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Greetings all, I wish everyone a merry xmas and a happy newyear.

Once I speak with my artist I shall have some pictures of my journeys.

See you all soon.


Also all the map work going on is great, I might have to chip in once I speak to my cartographer.

Edited by CptMugwash


I Rashad Nawfal present myself to the most esteemed guild of Kaliphlin and to its most glorious leader Dextrus Flagg. I bring with me my properties, businesses, accumulated wealth and expert knowledge in the ways of the merchant and mage. May we share wise counsel and prosperous business from now till the last grain of sand flees from our fine desert nation.


I Rashad Nawfal present myself to the most esteemed guild of Kaliphlin and to its most glorious leader Dextrus Flagg. I bring with me my properties, businesses, accumulated wealth and expert knowledge in the ways of the merchant and mage. May we share wise counsel and prosperous business from now till the last grain of sand flees from our fine desert nation.

Welcome Rashad Nawfal and merry xmas!

A cloud of dust can be seen on the horizon, a storm or large travelling group is approaching... After some moments waiting, an unusual caravan approaches.


Hello there,

Can I make a guildhall if possible?

Hello there,

Can I make a guildhall if possible?

I guess so, but considering it will be placed in Petraea, I can't tell you for sure as I am not in charge of it *huh*

Just to highlight, the Anubis magnet set 853168 and the mummy battle pack 853176 are both reduced to GBP 2.50 on the UK lego website. They are pretty hard to find, it`s not on the sales and deals page  - but they are there!

and on the US site, the Ramses pyramid which comes with a tan baseplate and lots of cute micro mummies, is under $4! Any friendly Americans in Kaliphlin, please pick one up for the PGTC!

NeoKross, Peppermint, both of your caravans are awesome. I especially like the cargoes and the mages, respectively.


Edited by robuko

And the story in Mpya Stedor continues... => part 4

Just to highlight, the Anubis magnet set 853168 and the mummy battle pack 853176 are both reduced to GBP 2.50 on the UK lego website. They are pretty hard to find, it`s not on the sales and deals page  - but they are there!

and on the US site, the Ramses pyramid which comes with a tan baseplate and lots of cute micro mummies, is under $4! Any friendly Americans in Kaliphlin, please pick one up for the PGTC!

NeoKross, Peppermint, both of your caravans are awesome. I especially like the cargoes and the mages, respectively.


Not that I want to place another order, but are the Anubis magnets separable?

Just to highlight, the Anubis magnet set 853168 and the mummy battle pack 853176 are both reduced to GBP 2.50 on the UK lego website. They are pretty hard to find, it`s not on the sales and deals page  - but they are there!

and on the US site, the Ramses pyramid which comes with a tan baseplate and lots of cute micro mummies, is under $4! Any friendly Americans in Kaliphlin, please pick one up for the PGTC!

NeoKross, Peppermint, both of your caravans are awesome. I especially like the cargoes and the mages, respectively.


I have a question; will those deals last until 1-2 january? Or how long will they last?


Not that I want to place another order, but are the Anubis magnets separable?

Nope they are glued.

Hey guys hope everyone is having a great holiday.

I've finally started doing a kind of write up for Kcaj's birthplace called Samrd'dha, it's a prosperous city located on the isle of Gorr, in the centre with mountains to the north and jungle to the south. Anyways here it is.


The City of Samrd'dha situated in the tropical centre of the beautiful isle of Gorr, a peaceful and prosperous city and is the homeland of Kcaj Nosnikta. The mountains, called Jhilamilata, direct to the north and east provides plenty of stone for the city, the jungle, called Pracurata, to the south east provides plenty of wood for the city which have made it flourish and is the birthplace to many a master builder. The main trade of the city is tropical fruit from the Pracurata jungle, it also trades spices from the spice islands and stone from the Jhilamilata mountains.

That's what I have so far, I hope this is ok NM, I know you said you left the clear area for more cities along the northern coastline but I chose the location because of the variety and thought it'll be great for some nice mocs. Also what is the river called? I can't make it out on the map, I have an idea for the write up and will continue it. I love the zoomed maps, great job! :thumbup:


Also welcome newcomers :classic:

Hey guys hope everyone is having a great holiday.

I've finally started doing a kind of write up for Kcaj's birthplace called Samrd'dha, it's a prosperous city located on the isle of Gorr, in the centre with mountains to the north and jungle to the south. Anyways here it is.


