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Those friends hairs look very good on regular minifigures.

I have finally finished my embassy.

At the moment I am very pleased with it, surely has taken me some amount of bricks to my limited collection but thanks to the guilds buildings I think I am making progressions with the MOCs

Well here is the thread.



Great Embassy Niku. It looks that you have chosen to build it in the local style.

Derfel, Who had the top 5 towers for Avalonia.

Congrats to Z on his watchtower, good job.

Edited by VolcanicPanik

Well deserved Z!! That watchtower is great!!

Cpt Beer Beard: That is quite bloody! :classic: Will there be more pics?

Edited by de Gothia

Who's that in the photo Cap?

Well deserved Z!! That watchtower is great!!

Cpt Beer Beard: That is quite bloody! :classic: Will there be more pics?

Yes, there will be. I am going to tell the stories of the A.A.G. in this style. I think it makes it look more historic. This was one pic was just a test run. I already thought of a way to make it better or maybe not we'll see.

I will also post non edited photos so you can see the blend of how the physical mix with the digital.


Who's that in the photo Cap?

I only know of one assassin who has two daggers and smiles all day. :wink:

Edited by Captain BeerBeard

Thanks everyone. We didn't take the top spot though (3rd in fact) so we need to rally and kick some megablocks in the embassy challenge!!

Congrats on making on top Z. :thumbup:

Avalonia Forever¡¡¡

Edited by Niku

Thanks everyone. We didn't take the top spot though (3rd in fact) so we need to rally and kick some megablocks in the embassy challenge!!

I can't say I understand that, given the quality of our entries. Were the points based purely off the winners? And by the way Z, your tower was awesome, as with all your MOCs.

Edited by rogueang

I can't say I understand that, given the quality of our entries. Were the points based purely off the "winners"? And by the way Z, your tower was awesome, as with all your MOCs.

As I understand it, the gold coins were given out based on the 5 watchtower entries and 5 "free builds" from each guild. There was criteria for judging like "playability" and "fit with guild theme" that went into this and it wasn't based purely on "how cool" or "well built" a MOC was. I KNOW Derfel submitted all 10 of our entries from different builders, but I cannot say whose MOCs those were specifically. Because of his desire to make sure lots of people were represented, we may not have had the best 10 overall MOCs from our guild (for example, if de Gothia's tower made it, his blacksmith would not have, or if MikeyB's armorer was in, his tower was not) but I bet we were very well represented. I think we need to recognize that everyone guild had good MOCs. I also think looking through the entires that Mitgardia had the most solid set of entries overall for the watchtowers so I am not surprised they have the most gold. I just think we can take them!!

Btw, I really liked your watchtower rogueang, I have high hopes you will give us a good embassy as well!

As I understand it, the gold coins were given out based on the 5 watchtower entries and 5 "free builds" from each guild. There was criteria for judging like "playability" and "fit with guild theme" that went into this and it wasn't based purely on "how cool" or "well built" a MOC was. I KNOW Derfel submitted all 10 of our entries from different builders, but I cannot say whose MOCs those were specifically. Because of his desire to make sure lots of people were represented, we may not have had the best 10 overall MOCs from our guild (for example, if de Gothia's tower made it, his blacksmith would not have, or if MikeyB's armorer was in, his tower was not) but I bet we were very well represented. I think we need to recognize that everyone guild had good MOCs. I also think looking through the entires that Mitgardia had the most solid set of entries overall for the watchtowers so I am not surprised they have the most gold. I just think we can take them!!

Btw, I really liked your watchtower rogueang, I have high hopes you will give us a good embassy as well!

I guess it makes a little more sense if the free builds were included. I have seen all the towers, but not a lot of the other creations. It's just that we have some great builders in Avalonia who keep consistently turning out beautiful MOCs (deGothia and MikeyB are perfect examples.) When I looked through the other towers last month, I thought we would be cleaning house with this challenge. (maybe I was being a little too Avalonia-centric) I was surprised when I saw the results last night. I think if we had another tower in, or if we had done better than third, or if your tower had won first, I wouldn't have cared. (I'm not making any comment on whose tower should have gotten first, There were towers from each guild that I could see getting first, including yours.)

