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well I would not see that as evidence. They didn't pick those sets because of the COS but because they are returning places (exept for dobby, but i think they just wanted to include a new dobby figure). The Burrow appears in the second, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh book, and if i recall it correctly harrys longest stay there is during the seventh book. You are right about Filch who never played such a big role as in COS but than again i think they just wanted to include hogwarts staff they didn't include before. Sprout makes an appeareance in every book as well and i would say her appereance in Deathly hollows is more important than in Cos. Dumbledore kept Riddles Diary in his hoffice and it was an important hint for him so search the Horkruxes in the sixths book. the Basilisk fangs are important in Deathly hollows as well. The Ford Anglia sure is a COS reference but the whole set isn't for there is Luna and Malfoy wich refere to other Train scenes as well. Aragog makes a second appereance even in the sixth movie (wich sucked by the way). And i don't think the quidditch set is from COS, for harry plays quidditch in his first, second, thrid, fifth(at least one game) and sixth year. Malfoy the same exept for the first and sixth year. Flint and wood stayed for three years as well and madam Hooch is a Teacher making brief appereance now and than but with her biggest one clearly in part one. So to sum it up i just think they wanted to create sets with refrence ans many movies/books as possible

and yeah, the picture of hagrid is funny :)

Now to rebut!

The sets are almost always based on the films, so generally speaking, referencing the books are not a great deal of evidence, that said I'm just going to list the rest of my points:

- Sprout is only in Part 2 and COS, and because she introduced the whole Mandrake thing and also was crucial in helping the students get back to normal.

- The Burrow was shown the way the set is in COS, its very bright and cheery, if they wanted to do a, say, OTP version it would be dark and have fire everywhere.

- The diary might have been a clue, but it was no more crucial than having say, the other actual horcruxes, which they have excluded from all the sets as far as I have seen. Which really, makes its use rather small if from a playability point of view.

- The basilisk fang may have been important in Deathly Hallows, but overal I see very little attention to deathly hallows in all these new sets.

- Aragog, as you said, made an awful second appearance, it made hardly any impact and he was only really crucial in the second.

- The quiditch set is from COS, we know this because Draco didn't become seeker until his second year and Flint was in his final year in Draco's second. Which means it must be set in the second year. Also Draco's broom is a nimbus 2001.

I'm not saying my evidence is rock solid, but there is obviously a focus on COS.

p.s. Isn't is though? could you imagine if in the movie they like, shrink Hagrid in order to capture him! :laugh:

- The Burrow was shown the way the set is in COS, its very bright and cheery, if they wanted to do a, say, OTP version it would be dark and have fire everywhere.

Wait, what? Aren't you talking about this set? :wacko:

Now to rebut!

The sets are almost always based on the films, so generally speaking, referencing the books are not a great deal of evidence, that said I'm just going to list the rest of my points:

- Sprout is only in Part 2 and COS, and because she introduced the whole Mandrake thing and also was crucial in helping the students get back to normal.

- The Burrow was shown the way the set is in COS, its very bright and cheery, if they wanted to do a, say, OTP version it would be dark and have fire everywhere.

- The diary might have been a clue, but it was no more crucial than having say, the other actual horcruxes, which they have excluded from all the sets as far as I have seen. Which really, makes its use rather small if from a playability point of view.

- The basilisk fang may have been important in Deathly Hallows, but overal I see very little attention to deathly hallows in all these new sets.

- Aragog, as you said, made an awful second appearance, it made hardly any impact and he was only really crucial in the second.

- The quiditch set is from COS, we know this because Draco didn't become seeker until his second year and Flint was in his final year in Draco's second. Which means it must be set in the second year. Also Draco's broom is a nimbus 2001.

I'm not saying my evidence is rock solid, but there is obviously a focus on COS.

p.s. Isn't is though? could you imagine if in the movie they like, shrink Hagrid in order to capture him! :laugh:

You mean Halfblood prince not Otp and yeah i forgot about the importance of the movies for the merchandise you're right about that.

But JK rowling stated that she made a mistake in giving Flint one more year in hogwarts than the other students so as i recall it it was the third year. She later explained that it was because he is such a bad stutend ;)

I Think they will remake things to every movie in 2012 so possible the COS as well, but i don't think they created last years wave in focus on the second movie.

P.s. When Hagrid is shrinked and leading the revolution of the houseelfs my head will explode.

