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Zam Kuric is cracking under the pressure. Night has come, and he has scuttled off to a remote corner to drown his sorrows.

As is always the case for those hanging around outside at night, he is making a poor decision. To his left, there is a snap as a twig breaks underfoot.


Zam, already stunted from the liquor, doesn't quite believe what he's seeing. "Are you an elf," he asks the creature.

The creature only has this to say:


"Walla walla bonga!"

And with that, Kuric is no longer on this mortal coil.

As the creature scuttles back from whence it came, a second figure pops out from the shadows, humming a familiar tune.

I'z the one who pounds them down,

I pounds them down intos the ground,

I smashes their skulls and stomps their balls,

Then I smears them around the town.


He takes a look at the scene in front of him and crawls back into the shadows.


Zam Kuric was Town.


In the early hours, before the boy king is awake, mother speaks to Lord Wolverton.


"Wolverton, the kingdom is collapsing. Will this gambit be successful, or will it all fall to pieces?"


Wolverton weighs his words carefully. "M'lady, we must consider that our liege is the representative of God on this earth. I cannot see how failure would be a possibility. All of this is God's will. It could be said that a flowing river can be directed in a more useful direction though. Far be it for me to propose such a thing though."


Mother steels her stare on him. "I'll mind you to watch your tongue. Above all, we must respect the royal will."


At morning, the boy king prepares to behead young Master Hale. The Summoner presents his servant before his king.


"Please treat him delicately. He has kept me warm on many cold nights," the man said, his hand resting on the boy's shoulder.

He turned to say goodbye to his partner of the last few years.


"Farewell Master Hale. It will be difficult to replace you, but worry not, I will do my best to. Godspeed to the next life."

Hale is in disbelief that his master can let go of him so easily.


"How can you do this to me? You promised me you'd take care of me forever!" Tears stream down young Hale's face. He is about to reach out to his master when he is interrupted by a sword to his throat.


The boy king looks at the bloody mess on the floor. "Well, that was truly becoming awkward, wasn't it. It is finished. Let us focus on the day ahead.


Master Hale was Town.


Day four has begun.

Mafia School note:

I don't know what happened yesterday. Discussion rapidly died off, and the voting was not discussed much. Hopefully you are getting busy behind the scenes, but I was very surprised how little went on in thread. We'll see as the days go on what this will mean. Good luck :sweet:

Non-Player Characters

6337714292_d18d6f25fc_t.jpg The Boy King - Your lord. Show him the respect he has been granted by God.

6336960957_35d5ea0d35_t.jpg Mother - The Boy King's mom. Fear her.

6337714252_e02149c106_t.jpg Lord Wolverton - The Boy King's adviser. Stay on his good side.



Sir Carrots, The Knight (scubacarrot) - The ideal of a medieval Christian man-at-arms. He has participated in no less than fifteen of the great crusades of his era. Brave, experienced, and prudent.


Dragus, The Pardoner (darkdragon) - Dragus grants papal indulgences—reprieves from penance in exchange for charitable donations to the Church. He often collects profits for himself. He excels in fraud, carrying a bag full of fake relics.


Voltana Panana, The Prioress (volcanicpanik) - Modest and quiet, this Prioress (a nun who is head of her convent) aspires to have exquisite taste. Her table manners are dainty, she knows French (though not the French of the court), she dresses well, and she is charitable and compassionate.


Christos Knight, The Summoner (Chromeknight)- Knight brings persons accused of violating Church law to ecclesiastical court. A lecherous man whose face is scarred by leprosy. He gets drunk frequently, is irritable, and is not particularly qualified for his position. He frequently attempts to sound educated.


Skip Pudding,The Man of Law (Skipper)- A successful lawyer commissioned by the king. He upholds justice in matters large and small and knows every statute of England’s law by heart.


Wully Tintin, The Merchant (Wuntin)- Tintin trades in furs and other cloths, mostly from Flanders. He is part of a powerful and wealthy class.


Pirelly Dabito The Shipman (Piratedave) - Brown-skinned from years of sailing, Dabito has seen every bay and river in England, and exotic ports in Spain and Carthage as well. He is a bit of a rascal, known for stealing wine while the ship’s captain sleeps.


