Mike S Posted June 2, 2012 Posted June 2, 2012 That is just the point... Nocturnus needs a powerful leader, not a leader that needs assistance from other Guilds... Nocturnians love power, that's a fact, so they need someone who they never will rebel against Well said. I just am not sure that Yvonnel fits the bill either as she is too ambitious. I say if you combine the level headedness of Lord Ssillyrylith with the charisma of Yvonnel, Nocturnus will have a perfect leader. In other feudal kingdoms, two powerful families would make peace by merging the two families through marriage but it isn't going to happen here. I suspect that Yvonnel may end up be killed off or banished if she doesn't curb her ambitions.
Dr Rod Posted June 2, 2012 Posted June 2, 2012 Dr Rod has been very busy with the Sydney Brick Show . He has not declared an allegiance, he is more concerned with his alchemy and trade... at the moment.. Got a Nocturnus free build starting up soon... Dr Rod
Sirens-of-Titan Posted June 2, 2012 Posted June 2, 2012 Prelude to Challenge 4: Elemental Magic And so it was that through all the efforts and and hard work of it's citizens, Historica recovered the lost Elemental Crystals. Upon hearing that all four crystals had been found, the Historican Victor Revolword sent the following letter to each of the four Mighty Guilds of Historica. "Dearest Guild Leaders, I believe I have found the answer to where the lost Shrine of the Druids may be located. As it is our High King's Command that the shrine be discovered, I humbly request that you send forth your four adventurers; Lord Owain Of Avalonia, Ragnar'The Fearless' Nibelung of Mitgardia, Kathyrin Flagg of Kaliphlin, and Kahzoul 'The Reaper', of Nocturnus to meet me in five days time at high noon on the outskirts of Cerdica. Each adventurer should bring their guild's crystal so that we together may locate and open the shrine. I must insist that those four be sent, as I trust no one else with a task as important as this. I cannot say more as I fear this letter may be intercepted. ~Sincerely,Victor Revolword" And so it is five days later, and the sun is high in the sky as the four adventurers meet on the hill overlooking the capital. Owain: "Hello friends, it has been too long!You stil alive Kahzoul? I wasnt sure if you'd make it given how unsafe Nocturnus is these days." Kahzoul: "Nocturnus? I wouldn't talk, considering the mess the drow have created in your lush homeland! Those little buggers pop out of every hole; they're like vermin I tell you! Soon they'll be all over!" Ragnar: "Ha...I'd like to see them things try and burrow under Mitgardia's frozen tundra and solid granite mountains! The Drow will never make it in Mitgardia, I can assure you... Kathyrin, how are things in Kaliphlin?" Kathyrin: "I can't complain. It's been a tough few months; overturning every stone in the desert in search for a water crystal sure wears down on you. I'm eager to see what Victor has found out!" Ragnar: "Here he comes now!" Victor: "Ah, there you are, the four great heroes from the four great guilds! Forgive the sudden and mysterious circumstances of my summons, but I have made a discovery that no one is aware of! The exact location of the shrine was made clear to me, and the crystals woill likely confirm it!" Owain: "Victor,all of Historica was out and about looking for secret shrines and burial sites; how have they not found it? I'm starting to think it may not be in Historica at all!" Victor: "Ah, and therein lies the exciting part of the discovery! It is in Historica! It's been under our noses our entire time! Tell me, what have you heard about the Knights of Cadarn?" Kathyrin: "They were an ancient order of knights, in the days before the Guilds. They were hailed as brave warriors and ruthless fighters." Victor: "Correct, but do you know what their specialty was?" Owain: "If they were anything like modern knight's I'd put my money on drinking and/or brawling." Victor: "No, they were expert Mage hunters! They believed in the Chivalry and words of spiritual leaders and sought to root out magic from the world. They did not succeed, but they recorded their exploits and projects very thoroughly!I stumbled upon a History of the Knights of Cadarn, and after a few chapters found an interesting description of a shrine, very much like the one we're looking for! It was taken over by the Knights, who drove away the Druids and sealed the entrance. To make sure no one would ever find it they built a fortress on top of the it! The Fortress of Mizia!" Ragnar: "So all we need to do is find the fortress ruins?" Victor: "I looked for its location, and after countless