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Another way to see how many members are still active are things like the Gladiator Games and the Archery Tournament (and the ones who will follow). Tomorrow, I'll do an official invitation in all Guild-topics for it.


Lord Kelperth Darwyn of Darwynia is still a proud Avalonian!

(Plus, he has some free time for travel now while Darwynia is being fleshed out. Hint hint. :tongue: )

Daeron Arphenion, High King of Hybrasil


I weren't building for the challenges because Hybrasil is suposed to be hidden within the Enchanted Forest. Because of that I didn´t see why should I build a defense tower or an embassy for a hidden city.

Nikutai Arfelan remains too. :thumbup:


What head and hair is under that helmet?

I`ll take a pic tomorrow, my battery is discharged at the moment. :grin:

I agree that many members in every guild have stopped building, now that we see the initial hype of the Guilds has passed, we can see who are the ones who have stuck around. Namely the ones who have been building a lot. I think its best to look at the Embassy entries to get a good idea of who's really consisant for each guild. Then again, a lot of people who signd up may just be waiting for something to come along that they want to take part in and build. However, I feel we may need to open Avalonia's doors again to see if we can get any more 'Keepers'.

The way I see it, out of everyone who joined at the begining, there are a large group from each guild who I would say will be the ones who will see it through to the end, the ones that each guild can rely on. New people will join each guild and some might not stay long, but there will also be some who do and join the group of dedicated 'Guilders'.

We want to intice as many people in as possible. As many of you probably now know, the members over at ClassicCastle.com have now set up their own Guild project 'Lands Of Classic Castle' LCC for short.

Now hopefully, after they have had time to settle in and get their guilds up and running, we may look into haveing some sort of huge battle comp against them, forum vs forum, GOH vs LCC. This would be great fun and would probably involve all our guilds uniting to battle them. However, this is still a way off, and many things would have to be worked out, but we would aim to make it something special.

In the meantime, it has become fairly obvious that building up your lands and Historica in general, is something every guild has been doing in their free builds. So when it comes to main challenges it would seem pointless to ask you all to 'build a farm' or 'build a church' etc, because you are all doing things like that yourselves anyway. So we hope to make the challenges a bit more different to the usual 'build your land' type ideas and to also allow a bit more freedom, for example, the next challenge will have no size limit. As for what that challenge is, all will be revealed shortly, but first there will be a short story that will set up what the challenge will be.

Stay tuned


What is this to the end???? We must build FOREVER! :devil: I agree, as much as our guild has benefited from your guild being locked up, it is probably time to open the doors again to keep the balance.

As for LCC, it will be interesting to see how different their project is. I don't think many liked the lore I submitted for it... Although mine was a little long. :sceptic:

And the teasers are killing me too, can't wait to see what you all have cooked up for us.


In fact, Avalonia probably dropped the population of Nocturnus.


Aha! I knew those pesky Avalonian Assassins were up to something sinister!

/Goes to look under the bed for who/what may be lurking in the shadows....

In all seriousness, it is possible that the drop rate on guild challenge 2 might be partially explained by the fact that members with more limited inventories of bricks may have signed on with the guild that provided the best build opportunities for the pieces/colour palette that they had available at the time. As round 2 was set in another land, this may have dissuades some builders who did not have access to the parts they may have felt they needed. Additionally, it is possible that some people might be misinterpreting the maximum base plate rule and inferring that the MOC's must be of at least a certain size. I'm sure everyone would rather see something innovative and well crafted on a 16x16 base for example, rather than having people feel that they had to build on an epic scale and consequently not participating. Some of the coolest builds so far have been the little mini challenge MOC's where people have had some fun trying new things out.

Anyhow, just my 0.02...



The Avalonia Trading Company will never abandon their fertile lands and prosporous colonies!

Sorry, but Nicholas has finally found his home in Mitgardia.

Ladies & Gentlemen! Friends from Avalonia!

