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We are indeed thankful for the safety of our merchants and travellers between our two great lands, which we endeavour to reciprocate as far as we can.

The Inquisitor of Natural Philosophy of the Petrea General Trading Company, Doktor Frankenstein, shares a toast with his friend Herr Leibniz, a Mountain Mummy scholar.

We have learned something of great interest and import from Abu Ali, the truth seeker. We are confident this discovery when we commercialise it will be of great benefit to all nations. Suffice to say for now, our 2 greatest natural resources can be brought together for the good of all Historica.

Yours Aye,


interesting mountain mummy scholar hair!! i wonder what new resource Abu Ali has imported? The EMTC shall dispatch a caravan of seal meat, fur rugs, timber, ice, and as a bonus on the house, some live pine and conifer trees for you desert people to celebrate Christmas. Caravan will reach in 3 weeks.

- Seaburn La Flaga, on behalf of EMTC, Hykerbia Castle East, Mitgardia Avenue 2 , Block 4 level 1 (Main Branch). :laugh:



Yakob had a good point ... Petraea is kinda in the middle of no where... anyone have objections to extending either salt lake or Akrabi river and rerouting it through Petraea? that makes a bit more sense no?

Rerouting a river would be a good idea, but isn't Petraea an oasis? Maybe adding a small amount of vegetation around it on the map would work so that it doesn't look just like a dry city in the middle of nowhere.

Here are some WIP pictures of the watchtower I am making. I do have some rock formations on the left side, and grey stone work so I was thinking it would need to be near the mountains maybe outside of Qarkyr along the trade route.

To me something is still missing, I was thinking maybe enlarging the second story, and adding a smaller third story for a little more height. I wasn't going for something really tall, since it is based more in the desert on flatter land. Standing in the sun all day can't be good for your skin if you are on top, so maybe a canopy/roof of some type is in order. Any suggestions out there?


WIPfront by erynlasgalen, on Flickr


WIP side by erynlasgalen, on Flickr


WIP top by erynlasgalen, on Flickr

Fellow Southlanders! One of our caravans has returned from the north, and brought with them a splendid new map of Historica by the esteemed cartographer Thrash. I've had one of my scribes incorporate its new findings into our map of Siccus. She's not completely done with it, but here's what it looks like so far. She's also incorporated some of your newest discoveries, such as the Spice Islands and the large island of Gorr.


The Siccus Badlands (Kaliphlin Guild)

I've been away in Shi-Kaggo all week purchasing stone and other building materials. I come back today, and there's been no progress at all on the watchtower! Why must I be surrounded by such idiots?! We shall have to redouble our efforts, and what with the coming holidays, hope to make more progress on building.

In other good news however, we have recently had reinforcements join us from the faraway land of Brikkus-Lynk, including a pack of 16 of the finest mummy warriors. I shall endeavour to have their portraits posted soon.


I'm having some problems with my camera, but I managed to take this shot of Semiramis' personal army. More detailed photos are coming up!


Those Oliphaunts are mighty beasts indeed!

On the tower-building front, the foreman and his assistant got into a brawl last night, after the latter made a deregatoy comment about the shape of the tower. Both men have been locked up, and a new (and hopefully more competant) foreman has begun work.


Edited by J4ke

Nobles of Kaliphlin,

I am proud to present the Board of the Petrea General Trading Company, from our Annual Report:


Back Row

Biarssh, a powerful Sorceress from a desert tribe. Head of Knowledge and Insight, and Chief Information Officer.

Rijkard von Hoek, a very clever but bad-tempered Elf-Viking. Head of Internal Affairs and Compliance.

Sally Templeton Smyth, a charming Human lass. Manages our Kaliphlin routes. Chief Logistic Officer.

Rasputin Jones, my good self. President, CEO and Chairman.

Gwyndolyn Astrid Etherea, my companion. Company Secretary. She knows all the right things.

Urthrak Rockbiter, a good natured and forthright Ork with substantial underworld and criminal connections. Head of Legal Affairs.

Sultan Hammurabi bin Mukhtar al Jebra, a mathematical prodigy. Chief Financial Officer and head of our Oil business.

Front Row

Ingvar Arnoldssen, a jolly Dwarven diplomat and trader. Manages our Mitgardian routes. Loves the Mead Run.

Doktor Frankenstein, our Inquisitor of Natural Philosophy and Al-Khymy. Works closely with our Mummified chums on certain projects.

Bastet the cat, how did you sneak in?

Captain Marcus, our Master of Seaborne Trade. Nice to see him on dry land for the annual photo.

