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Counterproductivity is exactly what I was going for. I first accused Sir Carrot, to see who defended him and who was with me. Then I stopped accusing him, again seeing who agreed with me and who didn't. I never even suspected him at all. He's simply a confused Townie. I've been lying to you. As you say, stirring the pot to see what bubbles up. And you, my perhaps-enemy, bubbled up.

Actually, I challenged Wully Tintin before you brought forth your accusation against Sir Carrots. Follow the chain of events:

Instead, I'll just pick someone at "random" and see what happens. Wully Tintin, you're offering to sell us some fine furs, but are you really seeking our comfort or is that just so you can get close enough to skin us?

Which was shortly before you claimed the following...

Wha? You think I drew attention to myself to hide? That doesn't even make sense. If I was a Scum, which I'm not, I would be a really stupid one. If you want to discuss this more, just say so. I'll answer honestly. :wink: Scum lye and cheat and kill. I talk and argue and try to find the Scum. By the way, you might want to start suspecting Sir Carrot. He contacted me earlier, asking if I had a role. Sound scummy to you? Sounds that way to me too. If he doesn't fess up and give a good explanation soon, I know where my vote's going.

Note that you're responding to Cuslo Mizzle in the first part of this quote, not me.

My next response was to accept that I had nothing on Wully and see where the discussion on you and Sir Carrots led. I didn't latch on to anything you said until it was clear to me that Sir Carrots did indeed talk to you and claim to be a vanilla townie. Perhaps you were already working together, but you couldn't possibly know that you were both trustworthy at that point (or even now, for that matter).

Here's the first time I really made any claim that I thought one of you really was scum, which was quite a ways further in the conversation and a response to Sir Carrots defense.

Being investigated as town early would certainly be of aid to her if she is indeed the godmother.

As for your other comments, it is clear that you are not denying the accusation Darth has made against you, namely that you inquired of her role and presented yours willingly as "vanilla townie". While I'm not accusing you yet, that is certainly the most logical thing for a scum to claim. Right now, the two of you are probably the top of my list given the strange behavior of today. The fact remains, we have very little other information to go on aside from the puzzle pieces, and I don't think we'll solve that riddle so quickly.

My next contribution was the one in which I voted for you. I don't think there's any evidence that I tried to pursuade the discussion towards a vote for you outside of these two comments. Some other comments have been made to cast accusation to others, but none of those seemed as potentially scummy as what I saw from you.

You said this, none of which was helpful:

You're correct, that response wasn't helpful in the least, and for that I apologize, but it seems that others got the joke as intended.

Thus, I don't trust you at all. Nothing you have said is productive, and you seem hellbent on getting rid of me. Thus, I will Vote: Franklin Holmes (Fhomess)

Sorry if you're Town, but you're just acting too Scummy to trust.

Fair enough. If one throws a stone one can expect some to be thrown back. However, I have acted in full interest of the town today.

I will finish by saying that in fairness, I believe our methods have been somewhat similar today, we both took a risk and tried to see what conversation surfaced. Given that I know myself to be in the clear, and your methods looked underhanded to me (claiming private conversation reveals), you seemed the most likely candidate from my perspective. I admit, the case against you is far from conclusive, it's just that no one else seems to have much of a case against them either.

Who are the "Witchbreed". :sceptic: We don't have evidence against anyone, or if we do it isn't hugly strong. I need time to think abou this.

And again, Franklin goes out of his way to convict me. :hmpf: But, there are only two votes so far, and the rest of the votes have to come in before someone formulates their defense. I think Franklin is Scum, but somehow I doubt everyone will believe me. By the way, even if you don't convict me, I'll be dead by morning. Unless I'm Scum and I don't know it, I don't think I'll live to see another sunrise. :cry_sad:

And again, Franklin goes out of his way to convict me.

I really don't think I did. I thought I was just defending myself as best I could. Everyone's free to make up their own mind and there are many votes yet to come in.

Ooh! A Minion! default_devg1.gif Hadn't noticed I had one.default_laugh_new.gif

What do you think of the conversation so far Master Hale?

Who sounds the fishiest?

I'm not exactly your minion, more of your assistant. Well, I think the Wife of Darth's story is fishy, what do you think?

By the way, even if you don't convict me, I'll be dead by morning. Unless I'm Scum and I don't know it, I don't think I'll live to see another sunrise. :cry_sad:

Now what makes you think that? At this point I'm inclined to agree with Franklin. You're acting very confusing, so even if you're not scum, you're not really helping the town cause. But since your behaviour leans more towards crazy townie than scum, I'll hold my vote for a little longer.

Maybe we should have a look at those who have been mostly silent, and only stating the obvious (or utter nonsense) when finally talking? (You know who you are :poke:) They could be scum trying to hide in the shadows.

Who to vote against... Right now, there are really only 2 suspects that we could try.


Wife of Darth

No one else really has any claims against them. Do they?

This is very hard to choose who to vote for, I must think it further.

Mrs. Darth,

I'm not sure what to make of you. Naive, reckless townie or deviously fiendish

Witchbreed godmother - which is it?

