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Derfel, could you please at least hint the next main chalange, so we know what to excpect.

I finally finished my watchtower:


Also I'd like to claim a patch of land (if it's not taken already), called Arcadonia in the Enchanted Forest:


Matn, I really like your tower and look forward to seeing what else you build!

As to your land, I believe that is the exact area rougeang has claimed for his elves of the Rustling Leaves Clan.

The patch of land due south of this is open i believe. If you choose this spot, I, Lord Arlindus of Circardia and the Phoenix Guard, would welcome you as a neighbor and trading partner.

Thanks for catching that for me MikeyB. I was in the midst of replying, when you beat me to the punch.

"Like a good neighbor, MikeyB is there"

Matn, I really like your stronghold. I would love to have a neighbor with such nice builds.

Edited by rogueang

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Excellent work on the towers everyone! I think we have made a strong statement with our builds. Avalonia is strong and ready to tackle any challenge thrown at us!

For those that don't know, entry to join Avalonia is now closed for a while. This is due to the fact that we have a lot more members than the other guilds and we would like to even it out. When the other guilds have caught up with our numbers than Avalonia will be re-opened again.

For the mean time, this will give us a chance to all settle and continue flushing out our land. Mostly everyone has chosen and named their own area of land, I think there is only a few left who hasn't. So once they have, we can get a new updated map and not have to worry about any new members adding lands for the moment.

I can not tell you what the next challenge is yet, but it will be very interesting to see what you come up with for it!

Other good news, Durnovaria nears completion and will soon be up and ready for trading.

Here's a few shots of recent progress:



Keep up the great work everybody, ad be prepared for whats to come!!!

I feel strangely excited about the next main challenge.

I would like to claim "Buckland"


Should look like this... in the distance you will see the Mitgardian Mountains.


I think you all know what I have in mind! :wink:


Excellent work on the towers everyone! I think we have made a strong statement with our builds. Avalonia is strong and ready to tackle any challenge thrown at us!

For those that don't know, entry to join Avalonia is now closed for a while. This is due to the fact that we have a lot more members than the other guilds and we would like to even it out. When the other guilds have caught up with our numbers than Avalonia will be re-opened again.

For the mean time, this will give us a chance to all settle and continue flushing out our land. Mostly everyone has chosen and named their own area of land, I think there is only a few left who hasn't. So once they have, we can get a new updated map and not have to worry about any new members adding lands for the moment.

I can not tell you what the next challenge is yet, but it will be very interesting to see what you come up with for it!

Other good news, Durnovaria nears completion and will soon be up and ready for trading.

Here's a few shots of recent progress:



Keep up the great work everybody, ad be prepared for whats to come!!!

Simply amazing!

You build the most beautiful MOCs I have ever seen. (one of the main reasons I joined this guild.)

I eagerly await the next challenge!

It occurs to me I havent yet requested land.

I would like to formally request the areas surrounding my watchtower (no.23). I have named the area the Obsidian Pass, the settlement that resides there is called Azgareth. The inhabitants are known as the Black Company. It and most of my mocs are not going to be built in the typical Avaloanian architectual style purely because they have existed long before Avalonia was united by Artorious. As the thread suggests we are the youngest guild, therefore it would be that before we were united many different styles could have exisited, especially in very geographically distinct places.

The area is has vegetation up to the ranges, however, the mountains themselves are void of tree's and srubbery. The Pass is a vast source of Obsidian stone which is a perfect place to find and mine Dark Iron. The tops of the mountains are usually covered in snow, and there is a river that runs through the pass from the north and a couple of very nice and large waterfalls into a beutiful crater lake, that a river then runs from down into Avalonia. The structures that reside in the mountians and passes were built by a Clan long ago wiped out. Most of the structures are adonred in statues of what appear to be tall dwarfs, until the historians reveal otherwise we can assume these were statues of the original creators of the pass. There is not much history regarding those who built the Pass as it was lost to the world during a time of great darkness. I believe there is a historian working on this now who will soon submit the histories of this region.

I would also like to request that the map for this region be updated as below:

To include mountians surrounding the right of the lake (yet to be named) instead of the great wall. Is this possible?

I am working on a history for my region, company and style which I will submit when finished.