Sir Inigo Stillwell, a deeply honourable man of experience, valour and courageous heart. Manages our Avalonian routes. Gets a bit hot in that armour here, prefers the cool forest glades of the West.

All of the Directors wish you a happy, peaceful and prosperous New Financial Year.

Yours Aye,


Semiramis, your followers are an impressive sight. May they get rich and glorious in Kaliphlin.

i wonder what new resource Abu Ali has imported? The EMTC shall dispatch a caravan of seal meat, fur rugs, timber, ice, and as a bonus on the house, some live pine and conifer trees for you desert people to celebrate Christmas. Caravan will reach in 3 weeks.

- Seaburn La Flaga, on behalf of EMTC, Hykerbia Castle East, Mitgardia Avenue 2 , Block 4 level 1 (Main Branch). :laugh:

Many Thanks, Mr la Flaga.

Your kindness and foresight are as always warmly appreciated in our Southern Lands. We shall make sure you have first rights in Mitgardia for our new discovery, which we anticipate will be of great benefit in the Northern Winter. :wink:

With respectful best wishes always,


Edited by robuko

  • Author

Amelia, you have a good point it is/was an oasis. So officially the original story made sense! haha. though interms of adding interesting possibilities (eg able to build a river/canons/use water for trading) let's use the 'newly found' information?

Those are some fantastic looking WIPs you got there Amelia,

The concentric arches are a fantastic touch.

Semiramis! That is a fine assortment of men and women you have there! Those Oliphaunts seem to have quite the luxurious ride... I may have to enquire to my personal shopper to get some...

Yakob, ill news regarding your Foreman. I hope he wasn't drinking the Black Oil - liquor we sell to Nocturnus. That's strong stuff not to be trifled with!

Fine board of the PGTC, it is good to finally put some faces to the names I have seen.

That is quite the board room you have, with such a view of the city. Bastet must love those high windows :laugh:

Yes, I kinda forgot the oasis storyline bit... Oops.

But, I did some research, and oasises(eseses) can be fed from rivers and whatnot, so it's all good. And now we have the oppurtunity to have a small river dock or somesuch in Kaliphlin, as well as major ports on the coast.

So all in all, we've just gained more possibilities, whilst still remaining faithful to the original storyline. Success!

(Although I'm acutely aware George Lucas probably uses that excuse every time he makes a new special edition. If I fall to the dark side, feel free to strike me down.)


Firsty-first...congrats to our Guild-leader on his "Fellow"ship! Hoo-rah!

Secondly...Tafik Regex Marmota (NiceMarmot)- for "Master Cartographer" - AYE!

Thirdly...I agree...names in sigs would work quite nicely.

And...I don't remember what else I was going to say. LOL!

The tower has had a great deal of work done to it, now that the foreman actually knows what he is doing. Next, to add a landscape underneath the mostly-finished tower.


Watchtower WIP 2 by .Jake, on Flickr

Opinions welcomed,


Sorry were late to the party, but crossing the Desert is hard work. I bring with me my small band of Desert wanderers.

Love those characters sok117! They look like a good addition to the Guild.

RE: Titles

Fantastic idea. I was hopping for some sort of nomination or democratic process. I think that will make it much more rewarding when the Title is earned.

I would also like to make the first nomination:

Tafik Regex Marmota (NiceMarmot)- for "Master Cartographer"

I would second that - NiceMarmot's maps are phenomenal!

RE: Flickr Group

I thought about this before... There are some pros and cons.

Cons - This is suppose to be a EB thing - makes sense to share it here. As well it gives other guilds opportunity to join into our little group. Not everyone is on flickr - some are on mocpages etc. And there are some that are just lurkers that also wouldn't be able to enjoy our work.


Flickr's built in picture sharing / note adding is a fantastic way to collaborate and offer suggestions.

It provides privacy for our 'secret' builds and other works.

What does everyone think?

Obviously I agree that that it takes some of the focus away from EB - but I think there are many advantages to going with Flickr - I was hoping we could create a group so that we would have a place to store all our images (unless we are going to have an index thread on EB?). I think the notes are helpful for constructive criticism.

I am loving the uniqueness of this guild. My style will aim for a blend of Egyptian, Orient Expedition and Prince of Persia to start with as we are based in Petrea, the heart of the desert, but no doubt through time we will expand the business of the PGTC to the mountain, forest and coast areas.

Exactly what I am going for!

Here are some WIP pictures of the watchtower I am making. I do have some rock formations on the left side, and grey stone work so I was thinking it would need to be near the mountains maybe outside of Qarkyr along the trade route.

