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Nice build. A few suggestions - what is the watch-fire fuel? Not Black Oil? Looks like wood- if so, do you need a woodpile, or are you near a forest? What is the vegetation like there? I am getting a bleak cold mountaintop vibe, which I think would be stronger if the mountain sides were taller (if you have the bricks)or if you had some snow (some great snow builds in Mitgardia). What is the roof made of? I like the log cabin look you have here, I think most log cabins would have a wooden roof though.

The small hut is very reminiscent of a mountain refugia. If it`s cold at night, will it need a door? I like the fish, it makes me think of air dried food. The PTGC can supply your crew with finest dried seal blubber from Mitgardia, very calorific and tasty too!

  On 11/24/2011 at 8:56 AM, NiceMarmot said:

No one's going to build anything fancy on top of a mountain.

No one from the south or west anyway.

I'd make the roof brown. Also raise the watchtower a few bricks, as it currently is you could see better standing on the hut roof or beacon.

  • Author

Master Cartographer Tafik! Excellent start. I'm liking the squished look. But I agree with Rasputin - a small storage of Black Oil would be a good addition to ensure the beacons can be lit.

Though where's the steps / path? It is against safety regulations not to have them!

Another cool thing you could try if you're running low on bricks is maybe build some micro mountains or clouds/sky behind the mountains.


I'll try to start up the index page in the first post this weekend. It'll give us a better feel for how we're doing against some of the other guilds - it seems like our towers and other builds are bit lacking at the moment. Maybe if we have them all consolidated we can get a better idea of where we are and what we need to do.

  On 11/19/2011 at 3:34 AM, Erynlasgalen said:

To me something is still missing, I was thinking maybe enlarging the second story, and adding a smaller third story for a little more height. I wasn't going for something really tall, since it is based more in the desert on flatter land. Standing in the sun all day can't be good for your skin if you are on top, so maybe a canopy/roof of some type is in order. Any suggestions out there?

How about one of these?


  On 11/19/2011 at 9:14 PM, Waterbrick Down said:

To the most revered board members of the PGTC, it is a pleasure to finally meet some of you and my men and I humbly offer our escort and security services, and should you or any of your subsidiary customers ever have need of such functions, please do not hesitate to utilize us or refer our services.

-Captain Hardiel

Captain Hardiel, your reputation has reached us as second to none in the business, and we would always be delighted to work with you on the roads West of Petrea. We are of course committed to our Mountain Mummy allies on the Eastern roads, and we thank you greatly for bringing them to us.

  On 11/20/2011 at 3:41 AM, gabe said:

My name is Erudhalion Sansael, and i am lord of the port town of Berigora in the principality of Peregrinus, which you would know as Cape Dahaka.

Lord Sansael, your comrades are well matched indeed, and your map is a thing of beauty and wonder. We have often ventured small trading barques to Cape Dahaka, and our Maritime Master Captain Marcus will be very happy to have these charts as a ghuide. As always, we are interested in any Dragon's Eggs, Teeth, or Claws that you may happen across in Perigrinus.

  On 11/20/2011 at 10:21 AM, Sandy said:

It is time for me, Semiramis the Sand Queen, to introduce the elite members of my humble army.

Semiramis, your army is as impressive as it is mighty. Your Oliphaunt is appropriately majestic.

  On 11/20/2011 at 4:15 PM, Captain Blackmoor said:

The Avalonia Trading Company looks forward to strenghten our trade agreements! To exchange even more goods, maintain the safety on land and sea traderoutes, to increase our both Guild's wealth.

We love it to see the economy is flourishing again! :blush:

Noble Captain, our deepest thanks. We always look to help citizens of all nations with our produce, and we value our Avalonian trade partners highly.

  On 11/20/2011 at 9:04 PM, Basiliscus said:

Unfortunately, our masons have already used the first batch of red sandstone from the mines near Qarkyr. More has been ordered, but I fear it will take several nights to get downriver.