Assuming for a moment that you are indeed a townie, would you indulge us

with a few more details of this grand plan of yours?

Whoever is the Investigator, please investigate me. I would like to create a point to coordinate around, and since no one can trust me until I've been confirmed Town, I would like to be investigated.

Let's also assume that the investigator investigates you tonight and comes to

the conclusion that you're a townie.

How is he supposed to tell the rest of us?

When he does, why should we trust him?

I would love to be proven wrong, but I cannot see how this could turn out well

for us.

Newly arrived: frilly white shirts. Only two gold for a five-pack!

Now what makes you think that? At this point I'm inclined to agree with Franklin. You're acting very confusing, so even if you're not scum, you're not really helping the town cause. But since your behaviour leans more towards crazy townie than scum, I'll hold my vote for a little longer.

'Yawn... stupid hangover timezone grumble'

There is no need to rush. Voting doesn't finish until the 72 hours are up.

We have plenty of time to consider our words, and our actions and PMs.

That said WifeofDarth; You say that Carrots is just a (confused) town, that you've known that all along? That you've just been muddying the waters and that you've been lying to us? How does this help us trust you? How does it help us catch a witchbreed? Doesn't it in fact make it more difficult to catch one?

Maybe we should have a look at those who have been mostly silent, and only stating the obvious (or utter nonsense) when finally talking? (You know who you are :poke:) They could be scum trying to hide in the shadows.

I had a minion prepare a list.

there are six people who have only spoken twice in the last 32 hours.

Skip Pudding (once!), Dragus, Pirelly Dabito, Gilly Wooks, Bisky Partsy, and my own Master Hale.

Odds are the is a witchbreed among that list. Let's see who leaps up to defend themselves...

What to make of this, Darth made a claim over Franklin saying he has stepped into a trap ....

Franklin is targeting Darth based on the fact that she .... well let's face it ... is acting crazy ... crazy townie or outspoken scum...

Sir Carrots was very prompt is saying he was vanilla townie which to me is highly suspicious ... Furthermore, he was quick to enquire about Darth's possible role ....

Before I make a decision let me say this Skipper and Gilly Wooks have been very quiet ... lurking in the shadows ... listening to our conversation, I put forward the motion that we lynch one of them ....

Christos Knight, drunk, hungover, lonely and scarred all at once, sits in a corner watching an imaginary puppet show...

I have a plan to catch witches!

I'm not going to tell you what it is unless you ask.

If you ask, that proves you're witch (since you want to know my plan and how to avoid it!)

If some one asks, Look! I've caught a witches.

Oh... wait. I just told you the plan.


I don't have a plan...

Exit all, to the sound of applause


Who to vote against... Right now, there are really only 2 suspects that we could try.


Wife of Darth

No one else really has any claims against them. Do they?

Who claims that I am scum? As far as I know, Wife of Darth doesnt anymore.

Sir Carrots was very prompt is saying he was vanilla townie which to me is highly suspicious ... Furthermore, he was quick to enquire about Darth's possible role ....

This has been covered before, WHY is it suspicious of me saying im a vanilla townie?

I personally think that we should definitley look at the quiet people, laying low is suspicious, in my view.

This has been covered before, WHY is it suspicious of me saying im a vanilla townie?

I personally think that we should definitley look at the quiet people, laying low is suspicious, in my view.

Merely thinking outloud, recapping this eventful day....

Sorry if you took offence!! You are right in saying your intentions and justifications have been covered before, yet does that mean it should be forgotten?

I have to side with you and ,as I have previously stated, we should, unless given reason not to, target the quiet individuals as they have given us no reason not to .... but then again no reason to ....

  • Author

Vote Tally

The Wife of Darth (darthnihilius) 2 : fhomess, flare,

Franklin Holmes (Fhomess) 1 : darthnihilius


There is no "evidence" on day one except that of people's interactions. Those who wait to vote are simply giving themselves much less to base a final vote on. It's much better for people to casually vote, and see people's reactions. Furthermore, the casual voting record can be analyzed later when dead Witchbreed start turning up. Point being: waiting for evidence to vote ironically means you'll have less information to base your final vote on. You have another 36 hours and can unvote unlimited times.

Hmmm, Very well.

I Vote: Skip Pudding,(Skipper), simply because he hasnt said anything meaningful, I want to see if he has anything to say for himself.

I was thinking about our talks.

First the The Wife of Darth should have reported the exact words of sirCarrot. Was she trying to fool us all?

And SirCarrot, why of all of us, you went and talk privately to the Wife of Darth?

Flanagan told us he cracked the paper puzzle..but never revealed it. Plus, he took Franklin side accusing the Wife of D. Why?

Franklin, on the other side, firstly tried to accuse Cecily Seas, and them moved accusing the Wife of Darth. Why accusing so many?

Dragus has been quite silent, giving no help.

Gilly Wooks has added nothing too. He just want to think, about what? He hasn't revealed his thinking.

Voltana kept asking for the puzzle but revealed nothing

Briski hasn't been a help too.