To me something is still missing, I was thinking maybe enlarging the second story, and adding a smaller third story for a little more height. I wasn't going for something really tall, since it is based more in the desert on flatter land. Standing in the sun all day can't be good for your skin if you are on top, so maybe a canopy/roof of some type is in order. Any suggestions out there?

Loving that WIP Erynlasgalen - keep up the good work!

I'm having some problems with my camera, but I managed to take this shot of Semiramis' personal army. More detailed photos are coming up!

Those figs are awesome Sandy - they are exactly how I imagined the Sand Queen's army to look. Very unique. Loving those elephants with the canopies on top!

Nobles of Kaliphlin,

I am proud to present the Board of the Petrea General Trading Company, from our Annual Report:

Loving the characters robuko. The background is lovely too - great architecture and use of the PoP arches.

I also confirm the nomination of Master Gex (NiceMarmot) for the position of Master Cartographer, we value his renderings of our land most highly on our escort ventures through the various trade routes.

My Lady Sand Queen, welcome to Kaliphlin, I am sure you will find a haven for you and your people here. While I am sure that you are very self sufficient and able to care for both yourself and your standing army, if any of your followers should be in need of full time employment, we are currently looking to fill some holes in our outfit and your men seem like excellent candidates should any of them ever wish to inquire. Did I mention we have some of the highest signing on bonuses in all of Petrea?

To the most revered board members of the PGTC, it is a pleasure to finally meet some of you and my men and I humbly offer our escort and security services, and should you or any of your subsidiary customers ever have need of such functions, please do not hesitate to utilize us or refer our services.

-Captain Hardiel

Erynlasgalen, great WIP I considered mixing gray stone with the sand stone early on, but never built it up to see how it would look, you have done it perfectly and I may employ some more of that color in my next rendition. My only suggestions would be to maybe use less flags, or add some more height, and maybe utilize smaller 2x1 bricks instead of the 8x1 tan bricks near the middle tier, to give the suggestion of stone rather than long oblong slabs, that is if you collection contains them.

The tower has had a great deal of work done to it, now that the foreman actually knows what he is doing. Next, to add a landscape underneath the mostly-finished tower.

Yakob, great tower! A most unusual look you've achieved there by SNOTing the slopes around an octagonal structure. I'd say lose the triangular red and blue flags at the top; it's not obvious they are flags or banners, and you could probably mount something else there that would look better. You might also try mixing up the tan and LBG accents a bit so the layers aren't quite so uniform; not sure if that will look better but it's worth trying.

Yesterday a band of 16 mummies arrived from Brikkus-Lynk, and they do seem quite ferocious. I've issued orders for all my warriors to assemble on the parade grounds this after noon for inspection. I've arranged for an artist to paint the army, hope to show it to you all later tonight.




At the dusty borders of Kaliphlin, where no sane Petraean would venture to, lies a wide expanse of near unhospitable land. Yet, a few groups of warriors inhabit the area, testing their skills against the monsters of the desert, and guarding the border of Kaliphlin domain, lest the other Guilds invade.

In a place where the sun beats down mercilessly, and speed is of the utmost importance, the ‘outposts’ of the border are little but shelters, consisting of ruined remains of watchtowers long since fallen into disrepair. Barrels of long-lasting food are kept in the cooler shade, and the warriors that wander from outpost to outpost are always ready to move quickly amongst the countless ‘towers’ that line the border

I'm not sure what to do with the back...ideas please!

Also, my exams are coming up in the next few weeks, so this is probably the most I'll be able to do.

Most noble Dextrus Flagg, lord of all Kaliphlin, we would seek an audience with you! My name is Erudhalion Sansael, and i am lord of the port town of Berigora in the principality of Peregrinus, which you would know as Cape Dahaka. We have been an isolationist outpost for many years, owing to our flight from the more numerous outlaw groups and mountain mummy bands of the Rakath, but we are no backwater - we have a wonderful deep water port for our ships, and our fleet has travelled far and wide, exploring and trading with the east coast of Historia and beyond. Our land is bountiful and self-sustaining, thanks to the landcare and husbandry of our centaur allies, and our borders are well protected by both land and sea assault. Although we have been indipendent for many years under my father, since his recent death much has changed. Our ships report seeing many watchtowers under construction up and down the coast, and armies are on the march in the east and the north. Brigand activity is up too, and the mountain mummies that reside in the Rakath seem more agitated than usual. Should war or trouble come to our land, we fear being caught between the hammer and the anvil, and thus wish to ally ourselves with Kaliphlin. If it would please you, our ports shall be your ports, and our ships your ships, and all Peregrinians shall henceforth swear fealty to mighty Kaliphlin! We ask only for your protection in return.


I present to you my household - myself and my personal gaurd, our centaur friends and the port master of Berigora and his captains.


