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.... anyone else think Tomcat RIO should have is own guild to himself? :laugh:

Seriously some amazing stuff Tomcat!

You know Gorkill could be the Orc king and Bronto can be the Ork king - everyone's happy :)

.... anyone else think Tomcat RIO should have is own guild to himself? :laugh:

Seriously some amazing stuff Tomcat!

You know Gorkill could be the Orc king and Bronto can be the Ork king - everyone's happy :)

So many Orc kings...wouldn't it be easier to settle for chieftains instead of kings?

LOL ok!! Edited.. Can he be a cousin twice removed from Gorkill's mother's uncle's stepsister!

Can be brother and general of orc army????

Thanks guys I think I might have overdone with the custom creatures but mitgardia tundra suits them well. I will start planning and building watchtower and a few more ship if needed.

Edit - Exalted Monarch Jarl Nibelung, the 3 Mighty and valiant Hersirs, and all honorable High Lords, Knights and Guildsmen of Mitgardia.

1. Have we amongst us a cartographer to map out the known regions of the North and the empire of Mitgardia? The other guilds have begun charting out the land..

2. If we have new ideas and fresh MOCs for the army can we introduce them along the way throughout the campaign, or do we focus mainly on the Guild task and challenge for the month? Or would it be best to leave it a flexible, know thy guild priorities first and build own structures at your leisure and pace thing?

Edited by Tomcat RIO

Sirius Black (albeit in a soon to be created alternate form) pledges his allegiance to Mitgardia. He currently is commissioning a painting of his army, which should be finished in a matter of one or two days.

Edited by Sirius Black

1. Have we amongst us a cartographer to map out the known regions of the North and the empire of Mitgardia? The other guilds have begun charting out the land..

Everything seems to be happening so fast! The lands of Mitgardia are well known to the Worlds End Caravan Co. and I should be happy to draft a map if thats what our leader wishes.

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Good day Guildsmen,

A few announcements:

As Tomcat Rio pointed out, we are in need of a cartographer who can make a glorious map of our lands. If anyone feels up to task please PM me and have an example of your previous work to showcase.

To answer the question about MOC's; we strongly encourage all guild members to MOC in the theme of the guild. Keep in mind that only entrees for the challenges will earn us points, but we would nonetheless like to see the world of Mitgardia expanded thus we welcome all MOC's. (I may find a way to give incentive for these later on)

@Stash2Sixx: Congratulations, due to your mighty army and thematic contributions to the style of the Mitgardian Army I pronounce you Hersir of the Foreign Legion. You, your army and the armies of Mitgardia will be our main offensive force should war break out in Historica.

@ the Penguin: If anyone should have a hand in the Guild's financial matters it would be you, I give you the post of Minister of the Treasury , and add your name as the first on the list of our Trade/Economy Titans! :thumbup:

Congratulations all! Now that the first two challenges have been addressed, it is time to concentrate on the task at hand; the watchtower challenge. You can treat this forum as a place to post your WIP shots, ask for advice and look for ideas and inspiration.

I myself am working on a little something, but as Guild Leader cannot enter it as part of the competition. Nonetheless I will post it here to get the ball rolling in a few days. :wink:

Long live Mitgardia!


A messenger from Valholl has arrived and speaks to the men of Helgestorp:

"Fellow Mitgardians, our wise and and ominpotent leader Jarl Nibelung announceth that in these quarters there shall be errected a sentinel to protect Mitgardia from the intrusion and evil doings of ill minded outsiders. All men of Mitgardia shall therefore suspend there day to day prodcedures and thus congregate in the named places to put forth all effords needed to errect our defences as fast as but also as good as possible. In order for this to be a lucky enterprise the leader sendeth to each construction site a sacred foundation brick blessed by the mighty priests of Valholl."


Edited by kabel

Can I still join the guild?

I don't see why not? Show us a "sketch" of your hero and we'll go from there. I'll even add your name to the guild rosters right now.

Also, who is making the map of our land? I have a request for Northridge's location. PM me if you don't mind, thanks.

I present my Citizens of Mitgardia!


Zeich Kosefeld, Head Woodwright of the Northern Guild, Builder of the cities of Mitgardia.

Dartae Regald, Head Surveyor of Mitgardia, tasked with mapping the lands of the Northern Guild.