I, Lord Damaximus, Duke of Mpya Stedor and loyal to the Guild Of Kaliphlin, invites you all to the FIRST ANNUAL EASTER ARCHERY TOURNAMENT OF MPYA STEDOR!!

Deadline for sending your archer: 8 April 2012

Place to be: Mpya Stedor Archery Tournament Topic

Prizes: Armoury made of Gold & Silver (by Chromebricks}

Only Allowed:

- Archers: Natural beings (no robots)

- Weapons: Bow or Crossbow (A little modified is welcome, but none automatic stuff! }

- 1 Archer / Historicamember

Max number of participants: NONE!

Well, I hope to see all of you!!!

(note: with this invitation, I sent a monk to read it for you guys :laugh: )

Edited by DaMaximus

The Avalonia Trading Company asks for permission to enter the archery tournament using this fine arrow:

Just joking of course, but the A.T.C. is in! Our best archer will be shown soon. :sweet:

Another build for our mighty capital


The Avalonia Trading Company asks for permission to enter the archery tournament using this fine arrow:


Just joking of course, but the A.T.C. is in! Our best archer will be shown soon. :sweet:

:laugh: I'm going to have to find one of these...


If Avalonia were to open it's gates once more to new members, I would be in and unpacking before the guards could get a proper look at my face.


In all serious though, I have been following the guilds since before the start of the first challenge, and have been wanting to get involved with Avalonia for a while, but I haven't been able to.

I have already planned out part of a story following my signature character, and I intend to start building as soon as I can officially join.

If I have been loyal to the guild without being able to participate, you know I will stick around.


  • Author

If Avalonia were to open it's gates once more to new members, I would be in and unpacking before the guards could get a proper look at my face.


In all serious though, I have been following the guilds since before the start of the first challenge, and have been wanting to get involved with Avalonia for a while, but I haven't been able to.

I have already planned out part of a story following my signature character, and I intend to start building as soon as I can officially join.

If I have been loyal to the guild without being able to participate, you know I will stick around.


Im sure we can let in a few people now, we do suffer from quite a few inactive members. So consider yourself an Avalonian Mr Mills.

The results of the Embassy's have been scored and will be posted very soon. A prelude story has been wriiten that will set up challenge 3, this is also about to be posted.

As allways Guildsmen, you do this Guild proud with your excellent builds and ideas.

  • Author

The Search For Truth: Prelude To Challenge 3

The land of Historica is enjoying a time of peace and prosperity! New Embassies and fortifications have been built throughout the land and the High King can finally rest at ease, knowing his reign is at an all time high.

He knows that under his rule, Historica has indeed become a mighty realm. Now all it needs is something that will boost that claim-will; a talisman, something unique and special, that could become a true symbol of all that is just and good about Historica.

There is no shortage of Legends about treasure in Historica, and the High King has been showing an increased interest in whether or not there is really any truth behind the tales. One legend, in particular, has really caught his attention.

All children of Historica grow up with The Tale of the Lost Shrine Of The Druids. It is a tale about the first settlers of this mighty land; a powerful race of Druids who lived in harmony and were as one with the land. It is said that they built a sacred shrine, and within its walls they placed 'The Soul Of Historica'. This treasure is said to contain the power of the four Elder Druids who sacrificed their lives so that the land would forever be blessed. It is indeed, a treasure of extreme importance and power.

People have been searching for this treasure for centuries, but to no avail. Presently, the story is accepted as nothing more than a legend. But is it indeed just a legend? That's something which the High King is determined to find out.

Four warriors, one from each corner of Historica, have been assigned the task of tracking down a retired Historian; the only man in the Kingdom who may know the answer.

Lord Owain Of Avalonia, cousin of Artorius Rex

Ragnar'The Fearless' Nibelung, nephew of Jarl Nibelung

Kathyrin Flagg, slave sister to Dextrus Flagg

Kahzoul 'The Reaper', bodyguard and trained assassin of Lord Ssilyrrlith

After many weeks of ceaseless searching, the four finally track down the Historian to a dwelling in Nocturnus, a place known as Grim Hollow.......


