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Who are the two Generals?

  On 11/11/2011 at 4:11 AM, On Stranger Tides said:

Who are the two Generals?

Currently, me and Ecclesiastes are both Hersirs (generals). I am the Hersir of the Norsemen and he is Hersir of the "normal" Guildsmen.

  On 11/11/2011 at 9:54 AM, Khorne said:

Currently, me and Ecclesiastes are both Hersirs (generals). I am the Hersir of the Norsemen and he is Hersir of the "normal" Guildsmen.

Indeed! And I will serve with honour! :classic:

Than-Reya brings news that Sha'zaar the Cave Witch an her clan of Small-folk have pledged to fight for the Northern way of life and uphold the standards of Mitgardia Guild.


(descriptions coming soon)

Now Than-Raya is off to recruit more outlanders.

Edzerd of the North, reporting for duty.

With me I bring you my army:

The foot soldiers.


The light cavalry who rides with the speed of the wind, throughout Mitgardia.

They know the land really well and if someone is in need of help, they will be send to the rescue.


The scout who brings the news to the Capitol City of Valholl, and is part of the excellent scout network.


And in the far north, the cities of the Dwarves in the Mountains, brings us some strong dwarven warriors.

Who will join our ranks with the right amount of payment, also they will forge the weapons of Mitgardia, so we will have enough weapons to defend the land.



Mitgardia - Army of the North by the_ Inventor, on Flickr

the Inventor

Edited by the Inventor

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Greetings Guildsmen!

You will be a happy to know that the first build challenge is only a few hours away! :thumbup: A few announcements:

1) the Inventor; please step forward. For your recent contributions, for helping design the look of the guild's soldiers and for being the first member to enlist in the Mitgardian Army I am proud to give you the title of Hersir of the Northern Allies. You will lead the Northern legion of Mitgardia along with the forces of our Dwarven Allies into battle! Congratulation Hersir Edzerd!

2) I am proud to give Guild member darkdragon the title of "Guild Ambassador" for her recruitment of members and contributions to the guild. :thumbup:

Welcome Madame Ambassador Than-Reya, the Jarl's Court is happy to receive you!

Keep in mind that there is still one position open for our fourth and final Hersir. The court will wait a while before awarding this one, so build those beautiful innovative armies with confidence; the title will not be given until the Sunday, of this great week. :wink:

The first challenge is up!! You have a whole month so don't rush; we will need sturdy watchtowers and defenses. You may use this space for posting WIP shots, but all finals must be posted as their own thread.

Let's prove that Mitgardia has the best builders and architects!

Edited by Sirens-Of-Titan

Is anyone playing Skyrim??? Because it is basically what our guild is.


Edited by On Stranger Tides

  On 11/12/2011 at 7:28 AM, On Stranger Tides said:

Is anyone playing Skyrim??? Because it is basically what our guild is.

lol so true

I, Edward Brightwood, pledge my allegiance to the guild Mitgardia. My men and I shall protect the guild at all costs.

Task 1


Edited by Duplicatus

Sir Glorfindel and his men pledge loyalty to Mitgardia forever.

(Pics coming soon)

  On 11/12/2011 at 7:28 AM, On Stranger Tides said:

Is anyone playing Skyrim??? Because it is basically what our guild is.

Yes I certainly am. The Lego has been put away for a few days, time for a little "background research" .... :tongue:

  • Author

Welcome new members! I look froward to seeing your pictures! :thumbup:

@O-S-T, Viceroy: Very true, Skyrim is an excellent source of Mitgardia inspiration, take a look at the concept art and you'll see what I'm talking about! :wink:

I would make it a Guild Activity to play it, but not all members have 100+ hours to sacrifice for open-world exploration of a snow-themed and elaborate fantasy world.... Be right back! (Runs to GameStop :laugh:)

  On 11/12/2011 at 1:08 PM, Sirens-Of-Titan said:

Welcome new members! I look froward to seeing your pictures! :thumbup:

@O-S-T, Viceroy: Very true, Skyrim is an excellent source of Mitgardia inspiration, take a look at the concept art and you'll see what I'm talking about! :wink:

I would make it a Guild Activity to play it, but not all members have 100+ hours to sacrifice for open-world exploration of a snow-themed and elaborate fantasy world.... Be right back! (Runs to GameStop :laugh:)

I do not know what to tell you, I've just instaled Skyrim, and I will know all of your secrets very soon :) but the beginning of the game - snow north meets ruined south ;)

Edited by Angeli

Nandel Kirche and his men pledge their loyalty to Mitgardia!

My men include:

Teran the Crossbowman

Old Switleon the Engineer

Hansen Kirche, My only Brother


Our unit may be small, but Switleon's contraption is a deadly asset on the battle field, and he always something he's eager to build if he could be trouble to find the materials. Our valor is second to none, and our loyalty will never fade!

P.S. : I hope you don't mind I chose dark green over the basic green.



I, Oaknob, bring glad tidings! We Dwarves of Pikesteel Mountain have agreed to aid you.