The City of Samrd'dha situated in the tropical centre of the beautiful isle of Gorr, a peaceful and prosperous city and is the homeland of Kcaj Nosnikta. The mountains, called Jhilamilata, direct to the north and east provides plenty of stone for the city, the jungle, called Pracurata, to the south east provides plenty of wood for the city which have made it flourish and is the birthplace to many a master builder. The main trade of the city is tropical fruit from the Pracurata jungle, it also trades spices from the spice islands and stone from the Jhilamilata mountains.

That's what I have so far, I hope this is ok NM, I know you said you left the clear area for more cities along the northern coastline but I chose the location because of the variety and thought it'll be great for some nice mocs. Also what is the river called? I can't make it out on the map, I have an idea for the write up and will continue it. I love the zoomed maps, great job! :thumbup:


Also welcome newcomers :classic:

Am looking forward to hear more about this city! :thumbup:

Just sent a trader of Mpya Stedor to set up a tradeconnection as we somehow missed at some point tropical fruit in our area :sceptic:

Edited by DaMaximus

Hey guys hope everyone is having a great holiday.

I've finally started doing a kind of write up for Kcaj's birthplace called Samrd'dha, it's a prosperous city located on the isle of Gorr, in the centre with mountains to the north and jungle to the south. Anyways here it is.


The City of Samrd'dha situated in the tropical centre of the beautiful isle of Gorr, a peaceful and prosperous city and is the homeland of Kcaj Nosnikta. The mountains, called Jhilamilata, direct to the north and east provides plenty of stone for the city, the jungle, called Pracurata, to the south east provides plenty of wood for the city which have made it flourish and is the birthplace to many a master builder. The main trade of the city is tropical fruit from the Pracurata jungle, it also trades spices from the spice islands and stone from the Jhilamilata mountains.

That's what I have so far, I hope this is ok NM, I know you said you left the clear area for more cities along the northern coastline but I chose the location because of the variety and thought it'll be great for some nice mocs. Also what is the river called? I can't make it out on the map, I have an idea for the write up and will continue it. I love the zoomed maps, great job! :thumbup:

Great spot! The fishing is excellent in the lake! Plus that's a great spot for shipping stone down the River Zenagi. I will update the map accordingly. Would you like to name the lake, by the way?

Nope they are glued.

But you can separate glued magnets. There was a post on it somewhere... After soaking them in 160 degrees Fahrenheit water for 15 minutes, you can gently separate them from the base, prying apart with an ordinary dinner knife. I've done it quite a few times. The only downside is that it does leave a bit of glue residue on the backs of the legs, so they're certainly not in 'new' condition anymore.

Here's the link: http://thebrickblogger.com/2011/01/lego-glued-magnet-removal/

BTW, in the US at least, the Pharoah's Quest Skeleton Mummy Battlepack 853176 is quite a deal right now -- for $3.48 you get two regular mummies, one flying mummy, a sarcophagus, two scorpions, some gems, and a snake. There's some serious Kaliphlin mummy army building potential there!

Great spot! The fishing is excellent in the lake! Plus that's a great spot for shipping stone down the River Zenagi. I will update the map accordingly. Would you like to name the lake, by the way?

But you can separate glued magnets. There was a post on it somewhere... After soaking them in 160 degrees Fahrenheit water for 15 minutes, you can gently separate them from the base, prying apart with an ordinary dinner knife. I've done it quite a few times. The only downside is that it does leave a bit of glue residue on the backs of the legs, so they're certainly not in 'new' condition anymore.

Here's the link: http://thebrickblogger.com/2011/01/lego-glued-magnet-removal/

BTW, in the US at least, the Pharoah's Quest Skeleton Mummy Battlepack 853176 is quite a deal right now -- for $3.48 you get two regular mummies, one flying mummy, a sarcophagus, two scorpions, some gems, and a snake. There's some serious Kaliphlin mummy army building potential there!

Hmmm... that may be worth trying... I don't know if I want to pay shipping on another order though.

I did stock up on mummies, I bought 10, so I added 30 to my modest collection. I should also note that I ordered 10 RPs, but after I ordered, LEGO emailed me and said that they could not fulfill the order (along with the banana games I bought) I did get a bunch of the Lava game, so I may be building my embassy in Nocturnus.

