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Mitgardia Trade Post: Traveling Merchants

A makeshift trade station established by a busy crossroad. These traveling merchants wander across the world, selling and buying goods, making deals and trade relations stretching from one end of the globe (or flat square...) to the next.


Being a war-full people, weapons of the highest quality is in great demand, as is the drink for celebrating victories and so a brewer plays an important part (here celebrating his own success :tongue: ).


Such rich merchants are often the target for attacks and raids and so they surround themselves with the best warriors gold (and the promise of lots of fighting) can buy, to guard their camp and keep their riches safe.



Edited by Thor Lund

Mitgardia Watchtower : Guardpost

A makeshift guardpost under construction. A traveling merchant's camp is doing well and has decided to stay for a while. Setting up a small watchtower will help advertising the location of a trade camp as much as keeping raiders at bay.



Felling a few nearby trees gives plenty of material. And the work quick when you figure out where to hit the trells (slaves) for optimal performance.



@Everyone: I think I now have all the Mitgardian MOCs listed in my guide. Added Military and Economic Chapters to the index. (although we have no Economic MOCs to link to though :cry_sad: )

Not any more: Mitgardian Ice Fishermen :wink:

Well, for the economic titans challenge, Hykerbia has a great port to cater to the sea borne trade along the treacherous East mitgardian coast. As posted before, the East Mitgard Trading Company ships pine wood, timbers, furs and dwarven mead and beer from the North, to this bustling port, where they are then shipped out on EMTC Mitgardian registered longboats, or Kapliphin and Nocturnus vessels. In return they trade black oil and glass crystals with the Petrea trading company, and unknownst as yet objects with the East. This makes me very rich as we dominate much of the trade on the Eastern seaboard (for now)!








The EMTC has just begun a small business into making green cloth for our armies. This basic facility uses the high quality dye from Valhollian clover, a green clover that grows only in the Valholl region and has to be imported.


the leaves are beaten to a pulp and then the clothes soaked in and beaten to absorb the dye



a model poses


I've had no time to build a full sized village and port , but it will be done, on 2 pieces of 48x48 baseplate. Along with Hykerbia castle itself. Since I've pretty much got the whole of 2012 to build a nice one!

Also, expect an assortment of trading vehicles and me trying to copy the Kaliphin and Nocturnus carts and avatar peoples, to make a bustling Mitgardia trading outpost. Hmm, where werewolves, drow, camels, wooly mammoths, mummies and vikings meet. Hahaha.

To show my loyalty to Mitgardia, we have constructed a watchtower in the southern mountain ranges.

Please take a look at the drawings here

For Mitgardia!

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Greetings Guildsmen, As we enter the last few days before the deadline of our challenges is reached I encourage you all to finalize and post if you have not already done so!

@Thor: Welcome to the Guild! You certainly have brought quite an amazing group with you, and they are all welcome to the Norther Frontier! Great figures and story-telling, I am happy we have yet another strong builder in our midst! (Your Spellbound Man-Machine is a personal favorite of mine! :grin:) :thumbup:

@Ecclesiastes: Good religious build! I have decided that we the Norsemen will have multiple idols and Gods, so Gyhnran is one, and his religious symbol is great. Your entree into the economic challenge is excellent; a beautifully textured, photographed and balanced scene of domestic tranquility! Well done :sweet:

As for the temple challenge we can let other people add their own. (Both pagan/druid gods, and parallels with Norse Gods are encouraged!) This is the challenge with the least number of entrees,let's get creating people! :grin:

@ Tomcat RIO: Good ideas, I knew we would find a way to get more green sleeves! :wink: I would add a bit more detail for the final product though, you don't just want a barren base-plate.

@Dan Church: Beautiful and creative watchtower! :thumbup: :thumbup: I especially like the details around the door, the corners and the terrain!

Guildsmen, there will be plenty of reasons to get excited and build when we announce what we have planned for 2012, stay tuned, and don't forget to check the first post in the thread as I'll be updating it frequently with news, challenge info, Titles etc.

Long live Mighty Mitgardia!

I, Lord Olaf, pledge my support to the guild of Mitgardia.

Any tips on how to post a pic right-side up?!

How did that happen?! :laugh: You should probably go to the Website and Forums; they have the tutorials.

Looks pretty good though!


Finally got it!! I had to deeplink from Brickshelf. Thanks.

:blush: Sorry for the large pic. I will try to resize it. :angry:

Edited by Legoman273

The clock is ticking close to 6 AM in Finland, but I've finally managed to get my watch tower finished! It's certainly not one of the best ones around, but I'm quite proud of it, as it's by far the biggest project of my still quite short AFOL career, with some landscaping and such (it used more or less all my white plates and all my brown palisade bricks not counting the ones that are used in my other MOCs). Of course, the Great Elks shouldn't even have the best tower, as they are quite simple and primitive people. :classic:

Pictures? Not before the sun rises... I'd like to take pictures outside in the snow and better light conditions, but it sounds like it's raining so there may not be any snow left in the morning. :P

As posted before, the East Mitgard Trading Company ships pine wood, timbers, furs and dwarven mead and beer from the North, to this bustling port, where they are then shipped out on EMTC Mitgardian registered longboats, or Kapliphin and Nocturnus vessels. In return they trade black oil and glass crystals with the Petrea trading company, and unknownst as yet objects with the East.