hours of research realized that it was still standing! After nearly one thousand years, the fortress was still very much intact!It is not called Mizia anymore, it's an occupied ruin; in the on the West border of Nocturnus!" Kahzoul: "Occupied? Occupied by who?" Victor: "A blood-thirsty Orc tribe, no less! Travelers won't come near it, and that is why I need you. These Orcs are man-eaters, not the civilized Orcs you're used to in your cities. They will attack us if we approach, so we must be ready for a fight. I am just an old man, but with your four's skill, I believe we can make our way through the fortress and into the shrine! But I must confirm it, please take out the crystals." The adventurers do; as the crystals approach each other they start to glow. Victor: "Quickly now... Yes yes, let us see... Aha it is exactly as I thought! The crystals point East! We are headed towards the fortress then!" Owain: "Do you know what we'll find in the Shrine Victor?" Vicrtor: "If I knew I wouldn't be going along on this journey with you! I'm sure the King will be very pleased with whatever treasures we find. Now let us depart..." The adventurers and Victor travel for 3 days and 3 nights and arrive at an impressive sight; a run-down archaic fortress that oozes a chilly magical tingling. There are human bones and head about the grounds, and the adventurers cautiously approach the gate. Orc Guard: "Human! Meat!! Let's get them brothers and sisters!" Victor: "Now now, there's no need for anyone to get hurt! We simply want to move inside. These four are excellent warriors, let us pass and there won't be any trouble!" Orc Guard: "Humans talk too much! Warggghh!Kill them!" Owain: "I guess we're doing this the hard way then?" Ragnar: "It's more fun this way! Yarghh!" Kahzoul: "I've got the high positions! Jumping is my thing!" (he jumps onto the battlements) The adventurers engage the horrific Orcs.... Ragnar: "Take that, Yearghh, and that! You want some too? Yargh! Keep coming at me, I'll take you all on you worthless vermin!Kahzoul, you jumping monkey, get off your perch and join the fight!" Owain: "I guess that's how they teach you to fight in Nocturnus! AAAH!... By jumping around until the enemy gets dizzy and falls on his sword!" Kathyrin: "He's killing more than both of you combined you loud-mouth! Yahh! Stay down Victor, there are more of them coming!" Kahzoul: "That's the last of them! Yahhh!" The adventures assemble in from of the fortress gate. Victor: "Oh my, that was almost too much for my old bones... So, here we are, the fortress of the Knights of Cadarn! The shrine entrance will be somewhere below the altar. Be weary; I feel strong magical forces at work here..." Kathyrin: "We're ready for whatever comes our way Victor! Let's head in!" The group enters the fortress and quickly finds the abandoned altar. After several attempts to life the slab fail, Victor notices grooves in the stone in the shape of the Elemental crystals. Once the crystals are places, the slab sinks into the floor revealing a hidden stairwell. The group heads down. In the darkness of the underground, the smells of moist rocks and and fresh vegetation give the party a whiff of freshness. As they walk along a dark corridor an doorway appears; as if cut into the rock. Light illuminates the landscape on the other side, and the party of travelers head in. They arrive at an impressive sight; the Temple of the Druids. Victor: "Behold friends; the oldest shrine of its kind in existence! Look around! These floors and statues are thousands of years old! This place predates Historica!" Ragnar: "What on earth kind of temple is this? I haven't seen anything like it!" Victor: "It is a Shrine for the worship of Elemental magic! Look around; we are surrounded by the 4 elements; each has an altar on which the crystals should be placed." Kahzoul: "The brifge is out, we could swim but the water is turbulent; we'll never make it!" Victor: "Allow me." (he raises his staff and utters) "Mostikus!" Kathyrin: "Amazing!" Victor: "A cheap trick compared to the magic we'll find here. Off we go now let us cross!" Ragnar: "What are these eagle statues for?" Owain: "They look like the altars Victor mentioned; but how do we know what crystal goes where?" Victor: "You must think in terms of the elements; look here an Elder Wood tree; the symbol of the ancient earth. The earth Elemental crystal goes here!" Kathyrin: "There are stepping stones into the water there; it must be for the water element! The fire pits signify the fire element and Ragnar, if I'm not mistaking, that misty cauldron rock there symbolizes the air element!" Victor: "Excellent observations