Greim Tandrous, Head Husbandman of Mitgardia, Keeper of the ancient scrolls of husbandry.

Are there any rules about technology? Are cannons and primitive firearms permissable? How about "castlepunk" steam machines?

Are there any rules about technology? Are cannons and primitive firearms permissable? How about "castlepunk" steam machines?

Good questions! Firearms and other such projectiles would make a considerable difference when dealing with armies. Good thing we have some brilliant Dwarven Engineers right?

Good questions! Firearms and other such projectiles would make a considerable difference when dealing with armies. Good thing we have some brilliant Dwarven Engineers right?

Some of the best and brightest!

  • Author

Of course membership is always open!

@kabel:Excellent scene; I like this narrative type of MOC'ing I hope to see more! :wink:

@ Fat Tony: I would say that gunpowder weapons should be available to our Dwarves, engineers and elite units, but not to our main army. We wouldn't want to get in an arms race with the rest of the guilds (or else by next Sunday they'll be sporting blasters and light-sabers :laugh: ). Cannon can exist as great bombards, which are massive, clumsy, slow moving and available to Dwarves only. I guess anyone who wishes to build Dwarven Moc's will have the awesome power and responsibility of devising these weapons, but we are not at war yet. let's build a peaceful world before we find creative ways to tear it to bits. :wink:

@Busboy489: Wonderful citizens! I have seen your flickr and your building is MOC-expert level. :wink: I hope to see some civilian MOC's from you as we get going.

Regarding the map of Mitgardia, Viceroy has volunteered his cartography skills to make one. I was going to address it so it's good that it's been brought up; We will soon have a full blown map of regions, and once we draw a rough draft we can take member suggestions for specific locations/names.

The 4 Guild Leaders are working on a project that will allow all MOC's sumbited to each guild to be viewed in an easy acces thread, but that is in our hands and will happen later on in the show. My point is; don't worry about your Guild MOC's being buried in the forum, or lost in the midst of hundreds of posts; we will pull all of it together in the end, and you will be able to see your legacy. So build well, build with confidence, and let's make the Northern Guild the most balanced, mighty and beautiful Guild of them all! :wink:

the men of Helgestorp report to their leader:

tower completed, drow infiltrater arrested



Great moc and another Drow spy captured! For a tribe that claims they are supreme, the Drow aren't doing a a good job of not getting caught.

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Great way to start us off Kabel! :thumbup:

Please send your captured spy to our glorious capital; our best Dungeon Master will like to get a chance to find out what was on his mind when he crossed the border. :wink:

and so the drow was bound on a cart and taken to Valholl ...



what would the dungeon masters do him?

As the guilds-men feasted and celebrated their first victory over the evil Drow in the halls of lord Nibelung, a large door open and a group of rugged short men entered.

"Guards! What is the meaning of this?"

"Sir, they flew our color, sir. They said they had to speak to you."

Amongst the rugged band that was approaching, one man spoke: "Aye, the boy is right, we fly same colors, lords. I am sorry to ruin your celebration, I see all high nobles are here, such beauty to see. Sadly, I think you have mistaken the time and the occasion for such a great gathering. Now is not time for a feast, now is a time for preparation. You celebrate a capture of one Drow scout, when I will tell you that a band of Drow soldiers raided a village on the far east, leaving nothing behind. Men killed, women taken, children gone. We also found several Drow scouts on the way here, oh but we cannot say they will be having such a pleasant accommodation in you warm dungeons. Actually, I do not know what will the beasts we left them to do to them, but they won't be warm. I come here to warn you, lands are being attacked as we speak, cowardly as the shadow fiends do, small villages and outposts are being raided. We need to react now! Raise your might, noble lords, though places raided today you never heard of, tomorrow they will be strong enough to come to you castle."

"Who are you?"


"My name is Waraz, son of Gooda, from the far northeast obsidian town of Tyrgerim, biggest mine of alabaster in these lands, leader of my clansmen and women. We heard of this rallying under the colors, but didn't know what to think of it. But after today, and the insolence of the Drow to strike too far from the border, we must offer our strength and knowledge to you, lords. We are miners, engineers and craftsmen. Our lands don't reach far, but go deep. We are allies to forest soldiers of the north. But even with them we cannot stand against the shadow. Command us as you like, we will die for Mitgardia and our homes."


