December 20, 201113 yr I like the new lagoon creature. I'm interested in some of these figs, although I hate the werewolf. I can imagine them reusing the CMFs though... And that just doesn't seem right, by the way CMFs are advertised. I don't care very much though. Edited December 20, 201113 yr by johnnyvgoode
December 20, 201113 yr Wow! this is exactly what I wanted this theme to be and more. NO complaints from me here, this is perhaps one f the best themes ever in my opinion....and I've only seen the prelims... I can't see one set that is without merit, special mention for the hearse and castle. I know what theme I'm saving for now. There's one theme I regret not getting every set of before my dark ages and that was without a doubt the Studios Horror movie line. With this theme I can get all the classic Universal Monsters style sets I want without the slightly naff Studios gimmick. Only thing though...what is the vehicle in the "mad scientists lab" supposed to be? it looks like the front part of a truck and that's it. Maybe it's just the blurry image....the rest looks fantastic.
December 20, 201113 yr The gill man look cool, and those looks interesing, winged arms! maybe we can expect a Manbat minifig for the batman theme. Manbat would be awesome! However these look close enough to the real thing that a new fig would be unnecessary! All and all these sets look like a good idea that was executed poorly. Werewolf set looks awesome, neat little car with a nicley designed tree and an awesome werewolf. A definite buy. Frankenstein set looks really lackluster, the car looks like it's only half of one, and the building looks little more then a wall. This ones an upset, but I think we can expect a light brick in that set. Creature set looks cheap. But the figs are cool. This is an easy and definite buy. Plus I think you get some of that mechanic hair! Ghost train looks amazing! The plane is awesome, and the train just looks stellar and creepy! A trio of ghosts is icing on the cake. I think this is defintely on the list. Mummy carrige looks very half-assed and out of place. This is a big no. Mixed feelings for Draculas Car, on the one hand that guy with the bowler hat looks like the single most coolest person to be made in a lego set since Johnny Thunder. The car looks really wonky however. I need better pictures to decide fully. Draculas Castle looks super classic horror movie! The tower with the other one branching off is awesome! And the car looks cool. Figs look stellar as well. Fencing guy and hammer man are sure to make a splash in lego. Looks like the story revolves around triangle fragments. Theres one in each set. The minifigures look sick, well except for the CM stand-ins, lots of 1930 clothing. I'm super excited to see this them progress Fencing, Bowler Hat, Mustache, Motorcycle riding guy FTW! :sweet:
December 20, 201113 yr A LEGO Hearse, that's too cool. People talking about Man-bat have missed that the creature from the black lagoon's head is perfect for Marvel's Abomination. My absolute favorite set is the ghost train, the Green Flame is super erie.
December 20, 201113 yr Hmm, not that bad. Dracula's Castle looks very cool actually, and there's a lot of interesting minifigs. If it weren't for LotR, I might consider buying it. Then again, without LotR Kingdoms would probably still be continuing so maybe I wouldn't have money to spend on this theme in that case either. But I may nevertheless buy the Cthulhian creature miniset, it's cute and cheap. Edited December 20, 201113 yr by Haltiamieli
December 20, 201113 yr Hmm, not that bad. Dracula's Castle looks very cool actually, and there's a lot of interesting minifigs. If it weren't for LotR, I might consider buying it. Then again, without LotR Kingdoms would probably still be continuing so maybe I wouldn't have money to spend on this theme in that case either. But I may nevertheless buy the Cthulhian creature miniset, it's cute and cheap. I know what you mean! There are so many other awesome things coming out 2012 that this awesome theme may have to take a back seat! , with superheroes, lord of the rings, and star wars (though thankfully most of the SW sets are bad) I'm gonna have no money left. I guess the mayans were right about 2012 being the end, I think lego has more awesomness stored for us then the world can handle!! Edited December 20, 201113 yr by sok117
December 20, 201113 yr That hearse looks nice, but this theme just isn't my cup of tea judging from these pictures.