Owain: "You sure this is the place?"

Kathyrin: "Why?" "Doubting my skills are you now?" she grinned.

Owain: "But look at it!" "Dark and dirty and falling to pieces, who lives like this?!"

Kahzoul: "Oh I am sorry, would you prefer it if we planted some lush green trees? Perhaps a nice row of flowers along the front, yes?" he asked sarcastically. He lowered his tone, "Fool, your not in Avalonia anymore!"

Owain: "Mores the pity" he grumbled.

The group took a moment to gaze upon their destination. Could the answer to the most sacred of treasures really be found in such a place?


Ragnar: "Enough time wasting, lets just do what we came here for and head back" he growled.

Kathyrin: "Agreed, after all, we are being watched."

Owain: "Watched?" he shouted. "By whom?"

Kahzoul: "Drow spies of course." he said casually. "They've been watching us ever since we set foot into Nocturnus." He seemed to find the situation amusing.

Kathyrin: "Then they know why we're here?" "They know of the Shrine and the Historian?"

Kahzoul: "Oh yes, they know alright." he smiled.

Ragnar: "If they know" he snarled, "then why haven't they already taken the Historian, learned his secrets and gone ofter the Shrine themselves?"

Kahzoul: "That's not their style." he said with a grin. "They find it far more fun to let us do all the hard work and find the treasure, then they can just come and take it from under our nose!"

Owain: "Not on my watch!" he roared.

Owain stepped out from the group, drew his sword and looked out towards the gloomy land of Nocturnus.


He unbuckled the straps of his shield and threw it to the ground.


His shouts were greeted with nothing but silence. He spat on the floor in disgust, picked up his shield then turned to walk back to the others.

Kahzoul: "What a fine display." he mocked, clapping his hands.

Rangnar: "And what did that achieve?"

Owain: "Look, if they are out there, then at least they know that Avalonia is not afraid of a fight!"

Ragnar: "Nor is Mitgardia!" he stroked his hand across the blade of his axe. "And you would do well to remember that!" he said said dangerously.

Owain: "I'd end your life before you had time to swing that hedge cutter!"

Kathyrin: "I'll cut both your throats right now if you two don't pack it in!" she shouted, then smiled. "Come on, lets get this over with."

The group made they way to the main door. The stench of the overflowing sewers wasn't making this task any easier, but they knew they would soon be on their way home.


Owain: "Right, I'll break down the door."

Kathyrin: "No!" she said shocked. "We're not thieves, we knock."

Owain looked bemused. 'Just kick the door in' he thought to himself, but nodded at Kathyrin, who went ahead and knocked.

And so they waited, and waited........and waited!

Owain: "What a surprise!"...."So now we kick the door down right?"

Karzoul: "Leave it to me, amateurs." he hissed. He made his way to the door, placed his hands on the lock and within a flash the door swung open.

Owain: "How did you do that?" he asked confused.

Karzoul: "Oh please, picking locks is child's play, we Nocturnian's know how to pick a lock from the day we can first stand!" "Not to mention a wealth of other tricks!" he boasted.

Kathyrin: "Lock picking?" she raised an eyebrow. "Whats that for then, thieving?"

Karzoul: "No...well, not as such" he grinned.

Owain: "More likely for when the imbeciles manage to lock themselves out their houses on a daily basis!" he chuckled.

Karzoul: "I'll ignore that comment Owain, besides, the door's open, so lets go."

Into the building they went, glad to be away from the harsh eyes of the watching Drow. Now to speak to this Historian!


Ragnar: "Strange place this." he looked around the lower floor, scouting for anything that may be threat. "Shall I stand and guard the door?" he snarled.

Karzoul: "No need, like I said, the Drow won't make a move yet." he spoke with a confidence that washed onto the others.

Kathyrin: "I guess your right, they wouldn't stand a chance anyways!"

Owain: "I'd kill them all before they even got through the door anyway, so its really not an issue is it?".......

