December 30, 201113 yr OOC: I'm a little confused, can we either follow trails OR do the colored areas? Boomingham leads the party to the red area, prepared to come back if they want to follow the trails later on.
December 30, 201113 yr Author QM Note: No, you can follow the trails as in the areas they went through, but not actually on the trail itself.
December 30, 201113 yr QM Note: No, you can follow the trails as in the areas they went through, but not actually on the trail itself. OOC: I'm really confused...
December 30, 201113 yr Author The group must choose which area to move to on the top map. you can only move to touching areas. You can go to the areas that the trails went through, but you must move through the colored areas. Hope this helps. The party heads to the red area. The wind begins to pick up and a storm is setting in. The party gets under some trees until it passes (1 turn gone). When the party gets out, they hear some strange, ghostly noises. Will the party approach the noises?
December 30, 201113 yr Boomingham draws his sword. "Let's see what these snowy boogly wooglies are all about?" Boomingham approaches the noise. He glances over at Mr. Marvelo, from his last quest. "If these monsters truly are snowy, fire would be the best way to deal with them. Let's bring the heat of the desert into their icy hearts." Boomingham then turns to Benji. "Time to earn your stripes, boy."
December 30, 201113 yr Author QM Note: I posted why I don't currently have the pictures in the discussion forum. I'll try to get the pictures together again, but I'll start the battle for you guys. The party follows the eerie noise behind some trees when they hear a strange voice in an unknown language. "Shadj! Hanshhsah uoh, yah!" Benji could just make out what the voice had said: "Intruders! You go, ATTACK!" Just then, they party sees a little icy creature. All at once, another icy figure jumped up from the snow beside the other. This one looked a bit different from the first. Prepare for battle! Enemies: Snow Captain Type: Icy Monster Level: 11 Health: 150/150 Special: Frozen Burst – Heals allies with 10 health each and causes stunned effect to a random hero. Drops: Dual staff – Allows hero to attack two separate enemies in one round. (WP: 6, suitable for clerics and mages) )Note: The Snow captain will summon a Snow warrior each round he is not damaged. Snow Warrior A Type: Icy Monster Level: 7 Health: 100/100 Special: Ice Blockade – Forms an ice barrier between himself, the snow captain and the party protecting them for damage for the round. Drops: key - used to unlock something. Party: Benji Carvenhall (Played by Flare) Level 10½ Ranger Power: 18 (10+8) Health: 15/15 (15+15) Gold: 29 Inventory: Pongcanis Crossbow (WP:8) equipped, Pick-axe, Bedroll, Shovel, 3 Potions, 1 Smoke bomb, 3 Remedy, 2 Mead, 1 Smelling salts, 2 Venom, 1 Jo-no Tree seed Amorith Marvelo (Played by legobodgers) Level 9 Mage Power: 14 (9+5) Health: 13/13 (13+0) Ether: 13/13 Gold: 14 (10 gold debt to Ranger Docken) Inventory: Fang Dagger (WP: 5) equipped, Opal (ice), Ruby (fire), Garnet (earth), 5 Potions, 4 Tonics, 3 Remedies, 2 Meads, 1 Nostrum, 1 Phoenix Essence, 1 Holy bomb, 1 Smoke bomb, Shovel, Bedroll, 3 Bones, 1 Jo-no Tree seed Lord Lawrence Boomingham (Played by Zepher) *Party Leader* Level 13 Knight Power: 22 Health: 22/22 Gold: 10 (20 Gold Debt to Sylph) Inventory: King of the Desert (WP: 9, Fire) equipped, Shaduex Shield (SP: 5), 3 Potions, Bedroll, 5 Bones, 3 Meads, 1 Nostrum, Pick-axe, 1 Jo-no Tree seed Heinike(NPC controlled by QM) Level 15 Hunter Power: 26 Health: 24/24 Gold:150 Inventory: Enchanted Longbow (WP: 10) equipped, Amulet Knife (WP: 12), 3 Potions, Bedroll, 1 Mead, 1 Nostrum, 1 Smelling salts Jeff(NPC controlled by PL) Level 8 Barbarian Power: 22 Health: 16/16 Gold:35 Inventory: Scout Sword (WP: 7) equipped, Bedroll, 1 Mead Shash(NPC controlled by PL) Level 8 Knight Power: 20 Health: 20/20 Gold:45 Inventory: Scout Sword (WP: 7) equipped, Bedroll, 1 Mead NPC Items: Enchanted Longbow - (WP: 10) Causes elemental damage to all opponents when miss is rolled. Suitable for Barbarians and Rangers. Amulet Knife - (WP: 12) - Causes a random effect (Hexed, Enarmored, Blinded, Poisoned, Asleep, or petrified) each time shield is rolled. Suitable for Barbarians and Knights. Scout Sword - (WP: 7) Suitable for Barbarians and Knights. Party Leader, choose the order of action. All of you, choose your targets and the row you want to fight in. Also mention if you want to try to flee, heal or cast a magic spell, or if you want to use an item instead of attacking. Any enemy not targeted will get a Free Hit on the party after everyone have acted. Edited December 30, 201113 yr by Bricksandparts
December 30, 201113 yr Author Heinike will attack Snow Captain from the front row with Amulet Knife. QM Note: You can try to convince Heinike to use a different weapon, or a different row, lend someone else one of his weapons, etc.