The Merchant's Wife, Yulie Yodie (Yumiyoshi) - Yodie focuses on propriety and appearances, maintaining a happy home. New to a life of wealth, her working class roots sometimes show through.

The Dead


The Wife of Darth (Darth Nihilous) - Lynched on Day One. Town


Cuslo Mizzle (The Customizer) - Bludgeoned on Night One. Town


Flanagan (Flare) - Vapourized on Night One. Town


Gilly Wooks, The Miller (Gingerwookie) - Lynched on Day Two. Town


Cecily Seas, Soiled Dove (Cecilie) - Vapourized on Night Two. Town


Franklin Holmes, The Manciple (fhomess) Drank arsenic on Night Two. Scum


Biskie Partsy, The Boy King's Maid (Bricksandparts) Pounded into pieces on Night Two. Scum


Master Hale, The Summoner's Assistant (halomaster96) Lynched on Day Three. Town


Zam Kuric, The Clerk (zakura) Vapourized on Night Three. Town

Rules (These are 95% the same as the EB standard; deviations from the normal EB rules are struck-through)

1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Town or the Scum. To win the game, the Town must kill off all the Scum, while the Scum needs to outnumber the Town. Third-party (neutral) characters have their own win conditions as outlined in their roles.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). Proxy voting is allowed, with the format Proxy: Character (Player) and Unproxy: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player. The player with the most votes will be lynched. In the case of a tie, the first to achieve their vote will be lynched. Voting is mandatory. Failure to vote will incur a vote penalty the following game day.

3. A game day will last a maximum of 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. The day will end when a majority vote has been reached after 72 hours. After the day has been concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last 24 hours (or 48 hours if an emergency comes up). Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 20 hours of the night stage.

3.5. Players may not target the same player two nights in a row, and may not target themselves.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the host via PM. That includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void, and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts.

9. You must post in every day thread.

10. If you encounter a problem or have a question, please contact the host via PM

11. Violation of the above rules will result in a 5 vote penalty vote penalty per every 4 living players against you, and death on your second offense.

That's terrible.

It's a disgrace.

Only 8 of us left, and still 2 scums alive.

What can we do to pick the traitors?!

Sir Carrots Pirelly Dabito Christos Knight Dragus Voltana Panana Skip Pudding

Wully Tintin Yulie Yodie

yesterday I moved some accusations, and I'd like to have some answers.

On the very first day, Franklin accuse the Wife just after her accusations toward SirCarrot. Why? Where they tied?<br style="color: rgb(2, 2, 2); font-family: arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); ">And on the second day, he stated the same thing, withouth saying why he liked Sir so much to defend him.<br style="color: rgb(2, 2, 2); font-family: arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); ">SirCarrot, gotta something to say?<br style="color: rgb(2, 2, 2); font-family: arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); ">Yesterday I was ready to call you townie, and now I'm back to accuse you, or better to convince me you're town.<br style="color: rgb(2, 2, 2); font-family: arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 19px; background-color: rgb(250, 251, 252); ">
On the very first day, Franklin accused the Wife just after her accusations toward sirCarrot. Why? where they tied?

And on the second day, he stated the same thing, withouth saying why he liked Sir so much to defend him.

Sir Carrot, gotta something to say?

The other day I was ready to call you townie, and now I'm back to accuse you, or better to convince me you're town

Who is the cop!?

I need to know this. Is there really a cop, or someone faked the whole thing?

This is horrible. Yulie, you make a great point and Sir Carrots did not answer you yesterday and instead answered some other questions. I hope you do answer today Sir Carrots. It's time for some real thinking today and hopefully we can get the scum tonight.

I'll be back in a while with more ideas.

You know what, I am not going to awnser your questions? wanna know why?

Everyday so far I have been accused, yet I have not had a single vote against me, wanna know why? Because every time I defend myself and it is obvious I am town.

Why should I now defend myself? while the person that is asking is the person that started the bandwagon against the innocent victim of the lynch. The person that yesterday first said she was almost sure I was town, and then in the end accuse me while I had no time left to defend myself that day. If the accusation was serious, why didnt you vote for me? because there was no time.

Why bring up the pointless question if there really is a cop. All we know is that there was a cop, at least on day two, because how else could we have known Wully was 'not town'.