As with my tower, most of the mocs will be black stone in nature ( I have to work with the current bricks that I have, nearly all which are black for some reason and perfect for dark stone structures), I have ordered a large quantity of the 1x1 round plates in black from bricklink as I am planning future mocs to have the similar building trait to that quickly being adapted into the mocs of Avalonia, (Derfels stacking style). These come cheapest from Belgium and Austria and take weeks to arrive in Australia, hence I did not have any for the first round competition.

For some reason the images did not hold in the post, I am hoping they have held now.

Here is my Armorer for Albion capital build


I also finished up a small scene with Roltic the Huntsman as he stalks a stag for Lord Arlindus of Circardia upcoming feast.


More photos and back stories in the threads for Hemrick the Armor and Roltic the Huntsman

Can't wait for the next build!

Edited by MikeyB

Holidaying in Hong Kong is awesome, I picked up two Dragon knights, two Classic Forestmen and 3 black Classic Castle helmets today. Re-enforcements are coming......

Holidaying in Hong Kong is awesome, I picked up two Dragon knights, two Classic Forestmen and 3 black Classic Castle helmets today. Re-enforcements are coming......

May I ask how? Do they just have old sets still on the shelves? Wondering, because my brother's ship goes through Hong Kong a couple times a year and he could probably send stuff back to me...

May I ask how? Do they just have old sets still on the shelves? Wondering, because my brother's ship goes through Hong Kong a couple times a year and he could probably send stuff back to me...

They have Lego specialty shops which are individually owned, I can tell you specifics via PM of you like.

When the first post is next updated, could you please update my titles to include 'Champion of Avalonia' and 'Lord High of Agriculture'.

I've noticed my farm has been linked, that was quick - thanks.

This whole guild thing is going to fast. I don't think I will be able to do all the challenges for the guild builds and the idea's I have of my own and Albion build's and contest entries. I have a woman and kid's and bill's. I really want to do everything but it's just seem's way too fast to make any quality build's. When is the end date for this? Why can't there be a month break in between the main challenges to build up some history and do guild challenges? Am I alone on this?

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I understand your reasons Beerbeard, I too have a 1 year old boy, bills and my metal band that take a lot of my time. But don't worry too much, as the Guild project will run for a good year, so there is plenty of time to build whatever you wish. You don't have to take part in the main challenges if you don't want to. You can alway just concentrate on free builds for the guild, as they also earn our guild points. So don't feel presured to build, just do what you can when you want.

We have a good 2 months to complete the next challenge, which I think is a great one. Time to build in another land. A mighty feasting hall in the snow of Mitgardia? Or a an outpost in the desert? What ever who wish. The main thing is that we Avalonians go and build an impressive embassy in the other lands, let's make a nice big statement of authourity on their land!

I think I'm going to try and enter this one as I'm desperate to build a snow scene after countless hours of playing skyrim!!

This whole guild thing is going to fast. I don't think I will be able to do all the challenges for the guild builds and the idea's I have of my own and Albion build's and contest entries. I have a woman and kid's and bill's. I really want to do everything but it's just seem's way too fast to make any quality build's. When is the end date for this? Why can't there be a month break in between the main challenges to build up some history and do guild challenges? Am I alone on this?

I have the same problem....it's hard to build quality buildings in the time you've gotten (although i think 15 february for the embassy is acceptable).

I'm now building 3 things at a time and also a ship for the pirate forum *huh* wive and kid are complaining :laugh:

I understand your reasons Beerbeard, I too have a 1 year old boy, bills and my metal band that take a lot of my time. But don't worry too much, as the Guild project will run for a good year, so there is plenty of time to build whatever you wish. You don't have to take part in the main challenges if you don't want to. You can alway just concentrate on free builds for the guild, as they also earn our guild points. So don't feel presured to build, just do what you can when you want.

We have a good 2 months to complete the next challenge, which I think is a great one. Time to build in another land. A mighty feasting hall in the snow of Mitgardia? Or a an outpost in the desert? What ever who wish. The main thing is that we Avalonians go and build an impressive embassy in the other lands, let's make a nice big statement of authourity on their land!

I think I'm going to try and enter this one as I'm desperate to build a snow scene after countless hours of playing skyrim!!

I have the same problem....it's hard to build quality buildings in the time you've gotten (although i think 15 february for the embassy is acceptable).

I'm now building 3 things at a time and also a ship for the pirate forum *huh* wive and kid are complaining :laugh:

I'm glad I'm not the only one here that actually represents the "a" part in afol. I barely get four hours of sleep anymore. I try to do a little bit of building whenever I can but it's hard when you love your family.