Wahil Musca[/i]

Wahil, how looks the red sandstone? It seems precious rare and trades at a high value on the masonry exchange. We too admire the many jewel-like colours of the desert, though we mostly build from common sandstones.

  On 11/21/2011 at 12:52 PM, Christoph said:

Dear fellows,

greetings from Burj Sina. I watch out for Kaliphlin.

Abu Ali

My Dear Abu Ali, now we understand how the inspiration of the stars can bring your mind to be pure and find the Truth. We are always grateful for your insights of the Cosmos.

  On 11/21/2011 at 9:36 PM, CallMePieOrDie said:

Perhaps The Sand Bowl for one of the desert, maybe Lick of Salt for the river leading to the Salt Lake?

I second "Lick of Salt."

  On 11/22/2011 at 3:51 AM, Haltiamieli said:

Salt is one of the very few things that even the secluded northern clans like the Great Elks barter for, otherwise we are quite self-sufficient.

Great Leader, we shall be pleased to send a caravan to the North in all haste.

  On 11/22/2011 at 8:31 AM, Jorgevorg said:

Trusted Allies,

Today we reveal one of the most closely guarded secrets of the Ever-Living Tomb Kings. We speak, of course, of The Dreamer.

Jahi Khaldun Ibn Maibe, we though this legend was a myth lost to the mist of time. It is good to know the Dreamer protects us still.

  On 11/22/2011 at 11:22 PM, J4ke said:

Good news! The Jah-Kuh-Eh Watchtower has been completed, just north west of Petraea.

Yakob, the building techniques of your craftsmen are justly renowned, this is a very well made tower.

  On 11/23/2011 at 11:59 PM, Waterbrick Down said:

Here there be Dragons:

We've seen griffins and oliphants, but one can only wonder at the creatures and beasts that hunt and live among the sand dunes of the Siccus Badlands, build a fearsome beast or some other fantastical beatie that may inhabit the desert sands.

Like I said these are just ideas, should your imagination juices be running low.

  On 11/10/2011 at 1:29 AM, SI-mocs said:

The Spice must flow.

Brave Captain, these are all very good ideas. We have heard tell of giant Arrakian sandworms of the deep sands that can swallow whole caravans. Maybe Dextrus Flagg has heard of these too. I have yet to see one.

Great challenge ideas proposed by Waterbrick Down and Axel. I think mini-challenges are a good idea, but I would suggest each member chooses what they want to build, rather than forcing a challenge on someone. I know that I

  On 11/24/2011 at 6:36 AM, NiceMarmot said:

  • Marketplace / Shop - gotta have a place for the caravans to deliver the goods to!
  • Mines - we not only have the Black Oil, we've got plenty of mountains and hills that need to be mined! A small mining vignette.
  • An Arab-looking boat, nothing too big, like a dhow or something, but clearly 'southern'
  • A vignette of Kaliphlin guild members trading goods with members of other guilds. Preferably involving amusing misunderstandings and cultural clashes.
  • Vignettes from Kaliphlin's storied past!
  • Guildhalls! What's the use of a guild if it doesn't have a fabulous guildhall where we can have marvelous feasts?
  • Guildhall fights. What happens when the feast involves too much mead and wine, and someone makes a remark about someone else's sister...
  • Temples. I think ours will be cooler than some of the other guilds. Our southern/desert background just lends itself to more exotic and interesting temples, than say, Avalonia.
  • Sphinxes.
  • Sand dunes. Seriously, we've got lots of them. See who can create the best/coolest/most unusual...

