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Unfortunately, what you've bought isn't NXT but the previous generation (RCX?) so you're going to be somewhat on your own with it.

I'll see about starting a new thread after work today.

Honestly I bought the lot for the 3 motors, I mean under $30 for 3 of them that work was a fantastic deal. I'll join you in the other thread, thanks...

  • 1 month later...

And excellent instructions they are too and the inclusion of the XML file is extremely civilized. I have just two very minor comments - the trans-black panels and windscreen for the operator's cab haven't come out properly and 48 x 48 green baseplates will have to be light bley or light grey in the real world. I suspect there'll be world-wide shortages of things like yellow & black stripey tiles..... :laugh: I'll have to upload the XML and see if I can afford to build this.


Hallo Barman76 ,

was kann ich noch sagen, was die anderen, noch nicht gesagt haben.

what else can I say, what the other, have not yet told.

Ein Wunderschönes Modell, eine fantastische Arbeit, eine unglaubliche Leistung, dafür 110 Punkte, von 100 möglichen, all das wurde gesagt, ich schließe mich dem an.

A Beautiful Model, a fantastic job, an incredible achievement, as for 110 points, of 100 of possible, all that was said, I agree.

Was mir zu sagen bleibt, ein Wort, fünf Buchstaben, Danke

What remains for me to say, one word, five letters Danke = ( Thank you )

Danke für deinen Bericht ( das Video ). Danke für die Detaillierte Bauanleitung. Danke das du sie allen ( auch mir ) zugänglich machst.

Thank you for your report ( the video ). Thanks for the detailed instructions. Thank you that they all (including me) to make available.

Ich befürchte, nicht nur gelbe Technic LEGO Steine, werden in nächster Zeit, ausverkauft sein.

I fear, not only yellow Technic LEGO bricks, in the near future, be sold.

Eine Frage habe ich noch, warum schließen das Greifsystem, nicht synchron. Das Greifsystem für 20 Fuß Container öffnet, und das Greifsystem für 40 Fuß Container schließt.

One question I have, why close the gripper system, out of sync. The gripping system for 20 foot containers opens and the gripping system for 40 foot container includes

Ist es nicht leichter, ein System zu bauen, bei dem die vier Greifer Paare, synchron arbeiten. Ich denke, du hast das bewusst so gemacht. Aber ich verstehe nicht warum ???

Isn't it easier to build a system, in which the four pairs of gripper, operate synchronously, I think you have deliberately made, but I do not understand why ???

Deine Weichen Versteller finde ich sehr gut

PF-train-switch, I find very good

Keine Modifikationen an den Weichen. Es wird nichts beschädigt. Du kannst PF Motoren, Preiswert über Taster Schalten, Detaillierte Bauanleitung. Auf den ersten Blick, ich bekomme alles bei LEGO

No modifications to the train-switch. It is not damaged. You can PF motors, price value via button switch, detailed instructions. At first glance, I get everything at LEGO

Sincerely, Udo

Ein friedliches Weihnachtsfest für alle Menschen rund um den Globus.

A Peaceful Christmas, for all people, around the globe.


Thanks everyone, but all compliments must go to Jurgen Krooshoop for making the building instructions.

Hallo Barman76 ,

One question I have, why close the gripper system, out of sync. The gripping system for 20 foot containers opens and the gripping system for 40 foot container includes

Isn't it easier to build a system, in which the four pairs of gripper, operate synchronously, I think you have deliberately made, but I do not understand why ???

Sincerely, Udo

Hi Udo,

It's very simple. If all the hooks are in sync, there is a problem when ou want to lift a 20" container of the train of depot. You will pick the container next to it with you. That's why the hooks are out of sync. I hope you understand what I mean.


And excellent instructions they are too and the inclusion of the XML file is extremely civilized. I have just two very minor comments - the trans-black panels and windscreen for the operator's cab haven't come out properly and 48 x 48 green baseplates will have to be light bley or light grey in the real world. I suspect there'll be world-wide shortages of things like yellow & black stripey tiles..... :laugh: I'll have to upload the XML and see if I can afford to build this.

Did you manage to search for the price?

I'm on holiday and don't have a computer with me...but can't wait to get a price for the thing!

Pbb I will skip those yellow n black strips tiles xp

Have you bought the parts yet?

Anything I show get from pick a brick wall? I'm in London right now lol

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