Edited by Captain BeerBeard

I totally understand your points and I´m soon going back to work after 6 months of son and father time so soon my time will be very limited as well. But there are still 2 months left to build and as Derfel said, you don´t have to build for every challenge.

As for me Lego is my biggest hobby, followed by gardening so when my kid has gone to bed for the night I usually gets one or two evenings alone with my Lego room. On these evenings I really hope to get an ambassy ready..

My Lord

I present to you one of the entrances to the black citadels of Azgareth.

The citadels are built into the mountains themselves.

The black company on parade

I totally understand your points and I´m soon going back to work after 6 months of son and father time so soon my time will be very limited as well. But there are still 2 months left to build and as Derfel said, you don´t have to build for every challenge.

As for me Lego is my biggest hobby, followed by gardening so when my kid has gone to bed for the night I usually gets one or two evenings alone with my Lego room. On these evenings I really hope to get an ambassy ready..

I wish I could still enjoy gardening. LEGO is becoming my number one. I can't play magic with my mate's the same as I used to and I really don't want to. They don't understand. Wait until your a few years in with your kids and see how your friend's are. LEGO is the best hobby for you because you don't need anyone else. You can concentrate on what is valuable to you and still enjoy ypurself. Your kid will love LEGO when they get older when they see your mocs and it will be even better! I plan on getting that contest entry done too!

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I totally understand your points and I´m soon going back to work after 6 months of son and father time so soon my time will be very limited as well. But there are still 2 months left to build and as Derfel said, you don´t have to build for every challenge.

As for me Lego is my biggest hobby, followed by gardening so when my kid has gone to bed for the night I usually gets one or two evenings alone with my Lego room. On these evenings I really hope to get an ambassy ready..

Well the winter is when I do most of my moccing. During the summer I am usually out either with my family and friends or fishing. I do a lot of fishing during the summer months, matches etc. Due to my love of fishing I decided to make a huge Koi pond in my garden, and from that I started getting into some gardening. So these winter months I spend a lot of time building and it works well with my family. Plus I've been with my missus for long enough now that we've said all there is to say between us :laugh:

I agree that the start was a little intense. The seven challenges, the main challenges, Albion... but there is more time for the feasting hall challenges, and plenty of room for Albion still. I don't know what is in Derfel's head, but I would guess there is a good foundation now, and unless the MOCs dry up, we are probably set to build without any major additions for a while.

The Guild, the ship, the EB moderating, the guitar, college, the girlfriend and Skyrim... We have always too much to take care of with barely enough time. :tongue:

I guess it's just life.

Avalonia is getting stronger every day, so keep it up fellow guildsmen! :thumbup:

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I don't know whats in my head, let alone anyone else :laugh:

We all have busy lives, but that's the way it goes. I should have had my village finished ages ago, but then Skyrim came along, and then Xmas and all the family events that go with it. But that's not a bad thing, as I often suffer a burnout from to much constant Lego building and I lose focus and the mocs can suffer in quality from that. Still, it's Xmas in the next few days, so I expect myself and most of you will be having a break from building, although I think there's a few sets coming my way for Xmas :laugh: So like Z said, there is plenty of time and we are now at a posistion where we are set on our course in the Guild and we can just build when we can. We have built an excellent foundation in Avalonia, you only need to look at the list of our mocs in the first page to see the huge amount of quality builds we have produced! You have all really stepped up to the challenge and should be proud of your efforts. We can enter the new year on top of our game!

I will not add any more new guild challenges for a good while now, so that just leaves the new Embassy challenge. Everything else like Albion and your individual areas have no time constraights, so you can build them whenever you can.

We have a great guild, great members, strong builders and we have gotten on with everything without a fuss. So thankyou all, and let's hope we finish the year on a high and win the first challenge!

So here is my character, a young sergeant in the army of Avalonia. He is adopted from a rich aristocratical general of the army. In many eyes he is unpopular for this, but with his great success and strategic plans he make a big career in the army and he's not at the end of his aim.

Here is a photo of him and his companions:


Here is one of his ideas:

And what about custom dutys for the Avalonia navigable waterways? Why not realize profit with the bargain?

Here some pics for the way to fill the exchequer of Avalonia without enslaving the population.



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