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Benoic is located where the Watchtower of Benoic lies. Some of the forest north to the tower and some of the river south would be nice if it could be included :classic:

Here is a little teaser pic for my tower entry. I need to get some better shots before I post a topic for it. It does have a full detailed interior and courtyard.


My lord, does our army have a ranged force? I would like land of Panik as my little fief. It is located near the capital.

That tower is great captn beerbeard! The combo of dark and light grey is beuatiful! Can´t wait to see more of it! :thumbup:

My Lord

Our first Heavy Ballista is ready for deployment.

The ballista is a fixed Poisson, rotation design. This allows it to track our enemies from a safe firing position before unleashing the massive bolts upon them.

More photos here:

My tower that I will be submitting will not be the Obsidian Tower featured on my Flickr page. My tower is nearly ready I am just hoping that my order from brick link arrives before the 15th so i can replace certain parts to bring it more inline with the Avalonian architecture.


Good to see people naming their stretches of land. Could you also list a rough location of where it is in Avalonia, just to make it easier for our map maker. I will add the town/settlements to the front page.

My Lord,

I would like to claim the countryside close to my watchtower as my earldom.

So name shall be Burrium and the major City of Burrium shall be named Burrianium Magna.

I swear to develop the country to the honour and prosper of Avalonia.

Edited by Kerntechniker

My Lord

My scouts have just viewed quite an impressive Dragon with a werewolf riding it!

On this subject, what are the "rules" regarding mythical beasts?

I know the guilds have decided very minimal and weak gun power is ok to keep things under control, what about beasts? Can we have dragons and serpents and gryphons and whatever else we desire?

Dear Lord,

Between the main land and the enchanted forest lays a road, straight through the Mystic Isles called Hemresa (which is Nordic for The Road Home). On both ends are watchtowers with men for hire, who can protect the travelers and merchants to cross this path full of dangers. The Hemresa Legion, my legion. On this map I claim my responsibility in Avalonia.


Edited by narbilu

Dear Lord,

Between the main land and the enchanted forest lays a road, straight through the Mystic Isles called Hemresa (which is Nordic for The Road Home). On both ends are watchtowers with men for hire, who can protect the travelers and merchants to cross this path full of dangers. The Hemresa Legion, my legion. On this map I claim my responsibility in Avalonia.


Sorry narbilu, but Circardia (watchtower 5 in the Enchanted Forest) already is the responsibility of Arlindus and my Phoenix Guard. http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=62116&view=findpost&p=1129966

I also believe the center part of the Mystic Isle have been claimed as well by Brickdoctor

Of course Circardia is a haven for those who wish to put their past behind them and we always welcome new inhabitants

Good to see people naming their stretches of land. Could you also list a rough location of where it is in Avalonia, just to make it easier for our map maker. I will add the town/settlements to the front page.

Basilita is located exactly where my watchtower is (number 14 on the map). Here the city is circled in red.


From this you can see that Basilita is quite prosperous, since next to a major trade route, a river and very close to the capital. Also the ground is very lush around the area and is great for growing crops. If silver smith's stretch of land is round his watchtower, then we will be neighbouring cities (and good trade could flow between us. Our crops (and also a few of the arms we produce) for whatever their merchandise will be).

I also believe the center part of the Mystic Isle have been claimed as well by Brickdoctor

Only the island on which Tower 6 is located is mine, the Island of Bricdocton. Feel free to take one of the other islands. :classic:

Can I join? Or was there a set timeframe for everyone who joined?

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I will start added your land and locations in a list on the first page. Your new titles will be added to, I will set them as Lords, but if anyone would rather be an Earl then just let me know and I will change it.

This is so late... I have been following along with this for quite a while and I just wanted to say that I will be joining Avalonia if still possible. I'll I have a sig fig and story up later this week :D

Thats fine, Avalonia welcomes you, great to have you with us!

Albion is a perfect name for our capital.

Thanks for allowing us to build our own cities and towns. I was afraid that I were going a bit far claiming a city for myself without asking first. But since its Ok I´ll keep my Hybrasil.

On the other side, I haven't posted any new Mocs because in the next weekend (Dez 10 and 11) is the exposition of our Lug Brazil. After that I´ll be able to build more to the challenges.

Ok, I will add Hybrasil to the list. Where is its location?

My realm is Antyria. My tower could possibly be posted in a few hours.

Antyria will be listed, where is it located?

My Lord, the area protected by my tower is known as Fuchal. Work on my castle has begun but the workers are having trouble finding stone in the quarry so it may take some time. I will endeavour to hurry them up so as to be prepared should someone try a raid over the Border Wall.

I just need the location of Fuchal?

could my land be called Glevum? it has a nice ring to it

Glevum it is, location?

Benoic is located where the Watchtower of Benoic lies. Some of the forest north to the tower and some of the river south would be nice if it could be included :classic:

Granted Sir

Here is a little teaser pic for my tower entry. I need to get some better shots before I post a topic for it. It does have a full detailed interior and courtyard.