December 30, 201113 yr OOC: Does the dual staff mean a permanent haste effect? "Boomingham, we should each attack different enemies as we are the two heroes with fire magic. I will attack Snow warrior A as I have less health." Amorith will attack Snow warrior A from the back row with a fire spell. Amorith felt good to be in a battle again, especially with his friend Boomingham. Edited December 30, 201113 yr by legobodgers
December 30, 201113 yr Author Does the dual staff mean a permanent haste effect? QM Note: OOC... And no, it allows you to attack two separate enemies in one round. The haste effect allows you to attack the same enemy two times in one round. It's a bit different.
December 30, 201113 yr OOC: The haste effect lets you attack any two enemies not just the same one twice. So this item lets you take two separate turns in the party lineup but you can't attack the same enemy twice. Thats pretty complicated for other QM's to take note of, why don't you just make it the haste effect? Amorith looks to Boomingham to see if he approves of his plan.
December 31, 201113 yr Author OOC: The haste effect lets you attack any two enemies not just the same one twice. So this item lets you take two separate turns in the party lineup but you can't attack the same enemy twice. Thats pretty complicated for other QM's to take note of, why don't you just make it the haste effect? Amorith looks to Boomingham to see if he approves of his plan. QM Note: I wanted to make it that way, but sandy asked me to change it. From the PM: There's already one item that grants permanent hastened-effect to the player character, and I don't want too many of them around. So could this weapon instead cause damage to two enemies in one hit, like the Twin Axe in my quest?
December 31, 201113 yr OOC: But I want a permanent haste effect! So then it would work in a different way again, on a hit or critical hit it would also damage the next enemy in the lineup.
December 31, 201113 yr Boomingham laughs at the sight of his enemies. "These are the boogly wooglies that have been scaring everyone? I'll attack the Snow Captain from the front row, Jeff, Shash, you two are with me, in the front row too, chappos! Benji, back up Mr. Marvelo with the other boogly." Boomingham roars a fierce-some roar, or at least his version of it. Party Order Boomingham Mr. Marvelo Jeff Shash Heinike Benji
December 31, 201113 yr Author Results of Round 1 of outside Battle Boomingham vs. Snow Captain - Hit (Fire) Amorith Marvelo vs. Snow Warrior A - Miss (Fire) Jeff vs. Snow Captain - Hit Shash vs. Snow Captain - Shield Heinike vs. Snow Captain - Critical Hit Benji vs. Snow Warrior A - Hit The battle starts as Boomingham rushes forward and slashes the snow captain causing him to fall backward and melting him partly. (44 damage!) Amorith stays in the back row and fires at the snow warrior with his ruby. Angry at his captain's wound, the snow warrior dodges Amorith's attempt. Jeff jumps forward and dodges the captains attack and knocks him to the ground. (29 damage) Shash readies his sword and prepares to defend the group in the next round. The snow captain, not prepared for what was next took a defending pose. All of a sudden, Heinike jumped over the party and landed a stunning (not actually causing the stunned effect ) blow to the captain. He flies backward and slowly picks himself up. (51 damage!!) Benji fires an arrow at the snow warrior, but being too cocky by