Instead answered some other questions? Stop making up things, I believe we have passed that point.

If you still do not trust me, then fine, you are either a blind townie or the scum. I have my suspects, I know what I am going to do.

SirCarrot, firstly I'd like you to notice that I haven't started any bandvagon.

I voted Zam, and no one else did.

I asked you some questions, and you could have reply today. You didn't on your own, so I wrote them back.

Still, no answer, but a very nice peevish reply.

When someone say " I asked something, i'd like to have answers" it's not the same that saying " You scum! You didn't reply".

I just thought I should rewrite them, for you to read them easily and not to forger - as maybe yesterday you were ready to do but in the next hour after my post you weren't around.


I made a list, you should read my earlier post, and I wrote down all of those with no confirmed roles on the first line.

Can you see you're the first one?

And it's not based on any rating!!!!! It's just the order that the game has (see def's post if you don't believe me).

Thanks for your non reply.

It was very useful.

Do not confuse me with Dragus. He was the one sayin' that you replied to something else (and this is untrue since you've said nothing since then!).

Why searching for the cop is pointless?

It would another townie, leaving a smaller list of suspects.

I'd like to hear you back, but if you're not going, it's still ok.


The result is back, Dragus is Town. Also, does this mean Wully went after Zam?

Wow Sir Carrots, you are very vicious and unpleasant today. I'm not making anything up, did you forget you posted yesterday? This attack is very uncalled for I think.

If I made a mistake of mixing up post timing from yesterday, sorry. But that still doesn't require such a nasty reply.

The result is back, Dragus is Town. Also, does this mean Wully went after Zam?

Mmmm who told you? the cop?

So he/she's still alive!

do you know who he is?

What if...

You and Dragus were scum, and claiming him townie would make you safe too...

What if...

You're not lying, but you've been tricked by the one that has told you so? that way a scum would have been called townie?

What if...

the report is correct? :D

The result is back, Dragus is Town. Also, does this mean Wully went after Zam?

Alright, sorry for accusing you yesterday Dragus. You were acting pretty strange though.

And yes, Wully went after Zam, I asked this morning.

Okay some things:

I can confirm the investigation.

Sorry Yulie, you didnt start the bandwagon, I was confused with something else (and hungover, sorry for my maybe inappropiate post).

I would like to remind you that I am in no way obliged to anwser your questions though...

Please stop trying to make it look like the results we are bringing are false. It is suspicious, i'd say.

Okay some things:

I can confirm the investigation.

Sorry Yulie, you didnt start the bandwagon, I was confused with something else (and hungover, sorry for my maybe inappropiate post).

I would like to remind you that I am in no way obliged to anwser your questions though...

Please stop trying to make it look like the results we are bringing are false. It is suspicious, i'd say.

Sure, you're not oblige to answer, but that's as suspicious -if not more- than my conjectures, and I'll keep doing them, sorry, I won't stop.

Can you say how come you can confirm the investigation?

Now at the pointy end of the game.

There are less and less people to suspect.

A five of the six people who were voted for yesterday are still alive.

Some of us answered our accusers. Some didn't.

Yulie. Yesterday you wanted to know who was speaking to me?

Why? Was it because you want to make sure people are sharing information and I've been central to that?

Is it because you think I'm scum and you're trying to work out who is sharing with me?

Or is it because you're scum and want to work out how big the town core is?

What if...

the report is correct? :D

Indeed it is.

Now at the pointy end of the game.

There are less and less people to suspect.

A five of the six people who were voted for yesterday are still alive.

Some of us answered our accusers. Some didn't.

Yulie. Yesterday you wanted to know who was speaking to me?

Why? Was it because you want to make sure people are sharing information and I've been central to that?

Is it because you think I'm scum and you're trying to work out who is sharing with me?

Or is it because you're scum and want to work out how big the town core is?

Ck, you're third in line, but I can move to you.

I'm simply analizing everyone, I got no much time left since I need to rest and tomorrow it will be "sales" day and I'll be at the shop all day....

It seems that lot of people keep telling that they've contacted you.

re reading the days, it catched my eye, so I asked around how many.

It's not directly something accusing, but still curious.

With no other accusations, based on this,You could be a kind townie, or a very smart scum.

Can you agree with me on this?