Our warriors are each brave and strong men, except for the women, who are, in fact, not men, but still brave and strong!

We pledge our services as master craftsmen, blacksmiths and brewmasters for the betterment of Mitgardia!

Link to the "real" (World of Warcraft) Oaknob

Mitgardia can count on me!





Good day, ladies and gentlemen! ) :classic:

  On 11/12/2011 at 5:28 PM, Dan Church said:

P.S. : I hope you don't mind I chose dark green over the basic green.

Maybe you can replace some of the arms into basic green, because the dark is more avalonia, so it will look more Mitgardian! Like the flag you made!

Fat tony: Nice arms on the sigfig!

Edited by Ecclesiastes

Fellow Mitgardians...

The Duke of Northridge Serroth Ranas, Paladin, and his wife the Duchess of Northridge, Mavula Ranas, pledge their loyalties to the Might of Mitgardia!


General Nalmorech Crish, Commander of the Armies of Northridge.


Captain Tosor Hocas, Mounted Cavalry Commander.


Envoy Amrayi Osan.


Vaylex the Wizard.


Dwarven Engineer Olgar Rispol.


Dwarven Miner and Brewmaster Kedud Rantur.


Northridge Captain of the Assassins Turezo Vehaku.


Northridge Foot Soldiers, consisting of Spearmen and Paladins.


Northridge Archers (some were sleeping when the sketch was made...)


Northridge Mounted Cavalry, consisting of Mounted Soldiers and Mounted Paladins.


  • Author

Well this is quite a glorious day for the Guild! :wink: We have here some incredible new members who will undoubtedly contribute to the grandeur of the Mitgardian Guild! :thumbup:

@Dan Church: Welcome my friend, you and your men will be happy you chose to settle in Mitgardia. Say, I'd like to have a word with your engineer about his wondrous contraption. Our armies could benefit from such advanced technology. :wink:

@Fat Tony: Welcome to Mitgardia, I was wondering when the Dwarves of the mines were going to pledge their loyalty; you've arrived just in time. I'd love to see some Dwarven buildings from you down the road, but for now we drink and celebrate the Guild's new allies! :grin:

@ the Penguin: Ah sir, here you are, and in such style! Your trader is mighty impressive, and his back story most intriguing; while I can't wait to see your marvelous Mountain residence, I may have to offer you apartments near the palace of Valholl, so that we may discuss the business of the Guild. :wink:

@ Stash2Sixx: Dear lord!!! :oh: I believe your force just send shock waves the world over Duke of Northridge! :wub: It is an honor to have you and your men, with this force the Mitgardian army is unstoppable. We will have to give you a position in the Military elite for this!

Guildsmen, we are the powerhouse at this stage! I am proud of our membership and cannot wait for this building competition to get under way! Remember that while we are free to interpret and build anything for task one, it must still feel like it belongs in the North. I don't doubt you will do a phenomenal job at it; as you have all posted phenomenal pictures and minifigures!

Long live Mitgardia! :grin:

Edited by Sirens-Of-Titan

  On 11/12/2011 at 7:37 PM, Sirens-Of-Titan said:

@ the Penguin: Ah sir, here you are, and in such style! Your trader is mighty impressive, and his back story most intriguing; while I can't wait to see your marvelous Mountain residence, I may have to offer you apartments near the palace of Valholl, so that we may discuss the business of the Guild. :wink:

As long as you provide me with best furs, food, wine and pleasures, I'll move anywhere!

Seriously speaking, I'd be delighted to get my hands on the treasury assist you in your Guild's business. Rest assured that all my men, money and business-world connections are at your disposal. :classic:

Good day, ladies and gentlemen! ) :classic:

Long live Mitgardia!

From the City of Hykerbia in the Eastern edge of Mitgardia, Baron Maude La Flaga and Baroness Kealind Windwatcher guards over the southeastern border passes of the Ragath mountains. The city is built by all races of the North, and together they swear allegiance to each other and aid in need. For snow, for timber and most of all for Jarl Nibelung!

In the far North, where the mountains are high and air cold, the Great Eagles build their eyries far above mortal beings. It is only the beauty and lure of elf maiden singing that can charm these magnificent birds down to fight. They have a bitter feud with Northern drakes and Ice Dragons.

Baroness Kealind's ride is the great eagle Alcasora..



We will soar high over the mountains and no walls can keep out our magic spells and sharp talons.



Baron Maude is a nobleman from the West, who made the journey over Mitgardia, flying the flag of Jarl, colonizing the dangerous eastern sectors. He was given a set of feathers from the same flock of rare perger falcons for his helmet. When he rides atop the mighty steed Fenrid, all enemies fear his charging lance, even dragons.



The house guard of La Flaga ride with their Baron to war all the time. Their yellow and green stand out in the white snows and are morale boost to any allies guildsmen fighting.



the Baron and Baroness have a daughter, half-Elf and half-man, and very pretty. Princess Kailingar rides a polar bear chariot into battle



Kailingar's brother, Leanderin, is Captain of the Elvish guard. Riding deer and great elks into war.



