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All of us have a certiant aptitude for the brick, but do you have any other obscure talents? Mine is the ability to solve a rubix cube, from memory, in under two minutes.


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otherwise I can foresee it will become a spam fest in a matter of time.

I drink booze pretty good.

Whitefang, are you psychic?

I guess I can play guitar pretty well.


I also play the guitar fairly well. Ironically not in Hero form :blush:

I am also fantastic at gliding over ice with knives strapped on my skates. But so is every other Canadian, eh.

I can also stare at computers screens for hours looking busy while I mentally design MOCS.


I can also stare at computers screens for hours looking busy while I mentally design MOCS.


Also I am pretty decent at photography and videography. Horrible at anything music related, but can play Happy Birthday on most instruments after a few moments to learn the sounds of the instrument.

I don't think any of my skills are very obscure though.

Posted (edited)

Besides the Rubix cube, I also play the French Horn, this instrument:


Since almost no one outside of an orchestra seems to know what it is, I'd say it's pretty obscure.. :wink:

Edited by Dakar A

I'm a drawer, a comic stripper, and I was a dj for a number of years. Anything creative, I enjoy.

You take your clothes off in an amusing way? :oh:



I am rather good at painting models, I collect orks from GW. However they are so expensive that I hardly ever get any, usually once a year there is a fair thing that sells the models pretty cheap so that is when I tend to buy them.


I write. Got one short story published in a small Spec Fic 'zine, working on a pitch or two for submission to comics publishers and writing two novels with varying success in progress. A smatter of FanFic (Doctor Who at the moment, apparently my "voice" works well with it) and many many short stories.


Nobody can drink me under the table. Not sure if I am proud of that, but hey.

Professionally I am pretty damn good at counting things (I'm an auditor, so it is what I do). When I worked at Dunkin Donuts, I was the best baker in the area.

I am also pretty good at celebrity impressions. Being a former DJ, it was my forte.



Battlefleet Gothic/LotR

painting these:






Very nice Eldar ships there, got any Imperial ones. I have a huge Imperial fleet somewhere in the attic.

I am an avid collector of W40K minatures and love converting, not so good at the painting but better than I was twenty years ago. Don't get to play though as I find it a bit tedious. I did used to enjoy the odd game of BFG and even Man 'o' War when I was younger. Can't get interested in this new Dreadfleet nonesence though, it is just not the same!

Other than that I am a keen writer of poetry and stories.

I am rather good at painting models, I collect orks from GW. However they are so expensive that I hardly ever get any, usually once a year there is a fair thing that sells the models pretty cheap so that is when I tend to buy them.

Appears that there is quite a cross over between the W40K and the LEGO communities. I guess LEGO makes such good ruins/buildings to fight over or set your troops up on for display!

Posted (edited)

You take your clothes off in an amusing way? :oh:


Damn! You beat me to it! But, maybe they strip off their clothes as they tell jokes?

I too used to play and pint Warhammer 40K, Space Wolves FTW!

Edited by Legocrazy81

I am a pretty good Warhammer 40k player. I got second in local Ard Boyz tournament with my fully painted Death Korps of Krieg Imperial gurad army. I am also a professional body Piercer and fulltime College student majoring in Mass Communications. I also am a fair punk rock bass player in my band A New Hope.

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