You've been recapping all the days (but not today) and if someone - right now no one has revealed this to me - is talking to you, maybe your report could be biased.

I'm searching facts, nothing more.

Plus, you've been unlucky enough to vote for a townie. Only yesterday you voted for skipper...and he's still alive.

But what is he? townie or scum.

This, again, is just a sum of votes, and I'm not calling you Scum. To test you, we just should kill Skipper: if he's townie, then you're scum. Only then.

Not Now!!!!!

I just want to write, unlike yesterday, in order to see some movement here.

And you're right: some of us answered, some didn't.


Plus, you've been unlucky enough to vote for a townie. Only yesterday you voted for skipper...and he's still alive.

Plus, you've been unlucky enough to vote Always for a townie. Only yesterday you voted for skipper...But he's still alive and we can't use this.

Let's go on the seven seas now with the Pirate!

Pirelly Dabito...

Tried to vote off Wully even if he was confirmed SK, and accused SirC, accused me of faking the kill/sacrifice one scum o'mine, voting just following easy steps, with no real reasoning. Freaked out when accused. (by Dragus and by me)

That would be a scum trying to fly down, being shadowy, not popping up.

(I'm starting being tired...sorry)

I'm simply analizing everyone,

It seems that lot of people keep telling that they've contacted you.

re reading the days, it catched my eye, so I asked around how many.

It's not directly something accusing, but still curious.

With no other accusations, based on this,You could be a kind townie, or a very smart scum.

Can you agree with me on this?

Plus, you've been unlucky enough to only vote for townies. Only yesterday you voted for skipper...and he's still alive.

But what is he? townie or scum.

To test you, we just should kill Skipper: if he's townie, then you're scum. Only then. Not Now!!!!!

Fair enough. the amount of work I've done behind the scenes was going to draw attention at some point.

And my voting record is... woeful.

Which, with a moments thought actually clears me rather than implicates me.

If I was a smart scum I would have sent at least one of my votes Franklin's way when either Wife of Darth or Dragus did. Or voted for one of the other two scum.

I expect the vote today will vindicate the way I've played though.

Is the investigator alive? Are Voltana and Sir Carrots townies reporting

that investigator's results or witchbreed spreading lies?

I don't have the answers to these questions, but let's explore whether

we can trust the result reported today.

I am assuming that the first investigation (of me) was real. I do not

believe that:

  • the witchbreed would make up a fake investigation that early
    in the game and
  • they would manage to accuse the one person who was in
    fact "not town" and
  • the real investigator wouldn't make it known that the investigation
    result was fake.

That also means that Voltana knows who the real investigator is


On to the possibilities:

  • They are both townies:
    All is well, and the investigator is (luckily) still alive to perform
    investigations. We can trust today's result.

  • They are both witchbreed:
    If they are both witchbreed, then the remaining five of you are
    town - including Dragus. We can trust today's result.
  • Voltana is town and Sir Carrots is witchbreed:
    The investigator is still alive or Voltana would have reported
    that he isn't. We can trust today's result.
  • Voltana is witchbreed and Sir Carrots is town:
    I'd like to split this possibility further into:

    • The investigator is alive:
      This seems rather unlikely, but would mean that we can
      trust today's result.
    • The investigator is dead and somebody other than Voltana
      is telling Sir Carrots that they are the investigator:
      That other person would be the other witchbreed, hence
      Dragus is not. We can trust today's result.
    • The investigator is dead and Voltana is telling Sir Carrots
      that she is the investigator:
      We cannot trust today's result.

Yes, I left out the possibility that Dragus was telling a townie Sir

Carrots that he is the investigator - Sir Carrots would have knocked

Dragus over the head for investigating himself.

Wow, look at that. It seems rather likely that today's result can

be trusted.

Sir Carrots, can you confirm that Voltana is not your investigator


Yes, I left out the possibility that Dragus was telling a townie Sir

Carrots that he is the investigator - Sir Carrots would have knocked

Dragus over the head for investigating himself.

I think that actually impossible, I believe I read a rule about it - investigator is not allowed to investigate itself. Anyway, I'm definitely not an investigator and I am most assuredly a townie.

Yes I do realize this post is not adding much and might get some comments about how I'm not adding much, but I did want to comment on that statement and if having nothing else to add looks bad - well, there's nothing I can do about that right now.