Karzoul rolled his eyes and carried on searching the lower floor with the others. Owain decided to have a look around as well, until something caught his eye.

Owain: "Look at all those barrels of Mead!" he cried, "and they're full too, I knew this would be a worthwhile journey!" He raced over to the barrels.

Owain: "Perfect, now lets see, six full barrels....So, we're gonna need to find some sort of wagon to get these back to mine and..."

Ragnar: "Oi" he interrupted. "If anyone's having those barrels of Mead, its gonna be me!" "Besides, I don't need a wagon, I'll just carry them on my back like a real man!" he grinned.

Owain: "That's stealing!" he said.

Ragnar: "What?" he asked confused. "What's the difference with you taking them then?"

Owain: "I'm borrowing", he said with a smirk, "borrowing."

Kathyrin: "No one is stealing or borrowing anything." She spoke with a half smile while flicking her dagger in the air.

Owain: "Come on Kath, its a long journey back home you know!"

Ragnar: "Aye, journey goes a lot quicker with a barrel of Mead!"

Kathyrin: "Must I remind you two that we are on a mission for the High King? We are here in the hope that this Historian will give us some information regarding the Lost Shrine! Not only have we already broken into his house, now you want to take his supply of Mead as well?...What next?" she grinned, "I wouldn't tell us anything if I were him!"

Karzoul: "Hey, over here." he called the other three over and nodded towards the staircase. "Up the stairs, I hear movement coming from one of the rooms, that's probably our guy!"

Sure enough, the sound of somebody moving could be heard coming from the upper floor. They made their way up the stairs and pushed open the door. Someone was sitting at a table at the far end of the room. They had found the Historian.


Historian: "Ahhh, I've been expecting you."

Owain: "Expecting us?" he gasped. "Did you not hear us knocking? Four bloody hours we were waiting out there, FOUR!"

Kathyrin: "Oh shut up Owain!" she snapped. She turned towards the Historian. "I must apologize for his rudeness Mr...."

Victor: "Revolword, Victor Revolword" he smiled, "And don't worry about that business with the door; yes I heard your knocking, but you can't be too careful round here, likely to get dragged outside and robbed if you answer your door in this hamlet."

Kathyrin: "Well its good to know we have found you safe and sound." she smiled. "There's a matter we really could do with you expertise on, lets just say its historic." she smiled.

Victor: "Well you have come to the right place, but first let me get you all a drink, you must be thirsty?" he asked. "I have some very fine Mead downstairs, I'll go and fetch some for you all" he offered.

Owain: "Its ok, I know where it is, I'll get it."

Victor: "Oh...ok...splendid. Yes, that's very kind of you Sir"

Owain bounded off downstairs and appeared again ten minutes later. He had managed to haul and struggle a whole barrel of mead to the top. He stood exhausted, but looking very pleased with himself.

Kathyrin: "What are you doing?" she asked shocked. "You only had to fetch one beaker each!" she rolled her eyes shaking her head.

Ragnar: "You did well lad!"

Owain: "Yeah, I know."

The two of them stood there grinning, while Victor poured them all a drink. He seemed oblivious to what Owain had done.

Victor: "Right then, what is it that I can help you with?"

Kathyrin: "We need some information on a shrine; if it exists and where it can be found."

Victor: "There are plenty of old ruined shrines in Historica, are you looking for one in particular?" he asked.

Kathyrin: "The lost Shrine of the Druids." she watched for Victor's reaction.

Victor: "Ah yes, but of course." he calmly leaned back in his chair then looked up at them. "You're treasure hunters then?"

Kathyrin: "Not as such, the High King has shown an interest in the Shrine and would like to know whether it really exists?"

Victor: "Of course it does" he chuckled. "Legends don't just appear, they may grow and be exaggerated over the years, but they are all based on real events." he looked carefully at the group. "Yes it does exist, and it contains the greatest treasure in all of Historica. I have devoted a large part of my life to finding it, and through that journey I have learned much."