Edited by SkaForHire

Here's the western Siccus detail map! Added a few more towns and features, but mostly will wait for people to tell me what's there as they build it.

Dugal/SkaForHire, I hope that I added enough islands around the Inland Sea. Let me know and I can always change it. And good luck to anyone trying to navigate all those islands without a local pilot...


Western Siccus (Kaliphlin Guild)

Only one more to go!

Everytime you draw a map for our beloved Kaliphlin, you keep surpising me NiceMarmot! :thumbup:

Whups, sorry i ducked out on this convo, i had to pack to go away for a few days over Xmas and i completely forgot about replying! My bad... :facepalm: Anyway, back to what we were talking about:

to stay in or create a sort of SouthEastern Siccus Badlands dialect where many words end with "A":

Kisiwa Kuchomwa (Roasted Island)

or you can do it like Kuchomwa Islands :classic: (which sounds better than previous one)

Thanks for the suggestion - i do like them, but i'm not sure if they have the right fit with my other names. I have quite a bit of Latin in my place naming so far, so after thinking about it some more, i've decided on "Audax Arazi" (or "audacious land", which could have quite a few interpretations!)

Erudhalion - I love your brick map, and actually did use it when putting together the map so I could position that one volcano correctly. Although now I notice that I missed the volcano in the southwest corner of Peregrinus; should I put that in too? And I can add a volcano on the island; should I remove the one in NE Peregrinus or leave it there in addition to the one on the island? I'll put some forest on the NW side of Peregrinus, and I'll probably put some on the east side of the Rakath mountains too.

Ah cool, now i see what you mean! Actually, those two flame-topped tan cones aren't volcanos, they are meant to be lighthouses or signal towers - all the tan and light bley cones (and the gold and silver ones too) are structures like towers and gatehouses. The one by the entrance to the harbour is meant to be Arad Dukkar, actually. :classic: There is also a natural resevoir high up in the mountains, between the grey mountain pass watchtower and the north-eastern lighthouse. And much of the east coast is cliff-face... think Great Australian Bight abruptness, like the coast has been sheared off from another land mass at some point. (Yes, i have a storyline in mind about that too! :wink:)

ps. Hope everyone had a great Xmas! I not only got NO Lego in my prezzies, but a couple of ppl actually gave me Nanobricks!! Whhhhy people, oh the humanity! :cry3::wink: (That aside, i had a really nice Xmas actually!)

The City of Samrd'dha situated in the tropical centre of the beautiful island Gorr, a peaceful and prosperous city and is the homeland of Kcaj Nosnikta. The mountains, called Jhilamilata, direct to the north and east provides plenty of stone for the city, the jungle, called Pracurata, to the south east provides plenty of wood for the city which have made it flourish and is the birthplace of many a master builder. The main trade of the city is tropical fruit from the Pracurata jungle and fresh fish from Lake Visala, it also trades spices from the spice islands and stone from the Jhilamilata mountains. The trade route to Samrd'dha is down the Zenagi river and proves tricky to navigate if you're a novice and if you stray up one of the many tributaries you could find yourself with more than you bargained for, however for the locals the river is not a problem and dozens of sailers navigate the river with plenty of trade everyday. Samrd'dha has many tradeconnections, mostly with coastal cities such as Mpya Stedor, Ras-el-Akhen, Berigora, Na Ghitan, Stone Town, Barqa, Eastgate and Messahmuk. Samrd'dha does trade with the other mainland cities such as the capital Patraea and Queen's Cross, these mainland cities pay a good price for the tropical fruit but it takes longer to reach these places so it's quicker and easier to trade with the coatal cities, quick trade means quick money, not as much as the mainland cities but more money in a shorter amount of time, and has made Samrd'dha the prosperous city it is today.

Anyways that's the write up for the city me thinks and I'm all open for any suggestions. The lake is called Visala. Oh and I saw the geographical locations and I think it needs updating with Samrd'dha and Mpya Stedor and Mophet? I saw it on the map but it's not on the list, idk NM probably knows all of the cities and towns, ok once I get around to taking some photos I'll post some mocs soon.


I'm sorry to hear that gabe but atleast you enjoyed it :classic:

Anyways that's the write up for the city me thinks and I'm all open for any suggestions. The lake is called Visala. Oh and I saw the geographical locations and I think it needs updating with Samrd'dha and Mpya Stedor and Mophet? I saw it on the map but it's not on the list, idk NM probably knows all of the cities and towns, ok once I get around to taking some photos I'll post some mocs soon.