Looking good! It has a nice interesting design and I like the Avalonia logo, nice work!

My lord, does our army have a ranged force? I would like land of Panik as my little fief. It is located near the capital.

Im not sure if anyones built one yet. Panik is yours!

My Lord

Our first Heavy Ballista is ready for deployment.

The ballista is a fixed Poisson, rotation design. This allows it to track our enemies from a safe firing position before unleashing the massive bolts upon them.

More photos here:

My tower that I will be submitting will not be the Obsidian Tower featured on my Flickr page. My tower is nearly ready I am just hoping that my order from brick link arrives before the 15th so i can replace certain parts to bring it more inline with the Avalonian architecture.

Excellent work, another deadly weapon for our army. Look forward to seeing your tower. Do you have a name of your stretch of land you want? Pick a spot on the map, give it a name and become lord of that area. You can then name your tower after your area of land.

My Lord,

I would like to claim the countryside close to my watchtower as my earldom.

So name shall be Burrium and the major City of Burrium shall be named Burrianium Magna.

I swear to develop the country to the honour and prosper of Avalonia.

Earl Of Burrium!

My Lord

My scouts have just viewed quite an impressive Dragon with a werewolf riding it!

On this subject, what are the "rules" regarding mythical beasts?

I know the guilds have decided very minimal and weak gun power is ok to keep things under control, what about beasts? Can we have dragons and serpents and gryphons and whatever else we desire?

Well, the 'Flight Of Dragons' get their name from the sound their horses hooves make, which sound like the beating of a dragons wings. If there wern't dragons then how would the people know what the sound of dragons wings sound like? Yes there are dragons, and if dragons exist, then there must surely be many other fabulous creatures that dwell thoughout all Historia. So yes! Our symbol is the mighty Dragon Of Avalonia.

Dear Lord,

Between the main land and the enchanted forest lays a road, straight through the Mystic Isles called Hemresa (which is Nordic for The Road Home). On both ends are watchtowers with men for hire, who can protect the travelers and merchants to cross this path full of dangers. The Hemresa Legion, my legion. On this map I claim my responsibility in Avalonia.


So are you saying that your legion protects the gates to the Mystic Isles? This is fine, however I don't think you will be able to own all of the Mystic Isles as your land, as many others also inhabit this area, its a big place. However, if your legion has taken up the brave task of being the gatekeepers of the Mystic Isle's main road, that is indeed a brave honour.

My MOC for the title Prince Of The Forest


Prince of the forest by de Gothia, on Flickr

And link to the thread here http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=63115

Very good work de Gothia, love the really lush green feel this has and like the idea behind it. I believe you have now completed the six tasks, the first to do so. They have all been good interesting builds. To get in the feasting hall however, you will need to earn the seventh, but there is lots of time for that and many builds to prove yourself worthy. Keep up your great work, you do your guild very proud!

Sorry narbilu, but Circardia (watchtower 5 in the Enchanted Forest) already is the responsibility of Arlindus and my Phoenix Guard. http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=62116&view=findpost&p=1129966

I also believe the center part of the Mystic Isle have been claimed as well by Brickdoctor

Of course Circardia is a haven for those who wish to put their past behind them and we always welcome new inhabitants

I think he ment that he protects and guards the gates that lead in and out of the Mystic Isles, which would mean he owns the land around each gate. So not to worry, the Mystic Isles is a large labarinth of Islands and the unknown, so there is plenty of land available in the area. Brickdocter owns one of the Islands, and the sacred Tower of Ynys Wydryn is located there also.

Basilita is located exactly where my watchtower is (number 14 on the map). Here the city is circled in red.


From this you can see that Basilita is quite prosperous, since next to a major trade route, a river and very close to the capital. Also the ground is very lush around the area and is great for growing crops. If silver smith's stretch of land is round his watchtower, then we will be neighbouring cities (and good trade could flow between us. Our crops (and also a few of the arms we produce) for whatever their merchandise will be).

Your land is granted, Basilita it is.

Very good work de Gothia, love the really lush green feel this has and like the idea behind it. I believe you have now completed the six tasks, the first to do so. They have all been good interesting builds. To get in the feasting hall however, you will need to earn the seventh, but there is lots of time for that and many builds to prove yourself worthy. Keep up your great work, you do your guild very proud!

Thank you My Liege! I will continue to develop my land Benoic and Avalonia with more mocs!


My land is situated in the bottom right corner of Avalonia, and covers the area between my tower (no 19) and the border wall.

Soo, did anyone see my previos comment? In case no one did...

Am I allowed to join, or is it just for those previously signed up?

Soo, did anyone see my previos comment? In case no one did...

Am I allowed to join, or is it just for those previously signed up?

You can join when ever you want. For any other member just sign up. Don't ask if you can sign up first.


I will start added your land and locations in a list on the first page. Your new titles will be added to, I will set them as Lords, but if anyone would rather be an Earl then just let me know and I will change it.


Your land is granted, Basilita it is.