Owain: "Ok....So where is it, how do we get there?"

Victor: "I'm afraid its not that simple, you can't find the shrine until you have the keys."

Kathyrin: "Keys?"

Victor: "The keys open the shrine, and its the keys that, when found, reveal its location." he gave a sly smile. "So you can't find the shrine or open its door without the keys."

Ragnar: "Right then, so we need these "keys", fair enough." he scratched his beard and looked at Victor. "So where do we find them?"

Victor: "For years men have been searching, but nothing has ever been found. Why do you think that could be?"

Owain: "Because they've rusted away!Or better still, maybe they never existed at all!" he scorned, then got up and drowned another beaker of Mead.

Karzoul: "Perhaps...I've encountered most of Historica's sacred items on my travels, but never a Shrine key; I'm afraid that they may be lost forever. Or..."

Kathyrin: "Or maybe they aren't keys in the conventional sense?"

Victor: "Exactly my dear, the keys to the Shrine are not keys in the conventional sense, but something else entirely."

Kathyrin: "What exactly are they?" she asked.

Victor: "Crystals. Four Elemental Crystals; one for each of the ancient elements."

Karzoul: "Earth, Air, Fire and Water...?"

Victor: "That's correct, and when they are all found and brought together, they will reveal the location of the shrine."

Owain: "Crystals eh?" a look of interest crossed his face. "I bet they're worth a fair price?"

Kathyrin: "Don't even think it Owain!" she snapped.

Owain: "I know, I know, just jesting" he smiled.

Kathyrin: "Now then Victor, how exactly do these Crystals show the location of the Shrine?"

Victor: "On each Crystal there is an inscription that explains where the shrine is located, but this inscription does not become visible unless all four are brought together."

Kathyrin: "I see; so once we find them, how do we open the door of the Shrine?"

Victor: "According to an old manuscript I found, the Keys are placed in some sort of device, and their power unseals the door."

Ragnar: "Now we're getting somewhere!" he said excitedly.

Karzoul: "Well that explains why no one has ever found the keys, they've all been searching for the wrong thing." he smiled with amusement.

Owain: "Its just like what I've been saying all along" he proclaimed.

Ragnar: "What?"

Owain: "Nothing...never mind."

Kathyrin: "So, its just the location of these Crystals then, have you discovered any information on their whereabouts?"

Victor: "I'm afraid I do not know their exact locations, but I do know that they were hidden in each corner of Historica. The Earth Crystal is hidden in Avalonia, the Air Crystal can be found in Mitgardia, the Fire Crystal lies in the land of Nocturnus and the Water Crystal rests somewhere in Kaliphiln."

Owain: "Great, well that narrows it down, so somewhere in each land of Historica, there lies a Crystal hidden! All we need to do is spend the rest of our lives searching every inch of each land trying to find them!" he sighed and slumped down in a chair.

Kathyrin: "That's all the information we needed!" she exclaimed. "We now know the shrine and keys exist, we know that one is hidden in each realm, and we know what they do and how to use them! That's more than enough!"

Owain: "Yes but there's still the burden of trying to find them, it would be never ending!"

Kathyrin: "Not if the whole of Historica is looking for them! We'll find them!" she said enthusiastically.

Owain: "I'm sure your right."

Kathyrin: "Victor, if you knew all of this, why haven't you tried looking for them?"

Victor: "Ah therein lies the problem; you see, only a Mitgardian can find the Crystal in Mitgardia, just as only an Avalonian can find the Crystal in Avalonia.The same is true for every land, and alas it's one of the reasons I never bothered looking for them myself." he chuckled.

Kathyrin: "Thank you Victor, your information and help have been invaluable; we're in your debt. Is there anything we can do for you in return?"

Victor: "I just want to see the Shrine finally discovered, that's all." he smiled.

Kathyrin: "You shall see that happen, I promise! Its time for us to leave, there's lots to be done."