In addition to the above, I would also suggest:

  • Observatory - mapping the stars is an important learning point (Burj Sina already covers this)
  • Siege workshop - remind the world what they will see outside their cities if they cross us Kaliphlinians!
  • Lighthouse - trade is the lifeblood of our great nation, build a lighthouse to guide shipping safely into our ports (this is what I will be building for the watchtower challenge)
  • Royal mint - the trade in oil makes us rich, with dinars with Dextrus Flagg's head being used in all 4 lands. Show them being minted!
  • Docks/shipbuilding - show the construction of a ship or unloading of cargoes in a busy port
  • Palace - our leaders need a place to call home...build them a grand palace
  • Public baths - traders need somewhere to relax and discuss business, show Kaliphlin is a place our culture with public baths
  • Plantation - cash crops augment the oil revenue, show a plantation being worked (e.g. cloves, spices, bananas, etc)

(these are intended as ideas rather than contests)

  On 11/25/2011 at 1:36 AM, SI-mocs said:

I'll try to start up the index page in the first post this weekend. It'll give us a better feel for how we're doing against some of the other guilds - it seems like our towers and other builds are bit lacking at the moment. Maybe if we have them all consolidated we can get a better idea of where we are and what we need to do.

I think an index on the first post would help. That way we could have links to all the MOCs as well as a list of all ideas, titles, etc.

  On 11/26/2011 at 1:00 PM, robuko said:
Wahil, how looks the red sandstone? It seems precious rare and trades at a high value on the masonry exchange. We too admire the many jewel-like colours of the desert, though we mostly build from common sandstones.

Hail, my dear friend Rasputin. It is very kind of you to enquire about the tower. The masons have taken delivery of all the sandstone, and are working as we speak. I will report to the Guild with progress when the tower is nearly completed.



EDIT: Didn't want to double post, so added some more stuff below!

My Lord Flagg. I write to you with good news. After being whipped for his drunkenness yesterday, my master mason has made significant progress on the lighthouse. The sandstone arrived from the Qarkyr mines, and if I do say so myself it shines well in the sun. I am giving the work team a break now, as they have worked well today, so progress will resume tomorrow. I have enclosed a brief sketch my scribe took for me - I hope it meets my Lord's approval. If any members of the Guild wish to advise my mason on how it could be improved, he is willing to listen to feedback.

Your will is iron, Lord.



WIP Shot - Red Tower by Cuahchic, on Flickr

Edited by Basiliscus

Throughout Kaliphlin, there are many notable warriors and personalities, worth scores of ordinary soldiers. Here are just a few of those heroes.


TukTuk, Wither-Woods Tracker:

A goblin of the Wither-Woods, TukTuk knows them like the back of his hand. His small size and speed allow him to dodge attacks easily, and his darksteel axe is always ready to hack through foe and brambles alike.

Ferrul Vashnif, Jackal-man Bladefang

A travelling warrior of the Jackal-man tribes, Ferrul has earned the title of Bladefang amidst his people for his skill with a sword. His tumbling, low style of fighting, coupled with his animalistic strength and cunning mind makes him a dangerous opponent to fight.

Imrathon and Vanessë, the Elvish Hunters:

Elvish siblings trained as a spellsword and a ranger respectively. Imrathon is the elder brother and is calm, level headed and calculating, while his younger sister, Vanessë is always quick to draw her blades. Imrathon’s magical ability is only matched by his swordsmanship and Vanessë’s twin swords fighting style gives her an edge in many battles.

Just felt like fleshing out the sheer diversity of the inhabitants of Kaliphlin.

More to come later.

  • Author

Wahil! The wait for the sand stone mines was well worth it!

The fabled red tower is sensational!

I am a loss for words my friend. The tales of it's beauty were surely understated.

[i really don't have many comments, it looks fantastic. Though the top looks a bit tall... maybe a brick or two lower? unless it's going to have a large light or something 2 stories tall?!? - really fantastic work]

Axel - More fantastic work. We shall have an army that is envy of the four kingdoms soon enough!


Okay so I took some time and redid the first post.

Every person's origin story is linked (so feel free to change/update the first story).

As well as started up the index for all the builds so far.

While we don't have that many towers built relative to the rest of the guilds, we have a couple of great ones... keep up the great work all!