Hey everyone! I was just thinking about the whole absence of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff references, I was just thinking it would be great if Lego put something to do with Hufflepuff in one of the rocky bottom sections. After all they included Prof. Sprout (head of Hufflepuff) and the Hufflepuff common room is below the ground floor in the books. The only thing is that the bottom sections are small and Lego tends to focus on the films rather than the books (the only exeption I can think of was when there was a flute included in the Fluffy set).

As for Ravenclaw, it would be great if they made the tower with the globe Ravenclaw tower, changing the beds to blue and grey would help obviously. Then I think the Mirror of Erised could be moved to the empty room and the crystal ball and tables moved to where the mirror was. This would leave the roof space clear for a statue of Rowena Ravenclaw for example and "hey presto!" Ravenclaw tower!

They're my views anyway, what do you think?

Wait, what? Aren't you talking about this set? :wacko:

hahaha Ok, yes, the box art looks like its all flamey. But the actually set is not at all except for the little marsh thing. Yes, I apologise because, technically, you are right. But you must be able to see where I am coming from?

You mean Halfblood prince not Otp and yeah i forgot about the importance of the movies for the merchandise you're right about that.

But JK rowling stated that she made a mistake in giving Flint one more year in hogwarts than the other students so as i recall it it was the third year. She later explained that it was because he is such a bad stutend ;)

I Think they will remake things to every movie in 2012 so possible the COS as well, but i don't think they created last years wave in focus on the second movie.

P.s. When Hagrid is shrinked and leading the revolution of the houseelfs my head will explode.

Sorry, yes I did.

And I am not sure what you are saying... Was Flints last year COS or not?

But thanks for the correction. I'm always getting the two films mixed up. :wacko:

If they didn't have details in the lower level at Toy Fair, then I'm inclined to agree that they most likely won't in the final product. Those "caves" are only a few bricks high - they don't look like they're meant to be levels as much as decoration for the outside (so that the towers are in line with the elevated bridge). As far as finality at Toy Fair goes, well, take a look at the photos for Hogwarts from a year ago:


Well, if these ARE the final details, aren't you going to be angry?! I sure as hell know I'll be! I don't want just an empty room!!!! I still believe they left stuff out. TLG doesn't want to give away ALL their secrets. I'm not trying to be stubborn, but c'mon. At this point, this set is plain BAD.

Edited by Harrypotterfreak

Actually, I think I am. You REALLY think that TLG would just make an empty room? You REALLY think they wouldn't put something in the rocky lower level? I'm not saying the set design and figs aren't final, I'm just saying the details on the inside aren't. And, if that's what the set actually looks like in the end, I will personally write something to TLG.

Yes, I think that. I guess LEGO is expecting us to add our own things there. By the way, it is not the first time empty rooms appear:


This is the 3rd Hogwarts Castle (and the worst in my opinion).

(From Matn's review)

I just don't get why people never think it's enough. We already get this amazing set, and yet there are still minifigs missing, and to little add-ons and accesoires. :look::sadnew:

Well, if these ARE the final details, aren't you going to be angry?! I sure as hell know I'll be! I don't want just an empty room!!!! I still believe they left stuff out. TLG doesn't want to give away ALL their secrets. I'm not trying to be stubborn, but c'mon. At this point, this set is plain BAD.

I don't see what there is to be angry about? As it stands, we're getting in this set:

- More paintings

- A classroom with balcony

- Mirror of Erised (?)

- Cots for Gryffindor or Room of Requirement

- Astronomy Tower with printed globe

- Divination classroom (I'm guessing)

All things considered, that's not a bad amount of detail for a $50 set with four new minifigs, and I certainly can't hold TLG at fault for not throwing interior decoration into underground areas that aren't even four bricks tall (not even enough comfortable standing room for a minifig). If you're so focused on having more detail in every room, well, isn't that what LEGO is all about? Being able to add to and rebuild things if they aren't to your liking?

And you're right that TLG doesn't want to give away all their secrets - in the sense that we didn't get pictures of the Black Pearl, or the next modular building, or other exclusives that will be released toward the end of the year. Those are things that LEGO likes to surprise us with. But for standard retail sets like this one? They have no reason to hide anything about them if they're going so far as to build them and put them on display. Toy Fair is a big deal - LEGO wants all of their products to look as appealing and as close to the final product as possible so that retailers will order lots of sets. And with four months until release, they need to allow time to actually manufacture the sets and ship them out. At this point, it's very unlikely that LEGO will make changes or additions to what was on display. I think you're fixated on pretty wishful thinking at this point.