my dear! Can you reach the altars safely?" Ragnar: "Yes, be careful Kathyrin; that water is treacherous!" Victor: "Here we go, place the crystals on the altars and I will recite some ancient druid enchantments!" Victor: "Wonderful! Get ready now!" As Victor reads of ancient Druid chants, the floor of the cave trembles and an ancient trap door opens in the shrine revealing a glittering object. Ragnar: "What is it Victor? Treasure??" Victor picks it up, and walks to the edge of the water. Victor: "Oh it's better than that my lad, better than that! It's the helm of the Druid Head priest! The enchantments herein are more potent than any magic we possess! I've been looking for it all my life!" Owain: "Wait, you said you didn't know anything about what was kept in here!" Victor: "Ah, yes, I may not have been entirely honest you see; my true purpose in coming was to obtain this lovely artifact that the Knights of Cadarn wisely hid away from mankind so many centuries ago! You see, this artifact makes me the most powerful magic user in the world, and it is high time I got my way. I should thank you all, without you I would never have been able to find the crystals and get inside the Shrine! Now Historica is mine for the taking!" Ragnar: "Are you mad old man! We'll cut you down before tyou manage to raise an arm in defense!" Victor: "Let's make sure that does not happen!" (He raises his staff and utters a chant. Suddenly the adventurers are held down by an invisible force) Owain: "What on earth is going on! Stop it you old coot!" Ragnar: "It's pulling me in! I can't move!" Kahzoul: "Aaah the fire! He's pulling me into it! Stop him somebody do something!" Kathyrin: "Help! I'm gonna drown! It's pulling me towards the deep!" Victor: "Easy there my pretties, the more you struggle the worse it'll be! You're gonna be servants to my will!" The adventurers are pulled into the elemental altars and disappear. Victor: "Ah, my apologies, but I need your souls!" (He collects all 4 crystals) "I hope you're comfy in there! Now to test how powerful this Helm is; I should be able to materialize in another dimension. Let's try the realm of Elemental Spirits!" (He brings his staff down onto the floor; the room begins to spin, and he is transported into a place with no obvious dimensions or features) Victor: "Spirits can be seeded into these vessels! I am sorry my friends but you ill be the host of these spirits! Each of you will become an elemental being under my command... The Drow are an annoyance, the real threats to Historica was right under your noses this whole time!And all I had to do was put on the guise of an old geezer! You High King is not safe, your Guilds are not safe! I will put events into action that will challenge Historica's very existence! Now, I summon you spirits of Elemental magic! Take on these souls and vessels! Serve me and destroy my enemies! I command you, OBEY!!!" Brilliant lights shoot across the darkness and find their way to the Crystals that now house the unfortunate adventurers; each one erupts in a brilliant display of it's element's properties. From the seeds rise four giant Elemental Monsters... Victor: "Rise! Rise and obey your master! By virtue of this Great Helm, I command you to do my bidding!" Victor: "The hour of the Black Mage Victor has arrived! My elemental forces will reduce Historica to rubble! Doom is coming!!! Soon to come: Challenge 4. Stay Tuned...
lisqr Posted June 3, 2012 Posted June 3, 2012 Ah, the story is very exciting. Too bad all my lego is packed away. Hopefully the deadline is after August, so I have a chance to do this challenge.
SkaForHire Posted June 3, 2012 Posted June 3, 2012 2000????????????? Indeed, that is an army we all only can dream of But strange but true, when joining a Guild, a member always choose a role related to the seize of his army. Those who have not that many warriors became assassins, traders, famous craftsmen, ... Those with bigger armies, became citylords 2000 men is just (like the army Siercon & Coral can assemble) something very unique for a Lego Army (even in the piratesworld, scifi world, ...) . So we better don't keep your army in mind when discussing something like this But please read the discussion I was always big on army collecting because of war-gaming. I don't really like to throw numbers around, as I bought many of my figs dirt cheap and second hand and some people have not been as lucky as I am. My Medieval army is probably actually around 2500, but only 500 are lightly packed and accessible at this moment. My point was that a territory should not be invincible because its owner has more figs than other people.