other's luck, he barely hits his target. (18 damage) Unable to summon another warrior, the captain gets ready for another round. The battle rages on! Enemies: Snow Captain Type: Icy Monster Level: 11 Health: 26/150 Special: Frozen Burst – Heals allies with 10 health each and causes stunned effect to a random hero. Drops: Dual staff – Allows hero to attack two separate enemies in one round. (WP: 6, suitable for clerics and mages) )Note: The Snow captain will summon a Snow warrior each round he is not damaged. Snow Warrior A Type: Icy Monster Level: 7 Health: 82/100 Special: Ice Blockade – Forms an ice barrier between himself, the snow captain and the party protecting them for damage for the round. Drops: key - used to unlock something. Party: Benji Carvenhall (Played by Flare) Level 10½ Ranger Power: 18 (10+8) Health: 15/15 (15+15) Gold: 29 Inventory: Pongcanis Crossbow (WP:8) equipped, Pick-axe, Bedroll, Shovel, 3 Potions, 1 Smoke bomb, 3 Remedy, 2 Mead, 1 Smelling salts, 2 Venom, 1 Jo-no Tree seed Amorith Marvelo (Played by legobodgers) Level 9 Mage Power: 14 (9+5) Health: 13/13 (13+0) Ether: 13/13 Gold: 14 (10 gold debt to Ranger Docken) Inventory: Fang Dagger (WP: 5) equipped, Opal (ice), Ruby (fire), Garnet (earth), 5 Potions, 4 Tonics, 3 Remedies, 2 Meads, 1 Nostrum, 1 Phoenix Essence, 1 Holy bomb, 1 Smoke bomb, Shovel, Bedroll, 3 Bones, 1 Jo-no Tree seed Lord Lawrence Boomingham (Played by Zepher) *Party Leader* Level 13 Knight Power: 22 Health: 22/22 Gold: 10 (20 Gold Debt to Sylph) Inventory: King of the Desert (WP: 9, Fire) equipped, Shaduex Shield (SP: 5), 3 Potions, Bedroll, 5 Bones, 3 Meads, 1 Nostrum, Pick-axe, 1 Jo-no Tree seed Heinike(NPC controlled by QM) Level 15 Hunter Power: 26 Health: 24/24 Gold:150 Inventory: Enchanted Longbow (WP: 10) equipped, Amulet Knife (WP: 12), 3 Potions, Bedroll, 1 Mead, 1 Nostrum, 1 Smelling salts Jeff(NPC controlled by PL) Level 8 Barbarian Power: 22 Health: 16/16 Gold:35 Inventory: Scout Sword (WP: 7) equipped, Bedroll, 1 Mead Shash(NPC controlled by PL) Level 8 Knight Power: 20 Health: 20/20 Gold:45 Inventory: Scout Sword (WP: 7) equipped, Bedroll, 1 Mead Party Leader, choose the order of action. All of you, choose your targets and the row you want to fight in. Also mention if you want to try to flee, heal or cast a magic spell, or if you want to use an item instead of attacking. Any enemy not targeted will get a Free Hit on the party after everyone have acted. QM Note: Tell me if I did something wrong. After all, this is basically the first battle I've hosted... Edited December 31, 201113 yr by Bricksandparts
December 31, 201113 yr OOC: Benji should have done 18 damage not 8 unless you rolled a miss for him instead of a hit as is posted. Apart from that everything looks fine. Annoyed with himself Amorith readies himself for another attack at the snow captain with his ruby from the back row.
December 31, 201113 yr Author QM Note: I meant to make it aim (miss), but I accidentally put hit. I'll change it and give him a hit for my mistake. Thanks!
December 31, 201113 yr "You want to trade off opponents Marvelo? Fine by me. I will attack the Snow Warrior from the front row. Jeff, if you wouldn't mind attacking the Snow Captain, and Shash, you could back me up against this Snow Warrior. Benji, you may also join me on my attack, if you so wish."
December 31, 201113 yr Author QM Note: Almost forgot... Heinike will attack the Snow Warrior A from the front row.
