December 17, 201113 yr Wow.... 20,000 crazy. We won't even fit in a hockey arena ;) Well I was a lurker for quite awhile. Eurobricks was, and still is *THE* source in LEGO info IMHO. With reviews and ummm 'news' it always had what I needed - at the time I wasn't as interested in the other forums so I never joined to engage in the conversation. It wasn't until I had an opportunity to give back to this community- did I join / step up from Lurker to poster - I had the rare opportunity to review the Lego Moulding Machine set. And it's been a roller coaster of fun ever since.
December 17, 201113 yr Well, i found this site one da when i was searching some Lego Pirates ships from Google, and one ship caught my attention, i guess it was Prince of Wales, i dont remember anymore. When i fouded Classic Pirates, i didnt have no idea it was only a small part of bigger Lego Community. I lurked Classic Pirates some time and then choosed to register the site. After a while i discovered hw big this site actually was. I have been member for a year or two right now, and im glad i found the Classic Pirates. So thats it, not very special story. Captain Becker
December 17, 201113 yr I joined EuroBricks back in August of 2010. This was back When NXTasy was having difficulties staying online. I was hunting for MindStorms and Technic discussions. After awhile I started visiting other areas of the forum and became interested in trains. I then saw the Café Corner and I immediately liked on modular buildings. I scoured Bricklink and built the CC, just a start on modulars. Reading the Town forum made me more interested in not only modular buildings, but other buildings as well, particularly the Winter Village theme. I would probably have a lot lower credit card bill were it not for EuroBricks ;) I visit EB at least two or three times per day (maybe more), but I do not spend a significant amount of time during each visit. I have learned quite a bit of useful information as a result of EB, building techniques and how and where to find parts and that stacking in a PaB cup allows me more parts for my $$’s. Congratulations and thanks to the EB team for a job well done! Andy D Edited December 17, 201113 yr by Andy D
December 17, 201113 yr Congrats guys Let's see if I can remember how I got here Ah, yes.... I used to be a member of the dutch LEGO-forum De Bouwsteen but I wasn't really enjoying myself there. I just checked every now and then for some news.... At a certain point I noticed that the news always came to Eurobricks earlier, somehow (as most news on De Bouwsteen was linked from here) so I signed up here and I... well, I just really liked it here and never stopped visiting, which I now do at least three times a day Regards, Mitch
December 17, 201113 yr Well, I had an odd comeback into the world of Lego. It started with me getting the Lego Indiana Jones Video Game, followed up by Star Wars and Star Wars II. I had already done brick flicks before, but due to a lack of bricks it never really took off the ground. Seeing the digital possibilities of Lego I searched online for Lego software and discovered LDD and LDraw. Somehow LDD didn't work on my system (was running XP at the time), so LDraw was the option of choice. Once I was hooked on that I began searching the web for more software programs, since MLCad didn't completely suit my fancy. Right now, I generally, use SR 3D Builder. I discovered this forum by accident searching for I don't remember what, and somehow they didn't allow me to download all the fantastic pictures until I was a member so I signed up a little while later. I think...don't remember exactly, even though it was not too long ago. This is a fantastic forum though! Happy "MOCing, etc.
December 17, 201113 yr 20,000 members eh? I love EB for the big happy community that we share. A couple of years ago I got into LEGO after a long dark age, but owning very little I bought LEGO Battles on DS to virtually relive the figures of my past. I fell in love with the Islanders, so I cruised the internet for ways to find some. After a long search I stumbled upon a site that possessed a guide on the Pirates Minifigures. I read through it and loved the in-depth review. I hoped this site would have some more info on the Islanders. I ended up reading the forum and became attracted to the friendly and helpful guidence on the board. I signed up after a month or two of stalking, and yes, the guide was TalonCard's Guide to the Pirate minifigures-Part V, the Islanders. And yes, the site was Mister Phes' Classic! After a bit I branched out into the other EB forums, and thus Scorpiox was born. I thank my lil' Islanders for bringing me here.
December 17, 201113 yr I joined after around 3 months of stalking the Harry Potter 2011 Discussion thread and I must say, joining really has been something special. Non of my friends like LEGO so coming onto this has been a real pleasure to see that I'm not the only one over 10 who likes LEGO So from me I want to say THANK-YOU!!!
December 17, 201113 yr Once I got back into LEGO more I just googled, "Lego forum" looked at a few, lurked here for a month or so, then decided to join. This is the most active I've been on any forum. I check back here at least 3 times a day and am on here for an hour, minimum. That's awesome that we have 20K members!