(I also added a challenge idea list - I'll clean it up when I have a bit more time - if you're interested in building anything let me know and i'll add your name beside it :)

Wahil, that is a beautiful tower! Wow, I might have to invest in some dark red bricks. I will send a caravan to the quarries of Brikkus-Lynk forthwith.

I do agree with SI-mocs that maybe the pearl-gold pillars supporting the dome could be a brick or two shorter. Maybe put a minifig up there and see if the dome looks too high.

I've posted a tour of the marketplace in my local town on the South Coast, Marja-Rhytaville. Here's an overview picture. I bought four PoP Fight for the Dagger sets on 50%+ clearance last January, and have been meaning to put them all together. Finally got around to it over the long weekend, and kept my four-year old son away from it long enough to snap some pictures. It's interesting -- he loves swooshing Star Wars sets, and playing with castle MOCs and stuff, but he really likes playing with all the minifigs, animals, foodstuffs, etc in this market. I bought Mill Village Raid for him for Xmas; I think he's going to like it. Maybe I should get Medieval Market Village before it's discontinued...


Marja-Rhytaville Market

Ok... So I bit, I am going to join in on the fun. I am probably limited to smaller MOCs because of my brick selection, but I am spending way too much time reading these forums not to participate. Haha.

Greetings Lord Flagg,

I, Dugal MacLean, wish to hereby swear an oath of Allegiance to the Kaliphilin Guild and take on the rightful duty of protecting the south.

My resources are great. Not only are some of my oil fields the richest, but my main business, as you may know, is seaborne transportation and merchanteering. My fleet is vast, fast, and combat tested. Our Company, GEAR, or the Greater Eastgate Articles and Rations Company has been in business since before the last war.

I hale from my company's headquarters, the town of Eastgate located on the Inland Sea at the place where the westernmost river meets the sea(we call it the Red River [ unless there is already a name, but I couldn't find one in the threads] because of the red badlands mud it carries all the way through the forest and to the sea, giving the river a blood-like color at some points ) .

As you know, many ships traveling east from Avalonia and destinations further choose to use the Inland Sea for as far as possible, as it is much calmer than the Great Southern Ocean (fear not, for we are well equipped for all conditions!). For generations we have been harass... errrr ... inspecting trader's papers for proper authorization to pass through the region. We have maintained order on the shores of the sea, admittedly with a heavy hand at times. In the past we have taken up privateer commissions in the name of various lords in order to protect our lands, and others.

My company's reach extends much further than just the inland seas. Our ships sail around the whole continent and to lands far, far away. Additionally, our oil holding lands in the badlands have left us with a large and established ground force, at your lord's call if needed.

Lastly, I would like to strike down some of the vile rumors about myself and my men.

1) We never plunder innocent merchant vessels, every good we have confiscated was most likely being traded illegally. We often luck out and find unmanned vessels in the Inland Sea, by law of the sea those are finders - keepers.

2) We do not hunt of the coasts of Avalonia, those are ruthless (yet good looking) imposters trying to soil our name!

3) We do not control the "Ghost Ship" Whisperer. We are well trained seamen, with hundreds of years of experience, and we have yet to see such a ship crewed by the damned - or at least one that was not a Darklands pleasure yacht

4) Our company has never raided a Kaliphlin Guild or Siccus Badlands trade caravan. We are protectors, and proud of our region.

Now some vile rumors that I shall somewhat admit to:

1) We do not take kindly to slavery, and have been known to confiscate and free slaves. This is true, and we will continue this policy.

2) The rumor that while in a far, far away land we bought crates of special fleas that have a particular taste for Drow skin and blood. We then took said crates to Nocturnus and unleashed them upon the denizens of the dark. That one may be true. If we would have known that these fleas caused infertility in their weak warriors, we would have never brought fifty crates back to the mainland; we would have brought fifty thousand.

I hope by accepting our oath of allegiance, you will grant a ceremonial pardon for said rumored "crimes." In return, we will build two orphanages, one public park in Petraea, and vow not to ship any sort of soap or disinfectant to Nocturnus.