And if the set looks plain bad? No one is forcing you to buy it. I know I'll be getting at least one to add to my Hogwarts.

I don't see what there is to be angry about? As it stands, we're getting in this set:

- More paintings

- A classroom with balcony

- Mirror of Erised (?)

- Cots for Gryffindor or Room of Requirement

- Astronomy Tower with printed globe

- Divination classroom (I'm guessing)

All things considered, that's not a bad amount of detail for a $50 set with four new minifigs, and I certainly can't hold TLG at fault for not throwing interior decoration into underground areas that aren't even four bricks tall (not even enough comfortable standing room for a minifig). If you're so focused on having more detail in every room, well, isn't that what LEGO is all about? Being able to add to and rebuild things if they aren't to your liking?

An excelent point you got there, Dark-Avenger. :thumbup:

This set is already a great thing. I mean, we shoudn't forget we weren't supposed to have any of the new sets ( including the 2010 Sets ) If LEGO didn't make the decision to bring the hole Franchise back ! Besides, including these 2010 Sets, we got more than 20 new designed minifigures. and in this set we got 4 New minifigures ! Including, one that HAS NEVER been made before, one that has never been made into flesh form, and two which have finally been re-designed.

Also, this set has been made mostly for kids. In my opinion, this wasn't made for AFOL's. If you want extremly detailed buildings, we've got the Modular Sets, and the LEGO Exclussives. For such a simple set as the Battle for Hogwarts with less than 1000 pieces, were you expecting a huge Castle thing with thousands of room ?

AND, seriously guys... LEGO is about adding stuff by yourself isn't it ? :classic:

Edited by Geertos13

Don't forget, if they add more stuff to the rooms, then the prices will shoot up; and then people will complain about the pricing and how the stuff we get from the set don't justify the price. So, little kids, just stop complaining and be grateful that we're getting any new sets at all.

There isn't a win-win situation here, higher price or less stuff in the rooms; you take your pick. I'd rather have less stuff; that way, I can build my own things and stick them in the rooms. Truthfully speaking though, it doesn't matter how much you complain, you're still going to end up buying the set anyway; so don't make such a big deal out of it.


Well, if these ARE the final details, aren't you going to be angry?! I sure as hell know I'll be! I don't want just an empty room!!!! I still believe they left stuff out. TLG doesn't want to give away ALL their secrets. I'm not trying to be stubborn, but c'mon. At this point, this set is plain BAD.

Wow, calm down. I dont hink having tons of interior to the set makes a great deal of difference, TBH I rather like the the way TLC makes the harry potter buildings, there's always room for modifactions! and modifactions is what makes the set yours...

There isn't a win-win situation here, higher price or less stuff in the rooms; you take your pick. I'd rather have less stuff; that way, I can build my own things and stick them in the rooms. Truthfully speaking though, it doesn't matter how much you complain, you're still going to end up buying the set anyway; so don't make such a big deal out of it.

Couldn't of put it better myself

The reason that room in the 3rd Hogwarts is empty is because it is supposed to represent the RoR where the DA trains and if you remember the room was empty in the movie.

Also, the 4th Hogwarts got complaints because there was not enough room in the rooms because they were packed with stuff so I think LEGO is trying to give a bigger playability than details.

I would not like an entire tower to just be just Ravenclaw because we only have a Luna figure to put there.

And like tin7 mentioned, we can add our own details, that's the point of LEGO, inspire creativity.

To those hoping for a Chamber of Secrets set, Deathly Hallows Part 2 will actually feature the scene (only mentioned in the book) where Ron and Hermione collect the basilisk fangs and destroy the Hufflepuff Cup. So, maybe Lego will decide to bring back this set.

To those hoping for a Chamber of Secrets set, Deathly Hallows Part 2 will actually feature the scene (only mentioned in the book) where Ron and Hermione collect the basilisk fangs and destroy the Hufflepuff Cup. So, maybe Lego will decide to bring back this set.

I hope so :o

I don't see what there is to be angry about? As it stands, we're getting in this set:

- More paintings

- A classroom with balcony

- Mirror of Erised (?)