Thank you my lord, and I appreciate you giving me the title earl of Basilita (can citizens still refer to me as 'my lord'?).

Edited by Andonii

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I have started to add the list of places in the first post of the thread. I think the easiest way to work things out is if each member owns the area of land that surrounds the tower they built. The majority of you who have made a tower, have already been placed on the first version of the map. However, there are a lot of new comers who have built towers but have not yet been added to the map. At the moment I have listed the map number of your tower next to the name of your area. e.g Benoic No.17. Eventually, when everyone has named their areas, I can get rid of the numbers, as hopefully a new map will be made with all the proper names instead of numbers. So everyone who has not yet named their area, can you do so please. If your tower does not feature on the current map, don't worry. Just tell me the name of your area and where you would like it to be located. I can then add this to the list, so when its all done, a new map can be made with the updated names.

I will also be updating the links to your mocs and add the task mocs where I can.

Remember, the 15th of December is fast approaching, so if you havn't built a tower yet, there is not long left! For those who really can't get one built in time, I will ask that you build one eventually anyway, as this will be used to make your personal area in Avalonia.

Keep up the great work Guildsmen!

You can join when ever you want. For any other member just sign up. Don't ask if you can sign up first.

Thank you my lord, and I appreciate you giving me the title earl of Basilita (can citizens still refer to me as 'my lord'?).

I will change it to Lord if you prefer.


I have started to add the list of places in the first post of the thread. I think the easiest way to work things out is if each member owns the area of land that surrounds the tower they built. The majority of you who have made a tower, have already been placed on the first version of the map. However, there are a lot of new comers who have built towers but have not yet been added to the map. At the moment I have listed the map number of your tower next to the name of your area. e.g Benoic No.17. Eventually, when everyone has named their areas, I can get rid of the numbers, as hopefully a new map will be made with all the proper names instead of numbers. So everyone who has not yet named their area, can you do so please. If your tower does not feature on the current map, don't worry. Just tell me the name of your area and where you would like it to be located. I can then add this to the list, so when its all done, a new map can be made with the updated names.

I will also be updating the links to your mocs and add the task mocs where I can.

Remember, the 15th of December is fast approaching, so if you havn't built a tower yet, there is not long left! For those who really can't get one built in time, I will ask that you build one eventually anyway, as this will be used to make your personal area in Avalonia.

Keep up the great work Guildsmen!

I will change it to Lord if you prefer.

No it's fine as it is. That was just a joke at the end.

I want to be the Lord of the eastern plains in countryside. The plains located in the west of my watchtower twhich is located on the eastern great wall. The land called Tigeria.

Greetings fellow guildsmen! There have been some awesome builds!

Cpt. Beer Beard, I totally love the colors in that tower.

I am very glad that we can now claim land. If it pleases my lord I would like to claim the land around my watchtower. It will be the province of Kydenon. There will be a main keep and plenty of other builds. To see where the tower is located look in its topic.

Keep up the great work everyone! - K. Kreations

Such nice job everyone, seems Avalonia is quickly beginning to take the shape as mighty we all desire it to be. Avalonia Forever¡¡¡

Well here is my entry for High King Of The Elves

Deep in the Enchanted Forests remains places in wich Ancient Druid Magic is still present

these places are guarded by elves elite, such is the case for Desire Pool, a mystique pool that contains water that causes visions to the ones that drink from it, showing the exactly location of what their hearts desire the most.


This is the thread: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=63132

By the way, My lord I may ask to be located where the x shows in the map.

The land could be called Arfelan Plains.

And if is possible I request the rank of Magistrate-Justiciar or its medieval equivalent.


Greetings. :classic:

Ok, I will add Hybrasil to the list. Where is its location?

I'll ask you to add my Elven City Hybrasil in your map. I think the best place would be between the position of the towers number 2 and 3 in the Enchanted Forest. It's a very hidden place, while people can see it on the map, no one never will find it if the elves don't want to.

Pictures here -> http://www.flickr.com/photos/FantuX

Fantu - Hybrasil will be placed where you have asked. I have several other new things to add, such as Azgareth and the Obsidian Tower that was just posted. An updated map should be up in the next few days, so stay tuned!

That's it!

For two years, I have watched the rise of Avalonia's new inhabitants. There have been many who have crossed through this realm, as a squirrel would flit through a tree, but this guild appears to be more permanent with eyes to the future, and roots in the ways of honor, bravery and peace.

For this reason,I have chosen to reveal my clan.

I am Varis of the Line of Dellaenus,

Servant of the White Hart,

Protector of the Sacred Grove,

Lord of the Rustling Leaves Clan.

My clan resides deep in the center of the Enchanted Forest. Long have we expected humans to extend their branches deeper into Avalonia. We are willing to trade crafts and weapons of our clan, offer counsel if required, and provide elven archers and rangers if the cause is just.



(I am very excited about this guild. I love some of the creations, and I hope to have a stronghold completed by the 15th. The Rustling Leaves Clan resides just below the word Forest where the river meets the coast, if this is still available)


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