As my personal artist is busy plun... er, collecting tolls, I leave you only with this sketch of one of my most trusted assistants, Florbad The Mighty.

For Kaliphlin!

-Dugal MacLean


lego1 007 by princeofska, on Flickr

flickr image of Florbad

Above you will see the Florbad the Mighty and the GEAR 2nd Desert Brigade - "The Hotknives" - walking through a village on the way to deliver this missive. [My actual sig fig is under construction with parts still in the mail. Sorry!]

Edited by SkaForHire

Esteemed Lord and guildsmen, I am Kcaj Nosnikta great inventor and engineer and I request membership in the Kaliphlin Guild. What I bring to your guild is my mind and skills along with my best and brightest workers. Unfortunately we are with lack of materials as our caravan had broken down, but do not fear we will gather new resources and build great creations that will benefit all of the Kaliphlin guild.

Best regards

Kcaj Nosnikta

As soon as I get my hands on some bricks I'll knock something up along with me and my crew ;)

Kcaj and Dugal, welcome aboard! Tales of your feats and exploits has preceded you, and we are glad to have you with us!

Fellow guildmembers -- I have received a copy of an Avalonian map, the first I have ever seen, though my travels to that part of the world have been many. I will update our own map with some of these new discoveries.

One thing to note on their map -- they claim their border runs to the southern edge of the river that empties into the Inland Sea, the one Dugal MacLean calls the Red River (a fine name, btw). I had always thought our border was miles to the north, in the Wither-Woods forest north of the northernmost island bordering the Inland Sea. I'm sure Dugal has some opinions on the border also.

To further stake our claim, perhaps we need a flurry of watchtower building on the northern banks of the Red River, and in the Wither-Woods. I have sent several ships with some of my best masons to scout out appropriate locations and begin building, but they will be able to manage only one or two towers at best.


  On 11/28/2011 at 3:44 PM, NiceMarmot said:

Kcaj and Dugal, welcome aboard! Tales of your feats and exploits has preceded you, and we are glad to have you with us!

Fellow guildmembers -- I have received a copy of an Avalonian map, the first I have ever seen, though my travels to that part of the world have been many. I will update our own map with some of these new discoveries.

One thing to note on their map -- they claim their border runs to the southern edge of the river that empties into the Inland Sea, the one Dugal MacLean calls the Red River (a fine name, btw). I had always thought our border was miles to the north, in the Wither-Woods forest north of the northernmost island bordering the Inland Sea. I'm sure Dugal has some opinions on the border also.

To further stake our claim, perhaps we need a flurry of watchtower building on the northern banks of the Red River, and in the Wither-Woods. I have sent several ships with some of my best masons to scout out appropriate locations and begin building, but they will be able to manage only one or two towers at best.


Although I am new here I feel I need to voice my suggestions, firstly it is a must that our great leaders and skilled cartographers meet to discuss the borders of Historica, I'm sure the Avalonian map from Gex is the cartographer's simple misunderstanding, I'd imagine the actual river would be the border. Secondly, I think it's rather rash to be building watchtowers along the northern banks of the Red River (I like the name too :)) the Avalonians, wise they may be, may take this flurry of construction the wrong way and next you know it we are at war, this is why before any further construction of watchtowers we must discuss in a peaceful manner the exact positioning of our borders.


Peace and happiness between all fellows is a nice concept, but I hear that there's a small seige workshop under construction in Barga... (/teaser. :P)


  On 11/28/2011 at 3:44 PM, NiceMarmot said:

Kcaj and Dugal, welcome aboard! Tales of your feats and exploits has preceded you, and we are glad to have you with us!

Fellow guildmembers -- I have received a copy of an Avalonian map, the first I have ever seen, though my travels to that part of the world have been many. I will update our own map with some of these new discoveries.