December 31, 201113 yr Author Results of Round 2 of outside Battle Boomingham vs. Snow Warrior A - Shield Amorith Marvelo vs. Snow Captain - Miss (Fire) Jeff vs. Snow Captain - Miss Shash vs. Snow Captain - Damage (blocked) Heinike vs. Snow Warrior A - Special Damage (blocked) Benji vs. Snow Warrior A - Shield Boomingham prepares to defend the group the next round. Amorith tries to fire again, but he seems to have trouble casting spells. Jeff attacks the captain, but his attack is dodged. Shash is attacked by the captain, but is prepared from the last round and manages to swing him out of the way. Heinike must have been sore from that jump he did because he wasn't ready for the warrior's attack. Fortunately, Shash blocked the attack. Benji, angry at being careless, fires a three arrows at once! He hits the two snowy creatures (18 damage) just as the captain was preparing to summon a warrior! (That was a close call. I thought I'd have to add warrior two this round.) Enemies: Snow Captain Type: Icy Monster Level: 11 Health: 8/150 Special: Frozen Burst – Heals allies with 10 health each and causes stunned effect to a random hero. Drops: Dual staff – Allows hero to attack two separate enemies in one round. (WP: 6, suitable for clerics and mages) )Note: The Snow captain will summon a Snow warrior each round he is not damaged. Snow Warrior A Type: Icy Monster Level: 7 Health: 64/100 Special: Ice Blockade – Forms an ice barrier between himself, the snow captain and the party protecting them for damage for the round. Drops: key - used to unlock something. Party: Benji Carvenhall (Played by Flare) Level 10½ Ranger Power: 18 (10+8) Health: 15/15 (15+15) Gold: 29 Inventory: Pongcanis Crossbow (WP:8) equipped, Pick-axe, Bedroll, Shovel, 3 Potions, 1 Smoke bomb, 3 Remedy, 2 Mead, 1 Smelling salts, 2 Venom, 1 Jo-no Tree seed Amorith Marvelo (Played by legobodgers) Level 9 Mage Power: 14 (9+5) Health: 13/13 (13+0) Ether: 13/13 Gold: 14 (10 gold debt to Ranger Docken) Inventory: Fang Dagger (WP: 5) equipped, Opal (ice), Ruby (fire), Garnet (earth), 5 Potions, 4 Tonics, 3 Remedies, 2 Meads, 1 Nostrum, 1 Phoenix Essence, 1 Holy bomb, 1 Smoke bomb, Shovel, Bedroll, 3 Bones, 1 Jo-no Tree seed Lord Lawrence Boomingham (Played by Zepher) *Party Leader* Level 13 Knight Power: 22 Health: 22/22 Gold: 10 (20 Gold Debt to Sylph) Inventory: King of the Desert (WP: 9, Fire) equipped, Shaduex Shield (SP: 5), 3 Potions, Bedroll, 5 Bones, 3 Meads, 1 Nostrum, Pick-axe, 1 Jo-no Tree seed Heinike(NPC controlled by QM) Level 15 Hunter Power: 26 Health: 24/24 Gold:150 Inventory: Enchanted Longbow (WP: 10) equipped, Amulet Knife (WP: 12), 3 Potions, Bedroll, 1 Mead, 1 Nostrum, 1 Smelling salts Jeff(NPC controlled by PL) Level 8 Barbarian Power: 22 Health: 16/16 Gold:35 Inventory: Scout Sword (WP: 7) equipped, Bedroll, 1 Mead Shash(NPC controlled by PL) Level 8 Knight Power: 20 Health: 20/20 Gold:45 Inventory: Scout Sword (WP: 7) equipped, Bedroll, 1 Mead Party Leader, choose the order of action. All of you, choose your targets and the row you want to fight in. Also mention if you want to try to flee, heal or cast a magic spell, or if you want to use an item instead of attacking. Any enemy not targeted will get a Free Hit on the party after everyone have acted. QM Note: Tell me if I did something wrong. After all, this is basically the first battle I've hosted...
December 31, 201113 yr "And one more time folks. Mr. Marvelo, I know the cold is piercing, but if you wouldn't mind pulling it together, that would be much appreciated. Jeff, please deal with the captain, Shash, Marvelo, please assist me in attacking the Snow Warrior A one more time. Benji, finish off the Captain with Jeff, if you don't mind too terribly! Same order everyone!"
December 31, 201113 yr OOC: Benji should have done an additional 18 damage to the snow warrior a because the third arrow would have hit the enemy he was originally targeting. "All these misses" Amorith mutters to himself having an idea he switches to earth magic, remembering that a garnet would also do double damage against his enemies. Amorith will attack snowy warrior A from the back row with earth magic.
December 31, 201113 yr "BOOYAH! Bring it on, you little snowy imps! I'll continue with what I've been doing before!"
