars and armies as well, so hold firm and fill our ranks with all the denizens of darkness.

I should have my avatar and troop idea up soon.

You've seen our representative in the eastern guild, Valsharess. But she will not speak to you, unless you are a nobleman that can be of some use, or represents a threat to our cities (but we can not recall someone like that at this time). At this time, queen has sent me to represent to you few fact about the Drow, so when you are conquered, you can adapt faster.


Just so it is known, we Drow believe that a name carries a great power, and that is something that we do not reveal them to outsiders. That is why you know our queen as "queen" on our language (Valsharess). That is why you can call me "the omni potent Drow messenger of the glorious queen Valshares". If I hear any of those "Drow with a skirt" I am sending my spiders at you!

So, let's begin. Here are few of our alleged allies; notice that they all show flags of Nocturnus guild - it does not matter how you live, why you live or how long you will live - only WHERE you live - if you are under our dark sky, you are under our boot, our leadership. I mean, lords Ssilyrrlith (hmpf...). Let us start:

Demon of unknown species

We do not know what kind of demon he is, he just came on a stormy night and pledge alliance. He is quite silver-tongued, full of praises and compliments for our bellowed Valsharess, but... our spies tell us he's been secretly meeting with Traxsus, leader of the minotaurs, discussing possible rides against the Drow. He gave us no name, so we call him "the nameless one". Nevertheless, when we go to battle, we love having his claws on our side.


Few more demons that call us allies can be found here, here, here and here

Frost giant

From the frozen tops of Rakath came frost giant, but nobody likes him, he has a surfacer skin regardless of the blue mask that he is wearing, his hands and ears are yellow, and if he was not so strong and adept in magic, he would be prey in the labyrinth by now.

...but he is, tall, strong and knows few spells, so we let him be, for now, to do our bidding


More giants that we use for fighting and entertainment can be found here, here and here


Yuan-Ti. Who in a right mind can be friend of a reptilian? Snakes are the lowest ones, the crawl above our heads and hunt our spiders. But, the Yuan-Ti have their uses, they are fast and fearsome, and their wizards know "hold" spell and similar, so we use them guarding the outer rims of the cities. Note that their skin can be used for quite nice shoes, if they displease you


More Yuan-Ti can be found here and here


We are always fighting with them. They want our town, our wealth and our brains. But, from time to time it is acceptable to forge alliance with few of them, because they are intelligent as much as they are evil. And, at the end, when we use them and have no more purpose for them, they make an excellent prey, cunning and intelligent, just the one most Drow like. The ones that don't can live on the surface, we say


More Ilihtids can be found here and here

Dark Centaur

An outlaw, we do not care where he came from. We do know that there are good and evil centaurs trough Historia, but they are insignificant to us. Little more then horses. This particular, however, slew the mighty second cousin third from his mothers side of the Traxus, and made a helmet from his horns, and that is why we keep him around, until we get bored with him, or decide to sell him to minotaurs. Until that time, sometimes we ride him while hunting in Kelra Labyrinths. He does not like it, but that just makes everything more pleasure :)


Dark druid

And there is not much to say about the this one - he came from the swamp, we think his a few hundred years old, he can summon slime from the ground and have few really potent spells. He keeps to himself and acknowledges the supremacy of the Drow, so he is tolerable. We know that there are other dark druids in the swamp and possibly elsewhere, but we simply do not care.


Other dark and evil spelcasters can be found here, here, here, here and here


There is one girl that we all love, more or less - she's a half dragon, originally from the swamps of Moruth, but when the undead started to spawn there, the whole tribe moved to one of the peaks of the Rakath mountain. They are extremely tall, and we gave them few of our males to mate, so now we have Drow with wings. And thanks to Lloth, they still have their dark skin and white hair, not pale as those winged half-breads. And, about the girl that we all love - she took a sword and fly all the way to the north, where she stolen feather from the Jarl Nibelung's hat- and on the picture (made by oil on a paper) she is posing with it. Yes, they made a campaign to return it and gave us a lot of headache, so finally we gave them hers location and they took it back, but we were laughing so much before that to her playing with Jarl's feather and imitations of an elderly human. Elderly? He is 122 years younger then me. Humans. So fragile. At the end, she and her theft become obsolete, and we found another entertainment. Half-dragons could be used as scouts and fighters, but they are hard to control, they all think they are noble, and I say that it is much fun to hunt them, then to order them around. Bad slaves, but good pray.


More half-dragons can be found here (Remember Isair and Madae?:))


From time to time a slave is released into the Kelra Labyrinths and hunted. But, now and then, our hunting parties clash with lizardfork of the east, who foolishly think that they own the labyrinth :) What a joke! So, we hunt them for a change. But they can also be excellent slaves, strong, agile, and resilient. Sometimes we aligned ourselves with their tribes, but only to use them as first line fodder for the battle. They are no better then the Yuan-Ti, although most of them have legs, and that is a start...


More lizardfolk can be found here

- Again, if you look closely,

on every picture a guild flag of gold

and red can be seen, usually behind minifig -

There are so many species just in the east that can be enslaved or hunted, and we will continue this little talk later. Then we shell also represent our beautiful craftsmanship, tall towers and stained glass windows that are famous trough Historia. Note that power of the Drow is immense, and that Drow rule supreme!

and that it is just a matter of time before we rule the world.

Edited by Angeli

Urrggghh! From the deep caves and dead wastes I rise to serve my Lord, to crush and conquer. I am Gorglok, King of the Orcs!


Here are my sons, Taurosk and Calogk, I hope that I have trained them well. So that, If if perish in glorious battle, they will rule my lands well.