I thought about this for some time and have reached a conclusion. From the four unconfirmed, only three are suspects, if Yulie is a type of vigilante from her arsenic thing. Only Skipper, Christos or Pirelly are unconfirmed. One of them are a loyal townie while the two are scum.

I thought about this for some time and have reached a conclusion. From the four unconfirmed, only three are suspects, if Yulie is a type of vigilante from her arsenic thing. Only Skipper, Christos or Pirelly are unconfirmed. One of them are a loyal townie while the two are scum.

See, I can get leaving your own name off the list. That makes sense.

(Understand though it still leaves a hole in your reasoning.)

There are eight of us left, Wully is the SK, Dragus is investigated town and Yulie claims town one-shot vig.

That leaves five with two scum.

Three town (of various amounts of hardworkingness and loyalty) and two scum.

But if you(Voltana) have information on Carrots that you're not sharing that's not cricket.

Yes, he claimed to be vanilla town on day 1. Last I heard though he'd not been investigated or proved.

Unless, as I said above, you have more information that you need to share.

Has he been lying to everyone, and he's not really vanilla town?

Or has he been lying to you(Voltana) saying that he's not vanilla town?

//Begin Predicted whine/

But you're picking on Carrots!! OMG you scum!!! This proves Christos is scum and must be voted out immediately!!!!

//End Predicted whine/

There you go, I've said it, you don't need to bother. Probably won't stop you though.

Just be careful you're not devolving into paranoia and hysteria, it's not a good look.

I thought about this for some time and have reached a conclusion. From the four unconfirmed, only three are suspects, if Yulie is a type of vigilante from her arsenic thing. Only Skipper, Christos or Pirelly are unconfirmed. One of them are a loyal townie while the two are scum.

You're right, I was thinking about this yesterday with some other people in PM and I think it could work if we just killed all three. I know I might die (depending on which we decide to kill tonight) but since you win with your team that's fine by me. Wully has told me if we kill lynched one of the three he'd have no problem killing one of the other two tonight.

Only problem is if our "confirmed townies" aren't actually confirmed townies.

My PM:

I've noticed something interesting and slightly radical. I don't want to publicize it yet, because I'm not sure of it yet and I'm sure there's something I haven't thought of. What do you think?

We have eight people left:

Carrots, Dragus, Voltana, Christos, Skip, Wully, Pirelly, Yulie

If we take out the "confirmed" non-scum (Dragus by investigation, Wully is SK, Yulie killed scum), we have left:

Carrots, Voltana, Christos, Skip, Pirelly

(I could tell you I'm a townie but of course no one would believe me just on my word, and for a good reason too).

Of these I'd say Voltana and Carrots are the more trustworthy (as they bring us cop results). Say we lynch Christos and Wully targets myself ( :tongue:) tonight, and the scum snag a townie (lets say they kill Pirelly). In the worst-case scenario, we have five people left, two of which are scum. These are (non-scum in red):

Carrots, Dragus, Voltana, Wully, and Yulie. Since the non-scum outnumber scum, we do the same thing as yesterday (kill the remaining unknowns, Carrots and Voltana), and then we win.

It'd be nice if the cop revealed themselves too, to confirm Dragus as innocent and give us another known allegiance.

It's a bit of a defeatist strategy and very rough but it's an idea, what do you all think? I'll answer questions and tons of criticism ( :look: ) when I get back.

You did leave out Pirelly from your list Skip, if you are town then he is scum.

And you say kill me and Carrots off.....

Alright everyone, I must tell you something, I am the cop. I was in touch with Zam before his demise and Sir Carrots. I am leaning towards Pirelly for my vote. It is time to end this, even if the scum kills me, you will know who they are.

I have been in touch with Voltana (and Zam) since day 2, and have known he was the Cop. To those who suspect me: If I were scum, wouldnt he have been killed that night?

I think the way to go is to do this:

Im pretty sure this has been said above me, but

Keeping in mind this: we are with 8:

Wully; SK, Me, Voltana, Dragus and Yulie are town. we have 3 people left: Christos, Skip and Pirelly.

I think we should lynch one of those 3, and Wully should kill another one. That way, whatever happens, we will kill at least 1 scum, and maybe even both.

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