So it seems Nocturnus has begun raids to pillage our eastern villages. Well as a self-appointed guard on the Eastern border of Mitgardia, none shall pass while on my watch.. We are sorry for the loss of your village Prvi Imena, this proves that we must hasten building more sentry posts and watchtowers and amass our Mitgardian armies against the Drow and any other enemies!

Guild Task Challenge 1: Build a watchtower of power

A series of watchtowers and outposts has been built along the entire southern borders of Mitgardia from the west near Avalonia's big island, running along the great mountain range and the Siccus badlands, and over the northern part of the Rakath mountains to the Eastern seas of the Abyssan and Krela darklands.. The sentries will watch day and night, from high mountain peak to tundra and grass wasteland for anything that moves by land or air. And we will warn the Guild members.




a shot without the figures - to the left is krela labyrinth and the lightning that goes to the dark sky of Nocturnus, to the right is the Siccus Badlands of Kaliphin.. This is actually from the Northerners perspective, looking southeast.. hence the orientation.

I used , or tried to use, optical illusion technique as i do not have enough grey bricks for a whole mountain (yet)





3 sentries are posted. 1 is resting in the small hut below the roof.


they keep a tree, which provides nourishment and leafy greens for diet. water is obtained by melting some ice.


every fortnight, the Griffin Flight Services deliver rations, new clothing, and mail, or occasional replacement for sick sentries.



A disturbance has been felt in Nocturnus.. dark troops and drows move..


We must warn the other Mitgardian guild lords!!


THe fire beacon is unique as it usually burns orange with white smoke. However, by adding oil and brinstone to it, it burns a sooty black, and the change in colour is noted very easily by the other outposts and alert is sounded. Even when attacked, the fire will consume and burn up the wood stacks below it and turn black, so if all the sentries are killed and no one can pour oil, alarm is still sounded.

If the sentries freeze to death or assassinated by Freeze spell by the drow, the fire will run out and be extinguished. The other watch towers will see that there is no flame and something is wrong, they will sound the alarm..

Great job Krela and Prvi Smog Imena!

while the Drow spies had been captured, a routine griffin knight patrol found the Drow vegetarian cave-Bet he was riding on, and it was promptly eaten dealt with.



Also, in response to the Nocturnus raids, the Baroness has led a daring counter attack.



Alcasora successfully killed a black drake, despite all the muscle that was touted.



Credits to Waterbrick Down for the Griffin design, I slightly improved my version after seeing yours.

to Siren-of Titan aka Jarl Nibelung's decision on gunpowder weapons - Hooray for the Dwarves! We get big carronades! so big that we need a snow troll to help us push it.

Send word to all dwarf clans of the North, we must defend Mitgardia with these new weapons!


Edited by Tomcat RIO

@ the Penguin: If anyone should have a hand in the Guild's financial matters it would be you, I give you the post of Minister of the Treasury , and add your name as the first on the list of our Trade/Economy Titans! :thumbup:

Long live Mitgardia!

Thank you very much! :classic: It's a great honor and I'll make sure that our guild gets as wealthy and rich as possible! :thumbup:

Moreover on the money from my new..... income I started building a tower! :laugh:

Good day, ladies and gentlemen! ) :classic:

anyone any suggestions on how to improve my moc?

Greetings all. The Great Jarl Nibelung has decreed that the Worlds End Caravan Co. release their maps to all guild members to allow for further consolidation of the realm.

I present to you the Companys first efforts to chart the realm. A final work is underway as some of our junior cartographers may have incorrectly charted a few areas. :laugh:


Flikr: Mitgardia Draft

If you want your town/tribe/city/fortress to be included in a specific location please PM me with a description or (preferably) save a copy, add your location and then PM me for my email adress so you can send it over to me. Try and keep it to one location each unless you need further locations as a result of official guild business. Please try and let me know ASAP.


Hvar Icewind

Owner of Worlds End Caravan Co.

Edited by Viceroy

Is anyone playing Skyrim??? Because it is basically what our guild is.

I'm also feeling a lot of "winterfell" of game of thrones!


Viceroy: great map!

On the moment i'm waiting on some bricklinkian :tongue: materials for the watchtower.

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