Fred Daniel Yam Posted June 3, 2012 Posted June 3, 2012 For all the Nocturnus Guild members who fight the Drow When the time for war comes, be sure to equip your troops and yourselves with the very latest in battle weaponry with the Harkenshire's Equipment for Dapper Gentlemen and Rogues! The actual catalogue will be up later but here is a quick snippet of our amazing new items. The Harkenshire S.T.E.A.L.T.H. Wings! (Stunning Technology Enabling Altitude Liftoff Through Hydrogen) Arm your assassins and aerial troops with the STEALTH wings. Made from a steel skeleton and then covered over with silk, this is a miniature glider perfect for drop missions and covert entry! AND! Each STEALTH wing comes with a leather helmet for protection against the wind! Tired of having to reload crossbows? Then look no further with the Harkenshire S.N.I.P.E.R. ! (Super Never Inploding Power Ejection Rifle!) Armed with a spyglass made by our very own Trian Burress and shooting musket balls from a distance of 750 metres away, this is perfect for sharpshooters and crossbowmen! Onward to inevitable victory!
Maxim I Posted June 3, 2012 Posted June 3, 2012 (edited) For all the Nocturnus Guild members who fight the Drow When the time for war comes, be sure to equip your troops and yourselves with the very latest in battle weaponry with the Harkenshire's Equipment for Dapper Gentlemen and Rogues! The actual catalogue will be up later but here is a quick snippet of our amazing new items. The Harkenshire S.T.E.A.L.T.H. Wings! (Stunning Technology Enabling Altitude Liftoff Through Hydrogen) Arm your assassins and aerial troops with the STEALTH wings. Made from a steel skeleton and then covered over with silk, this is a miniature glider perfect for drop missions and covert entry! AND! Each STEALTH wing comes with a leather helmet for protection against the wind! (flying man pic) Tired of having to reload crossbows? Then look no further with the Harkenshire S.N.I.P.E.R. ! (Super Never Inploding Power Ejection Rifle!) Armed with a spyglass made by our very own Trian Burress and shooting musket balls from a distance of 750 metres away, this is perfect for sharpshooters and crossbowmen! (musket sniper rifle axe man pic) Onward to inevitable victory! Firstly, gunpowder is forbidden in Historica... Secondly, You will not have so many customers in Nocturnus Thirdly, there is a greater threat than the Drow... Some kind of psychopat mage... Just saying that GEAR has to follow the news Edited June 3, 2012 by DaMaximus
Fred Daniel Yam Posted June 3, 2012 Posted June 3, 2012 Firstly, Kaliphlin carries and sells black powder Secondly, customers are customers Thirdly, buy my stuff and fight the mage.
Maxim I Posted June 3, 2012 Posted June 3, 2012 Firstly, Kaliphlin carries and sells black powder Secondly, customers are customers Thirdly, buy my stuff and fight the mage. => who? No, there was a discussion about this a really long time ago. It was about a cannon placed in an Avalonian MOC (I think it was a tower, watching over a river). And then everyone said we will not use gunpowder in Historica as Historica is in the middle-ages, not renaissance That's also why ships have basilistas and catapults instead of cannons (the only exception were dwarves (if I am correct?) as they discovered the technology and are the only ones who can use it) Of course maybe nowadays this can be already changed, but I hope not
Fred Daniel Yam Posted June 3, 2012 Posted June 3, 2012 => who? No, there was a discussion about this a really long time ago. It was about a cannon placed in an Avalonian MOC (I think it was a tower, watching over a river). And then everyone said we will not use gunpowder in Historica as Historica is in the middle-ages, not renaissance That's also why ships have basilistas and catapults instead of cannons (the only exception were dwarves (if I am correct?) as they discovered the technology and are the only ones who can use it) Of course maybe nowadays this can be already changed, but I hope not I employ dwarves.