December 20, 201113 yr I cut out the pictures from the video for convenience: Edited December 20, 201113 yr by Space Odysseyer
December 20, 201113 yr First Lord of the Rings and now this? LEGO is releasing all of the themes I've always wanted! While this is awesome, I'm going to have to somehow find a way to pay for all of this. But these sets look great. A couple of them look like redesigns of the old Studios sets, but some of them like Dracula's Castle and the hearse are brand new ideas. And all of them, even the redesigns, look great in my opinion. There isn’t a single one I won’t buy. The hearse looks like it has a zombie driver, which is awesome. The fish-monster looks pretty cool too, as do the new ghosts. The only disappointment is the awful werewolf. I really hope they improve on it before it comes out. And like others have said, I'm sure the CMFs are just stand-ins. By the looks of it, Dracula's bride has the same face as Dracula, which just doesn't look right and I imagine they'll change before the sets come out.
December 20, 201113 yr Wow, this theme really came out of nowhere! This theme looks like a combination of Studios and Time Twisters (the dark background and the train bring them to mind). I really like the new Minifigs, but the use of CMF in these preliminaries bother me. Although a part of me says that they will definitely be changed by release, another part feels that including CMF is exactly what Lego will do, as a way of giving everybody a chance to have one. For 2012, Lego has probably the greatest selection of themes; Dino, Super Heroes, Lord of the Rings AND Monster Fighters!
December 20, 201113 yr I'm the first to (re)post this? Some thought that it was a possible future Colletable Minifigure a while back, but it looks like it's the swamp monster.
December 20, 201113 yr I LOVE this theme!! I got an instant eyegasm. Can't wait for the final products! OMG, like seriously. It's been a while since we had a GREAT theme like this! I swear I cried I know what you mean! There are so many other awesome things coming out 2012 that this awesome theme may have to take a back seat! , with superheroes, lord of the rings, and star wars (though thankfully most of the SW sets are bad) I'm gonna have no money left. I guess the mayans were right about 2012 being the end, I think lego has more awesomness stored for us then the world can handle!! LOL so true Edited December 20, 201113 yr by Otherworld
December 20, 201113 yr Wow. This is suprisingly awesome! Classic vehicles and technology hunting down supernatural monsters....dang. I am very pleasant surprised here.
December 20, 201113 yr Hmm looks like the female character that flies the little autogyro thing in the set with the mummy chariot is some sort of mechanic. She appears to have a wrench/spanner in her hair and a new crossbow piece with a clip on top much like the new Dino tranquilizer gun. Speaking of the Dino tranquilizer gun, it appears in the werewolf set in brown with a gold telescope used as a scope and a golden fez piece at the end of the barrel. Very cool.
December 20, 201113 yr There's a female fig in the vampire castle set, and she has a printed dress. I'm going to have to get that one. (This thread inspired me to collect all the printed dress figs.) I really want to see final photos for these sets. I had been enjoying the monster and halloween-ish figs from the collectible minifigs series. I'll be a little bit sad if they use the exact figs from the CMF line however (and that would drive me to not buy those sets probably). I'm sure they'll use some of the same molds, but it would be cool if they change the prints and such. I will almost certainly buy the swamp man set to go along with my Pirates of the Caribbean crew. Davy Jones is going to need crewmen. (Atlantis baddies work for that too.)
December 20, 201113 yr Great theme idea. Too bad that the excessive use of licensed themes is probably going to mean no retailer in my town will get it. It is strange, but I think I remember some user in Eurobricks posting a very extensive mock up for exactly this theme idea, including a sea monster that was pretty much identical to the one in the pictures.