One thing to note on their map -- they claim their border runs to the southern edge of the river that empties into the Inland Sea, the one Dugal MacLean calls the Red River (a fine name, btw). I had always thought our border was miles to the north, in the Wither-Woods forest north of the northernmost island bordering the Inland Sea. I'm sure Dugal has some opinions on the border also.

To further stake our claim, perhaps we need a flurry of watchtower building on the northern banks of the Red River, and in the Wither-Woods. I have sent several ships with some of my best masons to scout out appropriate locations and begin building, but they will be able to manage only one or two towers at best.


Clearly their map is wrong. Look, the forest does not even stretch as far on "our side" of the Red River. What, are they planning on doing? Cutting it down? Also, the fortified and garrisoned town of Eastgate sits on both sides of the river's mouth. Since my company has been in firm control of the town for over a hundred years, the people there will choose to side with whoever we side with. In this case the mighty Kaliphlin Guild. We cannot let them have these lands, as they have the only Live Oak in all of Historia (to my knowledge.) This live oak allows us to build stronger ships and fortifications, and since the badlands lack timber, this is probably where most of us get this resource from. I agree with you Gex, it is time to start building towers within the forest and on the coast to show our friends how we stand on this issue. We won't sit idly as our lands are stolen by someone with a pen. We have a saying where I come from, "Come and Take It."


Edited by SkaForHire

  On 11/28/2011 at 1:43 AM, SI-mocs said:

Wahil! The wait for the sand stone mines was well worth it!

The fabled red tower is sensational!

I am a loss for words my friend. The tales of it's beauty were surely understated.

[i really don't have many comments, it looks fantastic. Though the top looks a bit tall... maybe a brick or two lower? unless it's going to have a large light or something 2 stories tall?!? - really fantastic work]

Axel - More fantastic work. We shall have an army that is envy of the four kingdoms soon enough!


Okay so I took some time and redid the first post.

Every person's origin story is linked (so feel free to change/update the first story).

As well as started up the index for all the builds so far.

While we don't have that many towers built relative to the rest of the guilds, we have a couple of great ones... keep up the great work all!

(I also added a challenge idea list - I'll clean it up when I have a bit more time - if you're interested in building anything let me know and i'll add your name beside it :)

My Lord, I am but your humble servant! The masons are needed elsewhere tonight, but they hope to be finished construction well before the deadline. As always, your will is iron.


I think we've done well so far with entries. There's quite a few people who haven't shown their hand yet, so hopefully we will get a few more towers to enter. As one of the smaller guilds, we can't really afford to lose members throughout the course of this or we may struggle for entries!

More people are still joining the guild, and we have by far the best map (well done NiceMarmot) and already some great towers (4 completed and 4 WIPs). So I don't think we need worry!

Good job updating the first post, that helps to find everything! I know it's probably a pain keeping it up to date, but it's so much easier for everyone else!

  On 11/28/2011 at 7:15 PM, CptMugwash said:

Although I am new here I feel I need to voice my suggestions, firstly it is a must that our great leaders and skilled cartographers meet to discuss the borders of Historica, I'm sure the Avalonian map from Gex is the cartographer's simple misunderstanding, I'd imagine the actual river would be the border. Secondly, I think it's rather rash to be building watchtowers along the northern banks of the Red River (I like the name too :)) the Avalonians, wise they may be, may take this flurry of construction the wrong way and next you know it we are at war, this is why before any further construction of watchtowers we must discuss in a peaceful manner the exact positioning of our borders.

  On 11/28/2011 at 7:50 PM, SkaForHire said:

Clearly their map is wrong. Look, the forest does not even stretch as far on "our side" of the Red River. What, are they planning on doing? Cutting it down? Also, the fortified and garrisoned town of Eastgate sits on both sides of the river's mouth. Since my company has been in firm control of the town for over a hundred years, the people there will choose to side with whoever we side with. In this case the mighty Kaliphlin Guild. We cannot let them have these lands, as they have the only Live Oak in all of Historia (to my knowledge.) This live oak allows us to build stronger ships and fortifications, and since the badlands lack timber, this is probably where most of us get this resource from. I agree with you Gex, it is time to start building towers within the forest and on the coast to show our friends how we stand on this issue. We won't sit idly as our lands are stolen by someone with a pen.