December 17, 201113 yr I can't really remember when I first came here but I've loved it for a long time. This site is an important part of my day as I almost always eat breakfast and lunch while perusing the different and interesting topics. I usually visit at least 2 times a day and have learned so much valuable info about this hobby. I sure love coming here even though I don't have time to contribute as much as I would like and I want to thank all those members who provide reviews, news and interesting discussions. My husband probably also owes you all a debt of gratitude as well since now I don't have to swamp him with Lego talk all the time .
December 17, 201113 yr Back in early January 2009, I was linked to her from a site (I think it was Brickset) because there was a podcast talking about the cancellation of LEGO Harry Potter. I was so eager to see this podcast, but the forum said that I need to become a member to have permission to see the podcast. So I joined.
December 17, 201113 yr I came out of my dark age in mid 2010. I bought up the two Winter Village sets at the time, and I learned about the holiday train set from 2005 and was wondering if I could still buy one somewhere (short answer is "no"). I signed up to the official forums, thinking that would be the place to go to discuss Lego. Boy was I wrong. My post got denied by the moderator/post-screeners. I guess they don't want people posting questions about discontinued products, just enthusiasm for what is currently on sale. So then I did some searching around to find out where the real discussion was at. I found out that was pretty much this site (and maybe also FBTB, but I'm not into SW so I skipped that.) I joined up and asked my questions and got answers. And I've stuck around for more! Since then I've enjoyed that this community is mature, if not almost entirely adult. I have to say I like how EB is essentially free of flame posts and name-calling. I guess Lego fans in general aren't generally mean, or maybe it's just our wonderful moderators. I also enjoy "early information" and have engaged in some trading a couple times as well.
December 17, 201113 yr I joined in February 2007 and become member 1340. I have always had a thirst for anything to do with LEGO since I started collecting in 1985. I started up my own Bulletin Board System in 1992 so I could get a Fidonet feed of After the Internet became avaliable I think Lugnet was my forum choice. At some stage I found Eurobricks and am on many times a day. I enjoy the contact with fellow AFOL's from around the world. It is great to communicate with others that share my passion as New Zealand is a small country with not many AFOL's. I love showing off my MOC's and displays and the feedback I get. Eurobricks is the greatest LEGO forum for me Edited December 17, 201113 yr by AllanSmith
December 17, 201113 yr Gee, I joined after viewing for a long time and I thought well I'm into MOCing....really starting out though and then I thought it would be fun communicating with others who share the same passion for Lego. Since I joined that means over 12000 have signed up....we must be a popular choice eh ?
December 17, 201113 yr Wow, the popularity of Eurobricks is increasing and increasing, which I am very happy to see. I remember when I signed up a few years ago. I came across this site while on google searching for different lego items. I then came across this site and delved into the wonderful community of Eurobricks. I was member 3200 when I joined. From 2008 to present 2011 moving onto 2012 soon, there have been almost 650%(hope this percentage is somewhat close ) increase of members now from when I signed up. Again, I am really happy to see that this Lego Community has thrived in the past years and can't wait for more to come!
December 17, 201113 yr For me it all started with Lego Digital Designer. I have always used LDD extensively in my MOC planning (As sorting by sets is really as far as my sorting has gone, pieces are a bit hard to just pick up and build with), but I started to get frustrated with the extremely limited part selection. So, being the investigator I am, I went to google to try and search for ways to increase my options. And that's when I found the LEGO Universe Mode topic on Eurobricks. At first, I didn't think about actually joining the forum, I'd found my information and that was good. But then a day or two later my curiosity started to get to me - a LEGO forum with enough inside information to know that? It implied a certain level of maturity to me I wouldn't have expected. So I came back, poked around, and I fell in love with what I found. Eurobricks has ended up being in my eyes the #1 resource for just about any and all LEGO information, it's also got one of the best online communities I've ever seen and all of the "big/core" members are great people. The amount of creativity and simply stunning things I've seen around these forums is inspiring; and the fact that there are not only other 20yr+, but also 30. 40, and even 50yr+ fans out there doing just what I'm doing is encouraging. Eurobricks is full of people, real people (Not just false, jerky internet personas); but more than that, artists, engineers, and dreamers. I can't think of any other forum I've been on that I can claim I'm proud to be a member of. To quote a certain tiger of lightning, "Keep on brickin'", Eurobricks, and don't ever change. Here's to another 20,000 members!
December 17, 201113 yr I joined after after reading about Lego Universe mode for LDD. (My son has High Functioning Autism, and would live on LDD if he could, and was constantly complaining about the brick selection not being sufficient for his needs) After coming back a few times to look at various other topics I decided I'd better become a member. Then I started entering competitions and now I log in at least twice a day, once at about 6.30 am and then again in the evening when everything is done for the day. Like many other folk have said it's how I guarantee my daily fix of (one of) my hobbies. Thanks to all the admins for keeping it going, and everyone who posts far more frequently than I to give me something to read every day!