- Cots for Gryffindor or Room of Requirement

- Astronomy Tower with printed globe

- Divination classroom (I'm guessing)

All things considered, that's not a bad amount of detail for a $50 set with four new minifigs, and I certainly can't hold TLG at fault for not throwing interior decoration into underground areas that aren't even four bricks tall (not even enough comfortable standing room for a minifig). If you're so focused on having more detail in every room, well, isn't that what LEGO is all about? Being able to add to and rebuild things if they aren't to your liking?

And you're right that TLG doesn't want to give away all their secrets - in the sense that we didn't get pictures of the Black Pearl, or the next modular building, or other exclusives that will be released toward the end of the year. Those are things that LEGO likes to surprise us with. But for standard retail sets like this one? They have no reason to hide anything about them if they're going so far as to build them and put them on display. Toy Fair is a big deal - LEGO wants all of their products to look as appealing and as close to the final product as possible so that retailers will order lots of sets. And with four months until release, they need to allow time to actually manufacture the sets and ship them out. At this point, it's very unlikely that LEGO will make changes or additions to what was on display. I think you're fixated on pretty wishful thinking at this point.

And if the set looks plain bad? No one is forcing you to buy it. I know I'll be getting at least one to add to my Hogwarts.

You're all right. Especially you, Dark Avenger. I'm sorry for my rants. I don't know what's wrong with me!! I know I'll be buying this set, and as Dark Avenger said, we have so much to like about this set then dislike. I'm sorry for my rampage. :cry_sad:

Of the new sets, I like the castle and forest sets but what's up with the Knight Bus? I think the original was much nicer, even if the design was simpler. The rectangular windows at the ends don't match the train windows used elsewhere, and why is there no window glass??

At least all the figs are nice and the purple bricks will have a consistent colour this time.

Around here the harry potter sets have been selling like hotcakes.

Thanks to all those who managed to take or find photos for the rest of us.

none of the sets exactly blow me away but i will still get the Battle set and possibly the forbidden forest too. I've got a Knight bus and won't be getting another one. i don't even see why they re-did it!

i don't even see why they re-did it!

I'm not sure anyone really does...

I'm not sure anyone really does...

Probably because not everyone had a chance to get the original set? Some kids might not even know that there was a Knight Bus set before. Just because the new one's not especially good doesn't mean nobody has any reason to get it...

Of course, it does seem a little odd to me since the Knight Bus always struck me as being of fairly minor importance. That's just my personal perspective, though.

Of course, it does seem a little odd to me since the Knight Bus always struck me as being of fairly minor importance.

True, but it's still a pretty iconic vehicle IMO. I mean, every franchise has it's (plot-wise) unimportant characters and/or vehicles that are still recognized and appreciated by many fans and are thus turned into merchandise :wink: And the Knight Bus is the only remaining iconic HP vehicle Lego could have released (at least the only one I could think of) and we all know how much Lego likes releasing vehicle-based sets :laugh:

True, but it's still a pretty iconic vehicle IMO. I mean, every franchise has it's (plot-wise) unimportant characters and/or vehicles that are still recognized and appreciated by many fans and are thus turned into merchandise :wink: And the Knight Bus is the only remaining iconic HP vehicle Lego could have released (at least the only one I could think of) and we all know how much Lego likes releasing vehicle-based sets :laugh:

but, I mean, thats just it. It is really not that iconic. It is of relatively minor importance, makes hardly any effect as to the outcomes of the overall plot of the series and in the film or books it just wasn't that remarkable.

I get that some kids didn't get it the first time... but would any of them really want it that much? I mean, a vehicle only has a playability factor if it has some kind of starting point. Now, with the omission of the grim, and the fact that we have neither its starting point or destination in set form, it really does not seem like it should have been that high up on the lists of sets that ought to be made...

Maybe I'm missing something... but to me the 2010 Hogwarts express had the car to play off of. The second Hogwarts express had the Dementors and the station, the first one had the station, the first knight bus had the grim. I'm just not sure where a set that has next to no inside room, no real play feature for kids and no significance in the films gets its marketability from...

That said, it has the HP logo on it, so I'm sure I will end up buying it.

Put me down for the Knight Bus. It'll be a nice addition to my daughter's LEGO Harry Potter collection. I'm really glad LEGO remakes some of their older sets.

sorry, how do I delete this post?

Edited by tj19941994

Has anyone else noticed that Goyle looks an awful lot more like Crabbe?

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