December 31, 201113 yr Author QM Note: It says in the rules that it attacks three targets, not 3 times. I may be wrong though. Results of Round 3 of outside Battle Boomingham vs. Snow Warrior A - Hit Amorith Marvelo vs. Snow Warrior A - Special Damage (Blocked) Jeff vs. Snow Captain - Battle Frenzy Shash vs. Snow Warrior A - Miss Heinike vs. Snow Captain Snow Warrior A - Extra-Critical Hit Benji vs. Snow Captain Snow Warrior A - none Boomingham runs forward and fights the snow warrior. In the end, the snow creature is kicked backward. (44 damage) Amorith tries firing with his garnet, but that does not work either. the snow warrior is preparing to attack when Boomingham blocks the attempt. (I don't know why you are so unlucky...) Jeff runs and does the karate kick (thingy where they do a split and kick two opponents at once) knocking the two to the ground. (15 damage) The snow man melts into the snow and is out of the battle. Shash tries attacking the warrior, but misses his target. Heinike runbehind the snow warrior and slashes him in half. he turns back around and slashes him down the middle, and finishes by kicking him into smithereens onto the ground. (51 Damage!) THE BATTLE IS VICTORIOUS! All the party members gain experience from the battle. Party: Benji Carvenhall (Played by Flare) Level 11 Ranger Power: 18 (10+8) Health: 15/15 (15+15) Gold: 29 Inventory: Pongcanis Crossbow (WP:8) equipped, Pick-axe, Bedroll, Shovel, 3 Potions, 1 Smoke bomb, 3 Remedy, 2 Mead, 1 Smelling salts, 2 Venom, 1 Jo-no Tree seed Amorith Marvelo (Played by legobodgers) Level 10 Mage Power: 14 (9+5) Health: 13/13 (13+0) Ether: 13/13 Gold: 14 (10 gold debt to Ranger Docken) Inventory: Fang Dagger (WP: 5) equipped, Opal (ice), Ruby (fire), Garnet (earth), 5 Potions, 4 Tonics, 3 Remedies, 2 Meads, 1 Nostrum, 1 Phoenix Essence, 1 Holy bomb, 1 Smoke bomb, Shovel, Bedroll, 3 Bones, 1 Jo-no Tree seed Lord Lawrence Boomingham (Played by Zepher) *Party Leader* Level 13½ Knight Power: 22 Health: 22/22 Gold: 10 (20 Gold Debt to Sylph) Inventory: King of the Desert (WP: 9, Fire) equipped, Shaduex Shield (SP: 5), 3 Potions, Bedroll, 5 Bones, 3 Meads, 1 Nostrum, Pick-axe, 1 Jo-no Tree seed Heinike(NPC controlled by QM) Level 15½ Hunter Power: 26 Health: 24/24 Gold:150 Inventory: Enchanted Longbow (WP: 10) equipped, Amulet Knife (WP: 12), 3 Potions, Bedroll, 1 Mead, 1 Nostrum, 1 Smelling salts Jeff(NPC controlled by PL) Level 9 Barbarian Power: 22 Health: 16/16 Gold:35 Inventory: Scout Sword (WP: 7) equipped, Bedroll, 1 Mead Shash(NPC controlled by PL) Level 9 Knight Power: 20 Health: 20/20 Gold:45 Inventory: Scout Sword (WP: 7) equipped, Bedroll, 1 Mead QM Note: Tell me if I did something wrong. After all, this is basically the first battle I've hosted... Party Leader, how will the spoils of the battle be divided? key - used to unlock something. Dual staff – Allows hero to attack two separate enemies in one round. (WP: 6, suitable for clerics and mages) There is no key-hole close that the party can see. Maybe it is somewhere else? Where would the party like to go? QM Note: BTW, the enemies moved every two turns, so that was all. You can go anywhere from here with no turns.
December 31, 201113 yr "Nice work gents! I'll hang onto the key, and Mr. Marvelo, I'm going to go right ahead and assume you want the dual staff here! Put it to good use, my boy." Boomingham sheaths his sword. "Nice of the snow monsters to not bleed, not too hard to clean off my blade. Well, off to the blue area then!"
December 31, 201113 yr Author As the group passes from the red area to the blue area, they notice that the ground makes a strange tingling feel pass through the group as they walk. Amorith notices that there are many power surges below their feet. What would the party like to do?
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