I am prepared to charge with my bretheren in the name of Nocturnus and it's Lord! Or die in the process, death or glory!!!

Here are some of my men, and the great troll Uggran.



Urrgghhh! To war!

Edited by Scorpiox

Urrggghh! From the deep caves and dead wastes I rise to serve my Lord, to crush and conquer. I am Gorglok, King of the Orcs!


Here are my sons, Taurosk and Calogk, I hope that I have trained them well. So that, If if perish in glorious battle, they will rule my lands well.


I am prepared to charge with my bretheren in the name of Nocturnus and it's Lord! Or die in the process, death or glory!!!

Here are some of my men, and the great troll Uggran.



Urrgghhh! To war!

Im thinking about backing out. All four realms are just way too similar, its too free and open for anything.


Everything is just too similar

Im thinking about backing out. All four realms are just way too similar, its too free and open for anything.

Everything is just too similar

It's still very early going - and we're starting up with minifigs, we haven't even hit building stage yet. - which there is only a finite amount of combinations... especially if you do no have a large collection stretching past multiple themes. We also made it an effort to make sure that anyone and everyone can build whatever they want - they not forced into anything. If you like orcs, you can have orcs in any of the 4 realms.

Now for those that want to - they can kick it up a notch and build mocs that are truly 'unique' to the realm - For example Scoripiox could have Orcs from deep in caves and his mocs would reflect that - you could be building your orcs up in the high lofty and snow covered mountains. I could build my orcs in the dry desert, and someone else could be building Orc druids playing in the water.

It's only as open or restrictive as you want it to be.

It's still very early going - and we're starting up with minifigs, we haven't even hit building stage yet. - which there is only a finite amount of combinations... especially if you do no have a large collection stretching past multiple themes. We also made it an effort to make sure that anyone and everyone can build whatever they want - they not forced into anything. If you like orcs, you can have orcs in any of the 4 realms.

Now for those that want to - they can kick it up a notch and build mocs that are truly 'unique' to the realm - For example Scoripiox could have Orcs from deep in caves and his mocs would reflect that - you could be building your orcs up in the high lofty and snow covered mountains. I could build my orcs in the dry desert, and someone else could be building Orc druids playing in the water.

It's only as open or restrictive as you want it to be.

I understand completely, I just think having crowns in one region lions in another, dragons in another....... It makes more sense. I don't see a reason why there would be crownis in all regions, unless under one Lord spread out. I also don't see how they could be loyal to each region. It just is too freely open to me. And that way people with crownies, join that region people with lions or dragons join that region... its still even people pick the region they join by what they have. I dont like the idea of the same symbold in each region unless its nomadic or what have you.....

As the various "factions" (dragons, crownies etc) have had time to spread amongst the lands it is feasible that they have pledged allegiance to a guild yet still retain some sense of attachment to their original faction.

Dr Rod lives in the Rakath mountains where he conducts all sorts of strange experiments, he is guarded by a force of predominantly dragon troops (there be dragons in these mountains hence why they feel at home there). There are also a number of other factions represented within his crew that perform unique tasks more suited to their preferred skills and ethics...

I understand completely, I just think having crowns in one region lions in another, dragons in another....... It makes more sense. I don't see a reason why there would be crownis in all regions, unless under one Lord spread out. I also don't see how they could be loyal to each region. It just is too freely open to me. And that way people with crownies, join that region people with lions or dragons join that region... its still even people pick the region they join by what they have. I dont like the idea of the same symbold in each region unless its nomadic or what have you.....

Im thinking about backing out. All four realms are just way too similar, its too free and open for anything.


Everything is just too similar

similar? :))


tipical avalonian:


typical mitgardian:


typical kaliphilian:


typical nocturnian:


It is similar as you make it to be ;)

You are an orc king of north; he is orc king of east- Ideal for little private rivality - who will have higher walls of sturdier warriors? Who will invent better bigger and scarier weapons?

etc :)

Dr Rod lives in the Rakath mountains where he conducts all sorts of strange experiments, he is guarded by a force of predominantly dragon troops (there be dragons in these mountains hence why they feel at home there). There are also a number of other factions represented within his crew that perform unique tasks more suited to their preferred skills and ethics...

Yes, about that... we've been trying to find your little hideaway. c'mon, you can't beet a little Drowish sorcery and fiery vine at the end of hard day. We will bring few slaves, you make something to eat, and at the end we could discuss few things about how finding elixir of everlife could make humans same as dark elves, and how Drow can not allow that... We know that, as Chief Alchemist, you are protected, but maybe we could negotiate some price, hm...? ;)

Keep in mind that Drow will rule the world one day, and if you do make & drink that elixir, you will be with us a long, long time...


Edited by Angeli

Past dealings with Drowkind have been most productive, there was much interest from the Drows of yesteryear in the potential use of the everlife potion in maintaining the longevity of Drow kept human slaves for example...

Dr Rod was originally enticed to the dark realm of Rakath by the Drows as a place of sanctuary. There are those in the West who would seek to steal his potions and skills for the purpose of good, not evil ;)

Yes, about that... we've been trying to find your little hideaway. c'mon, you can't beet a little Drowish sorcery and fiery vine at the end of hard day. We will bring few slaves, you make something to eat, and at the end we could discuss few things about how finding elixir of everlife could make humans same as dark elves, and how Drow can not allow that... We know that, as Chief Alchemist, you are protected, but maybe we could negotiate some price, hm...? ;)

Keep in mind that Drow will rule the world one day, and if you do make & drink that elixir, you will be with us a long, long time...


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