I'm sorry to hear that gabe but atleast you enjoyed it :classic:

Long life Kaliphlin and it's tradepolicy!

For the City Guide topic, I am waiting to see the updated maps as well :D

But looking at the maps of the other Guilds, they got the same problem as well. Avalonia's lastest mapupdate is 7 December! I think they are doomed to fade as our tradesmen don't find their towns so they can't trade with them :laugh:

At you and NM: as your tradingmarket is not a part of your new city and is located somewhere in the desert and as NM has founded some cities in the desert without exactly having specified the members to build up that city, we can combine both. But it's up to you and NM to agree on this :classic:

Edited by DaMaximus

...i've decided on "Audax Arazi" (or "audacious land", which could have quite a few interpretations!)

Sounds good to me.

Ah cool, now i see what you mean! Actually, those two flame-topped tan cones aren't volcanos, they are meant to be lighthouses or signal towers - all the tan and light bley cones (and the gold and silver ones too) are structures like towers and gatehouses. The one by the entrance to the harbour is meant to be Arad Dukkar, actually. :classic: There is also a natural resevoir high up in the mountains, between the grey mountain pass watchtower and the north-eastern lighthouse. And much of the east coast is cliff-face... think Great Australian Bight abruptness, like the coast has been sheared off from another land mass at some point. (Yes, i have a storyline in mind about that too! :wink:)

So lose the volcano at the northeastern end of Peregrinus?

I'll put the reservoir in; I'll check your brick map photos for the exact location. And I'll put the cliff face in too.

Here's the western Siccus detail map! Added a few more towns and features, but mostly will wait for people to tell me what's there as they build it.

Dugal/SkaForHire, I hope that I added enough islands around the Inland Sea. Let me know and I can always change it. And good luck to anyone trying to navigate all those islands without a local pilot...


Western Siccus (Kaliphlin Guild)

Only one more to go!

Looks great NM! The only thing I can think of is that now it looks like it is easier to go around the sea, but that can be easily negated with storyline - let's say the constant monster attack, pirate attack, the fast west moving tidal currents that sweep ships deep into the ocean out of sight of land, and the fact that the cliffs on the west side of the islands make finding places to put in nearly impossible make the west side of those islands (The Misery's Arm for a name?) somewhat an extension of the Forbidden Coast. Also, we could name that large channel to the north, Giant's Elbow (might be too many English sounding names on the map though).

Another thing, I imagine the coastal road that connects EG and Barqa goes West along the coast into Avalonia. The terrain of the isles should be varied, I imagine them volcanic, mountainous on the south / west, with coastal plains, deep tropical forests, and beaches on the North / east. Not very habitable because of their isolation, but good nesting spots for pirates, outlaws, and hermits.

However, great map! I love it. And I like how you put in the extra cities. Those are very logical spots for cities, and I look forward to seeing what we name them, or for new members to take them over. I feel that NM has given Kaliphlin a rich history almost single-handedly.

A cloud of dust can be seen on the horizon, a storm or large travelling group is approaching... After some moments waiting, an unusual caravan approaches.

Ooh! I see a few mages in there, maybe I should call my friend Althior about that. :laugh:

I've just about finished my embassy, though I don't know when I'm going to get to take pics. :sceptic: I my opinion, it's way better than my watch tower. :sweet:

DM I wouldn't worry about relating mocs with cities for now, but it is a good idea to say they're part of unclaimed cities to build them up.

K-nut I'm still undecided on a place for my embassy, I said it might be in Nocturnus but I can't think of something good for the landscape, I think the limit size 48x48 is too small and should be 64x64 so we could use those large grey baseplates. I might end up doing Mitgardia, Mitgardia or Nocturnus as I think they have the most interesting landscape. I have plenty of white for snow and stuff, hmm, I need to think about this some more. (wanders off to ponder whilst mumbling ideas to himself)

"Well, as a nation founded on magitech, of course Sans Serif was home to a large number of magi. We are working on mapping an oasis we came across on our trek and of course, once a home is found for us we must build our workshops and bunks. We set up so far from civilization due to the issues many had with our methods and theories. I hope no such things linger."

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