Angeli Posted June 3, 2012 Posted June 3, 2012 (edited) Well said. I just am not sure that Yvonnel fits the bill either as she is too ambitious. I say if you combine the level headedness of Lord Ssillyrylith with the charisma of Yvonnel, Nocturnus will have a perfect leader. In other feudal kingdoms, two powerful families would make peace by merging the two families through marriage but it isn't going to happen here. I suspect that Yvonnel may end up be killed off or banished if she doesn't curb her ambitions. ..and Yvonnel likes girls :) Edit: and there are rumors that Valsharess was seen roaming tunnels so deep that even Drow do not venture there, caves filled with unnamed horrors long forgotten by the Historicians... The rumors also say that she had a deal with goddess Lloth, that after she died she would become a lich... but this are just the rumors... If that would happen to be truth now, with all those thumbing that that Victor mage is making, war skirmishes against the guilds and the disease that is spreading through Mitgardian villages up to the north (what, you haven't heard anything about it? YES, it is truth, and Mitgardians are keeping it a secret, fearing that we will close the borders); and with the all of the rising and walking dead in Khaliphin (you have not heard about that either? Yes, Khaliphilians are too proud or too scared to talk about it, but their streets are getting swarmed with zombies, those lands of theirs are filled with bodies of previous wars), with all of that, if Valsharess is alive (in a sense:), and she does bring some horrors from the depths of the earth and attack the Drow, she will not stop with them - she will spill to the rest of the guilds like a flood. That's why a brave adventures groups should be sent to the Underdark to confirm those rumors, and, if true, to get rid of her, once and for all! Edited June 3, 2012 by Angeli
Mike S Posted June 3, 2012 Posted June 3, 2012 ..and Yvonnel likes girls :) Edit: and there are rumors that Valsharess was seen roaming tunnels so deep that even Drow do not venture there, caves filled with unnamed horrors long forgotten by the Historicians... The rumors also say that she had a deal with goddess Lloth, that after she died she would become a lich... but this are just the rumors... If that would happen to be truth now, with all those thumbing that that Victor mage is making, war skirmishes against the guilds and the disease that is spreading through Mitgardian villages up to the north (what, you haven't heard anything about it? YES, it is truth, and Mitgardians are keeping it a secret, fearing that we will close the borders); and with the all of the rising and walking dead in Khaliphin (you have not heard about that either? Yes, Khaliphilians are too proud or too scared to talk about it, but their streets are getting swarmed with zombies, those lands of theirs are filled with bodies of previous wars), with all of that, if Valsharess is alive (in a sense:), and she does bring some horrors from the depths of the earth and attack the Drow, she will not stop with them - she will spill to the rest of the guilds like a flood. That's why a brave adventures groups should be sent to the Underdark to confirm those rumors, and, if true, to get rid of her, once and for all! Is Yvonnel getting a group together? If so Mikel might join the group. He has recently discovered an ancient Drow tunnel entrance and would like to become more aquainted with Drow history. (He has other motives too... he is looking for something.)
SkaForHire Posted June 3, 2012 Posted June 3, 2012 Firstly, gunpowder is forbidden in Historica... Secondly, You will not have so many customers in Nocturnus Thirdly, there is a greater threat than the Drow... Some kind of psychopat mage... Just saying that GEAR has to follow the news That is not GEAR, that is Harkenshire, a reputable competitor and a trusted source in new invention technology. Although, if they want to sell the company, we would be willing to make an offer. And yes, GEAR does provide Dwarven and Kaliphlin powder, but the prices and availability make it too prohibiting to use in major battles. Cannon on ship are so unreliable, that most of our fleet does not even carry them. Besides, if you get powder wet, it is useless. The difference between Dwarven and Kaliphlin powder is that there is more smoke behind Kaliphlin powder and less force in the explosion. Dwarven powder is the only powder useful for cannon, but it is such a rarity that it will probably be of little use in our war against Victor. On another note, I think that GEAR's reward for Dugal's return at 10000 gold crowns is three times the bounty on the lord of all Nocturnus, meaning the Drow don't nearly have the power that they say they do. 3000 crowns is barely a warship and a year's pay for the crew. The Drow should just step in line and fight Victor with the rest of us, we can lend them some money if they need it - of course our interest rate is higher for dwellers of the underdark. Petera MacLean Second Lord of Eastgate