December 20, 201113 yr There are two figs in two sets (The train and the carriage) which have the Cave woman's hair in orange and brown. Though the one with the brown one looks like a male to me. Can anyone guess what they are? Train: Carriage: Edited December 20, 201113 yr by Otherworld
December 20, 201113 yr Well, I don't know about everybody else, but I personally love this line! It seems very reminiscent of the Studios Horror line, and it definitely looks like something LEGO would have released int he 90's. Here are my thoughts on each set: 9461 (Creature from the Black Lagoon): Finally, a swamp monster! I'll definitely be picking this set up, if only to get him! 9462 (Mummy): I think this set gets a 'meh' at best. It's a fine set, but there's nothing really spectacular about it. Hopefully what will change after these are finalized. 9463 (Werewolf): I love the vintage feel of the car - it keeps with the old Studios line very well! That werewolf is beauty as well; a new molded head (mask?) and printed Wolverine claws! 9464 (Vampire): A hearse! I love it! By the looks of the car, it's very well made, even in the preliminary stages! That's always a good sign. I also like the look they gave that monster hunter with the bowler hat and the foil (I've been hoping for a plain gray bowler hat since the Short Clown came out). 9466 (Mad Scientist): This is a pretty nice set, too. Not a fan of the vehicle (although it doesn't seem to be at a very flattering angle in the picture), but the lab looks great! I'm sure these sets will be even more appealing once the Collectible Minifigure placeholders are removed. 9467 (Ghosts): Very interesting looking vintage-train there! I'm not the biggest train fan (although this isn't a conventional train), I might still have to pick this one up. 9468 (Vampiress): Without a doubt my favorite set from the theme. The car and castle are both really nice-looking (I can't wait to see an interior for the castle!), and that Vampiress figure looks incredible. All in all, this is an amazing theme! I might even have to do the unthinkable and miss out on a few LotR sets so I can pick these up! 'Tis a good day for LEGO enthusiasts!
December 20, 201113 yr There are two figs in two sets (The train and the carriage) which have the Cave woman's hair in orange and brown. Though the one with the brown one looks like a male to me. Can anyone guess what they are? What they are? They are monster hunters, that's what they are. Or a monster hunter, as I suspect they are one and same person, but her iteration in the train set is still having Cavewoman's hair in original colour as a stand-in for the new brown one.
December 20, 201113 yr Well, I don't know about everybody else, but I personally love this line! It seems very reminiscent of the Studios Horror line I couldn't agree with you more! I loved that Horror theme; I got every one of the sets. These look even better! Honestly, this is the first really exciting line for me for 2012. I couldn't care less about Dino hunting or Ninjago, and these definitely seem cooler than LotR. Just my personal taste. This theme shows that LEGO still does 'original' themes; Licenses aren't completely taking over. I loved the campiness of the idea behind Alien Conquest and the style of the saucers, but wasn't thrilled with the overall design. This theme is campy to the maximum, campy good guys and bad guys. I just love the idea of classic Brits in bowler hats fighting a slew of outlandish monsters. My favorites are the hearse and the castle; I guess Dracula gets the best digs. I hope that the collectible minifigures aren't being reused here, and I too think they won't be, but a lot about these pictures seems nearly completed. There are no missing moulds or other usual tell-tale signs of prelim stages. Even if the collectible figs are reused, that won't break this theme for me. It's too awesome. (I do hate the mad scientist figure, though)
December 20, 201113 yr I gotta say, this theme turned out better than I had hoped! The vehicle designs and locations look great, and it feels like a mash-up of Time Twisters, Adventurers, and Studios! Nostalgia overload! It's especially great that the fighter minifigs seem to be Steampunk inspired! It's a bit disappointing that they are reusing the CMFs (I don't think they are stand-ins since the rest of the figs look pretty final) but I guess that was to be expected. For anyone who's interested, I have uploaded some enhanced versions of the pics to this folder. Can anybody tell what those glowy treasure things are supposed to be?
December 20, 201113 yr I just noticed in the mummy set one of the heros is actually hitting a flick fire missile with a new hammer.
December 20, 201113 yr Author Ack! Those sets are AWFUL! Sorry for being so blunt, but the reuse of the CMs sucks. Why, TLG, why?
December 20, 201113 yr Ack! Those sets are AWFUL! Sorry for being so blunt, but the reuse of the CMs sucks. Why, TLG, why? Because they are preliminary so they are putting the CM figs as placeholders.
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