The group stood and said farewell to Victor. He seemed excited at the prospect of the Shrine finally being discovered, but why wouldn't he, after all, its the Shrine of Legend that countless men have searched for all their lives.


The group headed outside into the darkness of night. Owain and Ragnar fetched the horses, then they all gazed out into the darkness.

Owain: "Whats our move now?"

Kathyrin: "We each head back to our leaders, report everything we have just heard and then, I expect, they will speak to the High King. A plan will likely be put into action to find the Crystals."

Ragnar: "So this is where we part ways then?"

Kathyrin: "Yes, we have done our part, whatever happens next is up to our leaders and the High King to decide."

Owain: "Fine with me, I just want to get back to Avalonia; its a long journey." he said with a sigh.

Karzoul: "Yes, I do feel for you guys." he grinned. "I expect I will be home in under an hour!"

Owain: "Yes, but then you've got to mess around trying to pick the lock to get in!" he laughed.

The group smiled and said farewell to one another. They were going home, successful in their mission and excited to finally be able to set foot back in their beloved lands after so long away.

So the stories were true. The shrine did exist and so too did the mysterious treasure hidden inside.

But before this treasure could be found, four Crystals must be located; and that will be no easy task. Objects of such great importance are bound to be hidden well, in treacherous places; bound to be guarded by all manner of unspeakable creatures and traps. One thing is for certain; they must be found! For the glory of the High King, and for the people and legacy of Historica!

The Search For Truth: Prelude To Challenge 3

Oh my... what an awesome story! I just read it out loud and made my very own Audiobook in my mind. It felt so real. I love it. :wub:

Im sure we can let in a few people now, we do suffer from quite a few inactive members. So consider yourself an Avalonian Mr Mills.

Uh OH... Here comes the flood of refugees... (I almost MOCed that, but I couldn't bring myself to depict Kaliphlinites departing our wonderful southlands.)

Sounds very intresting!!! :classic:

Great moc and great story DC!!

An amazing build and fantastic story... But we still don't know who the winners of Round 2 are or what Round 3 is! Ah, but we must be patient and keep on waiting.:classic:

Im sure we can let in a few people now, we do suffer from quite a few inactive members. So consider yourself an Avalonian Mr Mills.

I would like to introduce...


My signature character, Zach Sapphire. Former resident of Albion, previously working part time as a store hand in a local alchemy shop.

And the Wizard Cero, a master Alchemist, and powerful warrior. He lives in his tower north of the capital, where he brews potions as a means of income. His true work, is that of research, of powerful artifacts and forces, that may be affect Avalonia. Sapphire now works as a delivery boy for him, taking his potions back to the capital. He also roams the local forest, gathering ingredients for the wizard.

I have a total back story for these guys, but I want to present it in a MOC. However, I would need to build a fair part of the capital to get it to how it looks in my head, so I will bench that idea until I have more experience. In the mean time, I want to get started on Cero's tower, so if it's okay with everyone, I would like to reserve a small area of land above the capital, in-between where the forest and the lake comes close to meeting.

  • Author

Thank you, writing stories isn't something I've done before, so it was good fun.

The results are ready to be posted, so it really shouldn't be long. The official challenge 3 announcement is coming up very soon. We wanted to do something more open and fun with the challenge.

Stay tuned!

Sounds very exciting and promising this 3rd challenge, and the whole story of Historica is reaching another level. With the introduction of these characters and the future quests for the ancient shrine.


The Search For Truth: Prelude To Challenge 3


What an awesome story! You amazed me with the building already when I saw it on MOC pages, but now you come up with such a cool story! Thanks for cheering up my day again! :laugh:

I´ve finished my buil for Albion. :classic:


Link for the thread.

Sorry I have been absent all, between a new job, being sick and the holidays I have not had much time to build.

The good news is I have spent a large amount of time making space in the unfinished side my basement for a large upcoming lego build!

I've been keeping up on the forums and you guys are building some amazing stuff!

Edited by Silver.Smith

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