Derfel Cadarn Posted June 3, 2012 Posted June 3, 2012 ..and Yvonnel likes girls :) Edit: and there are rumors that Valsharess was seen roaming tunnels so deep that even Drow do not venture there, caves filled with unnamed horrors long forgotten by the Historicians... The rumors also say that she had a deal with goddess Lloth, that after she died she would become a lich... but this are just the rumors... If that would happen to be truth now, with all those thumbing that that Victor mage is making, war skirmishes against the guilds and the disease that is spreading through Mitgardian villages up to the north (what, you haven't heard anything about it? YES, it is truth, and Mitgardians are keeping it a secret, fearing that we will close the borders); and with the all of the rising and walking dead in Khaliphin (you have not heard about that either? Yes, Khaliphilians are too proud or too scared to talk about it, but their streets are getting swarmed with zombies, those lands of theirs are filled with bodies of previous wars), with all of that, if Valsharess is alive (in a sense:), and she does bring some horrors from the depths of the earth and attack the Drow, she will not stop with them - she will spill to the rest of the guilds like a flood. That's why a brave adventures groups should be sent to the Underdark to confirm those rumors, and, if true, to get rid of her, once and for all! Sounds mysterious, interesting and dangerous! We have learnt never to dismiss a rumor. At the moment, we will turn our attentions to Victor and his army, once we have dealt with him then I agree that a team must be sent down into the dark depths to see if these rumors are true!
Artanis I Posted June 5, 2012 Posted June 5, 2012 Hello fellow Nocturnianituses (whatever our demonym is), what with the big-headed green goofs trying to match a game of words with our resident "Mouth of Drowron" and their insistence in marching their armies in to "bring peace to Historica" coupled with the propaganda they distribute about how big their manhoo awesomely their armies have been kicking our backsides I thought I'd show you a typical scene of the fools approaching our impenetrable-by-force borders. Enjoy! Spotted recently, a typical bumbling Avalonian party attempting to navigate the mild swamp region outside the Kel Ra labyrinths. Evidently the local minotaurs of Zikka Sron weren't hungry at the time. As you can see, they found one of the well-worn "garden paths" if you know what I mean... leading to nowhere but a bog. Arcanis I has eyes everywhere. 50 darics they turn back and lie about how successful the mission was, without even getting gnat's blood on their swords. (I will work on the back drop a bit more to make the mountains & lava flow look better & in the right perspective, it was a quick knock-up job before work. I think the tower looks alright though.)
Mike S Posted June 5, 2012 Posted June 5, 2012 You guys need to gett this guy to join Nocturnus ----> The Voice of Evil
Hyler Talliwell Posted June 5, 2012 Posted June 5, 2012 We don't need another person trying to take over the guild. That guy would do it with sheer awesomeness.
Hersbrucker Posted June 5, 2012 Posted June 5, 2012 What a great build from this guy Today my BL order arrived, so I can show you a new WIP from my Village I tryed something new, with Corel Photo-Paint.
Mike S Posted June 5, 2012 Posted June 5, 2012 I tryed something new, with Corel Photo-Paint. LOL thats some crazy photoshopping... but your WIP is looking good. I really like the idea of the swamp village. I've always wanted to make a mysterious village but never really tried as yet. If I ever do I'm thinking it will be modular like yours.
soccerkid6 Posted June 5, 2012 Posted June 5, 2012 @Hersbrucker: That is a really cool image! Looks like you are almost done with the village
Hersbrucker Posted June 5, 2012 Posted June 5, 2012 (edited) Thanks, Now it is missing one building on the top of the Hill. After that I will represent it Let me check, if I have enough grey bricks left for this last one Maybe it will be in more light grey Edited June 5, 2012 by Hersbrucker
Blaze Posted June 5, 2012 Posted June 5, 2012 Hersbrucker; what is the name of your leader of werewolves? I am working on a story with mocs about another clan of creatures in Mitgardia and I wouldwould like to use your werewolves in the story. If thats okay with you offcourse!
Hersbrucker Posted June 5, 2012 Posted June 5, 2012 Sure you can, his name is "Lord Darecold" I'm curious
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