I have conferred with their cartographer, and he states:


Our cartographers were slightly confused as to where the border actually lies, so if we are incorrect in our assumptions I apologize. Any revisions that are necessary will be made post-haste.

So it appears that the Avalonians do not have extensive knowledge of the border-lands, and have simply erred in their placement of the border. No harm done. But I still think we should build a few watchtowers on the northern banks of the river and in the Wither Woods to solidify our claims...

If its not to late to participate I am getting some PoP sets for christmas, and I am excited to get a character and spme buildings up. I am in finals now so I have to wait though.

Where are we with regards to gunpowder? I haven't seen any French Foreign Legion designs and am considering doing something along those lines with imperials from the pirates line with sandstone structures. That style is more european than arabian -- maybe some mercenaries originally from Avalonia but now at home in the desert or a city-state with its own traditions in the deep desert?

If gunpowder is out I may just go with a more customary "desert warrior"


  On 11/28/2011 at 10:51 PM, Chief Justice Lego said:

If its not to late to participate I am getting some PoP sets for christmas, and I am excited to get a character and spme buildings up. I am in finals now so I have to wait though.

Where are we with regards to gunpowder? I haven't seen any French Foreign Legion designs and am considering doing something along those lines with imperials from the pirates line with sandstone structures. That style is more european than arabian -- maybe some mercenaries originally from Avalonia but now at home in the desert or a city-state with its own traditions in the deep desert?

If gunpowder is out I may just go with a more customary "desert warrior"


Hi Chief Justice Lego! It would be great to have you on-board. Do you have a Flickr page?

With regards to gunpowder - I am sure our dwarven master will have the final say - but for my 2 dinars I would try and avoid it where possible. This is more a "medieval fantasy" type thing than anything else. None of my MOCs will have any gunpowder in them.

Feel free to seek further clarification however!

Also, for what it's worth, the architecture isn't too big of an issue. Aside from out main cities, I think any style works. I guess since we're all from the four corners of the fantasy world in the melting pot of Kaliphlin, anything is good to go.

Thanks for the greeting! I just started getting back into Lego about a month ago. I only made a few (shoddy imo) MOCs, but I did post them to Flickr. I hope to improve my building style in time as I get back into the swing of modelling with the bricks, which I haven't done since I was young.



With regard to the FFL style I am imagining creating a vignette along these lines, but maybe cut the guns and just have staves and crossbows:


Edited by Chief Justice Lego

  On 11/28/2011 at 11:12 PM, Chief Justice Lego said:

Thanks for the greeting! I just started getting back into Lego about a month ago. I only made a few (shoddy imo) MOCs, but I did post them to Flickr. I hope to improve my building style in time as I get back into the swing of modelling with the bricks, which I haven't done since I was young.



With regard to the FFL style I am imagining creating a vignette along these lines, but maybe cut the guns and just have staves and crossbows:


Everyone has to start somewhere. We all had to get into the LEGO groove somehow, and an event like the Guilds is a great opportunity to show off what you can do and improve.

Replacing the guns with crossbows, and making that excellent scene you've shown, would be a great introduction to the Guild.

PS - Good luck in the finals.

  • Author

Dugal MacLean, welcome! welcome! We have heard... stories of your ... acts. All are welcome. A clean slate for any and all who wish to join us. Now about those 'rumours' we have heard ... truely you jest - flees that make Drow infertle? That is just plain silly, they're naturally infertile. We will humbly accept your oath and your word. Now that you are under our banner, no war will be raised while the High King Darconian sits on the throne and commands us.

Kcaj Nosnikta, ah! another learned man in our fold, welcome welcome. I hope you will share with us your knowledge and experience.