The Elk Academy trains only female elfs. They have a strong bond with their Elks, and fight as 1 on the field. Elf archery skill while riding on elf back is most prized.


The elves also have small regiments. Quell Droma the assassin elf.


Namaste and Navaron, 2 brothers and best elf scouts in the northern tundra (if not in Mitgardia and all Historica), ride atop a Siberian and white tiger. They can travel faster than any land beast, crouch and ambush in leaves and snow. They have a pet falcon trained to be scout eyes from the sky as well.



The Orcs from Hykerbia have arrived as well! They have tamed brutish tundra beasts and use them in battle to the awe of other guilds.



Orc heavy calvary ride on woolly rhinos, when angry they charge the enemy like madness.


Woolly mammoth with tower, archers can fire and hurl spears below. Rider is well protected with shields.


This is the last sight for many a trampled reptrian and squashed desert warrior..


The few centaurs in the North, sage Flincus Tanhide, spends his time travelling the mountains, and raising his pet dragon, hopefully it will one day be a big green dragon to fight for Mitgardia's army.


Wierd Elian, the wizard with the frog staff, travels between Mitgardian towns and villages, and the big cities, entertaining children, soldiers and nobles with his performances. Travelling with him is Slash the medieval guitarist and Utinni Hugebeard, the Dwarf who never shaved in his life. They bring cheer and laughter to the frozen North.



Edited by Tomcat RIO

The Dwarfs of Mitgardia have a long and proud generations of history, with huge mountain kingdoms. Hykerbia's cave networks were dug by them, and the deposits of mineral ore attracts them here.

Yet, with trade and ore, looters and war come from jealous rival clans. Hykerbian Dwarfs rent from the orcs, tamed Musk Oxen to pull their catapult wagons. They can destroy the walls of other guild with ease, even in remote places.



Another ingenious dwarf contraption is the 'jet fire' flame thrower. The Elves shared with them the secret of Dragon's breathing fire. The dwarfs put it to good use and it can melt huge caverns in thick ice mountains and glaciers with ease, making the job for the builders and architect dwarfs much easier. It is fed by liquid brimstone and pipe, to a pumping nozzle that can be aimed.

The flame thrower, although good at melting ice caverns, is also excpetionally effective against minotaurs, reptrians, Avalonian calvary, paper wrapped mummies etc etc..


Another segment of Mitgardia's population, the Norsemen, some of them settled in Hykerbia as farmers, hunters and traders.

A ballista cart pulled by a wingless drake - wings cut off so it cant fly anymore. Some Mitgardian clans strongly oppose this as they say ALL drakes should die anyway.. But Hykerbian Norse plan to use the drake well.



The Sentries - Mitgardian professional soldiers sworn for life service, are sent to a chain of outposts atop the entire Southern Mitgard border. From high mountain range peaks, pine forests, tundra plateau, temperate farm land. The Sentries are always every watching for enemy movement. Alarms are raised by the change in fire and smoke signals, and the fire beacons relay the message across vast distances quickly, so the whole Mitgardia army in all the provinces can mobilise.


3 sentries per post, 1 sleep and rest, 2 watch.


And lastly, I built this one for our guild, proudly to say we are the first guild with a Navy!! Hope you are happy Sirens-of-Titan!! Now Mitgardia truly rules by air, land and sea!

The foundation of the Northen Guild has often lay on the water-borne sailing trade. Coastal settlements and river villages were the heart and beginning of our guild. The Norse were the best sailors around, being the most experienced before the colonists came.


In peacetime, the Norse longboats sailed to the seas, fishing for shoals, seal fur. They also transported ore, gems, timber planks, granite rock between ports, which were then ox wagon to build Valholl, amongst other great northern cities.


In war, the Guild financed the weaponised longboats and paid the sailors. A combined crew from all the Mitgardian population sails aboard. Using the sailing skill of the Norse, the bravery of the Barbarians, the weapons of the Colonists, the tracking and eyesight of the Elf, the translation of Orcs, and the beer making and drumstick cooking of the Dwarves.




Mitgardia Orc clan-chief from Hykerbia, Bronto Wolfowner rides to join his men.. After a feast of drumstick and beer he woke up late.. A distant cousin of Orc King of Mitgardia Gorkill, they work together to out-orc the orcs from the other guilds.


Edited by Tomcat RIO

  On 11/13/2011 at 5:23 AM, Tomcat RIO said:

mitgardia hykerbia Orc clan King Bronto Wolfowner rides to join his men.. After a feast of drumstick and beer he woke up late..


Um Gorkill is the one, TRUE, king of the orcs in Mitgardia


Edited by On Stranger Tides

  On 11/13/2011 at 5:51 AM, On Stranger Tides said:

Um Gorkill is the one, TRUE, king of the orcs in Mitgardia


LOL ok!! Edited.. Can he be a cousin twice removed from Gorkill's mother's uncle's stepsister!

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