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LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 6 207 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is your favourite collectable minifigure inside series 6?

  2. 2. What "are" your favourite LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series so far?

    • 8683 - LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 1
    • 8684 - LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 2
    • 8803 - LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 3
    • 8804 - LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 4
    • 8805 - LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 5
    • 8827 - LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 6
  3. 3. What made you start collecting these LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series?

    • Introduction of new minifigures' design concepts
    • Introduction of new minifigures' parts and accessories
    • Integration of existing LEGO Themes with greater new variety of minifigures
    • New possible channel of acquiring unexplored LEGO minifigures designs
    • Others (Please share those thoughts in this thread)

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Hello everyone,

It's me and I am back again to conduct the latest poll and survey for the upcoming latest sensational Collectable Minifigures Series 6 wave in our Eurobricks Community. With the official LEGO 8827, Collectable Minifigures Series 6 artwork being "confirmed" in this discussion, I strongly believes this is the right time to start gathering our thoughts on our favourite LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 6.

If you wish to change your vote after you acquire the entire Series 6 after January/February 2012 or any point, you may choose to do so, as the current poll settings allow you to withdraw your votes by choosing other choices instead.

Note: Descriptive names above are confirmed by LEGO.

For the past official Eurobricks polls with regards to LEGO Collectables Minifigures Series 1, Series 2, Series 3 and Series 4, they can be found in the following links below.

Collectable Minifigures Series 1 Poll

Collectable Minifigures Series 2 Poll

Collectable Minifigures Series 3 Poll

Collectable Minifigures Series 4 Poll

Collectable Minifigures Series 5 Poll


Tell us what you think about this upcoming new series and your thoughts on your favourite LEGO Collectable Minifigure Series 6!


Edited by Rufus

Right now the Skater Girl as my favourite of the 16, and S4 is the undisputed champion right now, but only until S7 (if the rumours are true) comes around.

For me S6 is on the same level as S3: just a few figures I have interest in collecting, and only in small numbers. I think it's too early to determine which of the figures is the proverbial Diver/Race Car Driver/etc.

I really like this new series. It has many new accesories not only old ones in different colors like Genies tail and lamp, teddy bear, sword, roman shield etc. I'm new to all this minifigs stuff and my favorite themes are castle and pirates. Therefor I recently started collecting all the dwarfs and gladiators, also Vikings from S4. Minotaurs, the romans and Celtic warriors will come in the next wave :) I really hope that LEGO does some pirates if there's any more series!

Roman Soldier is something that I wait for. Only problem how to get 100+ of them :blush:

Next in line: Bandit (where is sheriff)

Ps. hopefully "sleepyhead" has really "in sleep"-face on the other side? That is something what is missing.

Edited by ptLeskinen

Grey- I waited so long to see/get one :alien: ! Now I can have all basic universe races! Greys, Lizards(Reptilians) and Pleiadians! But Clocwork robot is my second favorite- just look at that face! :cry_happy:

Edited by Lordofdragonss

The Roman Soldier for me as well. It's a minifig fans have dreamed about for a long time. It's also the perfect army builder so I guess there will only be 3 of them in a box, just like the Spartan, the Elf and the Musketeer. :sceptic:

roman soldier for sure!

and combined with the celtic warrior you can have nice ancient battles :P

My vote has to go to the Clockwork Robot. It's just Classic Toy. And remove the key and it works well as a classic 60s sci-fi bot. The Roman soldier is the first non-fantasy army builder I'm looking for multiples of.(Though I do regret never getting a single Spartan.) I'm probably going to just get two Romans considering how sought after they'll be.

Series 6 and 7 are just two incredibly strong series for me. I don't think either has any real "crash test dummies". Both series have a ton of awesome new molds and prints that I can already envision multiple uses for.

I think my favorite minifigure from Series 6 would probably have to be the Butcher. It's just such a great design! :wub: Intergalactic Girl, Surgeon, and Alien come in a close second, though!

I think Series 6 is probably my favorite Series so far (at least until S7!).

I want 1 of everything and like 10 of some! The minotaur is my fave so far, its head piece is just great. Its nice to see TLG breaking the head mold more and more with sets like alien invaders and the collectable series. I have been trying to come up with some ideas about how to make my minotaurs look different in a skirmisher group. The roman soldier and Celtic battler come in a close second and tie. I have a spartan so adding about 10 roman soldiers I will have a phalanx. They will make nice city guard. The battler is just a great fig for adding another face in the fantasy city plus the sword I hope is unique mold. It looks like it could be the same as the gladiator but I am not sure. I believe he would be a great berserker for you viking fans. Its really possible to have a full lego fantasy style battle now genies, orks, trolls, minotaurs, dwarfs, and an elf. I also had the idea of turning the greys alien into a slave race for the alien invader baddies adding to their numbers. I am excited about the possibilities. In the end I will be searching for 10 roman soldiers, 10 minotaurs, 4 grey aliens, 2 Celtic battlers, 2 genie, and 1 of everything else.