The commander of the watch is in charge of the causeway garrison, which protects entry to Peregrinus by land.


Peregrinus from the southwest, showing the landbridge and the hidden entry to Berigora port. The approach to the port entrance is treacherous with reefs and shifting sandbars, and visiting ships would do well to signal to the lighthouse for an escort to guide them in.


Peregrinus from the southeast, showing the valley of the centaurs and the jagged coastline to the east, which is constantly battered by waves.


Peregrinus from the northwest, showing the thick forests and coastal plains of the north, from whence our best ship-building timber comes from.

I apologize for the poor quality of my map of Peregrinus, but i am bound for the sea on the 'morrow, and have much else that must be attended to. I would be happy to share more with you of my land, it's people and it's defences, on my return.

All hail Dextrus Flagg! Peregrinus for Kaliphlin! :classic:

<Out of character: I actually am heading off interstate for 2 weeks on Monday, and will be probably not have internet during that time, so i won't be around for a little while - my apols! But i will certainly be raring to build some ports and towers and terraces and ships when i get back. :)

...I'm not sure what to do with the back...ideas please!

Also, my exams are coming up in the next few weeks, so this is probably the most I'll be able to do.

I would suggest, maybe adding a bit more height or some other distinct factors that tell the structure from the landscape. As of the moment it is hard to tell the contrast from what is the building and what are the rocky outcrops, though this might have been your intention given the back story. Perhaps adding a weapons rack, maybe a broken table, some visible tiles that are being overtaken by the sand, maybe a skeleton or two. Just some ideas, and also if this is your entry for the watch tower, don't forget the Kaliphlin flag :classic:

Lord Sansael, I have heard stories of your outpost on the most south eastern extremities of the Kaliphlin Guild's borders but have never had the opportunity to escort any caravans in that vicinity. From what the souther dwarf clans have told me, it is a most wondrous and modern settlement. I believe I can speak for the rest of the guild members here in offering you a warm welcome and indeed the hand of friendship in these trying times. Your forces and resources will definitely be of possible value during these tumultive current state of interguild affairs.

-Captain Hardiel

On another note, Gabe, wonderful micro build of the island, it would definitely be cool to see more of these.

The tower has had a great deal of work done to it, now that the foreman actually knows what he is doing. Next, to add a landscape underneath the mostly-finished tower.


Watchtower WIP 2 by .Jake, on Flickr

Opinions welcomed,


So glad that you are perservering with this build - it's one of the most original castle towers i've seen in ages. Can't wait to see an update! :thumbup:

Greetings! Tafix Regex Marmota pledges the support of his meagre army! Here are some fine portraits of us gathered for inspection this afternoon. We are about 165 strong!


Castle Army

Here's another look, from over by the barbarians.


Army, Right Side

Here are the 16 mummy warriors I spoke of earlier, with various knights behind them. And yes, back in the middle next to the camels, that is a band of eighteen renegade Dragon Knights who defected from Avalonia or somewhere.


Army, Left

There are about another 30-40 of us in hiding until the holidays... So we will be 200 strong in about a month!

It is time for me, Semiramis the Sand Queen, to introduce the elite members of my humble army. They fought their way out of the crumbling Azzurat with me, and I have no doubt in my mind that they will follow me to the death.


This is my personal war oliphant, Mahamut, whose steps never falter. I have raised him from a calf myself. Also note my trusty scimitar, The Exodus.


The other war oliphants in my army have been harnessed to the use of my archers.


Here are my maids-of-honor and flagbearers, Rosmerta and Azura. They are like sisters to me. They are accompanied here by my Majesters wielding spells of fire and water, and two of my Royal Guards.


These are the three undying Golem Magi: Melchior the Golden, Gaspar the Silvery and Balthazar the Bronze. They have offered my family their eternal wisdom ever since Azzurat was founded by my ancestor Azzur the Nomad King.


Much to my surprise, I was joined by Nashmur the Cobra and his band of dark nomads. They used to trade with my people, but with my country gone they had to find a living somewhere else, so they decided to travel north with us.


I also bring with me the many wonders of the south: one of the few remaining phoenixes in the world, a feisty genie that was captured by Sorceress Kalinda the White, and a ferocious Hyenaman warrior named Scaro. May they add to the glory of Kaliphlin!

I am glad you accept my humble bearings as part of your glorious guild, Sahib Flagg. Let us win this tournament of guilds together!

Oh, my men have now started to build a watch tower in the name of Kaliphlin, as you have requested.

It is time for me, Semiramis the Sand Queen, to introduce the elite members of my humble army.