December 17, 201113 yr If I remember correctly, I found Eurobricks either through BZPower or a now-defunct LEGO shopping site called the Vault...I'm not exactly sure which. I feel this post I made in my introductory topic best explains my reasons for signing up. Hello to everyone at Eurobricks! :-) When I heard of the Robo Chopper contest, I decided to stop being a guest (for over 3 years at this site) and join the fun! X-D I like how the members here seem very mature and well-behaved. *sweet* I will try to behave just the same. (By the way, I just turned 19 about a week ago, so now I definitely fit the criteria for registration. :-P ) I also like how this site has the look and feel of BZPower, where I originally came from. It's easier for me to navigate, tweak my settings, and make posts that way. I admit that I am very knowledgeable when it comes to parts. More often than not, I can get the exact name of any part, assuming I know what set (or theme) it's from. If I think of anything else to add to this post, I will do so. -Toa Of Justice EDIT: Here's something else I remembered about myself: I have incredible visual-spatial skills (I can imagine exactly how elements connect in 3-D space), and I tend to notice the smallest details in a model. I also have what my dad often calls a "steel-trap" memory, which helps me be so good at recognizing different parts. Of course, now I'm nearly 23 years old, not 19. I come to Eurobricks almost daily, thanks to frequent postings on the front page. And I love being part of the Eurobricks community! -Toa Of Justice
December 17, 201113 yr Why I bacame an eurobricks member ? I've see light under the door... I came in :) Edited December 17, 201113 yr by Tribolego
December 17, 201113 yr Why? You ask? Well, I first saw the set reviews, and after coming back almost daily, I decided that I'd better join and comment about all of these reviews that I was reading about!
December 17, 201113 yr 20000 members that is a great number, I can remember when we hit 1000 members that seemed massive. I joined after my dark ages and preferred Eurobricks over Lugnet as that was very American biased. I don't post as much as I used to but I still visit most days to see what is going on. Peter S
December 17, 201113 yr This is surely a great achievment for Eurobricks having reached 20,000 members. As for why I joined, I remember like it was yesterday ( ) . But in order to get that story a brief history of how I found online LEGO communities. Back in the day and I mean really back in the day I used Lugnet, now I don't remember how I found Lugnet (but I did) and my favorite thing to do was research discontinued LEGO sets, after all some I had never seen before. Now this led to me wanting to purchase some of those sets. I don't remember how I found Bricklink but it was through Lugnet I believe and wow! It was a dream come true, virtually every LEGO related item ever released anything one would want to buy. This was in 2006, of course like most new people browsing I was skeptical of it, could the online sellers really be trusted at such reasonable pricing and selection? I decided to try out and have been a member ever since. Now I casually would browse the Bricklink forum sometimes only reading posts/topics that caught my eye. One of those was on new upcoming unreleased Star War sets TBA 2007, they just so happened to be 7666 and 7665 respectively. I was shocked, normally I would get news of new sets when the catalog came or from browsing the LEGO website, how could such information be obtained? I followed the links in the post and then it happened, I had discovered Eurobricks. It was a much different site back then the server was different and it had a different look and the slogan was "The European LEGO Fans Community". I thought about it and wondered if any Americans were members. This gave it a distinct international flavor which I enjoyed. For sometime I lurked and browsed and read reviews, about leaked news and I was impressed with the highly ordered forum and the graphics were top notch. The one thing that became synonymous with Eurobricks for me at least was the leaked pictures for any new LEGO item such as Star Wars, Indiana Jones and so on. I decided to become apart of this cool site in April of 2007. My member number is 1504 and back then I thought my number was super high and I was a noob but definitely less of a noob than Sinner (who joined after me) . Eurobricks is still the premier LEGO Community on the internet IMHO.
December 18, 201113 yr I joined because I was looking for a place to get feedback on some old pirate ship MOCs. This was hands down the best place for pirate MOCs on the web. I really think this site has improved my skills so I think it is great that the site has kept growing!
December 18, 201113 yr I joined after stumbling upon Eurobricks while looking searching for places where I could share my creations. I was using Brickshelf, but could not get any feedback. After signing up I have really enjoyed getting all the lasted news. I try to check in at least once a week. Eurobricks has been a great resource for me. And it is nice to have a place where there are other people who share my passion for plastic bricks.
December 18, 201113 yr When I first got into LEGO, I found the forums on the LEGO site but quickly got tired of them (I hate moderated forums), and did a search for "LEGO forums". Eurobricks was the first I found in the results. I mostly like the set reviews, news, and MOCs (I suppose that is just about everything here, so I'll just say I generally like the whole site)...
December 18, 201113 yr Congratulations, it's a great accomplishment, I'm thinking now about the very persons who founded this group! I had always came to Eurobricks searching for hot info and the great reviews from all of you guys. But what really made me sign up was Historica. Great project
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