Master Hale have just showed up to greet his master.

Even my husband hasn't talk that much! Darling!

To me, Franklin and Cuzlo are quite suspicious. Gilly and Sir Carrot too.

I'd like to see what the folks have to say about my statement.. and then I'll pick my vote.

Vote Tally

The Wife of Darth (darthnihilius) 2 : fhomess, flare,

Franklin Holmes (Fhomess) 1 : darthnihilius

I humbly beg your pardon my liege but I believe Zam Kuric also has 4 penalty votes against her...

Unlimited unvotes! Let's roll

Vote: Cuslo Mizzle (The customizer)

Sorry dude, but you've said lots, avoiding the flying under the radar accusation. But you haven't said anything of substance.

You also said that scum don't know one another. Sure, that could be dumb townie mistake, but it could be scum trying to appear as dumb townie, since everyone here should have some idea of how the game works.

If you've got a good response, I'll unvote, no fear.

But for now... let's see where it goes.

I would just like to say that I've busy working on something very important to me that I show everyone somewhere else, you can all see it too (even the scum if they feel inclined). This is my excuse as to why I haven't been posting much. I know a few of you will still think I'm a witch, but that's not important, what is important is my work. :classic:

  • Author

Vote Tally

The Wife of Darth (darthnihilius) 2 : fhomess, flare,

Franklin Holmes (Fhomess) 1 : darthnihilius

Zam Kuric (Zakura) 4: penalty x 4

Cuslo Mizzle (The customizer) 1 : Chromeknight

Skip Pudding,(Skipper) 1 : Scubacarrot

My stupid ears didn't let me hear the news among this people, I should refresh more often...

I'll stay on C.Knight path and say

Vote: Cuslo Mizzle (The customizer)

He tried to accuse Cecily, the Wife of Darth and Sir Carrot. He kinda followed the lead of Franklin.

I don't have a good vibe.

Franklin, on the other side, firstly tried to accuse Cecily Seas, and them moved accusing the Wife of Darth. Why accusing so many?

I don't think I ever accused Cecily Seas, but rather Wully Tintin. Your point is the same regardless, and it's a valid question so I will answer it. The first accusation was to get things rolling, to see what would happen as people began to respond. I'm pretty sure I stated that at the time. I believe the best way to catch scum is to talk about everyone and everything. That way, more comes out in the open and we have more to look back on later as our regal boy king so rightly pointed out.

I moved to Wife of Darth because of reasons I've stated previously. Since I risk appearing as though I'm trying to pile on, I'll not repeat them again in detail unless pressed further. I have been consistent in saying that I'm not sure of Wife of Darth, but that I have less to go on with everyone else and her behavior seems suspect to me. I can see why my behavior would be similarly suspect, although I also think less so.

I've heard the saying that a silent townie is no better than scum, and I don't have any problem with the trend that is now emerging to vote for the more silent members among us. There is almost certainly a mix of both sides among them, and I wouldn't know how to make a choice at this point. I can always unvote later if needed (although, you never know when the wife daughter boss sleep king demands a change to the menu on the spot and I'm unable to respond in a timely fashion).

All that said, I like to get the discussions going earlier as that gives us more time to react and analyze. If people don't think that can be helpful to town, then I'll refrain from it in the future.

Apologies for my lateness. Feel free to visit my home and I'll be happy to explain why.

I can understand your frustration Sir Carrots, however I do not think lynching someone merely for quietness is a good strategy. As god has told us, the best strategy for the mafia is to blend in:

-Act like town. Build up trust, so that you can stab those same people who trusted you in the back later. Remember, if all of town is active and talking, it's only a matter of sniffing out the quiet ones to lynch.

Which is not what I've been doing, obviously my protracted absence has caused me to come under suspicion.

Just wanted to quickly defend myself before a bandwagon got started, I'll have time to share my thoughts in-depth in about an hour.

I don't want to kill someone that is innocent. On the first day it is hard to tell who is guilty and who is not. I don't think we really have any evidence against anybody. once day two starts, maybe we can have a better Idea of who to lynch. I hope we lynch a scum today, but, I don't know how likely that will be.

For those who are voting for me, thank you! I can't wait to be president! Wait, this isn't a democracy? Why are you voting for me then? Oh, to kill me! *oh2*

Umm, well the only reasons you have so far are flawed ones, as this is my first time having to deal with Witchbreeds, and you see, I was confused, they DO know who each other are, which means we are doomed! :sing:

Therefore, please forgive me for coming to accuse you (SirCarrot and Wife of Darth)so quickly, it seemed like quite an obvious answer, but now I understand it is slightly different... Therefore, I am once again unsure who to vote for. Man, I sure hope I haven't caused anything to happen to you. Please accept my sincerest apologies. Also, for those who voted for me, this is most certainly NOT a Republic, or Democracy, and I know you were voting that I would be President, or something, but as it turns out, the votes are to kill me! Which I am sure you would not want to do to anyone that doesn't deserve it, unlike those Witchbreed SCUM!

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