Rarely enemy (and you are enemy:)) army inspires respect among the Drow

this is such a case ;)

Once again, I love those minifigs :) brave :)

  • Author

Erudhalion Sansael - I have heard rumours your islands. While we have dealt with your traders in the past, and met in the ports of Barqa we knew not of their origin. Thank you for sharing your stunning vistas with us. It just goes to show how large and diverse the south really is. You, your ships, and men shall be an excellent addition to our family, and we welcome you.

The ships may prove useful if enemies starts to take to the seas.

(have a safe trip Gabe, we'll be here when you get back - really fantastic stuff - can't wait till you get back)

Ah Yakob, I see the Black Oil Liquor has not permanently damaged your Foreman's senses - as the Nocturnus would have us believe. The tower looks great.

It's interesting you went with such a curvy angled look - you defintely don't see that in most Towers. Nice way to be different :)

Though I think you need a few more plates in the top of the tower like the second section.

Velethuil, Excellent little outpost. Perhaps a fire pit behind the structure would be in order? something to cook or roast some ... desert turkey? :laugh:

And I'd consider a posting a fine Elven Bowsmen to utilize that nice hole there.

Master Cartographer Gex! I see you are blessed with not just cartography skills but Army building as well. I feel safer already with your men at my back.

My dearest Queen of the Sand, What wondrous and incredible band you travel with. I am frankly a bit speechless at some of your fellow travellers. Their clothing and unique use of garb are utterly brilliant. As are your oliphants! truly a ride fit for a queen!


Fantastic work everyone After being at a show all day yesterday coming on to see all this amazingness is great :D

RE: Flickr Group?

Is anyone NOT on flickr?

I agree another Pro would be this forum would be slightly less cluttered if we post WIPs in Flickr. we could simply have a link here if there's an update (for those that don't check flickr that often).

Nobles of Kaliphlin,

I am proud to present the Board of the Petrea General Trading Company, from our Annual Report:


With respectful best wishes always,


The Avalonia Trading Company looks forward to strenghten our trade agreements! To exchange even more goods, maintain the safety on land and sea traderoutes, to increase our both Guild's wealth.

We love it to see the economy is flourishing again! :blush:

I Kustig will Pledge my allegiance to the Kaliphlin Guild.

(If its not to late.)

I will post my soldiers later.

Some fantastic minifigures posted recently, really they are excellent. Some great variety in this Guild.


Lord Flagg, I write to you to inform you of my progress so far. I have rounded up some slave labourers to work on the tower, a grand lighthouse to guide our merchant shipping through the treacherous rocks around the Spice Islands, as well as watching for enemy vessels. Unfortunately, our masons have already used the first batch of red sandstone from the mines near Qarkyr. More has been ordered, but I fear it will take several nights to get downriver.

I have met the new Emir of the my people. His bones are older than my own, but he promises to lead the Sudites in support of our joint goals. His armies are mostly tribal levies, but they are a hardy people used to cattle raiding and inter-tribal warfare. They will make good light infantry and skirmishers, although a firm hand will be required to reign them in. The Emir is also equipping some of his tribesmen with more modern armour and weaponry to give them more staying power on the battlefield - his blacksmiths are working through the night and as soon as these men are ready they will be presented for your judgement.

I have also commissioned some new galleys for patrolling the waters off Gorr - Bahru is overseeing their construction and writes to me daily with progress.

Your will is iron, Lord.

Wahil Musca

Edited by Basiliscus

Yet another revision to the map. I've redone the mountains and forests, added some more detail from the overall Historica map, and added some decorations. I took the liberty of adding two features: Erezhi, the Lone Mountain, because every desolate wasteland needs a lone, possibly evil, volcano in the middle, and the Great Escarpment, because it sounds so cool, and a few hundred miles of cliff makes a good defensive barrier and a great place to put watchtowers.


Siccus Badlands (Kaliphlin Guild)

Did I overdo the mountains? I can cut them back a bit, or put back the old ones.

I'm thinking this map has only one more revision to go. Looking for input on the following, and then I'll finish off the map:

  1. What are the names of the major rivers, ie. the one leading into Salt Lake and the one flowing from Qarkyr, and possibly the one in the far west?
  2. Any geographical features on the island of Gorr? Mountains? Desert? Forest?
  3. There's room for probably two or three major towns/cities if anyone wants to add one.

If anyone wants a more detailed map, I'd probably break this up into four or so sections and zoom in accordingly for more detailed maps. Those detailed maps would be better for locating small towns and other places MOCs might be. I'll also investigate how to make links from Flickr to EB, so we can link from maps to our MOC threads. But probably not for a few days at least; I've got some watchtower ideas to build.

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