Here I had thought Avalonia was steam-rolling our competitors. :blush: I guess we'll have to try to make up some ground with the Embassies.

I would like to see the results of the free-builds, or at least which ones were entered.

Edited by rogueang

I also, would like to see a list of just who made the cut (and for what,)if only for further feedback and to know which way to steer this round. But, I understand if they want to keep it between the Guild Leaders.

I'm definitely pleased with the top ranking for our guild, however. Great job, Z!

Just saying I'd like to see people like DeGothia and MikeyB get a little recognition for putting forth truly great builds for Avalonia!

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Greetings guildsmen!

As you may be aware, the results of the watchtower challenge are in, and we finished 3rd. I am not in the least bit worried however. It was only the first challenge, and we keep getting better. As I am one of the judges, I obviously was not allowed to score and judge our entries as It would be naturally biased, so each leader has to judge the other 3. We had good scores, but I can tell you that we did lose a few points on photo quality, but that's not too big an issue. We had five strong entries, but I think the main problem is that we were too cautious and went with a more ordinary approach. Not that any of the mocs were ordinary in the sense of average, but in the sense that we played it safe and didn't take many unique risks. We built some of the best examples of solid stone towers, but maybe we should have added more unique half-timber sections sticking out to add more character. But, we didn't have any low marked entries, in fact I think we had the most strong overall.

Like I said, I'm not worried. The fact is, those points we have are only just from the towers, the 5 free builds have not been scored yet, and when it comes to free builds, we are in a very strong position.

The free builds will be scored in the next few days, sothey should get us some more points. I am allowed to choose 5 free builds every month to earn us points, and thanks to you all, I have a seriously large selection of quality mocs to pick and there are constantly more on the way.

The 5 builders that made the tower challenge final were:


Mayday artist

de Gothia


Captain Beerbeard

Well done to you all, you all had fantastic entries, in fact, there where many very excellent entries that could have all got into the top 5. Don't be worried if your entry was not in the top 5, there will be plenty more chances in other challenge and free builds.

The 5 free builds I have selected are:

Hemrick the Armorer by Mikey B

Geode Caverns by Siercon &Coral

ATC Sawmill by Captain Blackmoor

Alchemist by Rolli

Arcadonia Tower by Matn (he was a few days late with his entry so I have added it as a free build)

These are all great mocs and will earn our guild many more points. These were all chosen for last year, so I will also be able to choose another 5 at the end of January, and a lot more great mocs have been coming in, so it looks good for us.

For the Embassy challenge, I will let you all vote for the five entry's that go through. I would like you to have more input and it's your guild as much as mine, so it's only fair that you all have a say in what 5 entry's go through to represent our guild.

Well done to everybody for your efforts, you have all helped to bring Avalonia to life, and it grows more mighty all the time.

All I can say is, let Mitgardia enjoy their time at the top while they can, cause we are going to take it for ourselves soon, and we won't be giving it up when we have it!

Keep up your great work, and don't forget there is still plenty of time to get embassy's built!

Just saying I'd like to see people like DeGothia and MikeyB get a little recognition for putting forth truly great builds for Avalonia!

Yes. MikeyB and de Gothia have done a great job (even if they do keep making the same thing as each other!!). I definately think they will have free builds and challenge entries for us!

EDIT: As DC has said... they in fact did have entries for us!

Congrats on all the winners in the tower builds.

I appreciate the kind words, but when I first joined the guild I didn't know there were going to be awards. I just saw it as a opportunity to get off my butt and start putting bricks together again instead of just looking at everyone else's creations on the computer.

I just enjoy getting honest feedback on my builds and have really enjoyed doing them (well the current one is doing my head in because I haven't really narrowed down what I want to do!) When I get a nice comment from a builder I admire, I feel pretty good. Of course if anyone want to send me some light blue grey bricks or some Dark blue gray 1x2 tiles I wouldn't mind!

I just enjoy getting honest feedback on my builds and have really enjoyed doing them (well the current one is doing my head in because I haven't really narrowed down what I want to do!) When I get a nice comment from a builder I admire, I feel pretty good. Of course if anyone want to send me some light blue grey bricks or some Dark blue gray 1x2 tiles I wouldn't mind!