Gex. Fantastic marketplace. definitely liking the Persian flare. I hope those Mountain Mummies aren't causing trouble.

Chief Justice Lego , we look forward to your eventual arrival. While we have heard of this 'gun powder' with advanced dwarven magic, it is not common place in any of the realms and is prone to accidents. So we try to avoid it when possible.

As for architecture, we are aiming for more medieval feel so we're not completely out of line with the other guilds. Though I wouldn't mind seeing some European flair with the vastness of our realm, there is no end in possibilities.

What wonderful model you have there. It looks so real, I can't even tell it's made out of lego :laugh:

Seriously - those would make a great basis for some sets, and really that's what we're here for, and the purpose of these guilds is to promote building and offer a some constructive feed back and support for all builders -old and new :thumbup:

(and for a month out of the dark ages those are fantastic! ... I won't shame myself by posting my first few mocs :laugh: )


I have received unsubstantiated reports that the High King is pleased with our works, and may offer us some tokens of his appreciation.... so keep up the good work everyone!

So, just to be clear, how shall I redraw the border of our two great nations? Should I just move it up so it cuts between the WitherWoods (excellent name, btw) or just pull the forest and grasslands down so it extends past the border?

I wish to have as accurate a map as possible, and not create a rift between Avalonia and its mighty ally Kaliphilin.

A PM or reply to this post should be sufficient.

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Lord Khelperth Darwyn of Avalonia, how gracious of you to come down to our lands. There was a bit of a cuffle over borders - but nothing that can't be easily rectified between great friends such as us.

As the trees grow the borders do get lost at times. Centuries ago, your map was accurate - the border did lie at the edge of the forest. But the tree line has dipped somewhat into the south...

I believe the border now actually runs through the Withering Woods, though obviously most of the forest lies still within Avolina, with some of the meager trees surviving in the south.

As I haven't actually ridden any Griffins lately, I'm not sure exactly where the border lies... though I assume if you just moved it slightly north - that would be sufficient... and reviewing some of the other old maps from the other realms, it seems the Arabki river that runs through our lands is slightly further south before it cuts towards the ocean...


As a side note - after careful examination of the 5 maps, I'm astounded how awesome they are and how they actually all fit together - you guys really did a good job. :thumbup:

(And really don't kill your self too much fixing the maps - it's just for illustration purposes... it's not like we're waring over borders..... :hmpf_bad: )

  On 11/29/2011 at 5:36 AM, SI-mocs said:

Lord Khelperth Darwyn of Avalonia, how gracious of you to come down to our lands. There was a bit of a cuffle over borders - but nothing that can't be easily rectified between great friends such as us.

As the trees grow the borders do get lost at times. Centuries ago, your map was accurate - the border did lie at the edge of the forest. But the tree line has dipped somewhat into the south...

I believe the border now actually runs through the Withering Woods, though obviously most of the forest lies still within Avolina, with some of the meager trees surviving in the south.

As I haven't actually ridden any Griffins lately, I'm not sure exactly where the border lies... though I assume if you just moved it slightly north - that would be sufficient... and reviewing some of the other old maps from the other realms, it seems the Arabki river that runs through our lands is slightly further south before it cuts towards the ocean...


As a side note - after careful examination of the 5 maps, I'm astounded how awesome they are and how they actually all fit together - you guys really did a good job. :thumbup:

(And really don't kill your self too much fixing the maps - it's just for illustration purposes... it's not like we're waring over borders..... :hmpf_bad: )

[Jason, your map is awesome - I was just jabbing over the borders because that is the way my character is; he is a scoundrel, and probably has no idea personally where exactly a border lay. However, when I was writing up my guy's backstory I was under the impression that the "Red" River (btw, are we going with that name? I just threw it out there, but it seems to be sticking) was on our side of the border. I was caught a little off guard when you map came out, as it then showed that my guy's land was in Avalonia. I didn't want to make a huff about it or insult your hard work, but it did present a fun opportunity to have my character say something about it.]

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