Greetings from the South, Good Fellows of Mitgardia!

Mr La Flaga, we offer many thanks for the shipment of delicacies, basic commodities, furs and your wondrous festive trees! We hope it will please you to learn of the full-scale opening of our Heliotropic Crystal Glass Manufactory. We are pleased to send you sample shipments of our Flawless Window Glazing, and to offer the EMTC the distribution rights for all of East Mitgardia. With our patented Double Crystal Glass system, the beauty of the Northern Winter can be enjoyed from inside your own homes. Without fur cloaks!

The EMTC has just begun a small business into making green cloth for our armies. This basic facility uses the high quality dye from Valhollian clover, a green clover that grows only in the Valholl region and has to be imported.

We applaud the innovation of the North and we are sure the Petrea General Trading Company will find good customers for your cloth, if it please you to supply some to Kaliphlin.

With respectful best wishes always,

Ingvar Arnoldssen, Mitgardian Trade Representative

on behalf of


It was a cloudy day so there was never much light, and (surprisingly) I also woke up quite late... so I'm still hoping for a little bit better pictures, but here are something to give you the general idea:

Apparently a captain from the Mitgardia Guild is just arriving to inspect the defences of the Clan of the Great Elk. We live inlands in the far north, so we don't have much danger from the other guilds, but from time to time there arises some... disputes among the clans. Some of them do not really acknowledge the rule of the Guild yet, either. We were some of the first clans of this region to do so, at the time of my grandfather Meeko son of Kuonjar, and as a matter of fact the pact happened in the vicinity of this very tower, which is why this tower has been known as the Oath Tower ever since. There is a small stream going by the tower that has been frozen and mostly covered in snow like everything else. I, Halti son of Halti, am looking towards the envoy from the top of the tower while my brother Peera is sweeping snow down below.


A view from the top of the tower, with a hint of stairs that go down.


Here is my entry for the economy challenge, my avatar and my tower. Hopefully it works now:


Forgive me for my poor photographing skills.

My Chalenge 1 watchtower is finished.


Click the Link for more pics.

Edited by Legoman273

@Haltiamieli: Great tower en nice touch on the snowy waterfall!

@Legoman273: Welcome to the guild! You've tried to make a Mitgardian look en it worked out well!

And last but not least: Entry for the homestead challenge: Ondylion Houses

@Legoman273: Welcome to the guild! You've tried to make a Mitgardian look en it worked out well!

Thanks! I am glad you like it.

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Just under a day left now, and the first challenge comes to a close. I'm truly impressed by how many wonderful MOC's we got for this round in Mitgardia! :thumbup:

Our land is one of the best defended in all of Historica, which should leave our enemies trembling and our allies seeking support. Valholl grows stronger and more-prosperous with incoming traders and our armies are the best in all of Historica! They are one part Northern Courage, one part Northern Ingenuity! :wink:

@Haltiamieli: Wonderful to see the Great Elks partake in the outpost challenge! I really like the snow and frozen river, and the tower has a very unique charm to it as well! ! :thumbup:

Long live Mitgardia!

I'm probably gonna miss the first challenge, :sceptic: I was a bit late too sign up for the guilds.

Will anything bad happen if I miss it?

I tried to resize my pic, but I couldn't. If I remove the pic and just post a link, will my MOC be indexed?

I tried to resize my pic, but I couldn't. If I remove the pic and just post a link, will my MOC be indexed?

Cant say for sure but why not try another free hosting site like Flickr where you dont have to resize your pics?

@Cwertle: No not at all, a few key members of this guild like Stash2stixx and Khorne havnt been able to make this round and we already have 17 (by my count) great watch towers. I think all the active members of Mitgardia would agree that quality over quantity is more important (although theres no harm in being a beginner, just aim to keep the each MOC better than the last!), so just wait until you get the right bricks in or that great idea in your head!

Cant say for sure but why not try another free hosting site like Flickr where you dont have to resize your pics?

I am on brickshelf, so can I post a link to my gallery there?

My watchtower, the Early Warning Signal is posted. Hope it meets with your approval my fellow guilds-men.


Unfortunately it looks like my mini-challenge entries will not be ready in time.

Sadly my bricklink orders came in sorta late, and I've barely started a tower. But I'll be starting to build next round as soon as it is up!

Sadly my bricklink orders came in sorta late, and I've barely started a tower. But I'll be starting to build next round as soon as it is up!

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Entrees for the first challenge are now closed as per official guild rules. Congratulationson your hard work guildsmen! I will post more info on scoring of towers and new titles earned after we have a thorough counting/judging period over then next week or two.

Overall I was very impressed and encouraged by each and every member in the Guild! Some of you thoroughly awed me and the staff with your ingenuity, creativity and building skills! We are off to a great start, and for our next building challenge I hope that all members who didn't get a chance to build this time around, do so as we'd love to see everyone participate and get prizes! :wink:

As for prizes; the announcement is still pending; ISC will be the final word on that but stay tuned and soon you will know just how good of a community build this is! :grin:

Welcome to our new forum; from now on please post all new entrees and Mitgardia-themed free builds here! We are making Eurobricks history folks! :thumbup:

Long live mighty Mitgardia!

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