I have SOOOOO many 1 x 2 dbg tiles it isn't funny... you do live in the US... maybe something COULD be done about that :thumbup:

Congrats on all te winners in the tower challenge! I really think there were many great builds!

Thanks for the info Derfel. I have no problem with the 5 towers you selected. I think they were all great builds. After hearing the process, I can see how we could have mid-range towers, with only 1 in the top 6.

I am eager to hear the results of the free build competition.

I have SOOOOO many 1 x 2 dbg tiles it isn't funny... you do live in the US... maybe something COULD be done about that :thumbup:

I know I have some, but I just can't bring myself to break down my modular buildings. I thought about "borrowing" a dozen off the sidewalk of one for a build I'm working on but just didn't want to go down that slippery road!

The real feat is aquiring more of those damn 1x1 round plates! If DC really wants to put out a great prize, he should put together a "builders Pack" of a couple 1000 1x1s, some brown tiles and 1x1 bricks with stud on the side!

I know I have some, but I just can't bring myself to break down my modular buildings. I thought about "borrowing" a dozen off the sidewalk of one for a build I'm working on but just didn't want to go down that slippery road!

The real feat is aquiring more of those damn 1x1 round plates! If DC really wants to put out a great prize, he should put together a "builders Pack" of a couple 1000 1x1s, some brown tiles and 1x1 bricks with stud on the side!

The only set that is really "sacred" to me is my falcon. I won't touch that no matter what - no piece shall pass. I'm dreading the move to 1x1 rounds, it twill cost me a small fortune. I just bought 84 1x1 bricks w stud for my embassy. Finally had to invest in them...

I know I have some, but I just can't bring myself to break down my modular buildings. I thought about "borrowing" a dozen off the sidewalk of one for a build I'm working on but just didn't want to go down that slippery road!

The real feat is aquiring more of those damn 1x1 round plates! If DC really wants to put out a great prize, he should put together a "builders Pack" of a couple 1000 1x1s, some brown tiles and 1x1 bricks with stud on the side!

I'm just as hopeless with grey pieces, I didnt have enough grey bricks I had to build with yellow.

One thousand 1x1 round plates costs sixty us dollars on LEGO.com's PAB.

  • Author

I remember being at that stage where I didn't want to dismantal certain sets, but now it doesn't bother me. The modulars are nice, but also a great source of parts. If you have a good organized sorting system of your Lego then it's always very easy to build them again. I sometimes think that I would like to build all the modulars and connect them together as I've never done that, but I'm always building mocs so I never get the time.

Acquiring pieces is something that takes time. Its choosing wether to make a brink link order or buy a set. For example, I didn't buy the Pet Shop on its day of release because it was either spend £120 on that, or £120 on a brinklink order. When it came to it, I knew I could get a lot more important parts I need with the brinklink order then I would with the Petshop, so I went with brinklink and got the Petshop at the end of the year instead.

I try and get 100 of each of my particular important parts every month. Sometimes you just have to do a big order that will keep you going for a while. Always get more than you need if you can. If I use to find myself short of a few parts, rather then order the exact few I need, I would just order 100. It pays off in the end, as you will always have more for when you build something else that's bigger.

It's also good to check the PAB wall sometimes in Lego stores. Most of the time they don't have anything interesting, but I've had a few instances when they have had tiles in brown, green, black, red and white. The amount I could fit into a large tub for £11 would have cost more then twice as much from brinklink, so it's well worth it. That's where I amassed most of my foliage pieces from, all from a PAB wall. I remember they last had the small 3x4 leaf piece in there, and I filled up to large pots with them which came to £22. When I counted them back at home, I had picked up nearly 1000. Now you try ordering 1000 on brinklink! It comes to a lot more then £22!

So yes, PAB walls can be good.

That's a good idea on a prize MikeyB. I've been focusing on sets, but maybe some castle building kits would make welcome prizes. I will look into that.

I'm almost done. All I have to do is take some pics for a few story scenes and edit those. That really takes longer than it sounds. I just worked on this pic for two hours and it has a few flaws in it. Damn photoshop kept eating my 1x2 plate built smoke. :angry:


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