I originally wanted multiples of the minotaur (and I still do to some degree), but my overall favorite is the butcher oddly enough. I don't know why. The sideburns, the knife, the piece of steak, the printed apron..so many great features on that guy. I'm a castle army builder, so it's funny that I would like a town inspired figure so much. Oh well. Great series overall! I will definitely buy many of these.

Just for the cheese factor the female space agency/astronaut, clearly Barbarella in all but name. I wish classic space was still around. Whilst I love Star Wars it must be hindering the comeback somewhat. Alien Conquest came very close to the "old feel" though.

I can see the Roman being as hard to get as the Spartan and Musketeer were for me. The Elf I found blindly four Times and the Gladiator just today.

Took out all my old childhood sets recently and the bandit is a must as he is a brilliant update of a great theme.

I'm going to go with the Genie. I have plans for him, oh, yes... :devil:

I have to get the Space Girl to go with the Series 1 Spaceman I picked up from the Lego store build-a-mini (seriously, why are they putting Series 1 parts in there? :wacko: Not that I'm complaining. :laugh: ). I also MUST get Lady Liberty, but I also want the Toy Robot and the Alien and the Surgeon...and of course the Skater Girl for that special hairpiece (which reminds me, I REALLY need to pick up a Narcissa Malfoy mini before I forget and the sets sell out...)

Aah, and I must hold out so I have cash for an army of Series 7 Space Marauders...!


The Elf I found blindly four Times and the Gladiator just today.

You say that as if you don't want them...if you don't, would you give them to me? :laugh::laugh:

Edited by Flipz

Alas two of those elves brought two spartans to me. The gladiator I actually prefer to the spartan.

Back on topic, the Skater girl hair is great. Hope when you get your Narcissa her grimace face aint smudged like mine :angry:

Edited by surrideo

All of the minifigs in this series have something I like about them. They all have nice colors and many new elements, making Series 6 the best series, in my opinion. With this series, there aren't as many disappointing minifigs (the ones that aren't as cool are the cowboy and the flamenco dancer) like the other series had.

My favorites in this one are the Sleepyhead, the Clockwork Robot, Lady Liberty, the Butcher, and the Roman Warrior. I'd be fine getting any of them, but I plan to buy a lot from this series and series 7!

I actually voted for the Butcher, because I just love the minifig steak!!

I'm not going to vote until I actually have them in my hands. Having them in person has changed my opinion in the past. For now, I am most excited about the Roman soldier, Minotaur, skater girl, and genie. The one I like the least is the statue of liberty. I would have preferred something less specific like a generic statue.

My favorite of this series is definitely the Minotaur. It will be the army builder figure of this series (for me at least). My second favorite would have to be the Alien, which I'll also be getting several of.

For me, this series is right on par with Series 4. Completely unique figures that all look fantastic. There isn't a single bad figure in this series. Actually, from Series 4 forward there hasn't really been any bad figures (except maybe the Series 5 Aerobics Instructor). For now I picked Series 4 as my favorite, but that may change once I actually get the Series 6 figures.

As for my reason for collecting them, there should have been a choice "all of the above." But when I first started collecting them, I was mostly interested in the new, unique figures (Zombie! Clown! Caveman!), so I voted for choice number 1. Since then I've become more interested in the parts, how to integrate them into other themes, etc., but I still look for one or two unique army builders in each series that are cool to keep the way they are (although they usually have great parts too that can have other uses). My main army builders for each series have been (in order) Zombie, Spartan, Elf, Musketeer, Evil Dwarf, and now Minotaur.

no surprise voted roman, overall a lot of interesting characters and exclusive parts in this series, will be good :thumbup:

This was extremely difficult to only pick one!!! I voted for the Genie, but I LOVE the Butcher, Mechanic, Sleepyhead, Minotaur, Clockwork Robot, and Lady Liberty!!!

And may I also say, WhiteFang, I cannot wait for review!!! Your reviews are always superb! :classic:

So far, I would say the butcher, since I hoped for such a fig to appear and I didnt think TLG would actually do it. I thought a butcher with a cleaver and meat would come off as gory; luckily I was wrong :classic:. The cleaver, steak and cap are neat parts, though I was hoping for a straw hat. I might revise my opinion when I get a closer look at the legionary and the bandit. Right now I find the legionary's helmet to be too bulky.

All in all, I'm in a similar situation as TheLegoDr above - a castle guy that prefers the butcher - a testament to the butcher's iconic appeal.

Couple weeks out. Can't wait for Whitefang's review!

Although I've been begging for the Roman legionary for a long time, I have to say the genie is my favourite. It reminds me of Genie from Aladdin and with a few small modifications he'll look just like him. The roman legionary looks great but not as spectacular as I thought he'd be. (The design on the shield isn't my favourite and LEGO could atleast have included a metal round plate for the stud. I'd be happier with a Roman gladius instead of the thrusting spear.)

Overall, I think this is the best series yet. There's not one of them I wouldn't mind having. (Even the skater looks great!) The colours look great aswell.


Butcher, Mechanic, Highlander and Roman. :thumbup:

The robot is my favorite, but the blue Djinn(genie) face is my new favorite face, and I think will be part of my new SigFig.

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